MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 1262 Black Dragon Battlegear

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The auction will start soon, and Li Fuchen will participate as scheduled.

It can be found that the participants in the auction are all mysterious gods, and the domain gods are basically not.

Think about it too, what is the identity of the domain gods, what the mysterious gods look at, they simply do not care.

The auctions they attended were all top auctions.

To enter the auction, it is necessary to pay the included fees, one person and one hundred million Chinese stone.

This is mainly because there are too many mysterious gods who want to enter the auction. If they are all put in, the auction will not be held normally.

One hundred million Chinese stone, enough to stop the ninety-nine.

After all, the home of the next mysterious god, the great tens of billions of Chinese stone, the 100 million Chinese stone is not a small number for them.

And 100 million Chinese stone can only sit in the ordinary seat, there is a medium seat on the ordinary seat, worth 500 million Chinese stone, high seat 3 billion Chinese stone, VIP room 10 billion Chinese stone.

As for the supreme private room above the VIP room, there is no stone to buy, these are for the big man or the mysterious master.

Li Fuchen can't tell others that he is a mysterious master, and even if he tells, no one believes.

So he bought a VIP room.

The VIP room is not only a VIP room, but also has a separate space, but also arranged a gods, according to the introduction of the auctioneers, this gods, there are defense gods, there are soundproof gods, there are anti-exploration gods and so on.

In short, staying in the VIP room, safely, even if it is Xuanzhu, I will not want to force the VIP room for a while.

As for the 10 billion Chinese stone, expensive is expensive, but who cares, generally choose the VIP room of the VIP room, the level is at least the upper mysterious god, the upper body of the mysterious god, less than a few trillions of trillions of dollars The spirits of the gods are not equal, and they can still accept the 10 billion Chinese stone.

If they choose a higher seat or a cheaper medium seat, they will only be ridiculed by other superiors and think that he is a poor ghost.

In general, the mysterious **** can not afford to lose this face.

The auction has not yet begun. There are beautiful women dancing in the VIP room. On the case in front of Li Fuchen, there is a plate of fruit snacks. These fruit snacks are of great value, and the spirits can't afford it.

"There is strength, there is a **** stone, it is called to enjoy life!"

Li floats very well.

People live in the world, they want to relax, they can't be tight, and the effect is not good.

The beauty dissipated, the waiters left, and the auction began.

The auctioneer was a gray-haired old man. He gently licked his voice and said some scenes before he started to present the first auction item.

"The first auction item, the five-star low-end flame 傀儡, the starting price, five trillion Chinese stone, each increase, not less than one trillion yuan of Chinese stone."


Below, everyone was shocked, one by one is a big mouth, can not speak, and then, the sound of horror broke out.

"This is too exaggerated! Although the first auction item of the auction is usually an extremely precious treasure, but it is rare to come out with such precious things. The price of the five-mega literary stone is basically a mega-value. Auction item."

"Great, unfortunately, this is not something we can compete. It is estimated that only those who have the capital will compete."

There are many people talking.

"Five-star low-order flames."

Li Fuchen was also shocked.

The five-star low-order flame 傀儡, this is equivalent to the powerful existence of the lower domain god.

Although 傀儡 is always only awkward, ten five-star low-order 傀儡, are unlikely to be the lower domain **** opponents, but at least can compete with the lower domain gods one or two, as for dealing with mysterious gods, it is simple, casually, can be extinguished Kill any mysterious god, including the mysterious master.

"Do you want to compete?"

Li floating dust is somewhat moving.

There are more than one hundred and thirty trillion of fine stone in his body. Under normal circumstances, he can win a five-star low-order flame.

"No, still forget it, you can use foreign objects, but you can't rely too much on foreign objects, and when I am promoted to the next mysterious god, my strength is enough to be invincible. In time, there may not be a battle with the five-star low-order. strength."

Li floats more consideration.

First, he is now only the upper spirit, he has the strength of a powerful martial art, and when he is promoted to the lower mysterious god, he is integrated into a variety of median metaphysical skills. His strength will produce a qualitative leap, and the five-star low-order 傀儡The gap is not too big.

Second, the medium-sized kendo magical technique he created is now the ultimate level. It is not far from the upper martial art.

Third, he also has some four-star low-end supernatural grasses, which can be used to refine the blood of Dan.

Of course, this is still a little far away. First of all, he is not a four-star low-ranking Shen Dan teacher, not even a four-star low-ranking Dan god. He does not want to refine the ordinary hundred hydrant blood Dan. At the very least, we must refine the blood of the perfect level of smelting, otherwise it will be too wasteful.

With the blood of Dan Bai, he can break his life from the lower **** to the middle god. By that time, the so-called five-star low-level 傀儡 is not a big deal.

Fourth, before refining the blood dan of the hundred refining, he needs to find a four-star sacred fire. Without the four-star sacred fire, the difficulty of refining the four-star sacred **** will increase many times.

In comparison, Samsung's high-level Shenhuo glass fire level is somewhat low.

In the end, Li Fuchen gave up the offer and let others compete.

"Six trillion." "Seven trillion." "Ten trillion."...

Just a few breaths, the price of the five-star low-end flame 冲 broke through ten trillion.

The five-star low-order flame is too attractive. With him, any mysterious master will not be an opponent.

"It's really rich."

Li Fuchen felt that he had looked down on Xuanzhu.

Where does he know that not everyone is like him, the time of cultivation is very short, these mysterious masters, young and talented, have at least cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, and they have lived for tens of millions of years. It is.

For such a long time, the accumulated wealth is naturally very much.

As for the mysterious master, these people are too long to live, and the speed of earning the **** stone is too slow, a hundred times slower than the mysterious master. The two cannot be compared.

"Five trillion."

Someone added directly to fifteen trillion.

This is almost the limit of many mysterious masters.

The offer is a powerful master.

Generally speaking, only a powerful master can easily quote a dozen or so megabytes.

"16 megabytes."

Another powerful mysterious man joined in.

After a while, the five-star low-order flame was swept away by a powerful master with a price of twenty trillion.

Seriously, this is not very high.

However, this is a no-brainer. The five-star low-order 傀儡, the domain **** can not see, the sacred master who can see it, there is no possibility of unlimited stone, so the final price can be achieved, entirely by luck.

If there are a few very rich and powerful Xuanzhu competitions, let alone 20 trillion, even 30 trillion 40 trillion is not a problem.

The first auction item sensationalized the audience, and the second auction item was relatively mediocre thousands of times.

"The lower Xuan Shen technique seal stone iron steel boxing seal stone, starting price..."

This auction item is basically prepared for the next god.

The Chinese **** can not be seen.

"The twelfth auction item, Samsung's middle-level **** cremation, the starting price..."

God fire?

Li Fu's eyes are bright, and there may be more advanced fires appearing behind him, which makes him look forward to it.

"Perfect level median artifact armor, starting price..."

As the auctioneer's voice fell, someone began to quote quickly.

No matter what, once it reaches perfection, it is a good thing.

The perfect level of the metaphysical armor, the power defense is comparable to the ordinary level of the mysterious artifact armor.

The key point is that it has not been used by the mysterious artifacts, and it can be used for a long time. This is an advantage that cannot be ignored.

"The eighty-eighth auction item, the perfect level of the upper-class Xuan artifact light armor Black Dragon armor, starting price of 50 trillion Chinese stone."

Finally, an auction item of interest to Li Fuchen appeared.

He can't count on it, and there will be a top-level upper-class artifact armor.

The ultimate level of mysterious artifacts, can not be met, now if you give up, it is likely to regret later.

"Five fifteen trillion."

"Six trillion."

"Seventy trillion."

"80 trillion."

Black Dragon Battle Armor is very popular, there are many people bidding, but most of them are below the level of Xuan.

Xuanzhu generally have their own mysterious artifact armor.

"One trillion." Li Fu is rich in money and is directly added to one trillion.

"One hundred and ten trillion."

Raising his hand, the voice of Li Fuchen came out through the sound of the sound of the gods, "two billion."

"What, two billion, is it a mysterious master."

Two trillions is not a small number, and most of the top-ranking gods are worth hundreds of trillions of trillions.

"Three billion." This offer is a powerful master.

"Four trillions."

Li Fuchen did not hesitate.

"Five trillion." The other party continued to quote.

"Six trillion." Li Fuchen also followed the markup.

"Is these two people crazy? Six billion yuan to buy a top-level Xuan artifact armor, although it is a perfect level of the mysterious artifact armor."

"There is a stone that is self-willed, and when can we be so capricious."

Everyone is talking about it.

"Damn!" In a VIP room, a gray-haired young man with a lot of gray scales on his face squats. If the mysterious **** who lives in Baoguangxing is here, he will recognize it. The gray-haired youth is called gray scale. Xuanzhu.

His total net worth is more than one trillion, and six trillion is not a small amount.

The most important thing is that he also has an excellent level of upper-class mysterious armor. Although there is a gap between the perfect level and the top-level armor, the gap is not too big.

"Don't let me know who you are."

The gray scale Xuanzhu gave up the bid.

In the end, Li Fuchen won the Black Dragon Battle Armor at a super high price of 60 billion.

However, Li Fuchen is not uncomfortable. In addition to the more than 130 trillion in the Nangong family, he is in the small secret, but he also gets a lot of Chinese stone.

These accidental wealth, all useless do not need heartache.

“It’s not the perfect level of the top-level artifact.”

The black dragon armor arrived, Li Fu's spiritual power poured into it, began to perceive the mystery of the Black Dragon armor.

In addition to strong defense, the Black Dragon Battlegear can also inspire the Black Dragon Bodyguard.

This is equivalent to two more layers of protection.

"The mysterious artifact has a armor, and now there is still a mysterious artifact."

The Soul Sword in Li Fu's hand, only used for a short period of time, but there is no way, his strength is progressing too fast, the Soul Sword can't keep up with his pace, he needs a more powerful Xuan artifact long sword.