MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 29

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Elder Lan Fang threw Han Changsheng into the hole in the Peach Blossom Valley and told him that he had never heard the sound after he searched for the exit. Every night, he will throw away some fruits and clean water. Han Changsheng can only rely on fruits to fill his hunger, even the meat can not be touched. Only after eating a few meals, he felt that the turbidity in his body was cleaned up, and he was so eager to be a monk.

After determining that Elder Lan Fang really would not help him, and those gods are really unreliable, Han Changsheng only relies on himself to find a way out.

Because these vines are extremely slippery and tough, he did not go well, and often two or three swords could cut a vine. Not only that, chopping vines also consumes physical strength abnormally, often take a rest for a while, and the arm is very sore.

Han Changsheng was in the hole, although no one reminded him of the specific time, but with the light that the hole penetrated, he also knew that it was already one day. The day when Xuanji’s old man died, only the last five days.

Han Changsheng is anxious, but he also knows that there is no use in his heart. To get out of here as soon as possible, he must find a faster and more energy-saving method. So he slowed down and cut the vines to see how he could succeed. After practicing for a few hours, he found the strength, strength and skill of the sword, and he was able to ensure that a sword cut a vine. The moves that were learned during the practice of martial arts have been useless, because the most labor-saving method of cutting vines must be unpretentious. All the fancy and confusing moves are a waste of physical strength for these dead objects.

In the evening, Han Changsheng ate some fruit and began to rest. The results of his second day were much more beautiful than the first day, and there was a big space around him, but with the countless vines around him, it was only a drop in the ocean.

Han Changsheng was bored and began to yell at the above: "Hey, Elder Lan Fang, I have improved. You can see that I can cut off the vines with a sword. Should you let me go out? I am really In a hurry!"

The voice of Lan Lan’s elders smiled: “Good, this is just the beginning. If you are in a hurry, find the exit soon.”

Han Changsheng heard that Elder Lan Fang finally took care of him. A squid slammed up and stood up: "You are listening to me? You are going to let me go out, I can't change it again. I... I have a friend who is dying. I have to see him last before he dies! Really! I don't lie to you!"

There is no more sound above.

Han Chang was so angry that he fell his sword: stinky old man! Do you still have humanity? Didn't you listen to me saying that I want to die? !

No matter how long Han Changsheng yelled, Elder Lan Fang disappeared again.

Han Changsheng is almost tempered. As the sky was still not completely dark, Han Changsheng fumbled up and began to smash the vines.

The martial arts of Tianning is a collection of hundreds of martial arts directors in the world. It is not just swordsmanship. Almost all weapons are involved. For example, Tianning teaches the highest martial arts master of the Dragon Tiger Hall, Luo Xin, there is almost no weapon that he will not use in the world, anything in his hands, he can be integrated, that is, a piece of cloth can also become a weapon to kill. Lu Baiqi and Lu Qingqian will also use more than a dozen weapons. The weapon that Lu Baiyi will like to use is a meteor hammer, and Lu Qingqian’s favorite is the hidden weapon flying needle. As for Han Changsheng, he always thought that he would fight, and there is no need to learn so many weapons to waste time, so only the most common knives and swords will be used. At this point, no one has forced him. The old teacher once said that if he can really use a weapon to the extent of being invincible, it is more useful than his martial arts.

At the time of Tianning's teaching, Luo Xin had said that Han Changsheng's sword was too vain, because a large part of Han Changsheng's martial arts was to smash the guys who urged him to practice martial arts, so the moves were naturally gorgeous. Although he has tried to restrain himself in front of Elder Lan Fang, but what kind of elders Lan Fang is, he can see through his impetuous temperament from the way Han Changsheng's subconscious response and his way of speaking and doing things.

In fact, the intention of elder Lan Fang, Han Changsheng probably can understand. The reason why Lan Fang’s sword is so powerful is that it is the pursuit of the true nature of the sword. All the glitz can be attributed to simplicity, and the gorgeous moves are also composed of the most basic movements. And his process of dealing with these vines is the process of consolidating the basic moves.

Understand that although it is clear, he does not agree with this training method.

What is the use of Elder Lan Fang to let him cut these vines? These are dead things, but when they are actually fighting, no one will stand still and let him study from which angles can be more appropriate. He can use these swords to smash these vines. Can you really make a breakthrough? Moreover, these vines can only cut one sword, and you can only increase the speed sooner... and so on! Can a sword only cut one? Can he break more than one sword?

When Han Changsheng thought about it, he began to try to change the way he sent his sword. Naturally unsuccessful at first, he kept trying. A sword can only be cut once, and he even picks up a sword-swinging action and cuts the vine on the right side. Turning around and picking up another vine,

In the beginning, he almost interrupted two strokes because the sword was smashed or slipped away, and then he was able to connect with three or four strokes. Then, with ten strokes... Han Changsheng’s movements became more and more The sooner you come. Before those tough vines, he had to cut a few times to cut, but now, those things are fragile in his eyes like paper; originally he only used cut to break the vines, now he is licking, stabbing, waving Any move can be quick and successful, and the physical strength consumed is less and less, and the vines that are cut one hour at a time will not be chaotic.

Han Changsheng invested in it, and gradually, even the passage of time was forgotten. It was not until the darkness of the sky that he could barely see anything, and he was shocked to see the evening again. This is the fourth night he was trapped in the Peach Blossom Valley. In two days, the mysterious old man will die in the world.

The weird vines in the cave have been cut in half by Han Changsheng, but he still has not found the mouth to go out.

Han Changsheng took a sip of water and rested for a while, shouting at the top: "Old man, are you not playing with me? Is this ghost place really exported?"

The voice of Elder Lan Fang passed down: "I never lie to the teacher." Suddenly, and again, "Good manners, you really have a very high talent and excellent understanding. It took fifteen days for the teacher to reach you. This realm, you only spent five days."

Han Changsheng took four days to smash the vines in the hole. According to his speed, he could clean up the vines in the entire cave in less than ten days. It took a full 20 days to find the exit. In this way, the 19-year-old has already surpassed Lan Fang, who was nearly confusing 50 years ago.

Han Changsheng looked at the darkness and smiled. Only the last two days, can he still catch up?

"Hey!" Han Changsheng cried his head and said, "The old man, chat with me."

Every night, he can't see the surroundings, and it's hard to smash the vines. He stayed alone in this ghost place, and Lan Fang’s elders had no ghosts. He took him a dozen words in four days, but he could not find a second person who could chat with him. He was boring and dying.

"What do you want to talk about?" The mood of Elder Lan Fang appeared to be good this evening, and he even talked with Han Changsheng.

"How old are you in Yuehua?"

Lan Fang said: "I started to teach at the age of twelve, and now it has been seventy-six years." Han Changsheng spit out his tongue. In seventy-six years, it was really long enough. He said: "After staying for so long, are you very clear about the Yuehua faction?"

Lan Fang smiled and said: "It's clearer than you. Why, what do you want to ask?"

Han Changsheng smiled and said: "I said that our Yuehua school is a famous decent, and our disciples must also be righteous gentlemen. Are there any exceptions?"

Lan Fang said: "What exception?"

Han Changsheng said: "Just like, have you been so driven out of the sect for so many years? What is it?"

Elder Lan Fang asked with great interest; "Apprentice, what do you want to do?"

Han Changsheng said: "I just ask and ask, curious."

There was no echo for a while. Han Changsheng worried that Elder Lan Fang had disappeared again. He was about to shout, and he heard the voice of Lan Fang’s kindness: "In fact, the rules of our Yuehua faction are very strict. However, if you take a wrong step, you will be evicted from the division. However, if you do it, it is not the case. You must know that people who are mixed in the rivers and lakes will be a ranger from scratch, or Joining the martial art, and then withdrawing on your own, it doesn't matter much, but if you have been expelled by a prestigious martial art, no matter how good he is in the future, it is difficult to stand up in front of the heroes of the rivers and lakes. Unless he can turn over his old case in the future, Prove that his character is not tainted, otherwise, his life will be ruined. Therefore, we will not easily expel any disciple from the sect."

Han Changsheng was shocked: "The ones written on the door rules are hard to scare people?"

Lan Fang, the elders said: "If you can't say this, you will inevitably want to slap some of your feelings. For example, people who say that gambling will be expelled from the division, but the Yuehua faction has also been arrested for decades. Three or five private gambling disciples, the most serious but not to the disciples of the disciples, and descended to the foreign children." The so-called foreign children, that is, the name is in the Yuehua faction, although he did not drive him out, he There is no master who teaches him martial arts, nor is he qualified to practice martial arts with everyone. He can only be a servant. "After a few months, the confessed disciple left the Yuehua faction and made a scattered person. Therefore, it is not the Yuehua faction who drove him out of the division."

Han Changsheng grabbed his hair: "Then no one was driven away?"

Lan Fang said: "There is nature. If there is a big loss in authenticity, can it still leave people behind? I remember that a disciple of my peers was expelled from the division, and finally he became a river. The notorious wicked man will die if he is alive."

Han Changsheng quickly asked: "Why was he driven away?"

Elder Lan Fang said: "He didn't agree with other brothers and brothers. He pulled out the knife and killed the poor younger brother. Such a heart-warming person, the rivers and lakes can't tolerate him."

Han Changsheng stunned. So, is the real sin of sin being killing?

Elder Lan Fang sighed: "You, this child, the heart is too floating. Why, because I have shut you down these days, you still want to defect?"

Han Changsheng was busy: "Where can I do this kind of thing!" I just want to drive out the most powerful disciples here. This is the lifeblood written by the gods of heaven, no matter what Laozi does.

Lan Fang said: "You should practice it well. You are not far from being enlightened. On the day you come out, the sword in your hand is the meeting that I will give you, you can accept it." He disappeared again and never heard anything.

At night, the lighting in the cave was not good at all, and the starlight and moonlight of Ding were hard to penetrate. The entire tunnel was dark and the fingers were not visible. However, Han Changsheng could not sleep. He has reached this level, and it has become very easy for him to cut the vines. Even because of the practice of these days, all the turbidity in his body has been drained. Now his body is extremely light and full of vitality.

Since he couldn't sleep, Han Changsheng sat up, and reached out and touched the vine in front, then grabbed the sword that Lan Fang gave him. Smudge and slash for a while, and go out early to get out early.

Since nothing can be seen, Han Changsheng simply closes his eyes and slowly breathes, thinking about the sword.

If these vines are regarded as enemies, at this moment, all around him are enemies, and all he has to do is to cut all these enemies.

Han Changsheng hesitated a sword and chopped it on the slippery vine. With the strength of the sword, Han Changsheng knew that the vines were not broken. This sword failed.

He took a deep breath, held the sword firmly, and again sword, and finally cut the vine.

Just like his little progress during the day, in the dark, he also began to explore step by step to speed up his efficiency. He can't see, but he can listen. His sword can provoke the vines, the vines are stacked on top of each other, and one will move, and then several will follow along, and he will be able to identify the orientation. He began to increase his strokes, one, two, three...

His movements are getting smoother and smoother. If someone can see the scenery at night, Han Changsheng is like a flying bird at this time. His body is light and strong, and he keeps everything in his own hands.

Suddenly, he seems to have really realized something. These vines, although dead, are not more difficult to deal with than real enemies. In the process of speeding up his own action, Han Changsheng has completely abandoned the slick swordsmanship. There is an open space in his mind. He himself is there, and he is surrounded by enemies. The enemy attacked him. He swung his sword and laid down the enemy...

The vines are not dead at all! Their form is changeable. If you want to cut the vines, you should pay attention to the angle and strength of the starting hand. Even if it is a living person, it is just like this. And the vines are so dense, like all the enemies around them, Han Changsheng wants to cut these vines at the fastest speed, which means he needs to solve these enemies in the shortest possible time. He is practicing in his mind. When he can really achieve the results he is satisfied with, he will replace those vines with several enemies. No matter how the enemy uses his dazzling moves to confuse him, he can immediately find out the enemy's weaknesses. And broke.

His sword has indeed returned to simplicity. It is because of simplicity, all kinds of moves can be cracked. When he understands what his purpose is and what is the purpose of seeing others, his sword is reached to the extreme. The sword moves with the heart and the heart moves at random. He is the illusion that he has become a sword. Everything is in control.

Suddenly, Han Changsheng’s foot was empty and one foot stepped into a hollow. Han Changsheng stunned and immediately touched it. It is a hole that can be passed by one person.

He finally found it! Exit to the Peach Blossom Valley ground!

The author has something to say: thanks to Ling Shaluo, Lingtang x2, Yue Mingya x3, limited to fifteen words, mines of mines and sly rockets

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