MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 46

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Han Changsheng was shocked. Angu’s tortoise was simply a matter of time. When I was close, I didn’t notice it again!

"What are you doing?" Han Changsheng angered. Behind the sneak attack, if he did not hide fast, the sword just really stabbed him! Is the dog fairy crazy, actually want to kill him?

An Yuan was so angry that he was shaking.

Han Changsheng looked down and looked at the coffin and coffin exposed in the air. He was turned upside down by the squat bones... ah, it seems that I understand the mood of the dog Xianjun now?

Anyuan said nothing, and the sword was attacked again. Han Changsheng explained while saying: "Good manners, you listen to the teacher and explain that I really want to find out who the murderer is."

An Yuan did not listen to what he said, and he was so aggressive that he was forced to do the trick.

Han Changsheng has taught Anyuan Lianjian for two months. In the past two months, Han Changsheng has no hidden feelings. The ultimate goal of his teaching of Anyuan martial arts is to make Anyuan a leader in the martial arts conference. And the internal force that should have belonged to Anyuan has been cut off by him. He is afraid that time is not enough to make the dog Xianjun strong enough, so he always teaches him all that he realizes. Yuan, as for the process of tearing down the truss, which slowed down the progress is not his intention. An Yuan’s talent was not originally under Han Changsheng, but the opportunity so far is not as good as that of Han Changsheng. Now that he has the advice of Han Changsheng, he is simply progressing and making a blockbuster.

For a long time, Han Changsheng and Anyuan have not officially handed over their hands, even if they are fighting, it is only for the purpose of pointing, but this time, Anyuan is serious, his sword did not leave a trace of affection. Han Changsheng was just dodging at the beginning. He could use Ahn’s current swordsmanship. He couldn’t hide at random, and gradually he became serious.

"Come on! You will be angry when you are noisy!" Han Changsheng leaped and ducked while trying to calm Anyuan.

Where did Anyuan listen to him, a sword stabbed him in the lower abdomen.

Han Changsheng did not hide, and the clothes were cut off by him. He woke up in disappointment and was annoyed: "Mom got a bastard, dare to cut Laozi, your kid really owes a lesson!"

Han Changsheng finally took out the dragon sword and fought seriously with Anyuan.

"Hey!" The swordsman meets, and Anyuan and Han Changsheng's faces float at the same time.

Han Changsheng is really powerful. Actually, Anyuan does not know. For a long time, he has not seen Han Changsheng’s full force. Similarly, to what extent Anyuan has progressed, Han Changsheng is also inaccurate. This fight, they found that the other party is even more powerful than they think.

Anyuan also had the consciousness of the combination of human and sword. The sword went with the heart, fast, accurate, and ambiguous, forcing Han Changsheng to make full efforts. However, Han Changsheng’s full strength is only used in the sword. His internal force can crush Anyuan, but he dare not use internal force easily. If he goes into flames again, the current Anyuan may not help him. .

However, the blink of an eye, the two have passed a dozen strokes, all tired and somewhat uneven. Although it has not yet been separated, the first thing that has been stretched is Han Changsheng.

If it is only about swordsmanship, Anyuan is still under Han Changsheng, but it is not too much, but Anyuan’s shots are not scrupulous. Han Changsheng does not dare to really hurt the dog Xianjun, but he can’t hurt. Dog Xianjun, he still has to maintain the dog Xianjun everywhere, it is really miserable.

It’s not the way to fight this way. In a hurry, Han Changsheng slammed his sword to Anyuan, and Anyuan retreated. Han Changsheng took advantage of this moment’s effort, but he did not win the battle, but slammed After jumping, jump to the edge of the coffin of Huangfu Tugen, grab the skeleton and block it in front of you. Just listening to the bang, how can the long-suffering white bones withstand his tears, the bones of white flowers scattered, and Han Changsheng only caught a pair of ribs.

Anyuan: "..."

Han Changsheng: "..."

An Yuan is simply going crazy, but Han Changsheng stinks that the bones are used as a shield. He is not good enough to stab, so as not to hurt his father's bones.

Han Changsheng took advantage of his efforts to stop his hand and quickly said: "Isn't it just planing your grave? As for being so annoyed!"

Anyuan trembled with anger: "You!" Is this still a human speech, but plan your grave, but? !

Han Changsheng said: "Death is dead, and I have been dead for more than ten years. I am going to examine the corpse, and I am trying to find out the real murderer for you, so that he can look after his death! You hinder me, it is the real filial piety. !"

Anyuan’s fist squeaked: “Well, the murderer, where is the murderer!”

Han Changsheng grinned: "I will know who the murderer is when I look at the bones. Do you think that Laozi has opened his eyes?"

Anyuan: "..."

Seeing that Anyuan is going to worry, Han Changsheng is busy: "I don't have nothing to gain! I have a clue. You should close the sword first, I will tell you!"

Seeing that Anyuan was indifferent, Han Changsheng shook his skeleton and two bones fell to the ground. An Yuan’s overflowing murderousness made Han Changsheng unable to help himself. He quickly said: "The coffin is open. You can’t help me now. Everyone sits down and talks calmly. I will tell you what I found. Is the best way."

Anyuan hesitated for a moment, forcing the anger to take the sword back.

Han Changsheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the skeleton in his hand was put down: "You see your wounds..." Halfway, the card is stuck. The bones were all broken by him, and which one did you see?

Han Changsheng: "..."

Anyuan: "!!!"

Han Changsheng laughed and said: "Don't worry, don't worry about loading you back into the coffin."

Han Changsheng bent down and planned to lick his bones. Anyuan kicked him off and walked forward to carefully smash the broken bones and put them back into the coffin. For a while, he finally put the scattered bones back together.

Han Changsheng looked at his face and looked forward carefully. Although Anyuan was chilling, but this time he did not start again: "Flower chic." Anyuan called Han Changsheng's name.

Han Changsheng stunned for a moment before he remembered that he had lied to Anyuan at the beginning to say that his name was a flower, but the name Anyuan had never been called.

An Yuan took a deep breath and suppressed his anger: "You better..."

Han Changsheng waved his hand and interrupted him: "Well, I know, find out the real murderer who killed you. Are you assured that I want to find out the murderer more than you, or do you think I am willing to open the coffin? !"

Anyuan stared at him coldly.

Han Changsheng said: "You see a wound here, then look at the injury here... Oh, don't look at that, that is what I just broke, not the injury you suffered before your death... You told me to do it, I told the truth. Well, if it wasn’t for you just... well, I won’t say it, just look at this injury first.”

Han Changsheng inferred that he had been cut by two knives in front of the roots of Huangfu inferred from the scars left on the skeleton of the body. After listening to Anyuan, Anyuan asked: "What about that?"

Han Changsheng said: "If there is a wound on the flesh, then I don't know. After fifteen years, I can't check it. But I don't think there will be any major injuries on the flesh. If you look at the situation in the room, there is a small piece of the mark of the fight, which means that he did not fight the murderer before he died, so it is almost the same two injuries. Your father is a master of martial arts, martial arts. Even if it is bad, it will not be too bad." Ignore the eye knife that Anyuan lost, he continued. "Two knives killed your father, and the injury is behind, two possibilities. First, the murderer is a master. You have no ability to resist at all; second, the murderer knows you, behind the sneak attack, stealing cheats, you are not prepared to be killed by him."

Anyuan coldly said: "I know all of this, but I don't see where I can prove that this is not a magical work."

Han Changsheng sneered: "First talk about the second possibility, the magical act is bright and upright..." After a pause, I feel that the word is not appropriate, and changed the way. "In any case, it is not necessary to sneak a person to kill, so if it is a demon There is no need to sneak attack. Let's say the first one, two knives kill you, the demon people really have this ability, but the devil's acting style, killing people, they must sway out from the main entrance, why sneak out ?"

Anyuan interrupted: "Sneaked away? The people of the Devils slaughtered my villa..."

Han Changsheng said: "Those talents are not taught by Tianning. I heard that those who broke into the villas have moved away the valuable things in your village, and even your mother's antique dressing table has not let go. You really want to I think, the devil is in the mountains, it’s in the north, it’s okay to kill the old and weak women who have no power in the mountains. I’m not talking about this boring behavior. I’ve grabbed so much money and big things. Things, thousands of miles back to the mountains, and full of support?"

Anyuan was silent again.

After a long time, Anyuan said one word: "Who are you in the end? Why do you seem familiar with the demon?"

Han Changsheng stuck in a moment, and after a moment shrug his shoulders: "I just just know a few people of the devil, just don't say this, you think about what I said, is this the truth?"

Waiting for the Anyuan to open, suddenly the two looked at the other direction at the same time. someone is coming.

A panicked figure broke into their sight: "Shao Zhuang, Master Yue, not good! The evil wind helped bring people to fight!"

Han Changsheng and An Yuan met face to face and stood up together.

It was a mountain thief named Wang Laoqi. He ran to An Yuan and Han Changsheng and saw the shackles and bones exposed in the broad daylight.

Han Changsheng was busy: "Is the evil wind helping the mountain village come?"

Wang Laoqi nodded again and again: "Yes, they brought a lot of people, want to occupy the villa, the third child let me hurry to find you!"

Han Changsheng was busy: "Go, let's go back!"

Anyuan stood still and said: "Let's go first."

Han Changsheng knew that he did not want to expose his skeleton bones. I am afraid that he had to bury the coffin back. He did not say anything at the moment and pulled up Wang Laoqi to run towards the villa.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the mines, thanks to the 25 mines and rockets of Su Fan-Sakura.

Read The Duke's Passion