MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 41

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On the morning of the next day, Han Changsheng woke up and yawned out of the bamboo house. The sky is already bright. Last night, he did not let Anyuan protect the law and adjust his luck. In the morning, his spirit was not good and his limbs were heavy.

Outside the bamboo house, Anyuan is already practicing the sword.

Han Changsheng snorted with a sense of drowsiness: "Good deeds, uncomfortable for the teacher."

Anyuan did not hear it and continued to practice his sword.

Han Changsheng grinned his mouth: "Mom has a bait, there is no conscience, it is better to accept a pork roast than to accept you as an apprentice."

Anyuan finally took the sword and walked toward Han Changsheng with no expression: "Sit down."

Han Changsheng saw that he was going to help his luck to adjust his interest. He was afraid that he would take the opportunity to retaliate. Tossing himself was uncomfortable. He quickly said: "I went out yesterday and went to investigate some things. Things related to you."

Anyuan frowned and looked at Han Changsheng suspiciously, waiting for him to continue to say.

Han Changsheng said: "Do you remember your life?"

Anyuan stunned, his brows were deeper, and he paused. He couldn’t see any emotional changes on his face: "I don't remember."

Han Changsheng shrugged: "I don't remember, even if you didn't say it."

Anyuan’s mouth was pumped and he sat down in front of Han Changsheng, preparing to protect him.

When Han Changsheng looked at Anyuan’s expression and the strength of his hand, he knew that Anyuan would never let him be better. He immediately said: “The rivers and lakes say that you are killed by Tianning, but as far as I know, This murderer has another person!"

Anyuan was a glimpse again, and he was about to meet Han Changsheng’s hand and received it back: “Continue.”

Han Changsheng scratched his face: "There is nothing to say. I only know so much."

An Yuandao: "Who is the murderer?"

Han Changsheng said: "I don't know."

Anyuan raised his hand again, Han Changsheng immediately said: "This is how I went out to buy underwear, just happened to meet the nearby Mingyue faction. They have a murder case. Their elders were killed by the knife. The secret was stolen. People say it is heaven. Ning teaches people to do it, but I happen to know a person who teaches Tianning!" He took a deep breath and continued, "Tian Ning teaches that the elders of the string are not killed by them, they are also fundamental to the moon." Not interested, this is something that has been framed and concealed by the name of the demon religion, and similar cases have occurred in Tianyuan Mountain Villa 15 years ago. Huangfu Tugen is yours, not Tianning. of."

Anyuan frowned: "Do you know the devil?"

Han Changsheng laughed and said: "I knew it when I was young."

Anyuan cold and cold road: "If you say what the devil teaches, you also believe."

Han Changsheng grinned dissatisfiedly and said: "Letter. He won't lie to me, there is no need to lie to me. I don't have to lie to you in this matter. It doesn't help you to lie to you."

An Yuan was silent for a while and said: "This thing, there is no need to lie to me? What about other things?"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes: "Cheat you, can you give me a baby? I don't have enough food."

Anyuan: "..."

After a while, Anyuan will be suspicious: "What did he say?"

Han Changsheng said: "In the past few months, your swordsmanship has been refined a lot. I don't have so many things to teach you. I plan to take you out of the mountain today, go to Tianyuan Mountain Villa and re-investigate the matter."

Anyuan didn't talk, and after a while, he said: "You went out yesterday, went to the moon to investigate this matter, so come back later?"

Han Changsheng said: "Of course, do you think I picked my underwear for a day?"

Anyuan mouth is pumping. After a while, Anyuan gently pulled up Han Changsheng's hand, and Han Changsheng felt that his infuriating mood began to slowly introduce himself into his body.

An Yuan mouth swelled a slightly invisible arc, lazy: "The luck of today will make you unable to get out of bed, but I thought about it, there are better ways to make you feel a little more comfortable. ”

Han Changsheng: "..." Day! Dog Xianjun actually wants to let Laozi not get out of bed? ! Let's walk, one day, one day, I will let you not know how to get out of bed!

After an hour, An Yuan and Han Changsheng ended their practice. After the end of the day, Han Changsheng felt refreshed, Dan Tian filled a lot, and even the footsteps became a lot lighter. It seems that the dog fairy is really intentionally tossing him. If it is like today, I am afraid that as long as one month, he will completely squander the huge internal force.

When the two packed up their good things, they went out.

Tianyuan Mountain Villa is about fifteen days away from their place. In order to prevent extra-budgets, Han Changsheng prepared a straw hat for himself and Anyuan. The two men went to the city to buy two horses and some dry food on the road.

This trip took Anyuan to Tianyuan Mountain Villa, and Han Changsheng was trying to investigate the murder case 15 years ago. Tianyuan Mountain Villa has fallen since the death of Huangfu, and Anyuan was only eight years old. It was still a younger age. His mother died shortly after his birth. His father died and he had no other. Brothers and sisters, there is no one in Zhuangzi who can do the supervisor. In order to let him go to Yuehua School to train his heart, Mingge Xianjun can be said to have broken all his backs. Yue Peng’s head, Yue Peng, and Huangfu’s roots were deceased. When he saw the son of the deceased, he was very pitiful. He received him from the Yuehua School and he wanted to give his single daughter to him as a wife. Unfortunately, this Everything left Han Changsheng destroyed.

Although Tianyuan Mountain Villa has been defeated, but the tomb of Huangfu Tugen is still there, and there are always people who have experienced things fifteen years ago in Tianyuan Mountain Villa. Han Changsheng intends to find them and ask what happened 15 years ago. What?

The reason why it is necessary to find out this matter is that some people dare to pretend to be their Tianning teachings, and use the name of Tianning to be a slap in the face. He can’t swallow this tone, and he must give a little lesson to the behind-the-scenes; the real murderer does not know. Will he avoid Anyuan for the past murders, regard Anyuan as an enemy, and create trouble for him. As a result, I am afraid that the workload of Han Changsheng will be increased by then.

There are still three months from the Wulin Conference. Now that Anyuan’s swordsmanship has advanced by leaps and bounds, the space for further improvement has been much smaller and can only be steadily improved. Therefore, he does not need to retreat in the deep forests and practice one day. The effect of the two hours is not much worse. Han Changsheng hopes to investigate the matter before the martial arts conference, so as not to be a sideline.

After a few days of driving, they finally arrived at the Tiandao Mansion where Tianyuan Villa is located, and one day's journey will be able to reach the site of Tianyuan Mountain Villa.

After entering the Heavenly Government, Han Changsheng and An Yuan were shocked by the situation here.

Tiandaofu is located in the northwest, not a wealthy situation, but it is also a self-sufficient hometown of happiness. Han Changsheng was last brought to the place by the old teacher. It is still a matter of four or five years old. He has few notes, but he also has a general impression on Tiandaofu. The scenery here is beautiful, the people are simple and honest, the people live and work in peace, the fruits are sweet and sweet. The mutton is delicious, and Tianning teaches everyone to go through this place only, but stays for two or three days because of the delicious food here.

But today's Tiandao government is quite different from what it was 15 years ago.

Han Changsheng and Anyuan all the way from southeast to northwest, the towns are getting more and more dilapidated, and many fields are ridiculous. There are not many people in the town, and each body has weapons, fierce and sinister. Opposite. Even the children in their teens were carrying a sigh of relief, and the whole town was dead and full of life.

Han Changsheng and Anyuan walked on the road, and a few stalls in the vicinity of the stalls stared at them. They looked like they were looking at two delicious fat lambs. The two men wore clean brocade clothes, which were totally different from the local people wearing thick and short shackles. In addition, they were thin and fair-skinned. Although they wore sabre, they looked weak and weak. It’s not like the rough man who is practicing martial arts.

Han Changsheng whispered: "What happened to this ghost place?"

Before they entered the Heavenly Kingdom, they heard about the local folk customs from a food aunt. Many of them were murdered. The aunt knew that they were going to enter the heavens and the government, and they were worried to persuade them to change their schedule so as not to enter the sheep. jaws of death. At that time, Han Changsheng still did not believe that after entering the Heavenly Government, he discovered that this place is really not good.

Anyuan walked toward a big man who sold silverware.

"Is there a hotel inn nearby?" Anyuan asked coldly.

The great man looked at Anyuan wearing a straw hat, and his tone was very impatient: "No!"

Anyuan wrinkled his brow and didn't say anything. He turned and left.

"Hey!" A cup was smashed to the ground.

Anyuan heard the sound and looked back. He saw the big man who jumped in the stall and jumped up and grabbed his clothes: "You broke my silver cup, this is my ancestral baby, losing money!"

Han Changsheng looked at it clearly. The cup was clearly the one who was on the ground when he turned around Anyuan, and he listened to the sound of the sound. What is the silver cup, it is clearly a crude copper cup. , still ancestral thousand years? Although it was rolled over on the ground, there wasn't even a bump. The big man still let Anyuan lose money, which is clearly blackmail.

Han Changsheng stepped forward and was planning to give a lesson to this big man who didn't know Taishan. Anyuan shot and held him down. He untied a purse from his waist and threw a piece of broken silver to the big man.

Han Changsheng blinked: "What are you doing?"

Anyuan ignored him.

The big man saw Anyuan so refreshed, could not help but smashed, loosened Anyuan, looked at the silver in his hand. It is indeed true silver.

Anyuan pulled up Han Changsheng and turned away. Han Changsheng was annoyed: "You are so badly swaying Laozi's money? Why don't you give him some lesson?"

Anyuan cold and cold: "No need."

Han Changsheng turned his eyes blankly. That is to say, he is here, if the Huanxiao, who is being slammed, knows that Anyuan is so bad, he will definitely fight with Anyuan.

It’s not too early, there’s still a long way to go to the old site of Tianyuan Mountain Villa. It’s too late tonight. The two plan to find a place to live in the city. But they wandered around the town, indeed, as the big man said, it may be that this ghost place has not been outside for a long time, there is no inn in the city. Even if there are such two places to stay, it looks like a black shop.

The sky was already dark, and the two finally decided to sleep in the wild. The martial arts people are physically strong, and it is indifferent to have a windy meal.

In the evening, Han Changsheng caught a wild pheasant. Anyuan skillfully unplugged the wild pheasant's hair, removed the internal organs, wrapped in salt and spices, and baked it on the fire. For a moment, the pheasant's aroma made Han Changsheng The saliva is DC. The skill of this food is practiced by An Yuan and Han Changsheng in the mountains for more than two months. Han Changsheng’s limbs are not divisible, and there is no need for people to care for life. Therefore, during this time, Ann Yuan not only has a lot of martial arts, but also has a good training.

Baked chicken, Anyuan tore half and handed it to Han Changsheng, Han Changsheng received the hand, but also did not care about hot, began to gorge.

Anyuan didn't immediately eat his own, just watching Han Changsheng silently.

Han Changsheng asked while eating: "Apprentice, how much do you remember when you were a child?"

An Yuan silently.

Han Changsheng has no way to take this awkward guy. Anyuan lost his memory, but he did not know how much Anyuan had forgotten. Anyuan still remembers the inner workings of Tianyuan Mountain Villa. He may remember some things when he was young. When that happened in the past, Anyuan should also be present. If he could recall something, it would help Han Changsheng find out the murderer as soon as possible. However, as long as Han Changsheng asked about the past, Anyuan would not open it.

Han Changsheng had no way to take him and snorted. One day, one day, he wants Anyuan to cry and shout and shut up, hehe!

Han Changsheng devoted his attention to the roast chicken in his hand, and the mouth was full of oil.

Anyuan took back his gaze on him and fixed his eyes to the distance.

After the satiated meal, Han Changsheng lost the chicken bones and lazily said: "Hero heroes, don't hide them!"

The author has something to say: thank you 芷芷, 15006689, qing803, azure, Xuan faint, Furou, Yue Mingya, Charles x7, 瑧玹x15 mine

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