MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 1260 Thirteen Spiritual Power

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"The ultimate level of the central kendo field is mysterious."

Dean took a breath of cold air. He was on the fence and saw one of the martial arts masters of Li Fuchen and the singer of the singer.

Any mysterious skill, once it reaches the ultimate level, is terrible.

The ultimate level of the central kendo field is the mysterious skill, but the level of power can be subtle, but it is not lower than the metaphysical martial art in the middle level.

The martial art in the upper kendo field!

Not to mention that it is a powerful martial art master. In fact, even the kendo masters on the sect of the martial arts are hard to do.

Li Fuchen did it.

"His other aspects of the strength is still low, if you can follow up, you can fully board the Tianjian Star Kendo Xuanzhu list." Dean secretly.

Want to become the sacred master of the martial arts, the field of mysterious skills, first of all to create a perfect level of the upper martial arts Xuan Shen skills, this point, it is difficult to live countless martial arts Xuanzhu, after all, excellent and perfect, It is completely two levels. The perfect level is more than ten times better than the excellent level. Whether the basic strength of the two is similar, the latter can easily crush the former without any suspense.

In addition, the mysterious **** is not the same as the spiritual god. The mysterious **** is to integrate the mysterious **** into the blood, and integrates into a perfect level of the upper metaphysical technique. Whether it is the mysterious power index or the mysterious power, it will be greatly improved. This is invisible and widens the gap.

All in all, mysterious **** is a very special stage, weak people are weak, strong people are strong.

Weak people may be integrated into a number of lower-level mysterious techniques. Strong people not only incorporate dozens of mysterious techniques, but also have medium-sized mysterious skills and even supernatural skills.

Not to mention the mysterious skills of the same order, as well as the grade.

The five-line sword master who was shrouded in the sword-stricken field wanted to struggle hard, but it was easy to say. Now he is one of the strengths, and only 30% of the people who are suppressed are desperate.

On the other hand, Li Fuchen, under the blessing of the mixed-hole sword domain, has increased its strength several times.

Just a sword, the five-line sword master was defeated, and his body was poked with countless blood holes.

"Damn, if I can upgrade the waters of the Five Elements to the metaphysical level of the middle kendo field, I will never lose so badly."

The five-line sword main face is ugly.

He also has a field of martial arts, but it is only a perfect level, and the effect is not great.

In the vicinity of the Sword Cave, the spirit of the spirit is tempered, and the spirit of the spirit is tempered around the first ring of the sword city. The difference is great.

Li Fuchen only feels that there is endless, pure and exquisite, the sword gas with infinite charm rushes out of the sword hole and then washes on him.

His sacred spirit is already very pure, just like crystal, not containing the slightest impurities.

However, Li Fuchen knows that he is wrong. It is impossible to contain the slightest impurities. Everything can not be perfect, only close to perfection.

The kendo spirits that seem to have no impurities are also brought out with many impurities, many of which were previously used as the essence.

"This day the sword star is really amazing."

Li Fuchen does not know how Tianjianxing was born. He has the feeling that Tianjianxing contains a trace of the sacred kendo rule origin, and the ceremonial rule origin, even if it only reveals a trace of power, it is enough to make a sword **** useless.

Thinking of this, Li Fuchen thought of the king of God.

The **** king has mastered a avenue rule, and the kendo **** king naturally masters the kendo rules.

I don't know if their kendo rules can match the origin of the sacred kendo rules.

Three billion, two hundred and eight billion, two billion yuan...

Li Wu's martial spirit index has dropped a little, almost tens of millions every day.

At the same time, the strength of Li Wu's kendo spirit began to increase.

In the fifth year of Li Fuchen's arrival in Tianjianxing, the Jiandaoling Shenli Index fell below 20 billion.


On this day, Li Fu's martial spirits began to collapse, and suddenly fell from less than 20 billion to less than 5 billion.

The martial spirit is powerful, 13 heavy.

"It finally became."

Li floating dust spit out a suffocating gas.

Twelve-strength to thirteen-strength strength is not difficult.

Tianjianxing is only one of the reasons.

Li Fuchen thinks that the level of the soul is also a reason.

If you want to increase the intensity of your spirit beyond the limit, the level of the soul must be higher than your own level, otherwise you will not be able to control it.

It's like a child. You give him a sharp axe. Can he take it?

The third is talent.

Li Fu's kendo talent does not need to be said, not to say that there is no one before, but at least it is super-existing and cannot be treated with common sense.

The fourth is understanding.

The tempering of divine power seems to be a rough work, but it involves many aspects.

When Li Fuchen accepted the sword gas to quench his spiritual power, he would think how Jianqi did this, and his own martial arts power, why there are so many impurities, how they are produced.

The most important thing is how to cooperate with Jianqi, quench the power of the Kendo spirit, and double the speed.

In this way, in five years, the strength of Li Fu's spiritual power finally broke through from twelve to thirteen.

How strong is the spirit of the 13th martial arts, completely beyond the imagination of Li Fuchen.

In the front, when the eleventh breakthrough to twenty, the intensity increased by more than twenty times.

Now the strength has broken through to 13 and the strength has increased by more than 50 times.

What is this concept.

If the strength of other people's power is water, the strength of Li Fu's power is metal, and it is the kind of extremely hard metal, indestructible.

"What the five-line sword master, it is estimated that it is not my enemy."

Li floats in the heart of the heart.

He is only a superior spiritual god, but the strength has reached the point of far beyond the five elements of the sword, far beyond the medium martial arts.

To the low, Li Fuchen is already a powerful martial art master, and is not a weak one in the martial art.

Going high, his strength is already close to the mysterious master.

Maybe it can be compared with the lower ranked Xuanzhu list.

You know, he is just a superior spirit, waiting for him to be promoted to the next god, and who is his opponent.

"But I can't be complacent. My goal in life is to set foot on the peak of Kendo. Even if it is a kendo god, it is just a small peak for me. Compared with the realm, it doesn't make much sense. I want to step into mysteriousness as soon as possible. Then enter the domain gods and even the gods, when you travel to the gods, go to the world of the gods, and see the wider world. One day, after becoming the king of God, you will be qualified to point out the gods and regard the gods as playthings."

In the eyes of the gods, the gods are estimated to be a plaything. The difference is that some of the playthings are relatively small and fragile, such as the small thousand gods, and some playthings are very solid, such as the thousand gods.

"It's time to leave."

Li Fuchen began to leave.

Perhaps it has been a few hundred years and thousands of years in Tianjianxing. His martial arts power can reach fourteen, but that makes no sense.

With so much time, he has long been a domain god.

Kendo spirit is stronger, can you compare with the domain god?

It is estimated that the domain **** can breathe a sigh of relief and kill countless self.

When the gods are angry, they can destroy the entire Tianjianxing.

Those who don't know how to choose are the most stupid people and the most insatiable people.

Compared with the strength of the power, Li Fuchen cares more about his own level.

Of course, the premise is that the intensity of divine power can not be weak, at least stronger than most people. After all, this is an advantage and should be used well.

"You are leaving?" Breeze Sword God can't believe it.

Li Fuchen came to Tianjianxing for five years.

And he has come to Tianjianxing for tens of thousands of years.

"Yes, my goal is not here." Li floated.

"Then I wish you a good trip." Breeze Sword God also plans to stay here for tens of thousands of years.

Tian Jianxing is still very helpful to him. When he leaves Tianjianxing, his cultivation speed will drop a lot.

Anyway, as a mysterious god, their life span is one hundred and two hundred years old, and tens of thousands of years is nothing.

"Thank you."

The next day, Li Fuchen left and left without hesitation.

The departure of Li Fuchen did not cause too much movement, endless life, so that they have long been used to everything.

Leaving Tianjianxing, Li Fuchen did not return to the Ziyun gods, but found an abandoned star to climb up.

Next, he will make up the Kendo Spirit Power Index.

The last time he was 11 to 12 heavy, he consumed a total of five trillion yuan of Chinese stone, do not know how many Chinese stone needs to be consumed this time.


Like the sea water instillation, the endless **** stone energy is poured into the Li floating dust body.

The Kendo Spirit Power Index is 10 billion, 15 billion...

In a few days, Li Fuchen’s Kendo Spirit Index reached the original 30 billion.

This is not over yet, and the Kendo Spirit is still improving.

This feeling is like a water tank, the water tank is so big, it can only be loaded with one tank of water, but if it is loaded with a cylinder of metal, the weight is much heavier, and the water in the tank is replaced by metal. After that, the water tank itself has also changed, becoming bigger and harder, otherwise it is not enough to hold so much metal, and it is unscathed.

Three hundred and five billion.

Four billion.

Five billion.

Sixty billion.

Seven hundred billion.

Li Fu's martial spirits reached an unprecedented 70 billion.

You must know that the mysterious power index of the next mysterious **** starts at 5 billion. The spiritual power index of Li Fuchen is 13 times more than 5 billion yuan, and the strength has increased by 130 times. The degree of power is also increased. Sixty-five times.

Some people may say that where the spiritual power can compare with the mysterious power, a trace of mysterious power is enough to offset most of the spiritual power.

The spiritual power of Li Dust is not the ordinary spiritual power, but the spiritual power of the thirteenth. It is stronger than the mysterious power of the lower **** and even the middle god. It is comparable to the upper **** and even the general. Mysterious gods, mysterious powers are not as strong as him. After all, there are some supernatural gods, and there are not many mysterious gods. The mysterious power index and the mysterious power are ordinary.

"Fortunately, my soul level has reached the level of the uppermost gods, and it is not far from the realm of the domain. Otherwise, it is really impossible to control so many 13 spirits." Li Fushi urged the spirit and found no A little hindrance, but it feels very fulfilling and very powerful.


The abandoned gods under the feet of Li Fu began to collapse and then exploded.

It turned out that this abandoned god, this is on the verge of collapse. When Li Fuchen broke through, it slightly affected it, and the abandoned gods could not bear it.

"It is time to break through to the next mysterious god."

Flying out of the explosion center, Li floats the dark road.

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