MTL - Eternal Heart-Chapter 11 Bear King

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In front of the bear cave.

Le Feng and Ding Jiuhui, two disciples of Tongmai period, both looked forward to Chen Yu with longing.

Ding Jiuhui's words showed a little politeness and plea.

The two were helpless, and despite having prepared well in advance, they still underestimated the strength of the Iron Brown Bear King.

Especially the strong physique of the bear king, even if the "blood poison" is hit, the combat power has not been lost too much, this battle can be described as extremely difficult.

According to Ding Jiuhui's estimation, if he wants to poison the bear king, the amount of this poison must be at least several times greater!


After a long and protracted battle, the invasion of poisonous force, the speed of the bear king decreased sharply, and the vitality passed away a little bit.

However, the physical strength and even the injuries of the two were also somewhat untenable.

At this moment, it only takes a certain person to drag the bear king for a while. It should not be difficult to kill the bear king until the two recover.

"Brother Chen, you can do it."

The slender young girl begged pitifully; in her heart, all she had to worry about was Lefeng, and she eagerly rushed to help.


Chen Yu directly rolled his eyes. "You asked me to sing the 'calcium phase' to deal with the bear king who was hard to match even the 'veining period'. Is this request too much?"

As soon as this statement was made, Lefeng and Ding Jiuhui had a feeling of being choked by fishbone.

They just couldn't refute it.

To know. Compared with the calcined period, the Tongmai period condenses the internal interest and opens up the meridians. The gap in strength is not small.

Now, the King of the Bears, which is unmatched by the two major pulse periods, has a decalcified period to deal with?

Is this a delay, or is it to kill the cannon fodder?

"Hmm! You are not an ordinary calcined period! I saw with my own eyes that you easily killed two iron brown bears."

The slim girl answered coldly.

Chen Yu sneered.

This woman was completely attracted by the charm of Lefeng. She was deeply rooted in her love and could not help herself. She completely forgotten who had rescued her recently.

"Brother Chen."

Le Feng, while dealing with the King of the Bear, said, "I know that letting you help to delay the King of the Bear is indeed a little risky. I won't let you do anything for me."

After all, he took a book from his arms.

Chen Yu was slightly surprised that the style of this musical style was exquisite; under such circumstances, he could still talk to himself while dealing with the bear king.

Of course, no matter how smart his physical condition is, there is no solution to the problems of physical strength and injuries.

"You have also seen my body style. This" Ling Yun Bu "is a martial art that my family has paid a great price for. Its subtlety lies in the middle-level martial arts, which are all top-notch, even close to the high-level martial arts. "

Lefeng relieved.

Ding Jiuhui aside, with a look of surprise on his face, staring at that "Ling Yunbu", apparently very tempted.

"Do you want to use this martial arts in exchange for my shot?"

Chen Yuqi said.

Under normal circumstances, such fine martial arts are not passed on. Its value may not be lost to the courage of the bear king.

"Of course, Brother Chen has to make sure that he can help hold down the bear king Banzhuxiang time."

Lefeng said.

Upon hearing this, Ding Jiuhui on one side revealed a strange color.

If you think about it, Lefeng's abacus is very good.

Delaying half a column incense?

If it is the level of Lefeng, in the middle of the pulse period, you can do it well.

And changing to a calcined phase is almost impossible to complete, or even killed.

It is equivalent to say that the martial arts in this "Ling Yunbu" is just a bait; if Chen Yu agrees, he is afraid that he won't be able to stop it for so long that he won't get martial arts in nature.

And, whether Chen Yu is successful or not, they can win a little bit of breathing time for the two.

"Okay, I promise. But you have to give me the cheats first."

Chen Yu said very simply.

Not surprisingly, Lefeng was determined. Chen Yu, a fringe disciple, had a longing for high-level martial arts.


Lefeng reached out and threw the cheats of "Ling Yunbu" to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu took the cheats, opened a few glances, and determined that there were no major problems, and put them away properly.

After reaching an agreement, Lefeng quickly moved back.


Chen Yu picked up a stone from the ground and hit him **** the head of the bear.

If it is the strength of the average person, this stone is tickling to the bear king and cannot attract its attention.

But Chen Yu, the stone, screamed in a low voice.


The roar of the bear king, accompanied by Sonic's attack, a pair of blood-red and cold eyes fixed on Chen Yu.

Chen Yu hit a thriller and his body became cold.

The huge thing in front of him can be said to be the biggest threat he has ever faced.

The sweep of the sound wave made Chen Yu's blood float, and the eardrums hummed.

But he was well prepared, took a deep breath, the heart beating strongly, and instantly stabilized the whole body.


Chen Yushen

The shape jumped slightly, keeping a distance of about two feet with the bear king.


During the impact of the Bear King, the nearby dust was flying, leaving a trench in the ground. The powerful power was enough to make the general calcination period and lose the war.

However, Chen Yu didn't beat his heart, just like a leopard, jumping in the dust, his feet sometimes borrowed power from nearby trees.

The three Lefengs took the opportunity to withdraw dozens of feet away.

"This Chen Yu's speed and response are really good, not like the calcined period at all."

Ding Jiuhui commented.

"It depends on how long he can hold on." Le Feng has a different face.

When facing the Bear King, they often need to cover their ears with internal interest to deal with the sonic attacks from time to time.

In fact, in the face of the battle cost of the bear king, it is quite large.

But Chen Yu has no scruples in this regard.

Time passes by.

In the dust of the war circle, the agile figure has been moving and leap, more and more calm.

On the faces of Lefeng and Ding Jiuhui, more shocks appeared.

Too unexpected!

In the passage of time, Chen Yu seemed more relaxed to deal with the bear king.

During this time, the bear king once tried to escape, but was reversed by Chen Yu and punched in the back of his head.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Yu's punch can not cause much damage to the bear king.

But after suffering a fierce battle, the bear king's head had a lot of scars and was exposed to blood poisoning. This punch hit the bear king with a scream and a roar.

Le Feng and Ding Jiuhui changed their color again.


At a certain moment, a figure flashed quickly to the two.

"Half-pillar incense time has passed. Next, I will give it to the second."

This figure is exactly Chen Yu.

Le Feng and Ding Jiuhui looked at each other, sighed bitterly, and stood up to deal with the Bear King.

The two recovered some physical strength and their injuries were stabilized. At this moment, it was not difficult to deal with the bear king at the end of the crossbow.


In particular, Lefeng's treasure weapon sword, once again widened the wound on the bear king, screaming and screaming in the forest.


The life of the bear king will eventually come to an end.


At the last moment, the bear king fluttered at all costs, and seemed to know his own demise.

The final counterattack was a little faster than usual.

Lefeng shouted.

After a long battle, his injuries were not mild. His body was exhausted and it was impossible to retreat from his body.

"Brother Le, be careful--"

A slender figure ran from behind, holding a silver whip in his hand, and drew towards the bear king.


That whip was right in front of the bear king's face, and even drew his eyes.

The person who shot was a slender girl; after this period of fighting, she naturally understood how to attack the vulnerable parts of the iron brown bear.

The bear king, who was drawn into the face gate, opened his mouth and howled.

"good chance."

Lefeng stabbed out with a sword, right into the mouth of Bear King, and ran through his throat in one breath.

Earlier, he also tried to attack Bear King's throat, but it was difficult to penetrate. This time, the penetration from the mouth was very smooth.

The bear king, who was fatally injured, screamed with heartbreaking piercing, and the bear claws danced wildly.


LeFeng responded quickly and rolled to the ground. Anyway, in this attack, the bear king will die and there is no need to entangle it anymore.


He escaped the blow and covered the slender young girl who helped, but did not escape the disaster.


The slender girl screamed, her delicate body penetrated by thick bear claws.

The pierced pierced body hung in mid-air, barely struggling, and blood soon reddened her body.

"Leda ..."

She took an unbelievable look at Lefeng for the last time and closed her eyes.

On the field, there was nothing.

The Bear King's final counterattack took the life of a Cardamom girl.

Chen Yu and Ding Jiuhui showed a bit of intolerance; Lefeng gritted his teeth and breathed tightly without looking at the girl's body.

After a while.

There was a loud noise, and the huge body of Bear King's flesh fell to the ground.

"Finally beheaded ..."

Lefeng and Ding Jiuhui Changsong breathed a sigh of joy in their eyes.

As long as this "bear bile heart" is obtained, their grasp of breaking through the existing realm will be much greater.

But just then.


Deeper in the dense forest, there was a faint roar of horror, whose power was not lost to the Iron Brown Bear King.

"No! It's another ferocious beast, I'm afraid it's on the same side as the Bear King."

Lefeng's face sank.

Under normal circumstances,

There is territorial awareness. This piece belongs to the King of Bears, and other fierce beasts will not be invaded unless it is above the same level.

"Maybe the **** smell here is too heavy, and it attracts other ferocious beasts of the same level."

Chen Yu analyzed.


Le Feng and Ding Jiuhui quickly cut the bear king's body and dug out its bear bile.

In the current state of everyone, if they face a bear king level beast again, it will be more ferocious.


After digging out the bear bile and cutting the bear's claws, several people quickly evacuated the bear hole area and ran outside the dense forest.

The three just walked for a while.

Huh! Huh!

Two figures appeared on the mountain above the bear cave.

They are a young sword-bearing young man with a scar, and a beautiful and charming Huashang woman.

"Giggle, I really watched a good show."

The beautiful lady in flowers dress looked at the direction in which Lefeng was leaving, and said below: "The young man was really cruel. In order to seize the best opportunity to kill the bear king, he let the girl who took over him, The tragic death of the hand of the bear king. "

"What's weird about this, the way of the strong must be stepping on the bones."

The young man with the sword scar was bland.


The young man whispered, "These little entry-level guys are decent enough to show their strength. And I am afraid they are only the lowest level of outside students. The essence of Yunyuemen should not be underestimated."

"What? Brother wants to change the original plan? We do n’t have to be afraid of the Yunyuemen,‘ foil sword double evil ’.”

The beautiful lady in Huashang didn't care.

"Originally I wanted to put pressure on the top of Yunyuemen and let them trade a certain amount of" Meteorite Iron "to repair my" Yunxie Sword ". But after watching the performance of these boys, I suspect that Yunyuemen is not a superficial one It's as simple as that, maybe there's a certain level of immortality. "

Negative sword youth explained.

The beautiful woman was just about to speak, and a terrible roar came from not far away.

I saw a piebald giant leopard approaching the bear king, flying towards him, staring at the two on the mountain.

Look at the power, this piebald giant leopard is not lost to the bear king, and faster. If Lefeng and others encounter this giant leopard beast that is good at speed, it is difficult to escape.

In this regard, the beautiful woman looks the same as before, slender fingers, slowly.


A strange halo of air halo appeared at the fingertips, and a "swipe" hit the piebald giant leopard.

A thrilling scene appeared.


On the body of the piebald giant leopard, a gorgeous flower-like light spot suddenly bloomed, and the giant leopard's body was punctured out of countless blood holes and blood holes. UU reading book

Before the giant leopard screamed, its body turned into a pool of blood.

This episode did not affect the topic of the two at all.

"More importantly, my psychic rat, near here, smelled a breath that made it scary ..."

The young man with a negative sword showed a purple-haired mouse shaking in the palm of his hand.

"My psychic rat is a mutant species with a very sensitive sense of smell. Its sense of danger and powerful existence has made me avoid several catastrophes. This time, its fear is unprecedented."

The words of the youth with a negative sword surprised all the beautiful women.

She is very clear about the special ability of this mutant psychic rat.

"What exactly is there that makes the psychic rats so scared, especially when the little guys were just here. This trip to Yunyue Gate, we need to be more careful ..."