MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 1287 Temptation

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Amazing beast Dan, four-star high-end Shen Dan.

Like the refining purple pole beast, the first furnace, Li Fuchen refining, all of them are the ultimate gods of the first and second class. When they reach the fifth furnace, they can all be refined into the ultimate level nine gods.

Next, Li Fuchen began to refine the variegated beast.

There are many kinds of variants of the beasts, and they have reached more than a dozen. They are really the same as their names.

However, Li Fushi still quickly judged that the milky white variant has changed the effect of the common mutant beast, and the other variants are abrupt, and the efficacy is unknown.

After swallowing thirty milky white variants, the Warrior Tiger broke through again.

After a small half day, the battle of the fierce tiger became the upper mythical beast.

"Little tiger, you and me will fight one game." Li Fuchen pulled the fighting spirit into the time and space created by himself.

The breakthrough is the battle of the upper-class mythical beast. It is extremely powerful. The golden light emitted from the body is indestructible. Li Fuchen estimates it. Even if he stands still, the powerful Xuanzhu is difficult to break open in a short time. As for the golden light ball ejected in his mouth, the power is even more terrifying, almost annihilating all the mysterious power of a medium-sized master.

"It is a fight against the soul of the tiger, the strength is ten times more powerful than the general powerful Xuanzhu, enough to rank in the top ten on the hot home of the furnace city." The character on the Xuanzhu list of the furnace city, Li Fuchen also I have seen some, most of them are not as good as fighting.

In comparison, the fur is somewhat inferior.

However, this can't blame Mao. As an eight-star god, once he grows up, 10,000 fights and souls can't match. Unfortunately, he takes too long to grow up. Li Fuchen plans to watch See, is there any way to help Mao Mao advance in advance.

The day of the Dan.

Li Fuchen's inn courtyard.

The two released their respective gods.

Today's three-color beast is already a metaphysical beast, and the body is very solid, not at all like a breakthrough.

Nangong Feifeng said with excitement: "You gave me the variation of the purple **** beast Dan is very powerful, only took 20, Xiaoqi broke through, and the foundation is very solid, not at all vain, then, break through to the upper mysterious beast It is not a problem at all."

"Nature is not a problem, my little tiger is an example." Li Fuchen laughed.


Nangong Feifeng carefully looked at the fighting spirit, for a long time, she nodded, fighting the soul of the soul of the tiger, not the last solid, but also absolutely not vain, it is obvious that the foundation has not been affected.

Looking at Nangong Feifeng, Li Fuchen frowned: "When your Xiaoqi breakthrough becomes the upper-class mythical beast, your level will not keep up."

Now the abyss invasion, a subordinate mysterious god, basically has no self-protection ability, it is not feasible to protect itself by the gods.

Nangong Feifeng reluctantly said: "There is no way, the Protoss breakthrough, we must step by step, first of all, the rule realm should be upgraded. Otherwise, even if it is promoted, it does not make sense, it will only destroy the future."

Her current rule of realm has broken through to the level of the metaphysical gods, but suffers from the best gods who do not improve the realm of life, ordinary **** Dan, she does not want to take, erysipelas too much, and need to take many pieces to be effective.

"What is the realm of your current realm?" asked Li Fuchen.

Nangong Feifeng Road: "The median mysterious god, just broke through."

"You first promoted to the median mysterious **** and said that there is a variation of the gods that can enhance the realm of life. The efficacy is not worse than the best Shen Dan. In addition, there are some variants of Shen Dan that can enhance understanding." The dust handed the other party a space ring.

Comprehension can also be improved, but ordinary Shendan's efficacy is too poor, and the savvy improvement is limited. Only the mutant Shendan and the best **** Dan are useful.

In fact, if you don't create some mysterious skills, even if you upgrade to a higher level, the strength will be limited. Otherwise, Li Fuchen is completely sure. In a short time, Nangong Feifeng will be promoted to the upper level.

However, such a Nangong Feifeng is estimated to be the weakest upper-minded god, and even some of the median mysterious gods can't beat it.

After all, Nangong Feifeng, combined with the three lower-level mysterious skills.

It’s good in the lower mysterious god. It’s a joke when you get the upper god.

As Nangong Feifeng said, there is no way, these can only rely on themselves.

"Thank you." Nangong Feifeng was welcome. He took it down and then handed the space ring in his hand to Li Fuchen. "The Danfang here is all the non-passenger of my Nangong family. Samsung Shen Dan Dan Fang to the five-star Shen Dan Dan Fang, there are, and even a six-star Shen Dan Dan Fang, if I die in the hands of the demon army, you should not worry that your little tiger can not quickly upgrade the level."

Li Fuchen didn't know what to say, and the other party seemed to trust him too much, but Li Fuchen knew that he couldn't refuse, and it would have cooled the other's heart.

In the following days, Li Fuchen cultivated the martial art of his own martial art while practicing the ultimate level of the lower kendo field.

In any case, strong self is a must, if you are not strong enough, talking about nothing is useless.

As for the Danfang that Nangong Feifeng gave him, he plans to have time to study again. Anyway, it is not used now.

Outside the city, the roaring of the sky, the demon army once again attacked.

The killing is extremely fierce. The demon army wins in a large number. On the protoss side, there is a demon shop. If there are enough demon points, they can exchange some things they want.

Especially the gods, very popular, Li Fuchen saw, some protoss around, followed by several gods, all kinds of.

Looking at the Nangong Feifeng, Li Fuchen nodded secretly. As the second lady of the Nangong family, there are still many good things in Nangong Feifeng, such as the gods, such as the gods, plus the promotion to the top of the mysterious beast. The color beast and her original **** pet purple bird, Nangong Feifeng is actually relatively safe, unless she is really bad luck, met a five-level demon.

The war did not last for many days, and the furnace city of the Protoss was very relaxed. It felt like the invasion of the abyss.

Only a few people know that the easier it is, the less likely it is to be a good thing.

A sword broke the soul and the fire broke out. Li Fuchen also created the twenty-fifth extreme level of the upper martial art, and the martial art metaphysical index reached 25 trillion.

It is hard to imagine that a top-ranking mysterious **** can be integrated into the twenty-five-door mysterious gods.

We must know that many of the upper-class mysterious gods can't create the mysterious gods at all. Even if they are the mid-level mysterious gods, they can only create a few doors.

Incorporating the twenty-five extremes of the upper-level martial arts, how powerful is the martial art, Li Fuchen himself is not very clear, anyway, now, he only needs a sword, he can easily kill most of the five-level lower demons, and more swords Any five-level demon can't hold on.

Even the five-level mid-level demon, Li Fuchen has killed several, although more difficult.

Devil's shop, Li Fuchen came again.

Now he has more than 200 billion demon points in his demon point collector.

This time he came to exchange the skills of the middle kendo field.

Now his strength is divided into two levels. If you use the ultimate level of martial arts and magical skills created by yourself, you can kill a few lower-level demons with one sword. If you use the lower kendo domain skills, you can kill them with a sword. Most of the five lower demons, in addition to this, can barely kill some of the weaker five-level median demons.

If he can learn a middle kendo domain skill, he can raise his strength to three levels.

At that time, any five-level demon is not the enemy of his sword.

Killing the five-level mid-level demon will also be a lot easier.

The domain is very expensive.

The general-level median domain is worth 5 billion devils, the middle class is 7 billion, the excellent class is 10 billion, the perfect class is 25 billion, and the ultimate level is 50 billion.

Li Fuchen directly exchanged a perfect level and an extreme level, which cost a total of 750 billion.

"The Devil's Store, why there is no such thing as a soul."

Li Fuchen feels a pity.

With the successive upgrades of the level of cultivation, his spirit level has reached the level of the middle level god. If you can cultivate a powerful soul and spirit, it is easy to deal with the upper domain **** and the fifth level superior demon.

God's soul is the weakness of all people. This is beyond doubt.

Of course, in addition to the soul repair and some devils who are good at playing with the soul.

In a time and space, three-color beasts and fighting wars are fighting.

Both are promoted to the top of the mysterious beast, there is no gap in the level.

After watching it for a while, Nangong Feifeng had to admit that the three-color beast was fighting in the battle. It was not as good as fighting the tiger. If it wasn’t for the fighting, the three-color beast had already been injured.

Of course, the reason why the three-color beast is precious is not its combat power, but the healing ability, early warning ability and combat ability. All three are first-class.

"You said, my third **** is to choose the combat type, or choose the defensive type, or choose the average type of ability." Nangong Feifeng asked Li Fuchen.

As a genius of the beastmaster, she can conclude a pet contract with many beasts.

"Defensive!" Li Fuchen suggested.

Whether it is a tri-color beast or a purple-light bird, they are all offensive gods. Nangong Feifeng lacks a strong defensive god.

"Well, I listen to you." Nangong Feifeng had his own idea.

The middle kendo field is not the master of the kendo field. The cultivation is extremely difficult. Until the demon army once again attacked, Li Fuchen did not cultivate into the realm of Xiaocheng.

However, the rules of time and space and the power of time and space have finally broken through.

From the lower mysterious god, to the median mysterious god.

The reason why it can be broken is because there are a few magical techniques in the Devil's Store.

However, the current Li Fuchen is no longer the former Li Fuchen. The space-time rules and the space-time mysterious power of the metaphysical gods are not ineffective, but they play very little role. After all, Li Fuchen is now a five-level demon.

Unless the rules of time and space and the power of time and space, it can break through to the upper level of the mysterious god, the same as the kendo.

"No hurry, take your time."

In fact, if Li Fuchen is fully committed to the practice of time and space, the progress will be hundreds of times hundreds of times faster, but he is majoring in kendo. All of them are mainly kendo, and others are supplemented, unless there is a chance to appear.

The same is true of the rules of shattering and the destruction of mysterious power.

The last Xiaochan shattered stone was too small. If it could be bigger, his rule of shattering and shattering the mysterious power would not be difficult to upgrade to the upper level.

The power of the rule of destruction is faintly overriding most of the top rules, even the rules of time and space are not as good.

"Is it still tempted?"

Looking at the demon army and the sixth-level demon who once again retired, the brows of the stove king wrinkled.

Last time, this time, the six-level demon that came is a six-level demon who is good at speed. It seems to be to observe the furnace city.

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