MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 1274 Primary election

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There are still three days to go from the four-star Dan God Congress. León lets the three relax, not too nervous.

To be honest, Situ Dan was a little nervous. Although he has already participated in one session, but who is close to the competition, who can be nervous.

There is also a snowy month, and she ranked 49th in the last session.

This ranking is definitely not low, so this time, she can't be lower than forty-nine.

Compared with the two, Li Fuchen is very easy.

Dan Dao, for him, even the repairs are not counted, at most, only play, maybe some day will give up.

Alone, Li Fuchen went out to eat.

Danishe, the most famous Danish restaurant in Furnace City.

The so-called Dan meal, in fact, is the addition of Shen Dan in the ingredients, so that you can enjoy the delicious, but also nourishing effect.

Danishe has a total of nine floors, the first six floors, open to the outside, the seventh to the ninth floor, only the distinguished people can come up.

As a four-star high-end gold god, Li Fushi is still qualified to go up.

On the eighth floor of Dankang Pavilion, Li Fuchen enjoyed the Dan meal by the window.

"It is actually used to integrate the four-star **** Dan, and it is still so delicious." Li floats the dust.

For him, sometimes eating local food is also a very enjoyable thing.

"It's you?"

The footsteps sounded, and a bright woman walked up and saw Li Fuchen, some strange.

"It's a coincidence." Li floated a smile and continued to enjoy the food.

"It's really a strange person." Huang Yi thinks that she is not a person who loves performance. Others don't notice her, she is most comfortable.

But to be honest, she was the first to see her, not at all concerned about her.

The other party really does not care, there is no half-false, nor is it a desire.

Her instincts are never wrong.

Looking for a place to sit down, Huang Yu will see Li Fu from time to time, she admitted that she was somewhat attracted by Li Fuchen.

Because she was curious about Li Fuchen.

Curiosity is the first step to being attracted.

The footsteps sounded and another ‘acquaintance’ appeared. It was Murong flying.

She saw Li Fuchen and saw Huang Yu.

"Really, I can see you here." Murong flew to Li Fuchen.

Li Fushi said: "Dan Tiange is so famous, it seems that everyone is coming."

"Can I sit at your table?" Murong fluttered and asked.

Li Fuchen nodded. "Yes, I am almost finished eating anyway."

Wen Yan, Murong flying dumb.

To be honest, if it is not for the old guys to shut up, she will not be so active.

She is a fan of flying, or she does not choose a Taoist, she wants to choose a Taoist, and she chooses the best.

Li Fuchen is not the best, she does not know, she only knows that Li Fuchen has that potential, first booked and said.

Li Fuchen left, leaving Huang Rong and Murong flying to eat Dan Shan alone.

On the street, Li floated a smile.

What is the Taoist, there is enough light dance.

Therefore, no matter how good the two women are, his heart will not be shaken.

His goal is to be the peak of Kendo, and he can indulge in the love of his children every day.

Back to the inn, Li Fuchen continued to practice the Tianjian Star.

The more martial arts in this kendo field, the more he cultivates, the more he feels his power.

And with the increase of the fire of the Tianjian Star, Li Fuchen feels the realm of the Kendo rule, and there are signs of loosening.

You must know that the realm of his kendo rules has reached the top of the mysterious gods, and further, that is the realm of the domain gods.

Three days passed by, and the four-star Dan God Conference began.

In the main hall of the furnace, thousands of conference players gathered.

Everyone is passionate and one is nervous and excited.

“Look, it’s the people of Shendan City. I heard that every four-star Dan God Congress, there will be dozens of people in Shendan City.”

"Shendan City is the first Dandao Shencheng in the northern land. It is normal to have so many Dandao geniuses."

In the discussion of the crowd, an old man appeared in front.

"This four-star Dan God Congress rules, can only use four-star Shenhuo and four-star alchemy furnace, violators, directly disqualification." The old reminded everyone.

It is said that everyone is indifferent, this is not the rules of this time, but the rules of the past, they all know.

The old man said again: "At the Dan God Congress, Dan Tao treasures are not allowed to be used. Violators are also disqualified."

In the past, this kind of thing has not happened.

After saying a lot of words, the old man began to get to the point. "The first round is the primary election. At your fastest speed, you will refine a four-star low-end Shendan. We will use your speed and location. Refining the difficulty of Shen Dan, ranking, the first one, directly advance, and I want to remind you that the refining time should not exceed one hour, otherwise, even if you rank within a thousand, it will be eliminated, now the primary election begins, Everyone works hard."

Said, the old man retreated to the side, secretly observed.


The sound of the alchemy furnace floor sounded, many people have come up with their own four-star alchemy furnace.

"Just refine the dark mystery!"

Li floats the dark road.

In the four-star low-end Shen Dan, the dark Xuan Dan belongs to the Shen Dan, which is more difficult to refine. The difficulty level has reached six.

Li Fuchen does not want to overturn the ship in the gutter, because the refining of the gods is too difficult, except for a thousand, although this possibility is very low.

Unlike Li Fuchen, most of the others chose Xuan Li Dan or Xuan Mai Dan.

These two four-star low-order Shen Dan, one refining difficulty is second-class, one is third-class, belonging to the road goods, the difficulty is extremely low.

At the beginning of alchemy, Li Fuchen put the materials of the refining and dark Xuan Dan into the ancient Xuan Lian Dan furnace and quickly refine it.

At the same time, Li Fuchen was also secretly observing everyone.

"Hey, it's just a primary election. If you don't need to expose too much strength, you can choose the five-level difficulty of Xuan Dan!" Black Dan Xuan Shen Zhou Ming secretly.

There are many people who have an idea with Black Dan.

After all, the primary election is only a primary election. The first one can be promoted. There is no need to be too serious.

Therefore, Tiandan Xuan Shen chose Mingmeng in the sixth-class difficulty in Mingguang, and Huangjing chose the pure light **** Dan of the fifth-class difficulty. Murong Feiwu chose the flying body Dan of the sixth-class difficulty, and the selection of the eternal Dan Shen Yangming. It is a gasification of the fifth-class difficulty.

Black Dan Xuan Shen Zhou Ming's alchemy speed is very fast, and the explosion of Xuan Dan material is desperately rolling in the alchemy furnace, like a big whirlpool, surrounded by thirty-six small vortexes in the maelstrom.

Over time, thirty-six small vortexes gradually shrink.

Tiandan Xuan Shen is in Mingguang, and he is the first in two sessions. His alchemy technique is nothing special, but it gives people a feeling of running in the mountains. Everything is so smooth and without any obstruction.

The phoenix refining Shen Dan is going to be overbearing. She throws a lot of materials into the alchemy furnace, and then the flames burn out and quickly remove the impurities.

In short, compared with the appearance, Huang Hao refines Shen Dan overbearing, but hegemony has a sense of beauty, rhythm, rather than blindly overbearing, rough and unbearable.

In comparison, Murong flying to refine the gods and gods will have more spirituality. She is practicing the five elements of the rules, incorporating the magical rules of the five elements, in her hands like a flame elf, with her own breathing and life.

The most amazing thing is the infinite alchemy technique of Zhang Yangming, the **** of the Promise, and he cultivated the rules of yin and yang. He split the fire into two, the left hand fire is yin, the right hand is fire, and under a stir, there is a black one in the alchemy furnace. White two different colors of fire, these two kinds of fire are like two fish, connected end to end, you chase me, I chase you, and the material in the alchemy furnace becomes the nutrients of both, swallowed by both, spit It comes out with the purest essence.

"It is a four-star Dan God Congress. It can be a generation. It seems that if you want to get a good ranking, you must be serious." Li Fu's alchemy technique is much simpler. It is quick and accurate, and the palms are producing a lot of illusions, as if There are countless hands in the material, the standard is not bad, there is no mistake, the sly is crisp and neat, without hesitation and delay.

Watching him alchemy is like watching him practicing a sword, being extremely fierce, and sealing his throat.

"I'm ready."

In less than a quarter of an hour, some people refining a four-star low-end Shendan.

"Grass Xuan Dan Shen Xiaoming, second-class difficulty Xuan Li Dan, with twenty-five minutes, the grade is superior."

There are four moments in one hour and thirty minutes in one moment.

Although the speed of Cao Xuan Dan Shen Alchemy is extremely fast, the refining is the second-class difficulty Xuan Li Dan.

According to the primary selection rules, refining the Shen Dan of the first and second difficulty, the scores are Ding, the difficulty of the 3rd and 4th, etc., the score is C, the difficulty of the 5th and 6th, the score is B, and so on. Seven and eight are class A, and nine are super class A.

In the short time, dozens of people refined the gods, but they were all gods of the second and third difficulty.

"Jian Dan Xuan Shen Li floating dust, six difficult difficulty Xuan Dan, with twenty-seven points, grade B superior."

Li Fu's alchemy speed is very fast, this is the situation he deliberately suppressed, otherwise, it will not be a small time.

"Tian Dan Xuan Shen is in Mingguang, and the six-level difficulty declares Dan. It takes thirty-five minutes and the grade B is superior."

Although I didn't get a grade A score, Yu Mingguang didn't care. This is just a primary election. It doesn't have to be so serious. Generally speaking, if you can achieve a grade of medium grade, you can pass the primary election.

"Feng Dan Xuan Shen Huang Yu, five-level difficulty net light Shen Dan, with 35 points, grade B grade."

"The spirit of the mysterious **** Murong flying dance, six difficulty flying in the Dan, using 40, the grade B grade."

"Black Dan Xuan Shen Zhou Ming, the fifth-class difficulty bursts Xuan Dan, used forty-one points, grade B grade."

"The Promise of the Dan God Zhang Yangming, the fifth-class difficulty, a gasification of Xuan Dan, with a time of forty-two points, grade B superior."

Everyone's alchemy speed is very fast, basically between the middle and the middle, and it is certain that this is definitely not the full strength of everyone.

When an hour passed, the people behind were directly eliminated, but the number of people who scored was over a thousand. At this time, it was everyone’s achievement.

Li Fuchen is not the first person to complete alchemy, but the results are the first. Others are basically in the top ten and twenty, with the same grades. They are ranked according to the difficulty of the selected Shendan refining and the time spent. .

So the same is the second grade, there is also a difference.

"I didn't think I took the first place casually." Li Fuchen was speechless.

He just didn't want to overturn the ship in the gutter.

Of course, he also knows that as long as it is a powerful conference player, he has not come up with all the strengths. The reason why the scores are high or low, in addition to hiding the strength of the strength, is also related to his own alchemy techniques.

Some alchemy techniques are doomed to make alchemy very fast.

For example, Tiandan Xuan Shen is in Mingguang. His alchemy technique is like flowing water in the mountains. It is very smooth, so the speed of alchemy is very fast, even if he is refining the Shen Dan Xuan Ming Dan.

All in all, the primary election does not mean anything at all. The strength of everyone is generally only seen in the election, but to see the full strength, only in the final ranking.

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