MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 49

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The stone burdock shivered on the ground, and the dagger fell to the side. It was a crime. He wanted to rely on it. One arm gave Anyuan a shot and he was unloaded. He didn’t even have the ability to resist. He also knows that he is not an opponent of An Yuan and Han Changsheng, so he gave up his resistance and shrank his arms and **** off his knees.

Han Changsheng greatly pulled a stool and sat down next to Anyuan. He looked at the stone cow with great interest: "Hey, I said, is it really stupid when your family is young?"

Stone old cow stayed a bit.

Lian Anyuan also inexplicably tilted Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng touched his chin and said: "Your family has been arrested for more than ten years. You have to count someone to hold a knife and stand next to you. Your family has been tied for fifteen years? You feel like you can lie. In the past, what was the stupidity of your family when you were a child?"

Shi Lao Niu, An Yuan: "..."

An Yuanqiang endured the urge to turn his eyes and asked: "Who were those who broke into the villas and robbed people to steal money fifteen years ago?

Shi Lao Niu cried and rushed to hold Anyuan's thighs: "The Shaozong Lord, I was forced, they threatened me with the life of my family, and asked me to kill the Shaozhuang, I have no way..."

An Yuan kicked him off: "You just have to answer me, is it still?"

The stone cows shed tears: "Yes... those people were all evil guys fifteen years ago..."

An Yuandao: "I am also killed by the people who are helping the wind?"

Shi Lao Niu shook his head: "No, no..."

"Who is that?"

"I do not know……"

Anyuan stepped forward and pulled up another arm of the stone old cow. He just took a slap in the same way as the cabbage. He only snorted and his other arm was unloaded: "Say!"

The stone old cow was screaming again, and fell to the ground. His nose was covered with a face: "I... I really don't know..."

Han Changsheng wrinkled his face: "How are you so cruel? When did the teacher teach you to treat others like this? Can the interrogation be judged like this? Really, I just don't want to admit that you have such an apprentice."

"..." Anyuan squinted at him.

Han Changsheng stepped forward and groaned. He touched the arm of the stone cow and dislocated it. With a little effort, the stone cow was dry again—his arm was put back by Han Changsheng.

An Yuan frowned and Han Hansheng, but did not stop.

The stone cow looks like a savior and rushes to Han Changsheng, grabbing his arm: "The master saved me, I was really forced, I don't want it!"

Han Changsheng patted his shoulder soothingly, and smiled and pulled up his hand: "I know, I understand. You have time to let people tie your family and children, how can you not let your wife take a shower? The powder on the face and the incense are all washed. If you have a chubby fat in your baby, you still have oil in your mouth. Do you have to eat a lot of meat?"

The stone cow was shocked. He hadn’t had time to open his mouth. It was a scream. He just picked up his arm and his fingers were cut off by Han Changsheng’s bamboo shoots.

Han Changsheng looked at Anyuan with a deep look: "Learn to learn. A man with two arms, what are you doing after you have finished? There are twenty fingers, and there are wrists and elbows!"

Anyuan: "..."

Ten fingers connected to the heart, Shi Lao Niu was so painful that he wanted to roll. Han Changsheng forced him to force him not to let him move. He laughed evilly: "15 years ago, you bought a bad wind to help those bandits let them come to Tushan Village to grab the money. Ok?"

"I... ah!" Shi Lao Niu just opened, Han Changsheng cut off his second finger: "To tell the truth!"

However, if the stone old cow wants to deny or find a reason to evade himself, Han Changsheng will break his finger, and after breaking three, the stone old cow can't speak, can only cry and nod.

Han Changsheng smiled softly: "This is what you are."

Anyuan asked: "Why?"

Han Changsheng waved his hand when he didn't wait for the stone cow to answer. "Why do you ask this question? It is not good to see your family's money or see your family. You care about him. People are dead and can't live."

Turned his head and said to Shi Lao Niu: "Other people die when they die. It doesn't matter. I ask you, is Huangfu Tugen also you buy and kill?"

An Yuan silently glared at Han Changsheng. There are too many slots to spit, and it is his family who died. Han Changsheng’s master for him is generous.

Shi Lao Niu repeatedly shakes his head and painfully said: "No... the owner is really killed by the devil..."

Han Changsheng’s eyes flashed in the cold, and the face still smiled, picking up a broken finger and shaking it. Stone oxen endured severe pain and continued: "Zhuangzhu... martial arts high strength... Wanshishan can't beat him... How could I... kill him... who can I find..."

Han Changsheng frowned and didn't say anything. This point, he also thought of it, other things, even if the stone is not saying that he can guess, but he can not figure out this.

Anyuan coldly said: "Speak all that you know from beginning to end."

Shi Lao Niu cried: "Wan Shishan has a long-term hatred for the old Zhuang owners. I am only a financial fan. I have stolen the things in the village and went out to pay back the money. I found it. He threatened me... I thought about that night. Going to the old Zhuang owner to confess the mistake... But I went into the room of the old Zhuang, but found that the old Zhuangzhu was dead, there was a lot of blood on the ground... He had a fallen candlestick and burnt ashes on his hand... Cover I still burned a little bit. I recognized that it was the second book of flowers. I was frightened. It must have been the people of the cult who killed the old lord and grabbed the first book of the cheats. I think it must be the devil. The demon religion used to be the cheat of other sects..."

Han Changsheng resisted the urge to roll his eyes. These people are the same as those of the Mingyue School. Is it the martyrdom of the murderers? It has been hundreds of years since Tianning taught to steal other martial arts cheats. Do these guys dare to keep up with the times?

An Yuan looked at Han Changsheng and said to Shi Lao Niu: "Follow it."

Shi Lao Niu said: "I saw that the old Zhuangzhu died, it is really scary... The evil wind has my handle in my hand, they will not let me go easily... I want to come and think, I have to catch up with the night. Going to the bad wind to help them ventilate the letter, saying that the old Zhuang master is dead, Tianyuan Mountain Villa is not a family member, certainly a mess. So they cover the mountain the next day and robbed the valuable things..."

Han Changsheng sneered: "Let's put gold on your face. Let them mask and disguise themselves as a demon. The idea is that you give them out? If you are rough, can you come up with this idea?"

Stone old cow wants to cry without tears.

Anyuan got up and squatted in front of the stone cow, staring coldly at his eyes: "So, you haven't seen who killed the murderer?"

Shi Lao Niu repeatedly shook his head: "I really don't...can't be the person who can be a demon, and the martial arts of the old master is in the heavens." He looked at Han Changsheng with a pleading look, "I It’s all true.”

Shi Lao Niu thought that Han Changsheng was dissatisfied with his answer and would definitely lick his fingers, but this time, Han Changsheng released the hand of Shi Lao Niu. He exchanged a look with An Yuan, and they all defaulted to the answer of Shi Lao Niu.

This time, I am afraid that the stone cow does not lie. The land of Tiandao Prefecture is relatively biased, and the land is not rich. There are really no other martial art factions except for Tiandaofu more than ten years ago. Tianyuan Mountain Villa is mainly engaged in internal strength, but their internal strength is different from other offensive types of internal skills. It is mainly for assistance. It can make the practitioners rehabilitate, beautiful and longevity, and then have the turtles and other functions. law. In the barren land of Tiandaofu, the martial arts of Huangfu Tugen can be dominated, but if it is the original master, there are many people who can defeat him. Shi Lao Niu has always been a housekeeper in Tianyuan Mountain Villa. There are few opportunities to interact with the people of the Central Plains martial arts. Who is the murderer who robs the cheats? He may not know.

Han Changsheng sat back in the chair and was somewhat puzzled. It’s easy to dig up the clues, and here it’s broken again. Who is the one?

The door suddenly sounded knocking at the door, and the voice of the easy old man sounded: "Young master?"

Anyuan got up, but he didn't stand still. His body swayed backwards. Han Changsheng quickly helped him. He sat down on Han Changsheng's leg. Just now Anyuan inhaled a lot of fragrant incense, although forced out part of it with internal strength, but there is still a residue in the body, he has not been able to stand still for a long time.

The door was pushed open, and the old three rushed in: "less...!!!"

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Anyuan's face faintly sitting on Han Changsheng's leg. Han Changsheng stared at him, and the young master looked like a weak wind.

Yi Laosan was shocked.

Han Changsheng is also a glimpse, busy: "How come you?"

Yi Laosan turned his eyes and shyly, and then he saw the stone cows lying on the edge of the bed. He was surprised: "I, I heard the screams, which came from the young master's room, I will... How is this going?"

Han Changsheng put Anyuan on the side chair in a half-holding and half-holding. He got up and sealed the acupuncture point of Shi Lao Niu. He waved his hand: "This guy is a thief. You take him out and look for the room." Get up."

Yi Laosan was amazed, and Anyuan was nodded with exhaustion: "Do as he said."

Yi Laosan stepped forward and saw the dagger falling down. He took a sigh of air and looked back at Anyuan. However, Han Changsheng was already kneeling in front of Anyuan. He did not return: "I want to help your young master." Poison, go."

Yi Laosan is not good to ask again, but he has to go out with a painful stone cow.

Han Changsheng took Anyuan to the bedside and helped him to carry out his work. Without a moment, he forced all the residual fragrance in his body.

An Yuan licked his temple and felt more than his previous spirit.

Han Changsheng is not proud of it: "How, I said, you are not a cult, you are a thief in your family."

Anyuan frowned. "The murderer hasn't found it yet. How can it be said that it is not a magician?"

If Han Changsheng’s heart is to kill people and steal secrets, it’s my big day. I want you to help me to adjust my instinct every day. I’ve been invincible forever! But I can only say: "Oh, stand up your apprentice, I am unlucky, I will help you find your killing father and enemies?"

Anyuan does not speak.

Han Changsheng helped him to use the infuriating spirit. In the past two days, Anyuan did not help him to adjust his interest. At this moment, he felt a little uncomfortable. An Yuan saw his uncomfortableness, pulled up his hand, and began to slowly inject his own infuriating into Han Changsheng's body to help him guide.

I don't know how long it took, the knocking on the door rang again, and the easy old three pushed the door in. The scene I saw... almost flashed his eyes.

An Yuan and Han Changsheng sat on the bed shirtlessly, because every time they were lucky, they would have a lot of sweat, so that they would not get wet and stick to the body. Before they took off their clothes. An Yuan was pulling Han Changsheng with one arm and the other hand touching his chest - he was infuriating in the middle of Han Changsheng.

Easy Lao San quickly caught the dog's eyes. What he saw was that two shirtless men were touching their chests... "I, I, I, I locked the old housekeeper, I just wanted to ask, what should I do, how should I do it..."

Anyuan cold and cold road: "Go out!" Luck is halfway, he does not want to be disturbed.

Yi Laosan was flushed, stumbled and ran out, and quickly closed the door.

Early the next morning, Yi Laosan called the young master to get up. After a night of painstaking thoughts, he carefully thought about the embarrassing picture that he had hit last night. He thought that he should think more. Is it true that the masters of the young master and the young master are just practicing? The Zhongyuan martial arts are very strange and have a lot of practice methods. They must be too impure! The young master is so popular with the Yushu, and he is certainly very popular with the girls of the Central Plains. The Master of the Master is not bad, and maybe the younger ones have taken several. The young master has to open the branches for the Tianyuan Mountain Villa. That kind of thing is definitely a misunderstanding!

Going to the door of Anyuan’s room, Yi Laosan knocked on the door: “Young Master, get up!”

There was no movement in the room for a while.

Easy old three strange road: no one in the room? He knocked on the door again: "Young master?"

Suddenly, the door was opened and Yi San was shocked.

Han Changsheng came out with a look of disappointment: "What is it called so early?"

Yi Laosan was shocked. Han Changsheng was still naked, with a few red marks on his body (mosquito bites), squatting on the waist (Anyuan’s revenge for revenge), and yawned: "Your young master is still asleep, he was too tired last night. It is."

Yi Laosan: "...!!!" They, yesterday, all night, sleep barefoot together! ! The young master is too tired! ! Master Shao’s back can’t stand up! !

Han Changsheng looked at him inexplicably and looked at him: "What are you doing? Don't you roll?"

In the middle of the old three, countless grass mud horses whizzed past. He turned stiffly, and the wood man took the same step. Without a few steps, Han Changsheng suddenly stopped him: "Yes, you will send the bed clean after a while, we I wet the shop last night."

Yi Laosan took a breath of cold air, tears and tears. The young master and the young master are really capable...

Han Changsheng went back to his room in a listless manner. Every time he was lucky, he and Anyuan would be exhausted, so they didn't bother to change places last night, and they made a sleep with Anyuan. When they were in the bamboo forest, they didn't sleep less together. They didn't sleep well. They fell asleep and liked to hold things, and they took Anyuan's arms in their arms. When I was stunned, Anyuan still likes to break him up in the middle of the night. Sometimes he still slaps him two times. Therefore, when he sleeps with Anyuan, he always rests badly at night. Last night I made a dream about the dog fairy, it was too embarrassing, go back to the room to make up for sleep.

Anyuan is also looking tired. When Yi San was called early, he woke up, but he was too lazy to get up. He kicked Han Changsheng and opened the door. Every time I sleep with Han Changsheng, it is also a torture for him. Han Changsheng sleeps and likes to hug people. Even if he holds people, he still talks about his dreams at night. In the dream, Anyuan Anyuan calls his name. He is so confused that he is overwhelmed. Having said that, this is not the first time Han Changsheng called his name in a dream. This guy, in the end is... Hey! Annoying people!

Han Changsheng returned to the room, locked the door, unloaded the easy capacity, washed his face, comfortably lie down and sleep. I didn't lie for a long time. I suddenly heard a sound outside. He quickly jumped up and quickly made up the makeup. When I went out, I saw an arrow on the door and a letter tied to the arrow. Han Changsheng quickly pulled out the arrow and unfolded the letter. After reading the contents of the letter, he frowned again and threw his legs and ran outside the villa.

The author has something to say: Thank you, Kunlun Road, Xiaoxian, te's long comment ~

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