MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 6 Warrior jewelry

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On the uneven mountain, Li Fuchen battled with an iron claw wolf.

The iron claw wolf's defense is much weaker than the iron skeleton, but the iron claw wolf's attack far exceeds the iron skeleton, and the half-foot claws can easily crack the trunk of the tree.


In the splash of Mars, Li Fu's steel sword rubbed the claws of the iron-clawed wolf, and a sword penetrated the throat of the iron-clawed wolf.

"A total of four swords, not bad."

With the experience of dealing with the iron skeleton, Li Fuchen was a lot easier to face the iron claw wolf. He only killed four opponents.

If you let others know, the chin that is expected to be surprised will fall.

Whether it is the iron skeleton or the iron claw wolf, it is quite laborious to deal with the five heavy weapons in the atmosphere. One-on-one, there are not a few practicing Wu Wuwu who dare to kill it. Li Fuchen only hone for a long time and can easily hit. Killing both, the actual combat ability has already taken most of the practicing martial arts out of the street.

Of course, it is impossible to practice the five-level swordsmanship of the middle-level swordsmanship to the realm of Dacheng. Li Fuchen seems to be a five-armed warrior in the atmosphere. Killing the iron claw wolf is not a difficult thing.

Iron skeleton, iron claw wolf, violent bear, gold tattoo...

One day, Li Fuchen killed four brutal first-class mid-level monsters. As for the green-line snake, the low-level first-order low-order monster, Li floats at least a dozen.

With the increase in the number of battles, Li Fuchen's actual combat ability is a thousand miles away. The sword is no longer as exquisite as before, but it is a bit dull.

The sky gradually darkened, and Li Fuchen was on his way back to Li’s home.

The harvest of the day was good. A total of seven low-grade yellow herbaceous plants, twenty iron claw wolves and five demon animal furs were collected, totaling about 20 gold coins.

When I returned to the Li family, the sky was completely darkened, and Li Fuchen planned to deal with the herbs and monster materials tomorrow.

"Floating dust, why are you going today?"

At the table, Li Tianhan asked.

"Hey, I found a place to practice swords."

Li Fuchen did not dare to say that he went to the Yunshan Mountains.

"Oh." Li Tianhan did not suspect him. When he was young, he also liked to find a quiet place to practice swords. He was not used to being in the family.

After dinner, Li Fuchen returned to his house.

Sitting on the futon in the cultivation room, Li Fuchen first operated the fifth layer of red jade work, and then took out a jade bottle and poured a medicinal medicine into the mouth from the bottle.

The medicinal herb is a yellow-grade low-grade medicinal aura, one worth twenty gold coins.

In addition to relying on talent, military practitioners must rely on resources.

With sufficient resources, it will be much faster to cultivate, but it will not work by resources. If the state of mind cannot keep up, it will be stuck in a certain realm for a long time.

After the refining of the apothecary medicinal force, Li Fuchen obviously felt that his cultivation had been improved a little, and it was getting closer and closer to the peak of the five-point training.

Early the next morning, Li Fuchen came to the city.

Refining demon pavilion.

"Floating dust master, iron claw wolf paw one I will give you a silver coin price, twenty is two gold coins, four monster skins, among which the golden leopard's fur is precious, worth two gold coins, followed by violent bears The value is one gold and five silver, the iron claw wolf is one gold and two silver, the iron bone is a gold coin, and the total is seven gold and seven silver. How do you see it?"

The treasurer's shopkeeper looked at the material on the counter and opened the door.


Li Fuchen nodded, and the Refining Club was his Li family's industry, and the price would naturally be fairer than other homes.

Leaving the refining demon, Li Fushi came to his own herb shop and sold seven yellow-grade low-grade herbs. He sold a total of eleven gold coins.

It’s almost noon at the moment, and it’s too late to go to the Yunshan Mountains. After all, he has to come back in the evening, and it takes two hours to go back and forth.

Nothing to do, Li Fuchen began to wander around the city of Yunwu.

Since the loss of talent, Li Fuchen has not visited this familiar city for a year.

Unconsciously, Li Fuchen came to the Treasure Pavilion.

This is a jewellery shop, but it is a martial arts jewelry, and the martial arts jewelry can assist the military to practice.

The treasures of the people come and go, the business is very good, and the people who come in and out are basically practicing the martial arts. Occasionally, there will be returning to the Yuan martial arts to see.

"Floating dust brother!"

Shortly after Li Fuchen entered, a twin voice sounded behind his back.

"Little butterfly."

Li Fuchen turned his head and saw a beautiful girl.

Li Xiaodie, Li Jiazhi's son, the status of his parents is not high, Li Fuchen can remember her, because in the year when he lost his talent, Li Xiaodie once encouraged him, and his heart is very kind.

"I heard that the dusty brother's talent has recovered, and Xiaodie is here to congratulate." Li Xiaodie smiled sweetly.

Li Fuchen laughed: "This is thanks to your encouragement."

"Floating dust brother laughed, what is the use of my encouragement." Li Xiaodie looked serious.

Li floats: "You should come to the treasure chest to see the jewelry, let's go see it first."

"The dusty brother doesn't bother."

Li Xiaodie really came to see jewelry. As early as a few months ago, she took a fancy bracelet, but her gold coins were not enough, and it took a few months, plus parents gave a little gold coin, and finally got enough. .

The treasures of Zhenbaoge are of extraordinary value. Li Fuchen observed that the lowest price of a piece of jewelry has twenty gold coins, which are slightly more expensive, with five or sixty gold coins, and the innermost ones, up to one hundred or even hundreds of gold coins. .

"Take this ring and show it to me."

In front of the innermost crystal booth, Li Fuchen saw a blue crystal ring. This blue crystal ring is very beautiful. The ring is silver-gold, the blue crystal is oval, and the small finger is small in size, glittering with brilliant brilliance.

The clerk knew Li Fushi, heard the words and quickly took out the blue crystal ring and handed it to him. Then he introduced: "The young master of the dust, this blue crystal ring is the new product of our treasure chest. The blue crystal above the ring has reached a high level, gathering the strength of the world. The effect is very good, the ring itself is also made of cold iron, very strong."

Li Fuchen looked at the blue crystal ring and nodded secretly.

Blue crystal is a vitality crystal, which has the effect of gathering the strength of the heavens and the earth. According to the strength of the effect, it is divided into four levels: low-level, intermediate-level, advanced and top-level. In Yuncheng City, the high-grade crystal has been extremely rare. As for the top-grade crystal, there is no price. City, you can buy it if you want to buy it.

"I just have to look at it and buy it later."

This blue crystal ring requires three hundred gold coins. Li Fuchen did not have any money before, and there were only a few dozen gold coins in the whole body.

Although the clerk did not say anything, but the eyes flashed a trace of contempt, they said that Li Jiali floating dust is a waste, I did not expect it to be a poor ghost, as a large family of young masters, even three hundred gold coins are not, compared to the other three The young master of the big family is simply unexploded.

"Isn't it only 50 hardware coins last month? How did it rise to seventy gold coins?"

"This bracelet is already the last one, and 70 gold coins are fair."

"But I don't have so many gold coins now, can I owe money first?"

"Sorry, this store is not credited."

At the door of the store, Li Xiaodie talked with the clerk, and the clerk's tone was a little impatient.

"Xiaodie, what's wrong?" Li Fuchen walked over.

Li Xiaodie glanced at the bracelet with three spar in his face and shook his head: "Floating dust, nothing."

"How much gold is still missing, is that enough?"

Li Fuchen glanced at the bracelet on the clerk's hand. This is a very beautiful bracelet. The color of the chain is blue. It is embellished with three low-grade crystals, which are red, yellow and blue. They are all beautiful and beautiful. The gold coins were all smashed out and stuffed into Li Xiaodie’s hand. He said, “This is the last one. If you miss it, you may have missed it.”

"Floating dust brother."

Li Xiaodie is very embarrassed and looks hesitant.

"Buy it! I will be in the future."

Li floating dust swings his hand.

"Floating dust, I will definitely pay you back."

Li Xiaodie likes this bracelet too much. It is not only beautiful but also practical. Under Li Fuchen’s persuasion, she took fifteen gold coins from Li Fuchen’s gold coins, plus her own fifty-five gold coins, bought it. The bracelet, the remaining gold coins were returned to Li Fuchen.

Looking at the beautiful bracelet in his hand, Li Xiaodie’s eyes were stunned and looked very excited.

"I want this bracelet."

Just then, a delicate palm grabbed the bracelet from Li Xiaodie's hand.

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