MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 26

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Not long after, Han Changsheng returned to the mountain with Anyuan. Yue Peng had already heard about what happened at the foot of the mountain. He immediately looked at it and saw the injured Anyuan. He looked like a heartache: "How did you get this?"

Anyuan smiled at him comfortably: "He is at the head, I am fine, but only a flesh wound, but fortunately the master has protected me."

Yue Peng looked at Han Changsheng with surprise. When did this big disciple become so reliable?

Han Changsheng sent Anyuan into the room. Yue Peng ordered the person to go to the doctor. He also asked about the passing of the incident and sent someone to investigate the fact that someone was arrogant about Shanmen.

Not long after, the doctor came, checked the injury of Anyuan, and gave him some medicine for external use.

Yue Peng asked: "Is there any sequelae in my legs?"

The doctor shook his head: "Do not tighten, do not hurt the tendons and bones, rub the medicine on time, it will be better after ten days and a half."

Yue Peng listened to this and let out a sigh of relief.

Han Changsheng has a bitter and deep hatred. Is he lifting his own rock and licking his own feet? He simply did not intend to hurt the dog Xianjun! If the **** catcher clip is arranged by Lu Qingqian, when he returns to Lushan, he must pay Lu Qing money to wash him for half a year of underwear and socks! The mysterious old man will have ten days of life left. Anyuan’s foot was injured. Even if he was driven out of the Yuehua faction, how can he find the mysterious old man? ! This is one of the most important turning points in his life. If the life is delayed, the two black and white impermanences must not be desperately with themselves. !

However, Han Changsheng's sad and annoyed expression fell into the eyes of others, but he became worried about Anyuan's injury.

Anyuan gently held Han Changsheng's hand and smiled: "Master, I am fine. I am very blessed and will soon be better."

Han Changsheng resisted the urge to turn his eyes and sat down at the bed of Anyuan, gently touching his head: "That's good. I will accompany you, change the medicine for you every day, let you get better soon."

Anyuan smiled softly: "Thank you."

Yue Peng saw that his own disciple and two disciples did not know when they became so close, quite strange.

At this time, Anyuan remembered the head standing on the side, busy: "Hey, do you want to teach the master to practice in the afternoon? I am fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Han Changsheng grinned. He didn't want to learn Yuehua's broken swords, so he put on a deep-hearted look staring at Anyuan's eyes: "You are all injured, I still learn martial arts, I will accompany you."

Yue Peng’s face became a bit complicated and hesitated for a moment. He asked, “Kowloon, what have you done recently? Or, who have you seen?”

Han Changsheng groaned, and some worried that Lu Qing’s money to find himself was discovered last night, so he calmed down: "No, what is the head of the door?"

Yue Peng’s face changed again and whispered: “It’s weird.”

After a while, Yue Peng sighed: "Kowloon, the new Yuehua Nine, I will not teach you."

Anyuan stunned and asked: "What happened to the head? Is there any misunderstanding?"

If it is a misunderstanding, Yue Peng thought. His eyes contained emotions such as regret, incomprehension, envy, and sighed again: "Elder Lan Fang told me this morning that he is going to accept Kowloon as his pro-disciple."

For a time, the sound of the entire room quietly falling on the ground can be heard.

Han Changsheng's three souls and six scorpions flew out half, and the whole portrait was like a fixed body. That old guy, want to accept him as a pro-disciple? ! This Yuehua faction is so casual, can you still be better? !

Yue Peng shook his head and looked at Han Changsheng. Recently, their Yuehua faction is very wrong. These are not all around this big apprentice. Since he was a child, he has given his own single-woman Yue Yuer to Anyuan as the son-in-law of the future. Although Yue Yuer did not agree, he has not explicitly opposed it. As long as he is old, he can do a marriage. After returning to the mountain to catch a yin and yang, the Yue Yuer suddenly said that she did not want to marry Anyuan. She also said that if she had to choose a husband in Yuehua, she would rather choose Li Jiulong; in the past, Anyuan was the most disciple. Popular, than the master brother Li Jiulong and prestige, the younger disciples love to run behind his ass. Suddenly, the topic of many young disciples is no longer Anyuan, but becomes Li Jiulong. How the masters were so powerful, the masters seized the yin and yang, and the masters learned the Yunxiao school disciples... In a few days, the prestige of the masters who had not been erected for many years was suddenly erected; Elder Lan Fang is out of the customs. To choose a pro-disciple, whether it is about talent or strength, Anyuan is a well-deserved candidate. Ten years ago, before the retreat of Lan Fang, he had seen Anyuan, boasting the skeleton of this child. Qingqi, the temper is calm, and will become a big tool in the future. I didn't expect this to go out. Suddenly, Li Jiulong, who had never seen him before, was a pro-disciple. What is going on here?

After Anyuan heard about the news, he took a long while and was quite a bit sorry. He has been admiring the elders of Lan Fang for a long time, and has always hoped that one day, the elders of Lan Fang will be able to point out one or two. However, now the elder Lan Fang has already ordered the master to be a pro-disciple, I am afraid he does not have this good luck. But he still smiled happily: "Congratulations to the master." Han Changsheng 10,000 unhappy, resisting the temper to push away: "The head, so honorable, the disciples may not be competent, it is better to ask the old ... Lan Fang elders choose other disciples? ”

Yue Peng laughed and said: "Know that your heart is beautiful, you don't have to be modest. Since it is hand-picked by Lan Lan, you can't change it. Go back and prepare, and go to see Elder Lan Fang in the afternoon."

Han Changsheng almost didn't turn his eyes to the sky. Who is **** and modest? Is he violent now? He is the first demon cult leader, and his hidden identity is already very wrong in this decent, and he has encountered these broken things one after another! Did he come to the right way to learn martial arts? ! Is it coming to the teacher? ! He obviously came to trouble! ! Now there is no chaos, he killed the devil, became a hero who is praised by everyone, and his mother was taken by a legendary elder. If these things are passed out, how can he mix? ! What do the evil forces on the rivers and lakes think about him? ! It’s not a shame! !

Yue Peng is not very happy in his heart. If the elders of Lan Fang had released the words, they would not dare to violate them, otherwise they would like to let Li Jiulong get this opportunity! Yue Peng simply hates not being able to go on his own! The big disciple of Li Jiulong, the heart is actually not good, the martial arts talent is also flat, I really don't know what kind of dog he hit, and unreasonably messed up his plan.

Han Changsheng really wants to leave, but things have reached this point, and the scalp has to continue.

Yue Peng has other things to deal with, and he has to inform other elders, the elders, to accept the disciples, so he only sat for a while and said: "Huangfu, you have a rest, raise your injuries as soon as possible. These days I don't have to practice, other chores and chores will let others handle it for you." Turned to Han Changsheng again, "Kowloon, the elders of Lan Fang are a big event, I originally planned to do a teacher ceremony for you, but Lan Fang The elders don't like these mundane things. He is a cleansing person, so that you can find him before you apply."

Han Changsheng did not know that it was joy or sadness. I couldn’t hide, and before he finished the task of driving away the dog fairy, he went to the old man and swayed. If Yue Peng really got a complicated etiquette, I still don't know how to delay him for a few days.

Han Changsheng had to say: "Thank you for your head, the disciples understand."

Yue Peng nodded and left.

Han Changsheng once again stayed in Anyuan's room for a while. When he saw that he was approaching Shen, Anyuan urged: "People, you should go see the elders of Lan Fang."

Han Changsheng is reluctant to say: "When is the time early, what is urgent?"

Anyuan solemnly said: "Elder Lan Fang is an elder. If you go to the teacher, you should go early. How can you delay? There is not much time. You can go back to the room and change your clothes. Don't slow down the elders."

Han Changsheng said: "But I can't bear the younger brother." I haven't seen your painful and uneasy look. How can I be willing to leave? !

An Yuan stunned and smiled. "You will not come to see me tomorrow. It will be a long time."

Han Changsheng was forced to help, and had to leave, returned to the room to change his clothes, and took out the tools to make up the makeup. This is not anxious to go to the back mountain where the little stinky egg took him last night.

He grinded and smashed until the time of the application, and finally touched the valley that had been there last night. When I was a child last night, I couldn’t see my fingers, so he didn’t see what it was. It’s a surprise to come back today.

This is a peach valley, the valley is quiet, and another stream flows through the valley. Both sides are covered with peach trees. It is full of colorful, birds and flowers, and it is a good place to cultivate. He didn't see people in the valley, he walked in and walked down the stream. The stream is crystal clear, and there are small fish swimming in the water.

"喵~" Suddenly, Han Changsheng heard a cat call behind him.

He turned and saw the little stinky egg standing behind him, staring at him with his head.

Han Changsheng picked up the small stinky egg, and the small stinky egg turned over in his arms, and opened the white flower belly to let him touch.

Han Changsheng dialed the hair on his belly: "Small stinky egg." You can be miserable. I knew that you brought me to see a peerless man, and I went back to bed early.

Suddenly, a full-bodied voice rang in the valley.

"It seems that this kitten really likes you."

Han Changsheng looked up and saw that he had already had an old man with white hair and white hair. He heard this voice, the one who talked to him last night. Although this man had to send all white, but he was kind and good-looking, his body was also very good, and there were not many pleats on his face. It seemed to look like fifty or sixty. It is said that practicing martial arts not only has the effect of strengthening the body, but also delays aging. This is not a false biography. The body of the old man is much younger than his actual age.

This guy should be the elder of Lan Fang.

The author has something to say: thank you sister, Tiantian circle x3, Lingtang x2, letitia, 芷芷, silly white - Nipchu, Thunder, drunk, unknown mine

123 romance has a little secret, the message will automatically jump to the next chapter 哟~