MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 8 sensation

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"Viper Snake!"

Yang Qiquan received a sigh, and his fist slammed out again. This time the fist is no longer straight and straight, but with the characteristics of a viper, it is as hot as lightning.

In Yang Qi's view, Li Fuchen should have eaten any medicinal herbs, which led to the rapid development of the spurs and the sturdy bones. However, the actual combat ability of such people is very poor, and the martial arts estimate is very rough.

Looking at the road fists that came from the face, Li Fuchen picked up his eyebrows, and the other's boxing might not seem weak, but in his eyes, the flaws were numerous, it is estimated that the poisonous snake fist has not yet become a big reason.

The figure was shaking, and Li Fu dust avoided the other's fist, and just as Yang Qi’s fist was on the verge, Li Fu was suddenly bullied.

"You also pick me up."

Li Fuchen’s right palm was on the shoulder of Yang Qi, and his palm was just overbearing, giving him an unstoppable feeling.

"not good."

Yang Qi was in a hurry and quickly blocked the cross arm.


Li Fu's broken stone palm has already become a big success, and the palm power is so overbearing. Yang Qi only feels the arm tingling, and the whole person is regressing, almost sitting on the ground, and the wolf is extremely.

"Yang Qi was repelled? I won't be blind." The people watching the battle were in awe. They wanted to see Li Fu's ugliness. But it was Yang Qi, but all of them were eccentric. .

"Chi Ge."

Guan Mei is also stunned. She can't believe her eyes. Is this still Li Fuchen?

Li Yunhe and Li Yunhai face ugly.

"Yang Qi is good at swordsmanship, and the boxing method is not his long term. This Li Fuchen is looking for bitterness." Li Yunhai pulled his mouth.

"Li float, you are looking for death."

Yang Qi's face is red, he feels that everyone is laughing at him. Before he said how much he said, he was now repulsed by Li Fuchen. This is a shame, a shame that is difficult to wash.


Yang Qi pulled out the long-sword sword, and attacked Li Fuchen with a tricky sword.

Yang Qi’s poisonous snake boxing method has not yet become a small one, but the poisonous snake sword method has become small.

Of course, not everyone like Li Fuchen can cultivate the yellow-level middle-level swordsmanship to the realm of Dacheng in a short period of time.

"Beyond the sword, you are not my opponent."

The long sword is out of the sheath, and Li Fuchen is willing to swing the sword, elegant and confident.


It seems that the venomous snake snake sword method, in front of Li Fuchen's long sword, seems to be pinched seven inches, a little power can not play, and in the eyes of everyone, Yang Qi is like a small insect on the spider web, the more Struggling, the deeper you are bound.

"you lose."

Jianguang flashed, Li Fu's long sword arrived at Yang Qi's throat.

Yang Qi’s whole person seems to be struck by lightning, staying there, and his eyes are not at all.

The sword entered the sheath, and Li Fu was too lazy to say anything against the other side.

This kind of person is not worthy of his arrogance. Before he fails, he can't be a singer. Once he is defeated, it is like the sky is falling. When a person sees himself too heavy, he will fall heavily.

Just as Li Fuqing turned around, Yang Qiqing woke up. He shouted: "I haven't lost yet. You must be swindling and die for me." Yang Qi slashed into Li Fu's vest.

Feeling the biting edge of the attack, Li Fu was angered, and his body shape was like a whirlwind. He was on the front of Yang Qi, and then kicked on the other side's chest, kicking the other side to vomit blood, and passed out on the spot.


The scream of Guan Mei rang through the street.

"He hasn't died yet, close your mouth."

Li Fu Chen looked coldly at Guan Mei, his eyes and the knife, and the sound of Guan Mei stopped abruptly. Li Fu's eyes made her feel fear and fear for the first time.

"Li Fuchen, you are giving Li Jia a sin. Now I have to give Yang a sin and have a chance. If you think you are the son of a patriarch, you can do whatever you want and hurt others at will." In the crowd, Li Yunhai came out to reprimand Road.

"It is a price to pay for the wrong thing. This is a lesson for him. As for you, you are not qualified to teach me." Li Fuchen is not willing to fight back.

"Oh, it seems that you are stunned by the victory, there are people outside, there are days outside, you have no qualifications for this strength, if you are in the family, I will let you know, I am not qualified to teach you."

The tone of Li Fuchen made Li Yunhai angry and laughed. He could not allow Li’s younger generation to dare to attack him.

"Xiaodie, let's go."

Li Fuchen directly regarded Li Yunhai as the air, leaving with Li Xiaodie, leaving a stunned crowd.


Shortly after Li Fuchen left Yunwu City, the entire Yuncheng City was sensational. A year of Li Fuchen was abolished. Not only did the talents recover, it seemed to be more powerful than before. Even Yang Qi, one of the four talented youngest sons of Yang’s family, was stunned by him. past.

It is difficult to get married, but it has inspired Li Fuchen, not only to restore his talent, but also to explode more potential?

Everyone is so guessed.

At the time of dinner, Li Tianhan asked what happened in the city during the day, as Li Fuchen expected. After Li Fuchen explained it, Li Tianhan curiously asked: "Floating dust, you honestly tell me, what strength are you now? ”

Yang Qike is not a general figure, even if it is not comparable to Li’s first day, Li Yunhai, it is not much worse.

Wen Yan, Shen Yuyan is also very curious, their son, more and more mysterious, even their parents can not figure out the situation of Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen drank a soup, full of Sven said: "Hey, mother, I am now practicing the five-fold cultivation of the atmosphere, and the two yellow-level middle-level swords are cultivated to the realm of Xiaocheng, the distance should be Dacheng should Not far away, other martial arts are also like this."

He dare not say that he has cultivated all martial arts into the realm of Dacheng. After all, this is too common sense. It is not the time to tell them.

"Close to the realm of Dacheng?"

Li Tianhan and Shen Yuyan took a breath of cold air, and they had a thought in their minds. Is it that Li Fuchen is a martial genius that Li’s family rarely sees in a hundred years? You must know that even the lower-level martial arts of the Yellow Age want to cultivate to be close to Dacheng. difficult.

"What about Hongyugong?"

Li Tianhan asked again.

Li Fuchen continued to conceal and said: "The fourth layer is the peak."


Li Tianhan and Shen Yuyan couldn't speak for a long time. For a long time, Li Tianhan laughed and said: "There is no such thing as the loss of the horse. It is really like this. It is dusty. From now on, you have to work hard. You may have more hope than Li Yunhai to enter the ancestral hall." ”

"Hey, mother, I will work hard. Entering Yuzong for me, it should be no difficulty."

Li Fuchen is quite confident.

"Come, eat a chicken." Shen Yuyan smiled and gave Li Fu a piece of chicken. The sweetness of the heart was like drinking honey. In this world where the strong is respected, Li Fuchen can enter the ancestral hall and decide Li. The future of the family, her mother, will also follow the light, very few people know that her family is actually a big family, but not in the city of Yunwu.

Every time I go back to my family, everyone will take their children to compare. Although she is not over concerned about whether Li Fuchen has a good future, even if she has no interest, she is also her son, but if it is promising, it is naturally a better thing, her There is also light on the face.