MTL - Eternal Heart-Chapter 1 Crystal Kistler

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Early night fell.

Chu State, Yunyue Gate.

On the hills around Zongmen, there are scattered houses.

This is the place where Yunyuemen's "outside disciples" reside.

Among them, a dim light can be seen in a humble house.

"The material of this crystal is really unprecedented ..."

A fourteen or five-year-old boy in a blue shirt holding a strange piece of crystal jade could not help but sigh.

The young man's face was slightly immature, but he looked clean and bright. His eyes were bright and clear.

At this moment, he looked excited, staring at a crystal jade in his hand.

The crystal jade is crystal clear and weird in shape, about the size of a baby's palm, and its surface presents a deep layer of gray silver.

Suddenly it looked like a delicate crystal heart.

Under the light.

The depth of the mysterious crystal stone is sometimes interlaced with gold and silver, sometimes colorful and **** ripples ... as if it interprets all the colors in the world!

"It's amazing, it's a wonderful stone with the advent of the" Meteorite "..."

Chen Yu's uncontrollable excitement.

The boy's name is Chen Yu, who is under fifteen years old this year.

Half an hour ago.

A meteor landed on the outer edge of Yunyuemen. The dust suddenly rose and the earth was shaking.

For a time, the sect door shook up and down.

Because in the deep pit where the meteor landed, there was a big 6 rare "outer meteorite"!

Meteorites, which are extremely precious materials for refining equipment; some legendary magical weapons, many use meteorites.

Ordinary mortal soldiers, if they can smelt a piece of meteorite fragments, may turn mortal soldiers into treasures.

Chen Yu's luck is really good!

At the time, he happened to be near the land where the meteorite landed.

Even a mile apart, he was hit by a dust wave when the meteorite landed, and his arm was slightly injured.


Zongmen's high-level law enforcement rushed to block the area as soon as possible.

As a result, some of the disciples who were close by, and found the meteorite fragments, were "turned in" to Zongmen.

Chen Yu was far away, and two thumb-sized meteorite fragments were picked up, but were missed.

Not only that.

Chen Yu also picked up a crystal kiwi that dissipates residual heat, and sticks together with the outer meteorite.

That is, the crystal stone in his hand now!

"When the meteoric iron falls, there will be fragmentation, and this crystal stone is completely empty?"

Chen Yu's eyes flickered.

He has an intuition that the value of this crystal is absolutely imaginative, and it is even possible to change his destiny at the bottom of the gate ...

However, thinking of his situation in Zongmen, the young man looked slightly dimmed.

It has been nearly three years since Chen Yu entered the Yunyue Gate.

When he first started, he was twelve years old, and under the cultivation of his family, he entered the "calcium phase".

The calcination period, as the name implies, is to torture the body and strengthen the physique, laying the foundation for true martial arts practice.

The entry requirements of Yunyuemen are not high, and they are younger than fifteen years old.

In the past three years of hard work, Chen Yu broke through from the early stage of calcining to the late stage of calcining.

According to his father, such qualifications are considered good in the family and the world.


After entering the world of Zongmen, Chen Yu realized his mediocrity and humbleness.

"It's still two months. If I can't advance to a higher‘ Community Period ’, I will be kicked out of the sect!”

Chen Yu's eyes were dim.

Yunyuemen, a new outsider disciple, has an "examination period."

Outside rules: three years of entry, or sixteen years of age, still stay in the calcined period, unable to break through, they will be expelled from the gate!

After all, the calcined period is only the foundation of the first stage of martial arts, and it is not much stronger than ordinary mortals.

Only through the promotion period can we count on the threshold of entry.

Chen Yu was unfortunate. It was only two months before the assessment deadline.

Just when Chen Yu was stunned.


There was a knock on the door, and some figures were faintly seen.

"Outdoor disciple 'Chen Yu', open the door! Accept the inspection of the law enforcement team!"

The voice of a cold man came.

Chen Yu's heart jumped, she turned out to be a law enforcer in the martial arts.

Could it be that his "pick-up" in the outer area of ​​the meteorite was revealed?

Shouldn't be!

Chen Yu can be sure that no second person was present when he picked up the meteorite fragments and the mysterious crystal.

He quickly put "Crystal Kistler" in his arms and placed it intimately.


The door opened, and a young man in a black robe appeared outside, followed by a young boy in a blue shirt.

Young men in black robes, wearing law enforcement robes, are obviously law enforcement officers with special status in view of that might. The law enforcer had only one eye, and brought Chen Yu's cutting-edge sensation, and his skin was cold for a while.

Another young boy in the blue shirt, fifteen or sixteen years old, was handsome, but there was a hint of yin in the charm, which slightly undermined his beauty.

This person's dress is basically the same as Chen Yu's, and they are all outfits of outside students.

"Wang Lingyun, it's you ..."

Chen Yu knew this young boy in blue shirt, his face changed.

Wang Lingyun is his old enemy in Zongmen!

Both came from Xiangyang City of the Chu Kingdom, and their family was hostile.

At this moment, in Wang Lingyun's eyes, there is a trace of glee.

"Wang Lingyun, this is Chen Yu you sue? Are you sure that he stepped out of the crater range and carried a meteorite fragment?"

The black robe law enforcer, said indifferently.

His gaze turned to the blue shirt teenager "Wang Lingyun" beside him.


Chen Yu could not help yelling, and Wang Lingyun told the Zongmen.

However, he clearly remembered that Wang Lingyun was not present at all when he "picked up".

He stepped out of the blockade and bumped into Wang Lingyun.

"Lord of law enforcement!"

Wang Lingyun said with a respectful face: "I saw with my own eyes that the boy walked out of the meteorite area with an abnormal look. I'm afraid he carried meteor fragments in eight or nine.

After that, he sneered.


He bumped into Chen Yu, but he was not sure, Chen Yu got the meteorite fragments.

He was just skeptical.

But even if it was just doubt, he could not give Chen Yu a chance to rise!

How valuable is meteorite?

If Chen Yu were to get one piece and two pieces secretly in exchange for the precious elixir, I was afraid that he would be promoted to the pulse period.

Once he is promoted, Chen Yu will be able to gain a foothold in Yunyue Gate-this is the situation that Wang Lingyun would never want to see!

"As long as Chen Yu is expelled from the sect, the gap between him and me will grow wider. My royal family will also suppress his Chen family and dominate Xiangyang City! Moreover, Mu Xueqing will also He loses interest and will fall in love with me ... "

Wang Lingyun plots secretly, can't help but have some points.

"Chen Yu."

The black robe law enforcement officer said, "Did you bring out the meteorite fragments? If it is true, you will surrender the initiative and you will be exempt from punishment."

The law enforcer, Wang Lingyun, stared closely at Chen Yu.


In Chen Yu's mind, his thoughts fluttered and he quickly got an idea.

Admit it?

The black-robed law enforcement officer flashed a look of confusion.

"Really ..."

Wang Lingyun couldn't help being jealous.

In advance, he was just skeptical, but did not expect that Chen Yu actually got the meteorite fragments.

If he is in the position, if he gets the meteorite fragments, he will not take the initiative to turn it in.

After all, if it is turned in, it can only be exchanged for some contribution points of Zongmen, which is comparable to the true value of meteorite?

"Fortunately, I have a foresight and don't give him any chance."

Wang Lingyun was relieved.

Soon, Chen Yu gave the two meteorite fragments he obtained to law enforcement.

"Well, although you have brought meteorite fragments, you actively cooperate with the surrender to avoid punishment."

The black robe law enforcement nodded.

Subsequently, the two searched in Chen Yu's house for a long time and found no other meteorite fragments.

"Master of law enforcement, haven't you searched this kid's body yet?"

Wang Lingyun's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a trace of sharpness, and he did not intend to let go of any possibility.

Chen Yu's heart murmured, and he once greeted the eighteenth generation of Wang Lingyun's ancestors.

Although Chen Yu surrendered the meteorite fragments, the higher-value and more mysterious "Crystal Kistler" was hidden in the body and not handed in.

Fortunately, Chen Yu also expected this.

He had already thought about the wording: he insisted that the crystal stone was his "heirloom."

After all, Zongmen searched only meteorite, no one knew, and the existence of crystal kistler.

"Meteorite has been turned in, and law enforcement adults can search my body."

Chen Yu waved his hands, his face relaxed.

The black robe law enforcement nodded slightly, but also believed seven or eight points.

However, he was too lazy to drop his identity and searched the body of an outside disciple, simply let Wang Lingyun do the work for him.

"Lord of law, rest assured!"

Wang Lingyun looked eager and positive.

He will never give Chen Yu any chance!


A flash of blue shadow, Wang Lingyun has come to Chen Yu's side and began searching.

"How fast!"

Chen Yu felt an invisible wind, covering her body, her body was slightly swaying, and she almost did not stand still.

On the palm of Wang Lingyun, a layer of intangible "breath" haunted him, making him dreary with blood and having some difficulty breathing.

The "breath" is hard to see with the naked eye, but a powerful force is enough to easily cut brick dust.


Chen Yu's heart sank: "Wang Lingyun really broke through to the" pulse period ", UU reads and has not just been promoted to the pulse ..."

The so-called tongmai period is to open up the entire body meridian and cultivate the invisible power of "internal interest".

Inner interest, if you practice in the realm, you can hurt people, crush iron, and kill your enemies with your fingers. You really have strong military power and surpass the mundane world.

However, in the "calcination period" in which Chen Yu is working, he cultivates his physique, strengthens his body, and focuses on the overall improvement of his physical fitness.

"Hmm ... with me, you won't have any chance!"

Wang Lingyun started checking.

In this process, he did not miss any details, not even Chen Yu's ears, mouth, head, and lower armpits.

(The end of the domination, the new journey begins: the new book is like a seed, a seedling, and needs to be supported by recommendations, collections, and clicks on various data, thanks to fast food.)