MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 87

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Do you want to try it, Yan Yiming asked.

In this relationship, apart from Jian Yuyan, she is the one who knows all the truth the most. After erasing some doubts that are enough to expose herself, it is easy to say that Jian Yuyan is hiding deep in his heart, and even he himself is unwilling to find out some of the secrets.

But even so, after the fig leaf on his body was pulled by Yan Yiming, Jian Yuyan still persisted.

He still loves Ah Ming, he is sure.

He didn't dare to look for her, he couldn't look for her, but when he dreamed back to midnight, he would still think of the lingering figure and clear voice that used to be by his side.

He misses her very much.

Think about it every day.

Jian Yuyan admitted that he couldn't help being shaken by the words of the woman in front of him.

It's just that although Jian Yuyan is weak, he is not stupid. Even though the words of Princess Lin'an are very attractive to him, after thinking about it, he has many doubts.

Even though he had deliberately stayed away from Jian Xiang's arrangements, as Jian Xiang said, his identity was destined to be unable to be alone from the very beginning.

So he still knows what Jian Xiang has done and what he is planning in the past few years, and what has been negotiated between the Jiangxia King who is far away in Guangdong and Guangxi and Jian Xiang.

Jian Xiang and King Jiang Xia have reached a cooperation long ago, but according to Lin'an Princess's words to restrain Jian Xiang everywhere, everything seems to be not as simple as it appears on the surface.

However, it is also expected that King Jiang Xia has countless noble mercenaries, and even His Majesty has to tolerate three points, so how can he be willing to be under the constraints of Prime Minister Jian.

Now that I think about it, compared to Prime Minister Jian, King Jiangxia sent people to reach an agreement with Prime Minister Jian on the one hand, and on the other hand used the Princess of Lin'an as a way to separate him from Prime Minister Jian.

After everything was sorted out, Jian Yuyan regained his composure, and a pair of peach blossom eyes fell on the comfortable woman sitting next to him and said lightly, "I have had a father-son relationship with Jian Xiang for twenty years, the Princess will confess everything now, just Don't be afraid that I will tell Jian Xiang about this."

"Young Master, why do you say such things to deceive me?" Yan Yiming chuckled, "In the eyes of others, you have a father-son friendship for more than twenty years, but the relationship between Young Master and Jian Xiang is naturally clear, and in Jian Xiang's eyes , except for his plan to restore the country, everything else is not worth mentioning. If the young master can't believe me, I can tell Jian Xiang everything today, but at the beginning, the young master refused to marry the daughter of the Marquis of Dingbei and disobeyed many times. But you will not promise the young master to bring that girl back, or even keep her by your side."

Yan Yiming raised his eyes and smiled, "But I can."

Jian Yuyan didn't doubt this sentence, although Prime Minister Jian had been prepared for deployment for many years, but King Jiangxia had no military power, and this was what they relied on.

Making up his mind and making a decision is always the most difficult part for Jian Yuyan. Yan Yiming knew his temper a long time ago, so he didn't rush him, and sat leisurely on the side to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Silver Lake.

After a long time, Jian Yuyan said, "What will happen after that happens, and what will you do with the Jian family?"

"If it is true, then the Jian family will be the great heroes of the founding of the country. What right do we have to deal with the Jian family? The son is now named Jian." Jian Yuyan hated Jian Xiang, but still had feelings for Mrs. Jian and others. Yan Yiming Not surprisingly, she turned her head to look at Jian Yuyan with sincere eyes,

"Master, you overestimated our ambitions. What my father wants is for you to remember the merits of the Ming clan after the event is completed. Don't want the bamboo basket to fetch water in vain, and only make wedding dresses for others. I just want you to understand that what we want to restore is the former royal family Yu's kingdom, not Jinling Jian's, that's all."

Really so selfless?

Jian Yuyan chuckled, he didn't believe it, Prime Minister Jian was not good but King Jiang Xia was even more so, but what Princess Lin'an said about helping him find Ah Ming and help him keep Ah Ming safe really moved his heart.

At the beginning, it was difficult for Prime Minister Jian to check and balance him, but now he is restrained by King Jiangxia. Both are untrustworthy but both can be used.

After all, his goal was only Ah Ming, and the restoration of the country had already been completely lost after Ah Ming left.

He finally reached something with the woman in front of him. Yan Yiming's eyes were full of smiles, and he emphasized again when the ship docked, "I will send someone to find the whereabouts of that girl after today. If there is a need, you can just ask me." .”

Jian Yuyan stood at the bow of the boat and personally sent Yan Yiming off, "That would be disrespectful."

Little Apple floated in the air and asked Yan Yiming in surprise, "Is this an agreement?"

Is Jian Yuyan on their side?

But isn't Jian Yuyan's purpose to instigate Jian's plan to overthrow Jian Xiang? Looking at Jian Yuyan now, she is much firmer than before?

Yan Yiming smiled, "It's just a verbal agreement. Jian Yuyan is soft-hearted but has a lot of eyes. Who knows what he is planning. But our plan today is just to let him know that he has a choice, so that he has the ability to protect himself. Save his life, the rest is not important."

"Then what can he do if he is really motivated to restore the country?" Little Apple was a little panicked, "He saved Nangong Xuan's life and couldn't ascend the throne."

"Isn't there still Ah Ming?" Yan Yiming clicked his tongue, "Isn't Ah Ming still dead? Just leave it to her to instigate rebellion."

Little Apple shook her head quickly, "The identity that has been suspended must not be reborn, even I can't help it."

"Don't worry, just do it", Yan Yiming was helpless, he didn't have to come forward to do some bad things with another vest.

If Jian Yuyan was completely led by her nose, it would be an insult to his status as one of the four leading men. Yan Yiming was sure that Jian Yuyan definitely had other ideas, but no matter what, Jian Yuyan would never think that she was the original Ah Ming.

Even if Jian Yuyan wanted to be a fisherman, she was not the simple fish he saw.

Little Apple nodded half-understanding, and walked for a long time before suddenly remembering today's sudden freeze, and then reminded Yan Yiming, "Today the system detected some abnormalities on Jiang Yi's side, the host, you still have to pay attention Notice."

Yan Yiming raised his eyes, "Unusual movement? What do you mean?"

"It just suddenly went beyond our control." Little Apple was a little worried, "Jiang Yi's IQ setting is too high, and now there is a small bug and we can't do anything about it."

It didn't know what happened to Jiang Yi, so it could only remind Yan Yiming to pay more attention.

Yan Yiming couldn't guess it either, but if Jiang Yi's changes would affect her going home, then she must pay special attention.

Back at the mansion, Yan Yiming was looking for Wei Xiongjie to ask him to inquire about Jiang Yi's whereabouts today, but before she could open his mouth, Wei Xiongjie took the initiative to tell her that he had just returned from Jiang's mansion.

Yan Yiming's heart skipped a beat, but he still didn't change his face and said, "It's time to visit Mr. Jiang, what did you say?"

"It's just some ordinary trivial matters." Wei Xiongjie recalled that there was no sensitive topic in the conversation with Jiang Yi today, so he told Yan Yiming everything he said today.

"Master Jiang and the princess have the same preferences and both like Biluochun. Master Jiang is very interested after hearing about it. He said that he will pay a visit to the princess in person with a gift in some days, and come to the house to ask for a cup of tea."

Yan Yiming felt a little uneasy, "What else?"

"Others", Wei Xiongjie thought for a while, and finally remembered that Jiang Yi had asked Yan Yiming about his favorite taste. The matter was too small, so he didn't mention it, but the princess asked the question at this moment, and Wei Xiongjie said it all without any concealment. come out.

Yan Yiming took a deep breath, and sent Wei Xiongjie out with a smile on his face, suppressing the depression that was dragged down by his pig teammates.

A red mole is nothing, and it's nothing if they both like Biluochun. It's just a coincidence that they like the same taste. If everything is discovered by accident, it's actually not a big deal.

But according to Wei Xiongjie's words, Jiang Yi was clearly guiding her to ask these questions step by step. Why did Jiang Yi ask her about her favorite taste? What did he want to confirm?

It was not worth noting at all, but it happened to be noticed, and this person was Jiang Yi.

The time we spent with Jiang Yi was too long, we ate and played together every day for four years, which was enough for Jiang Yi to remember her preferences clearly.

And the most terrible thing is that Yan Yiming didn't know at that time that after the completion of the strategy, he still needed to advance the plot. He thought it would be fine to throw away the shells once they were used up, but now he still has some troubles.

Yan Yiming let out a long sigh of relief, leaned on the soft bed and frowned in thought.

Since Jiang Yi took the initiative to ask about her taste preferences, he must have become suspicious, so he will use the name of drinking tea to look for evidence again. Wei Xiongjie told Jiang Yi about her taste preferences, and Jiang Yi found that the taste of Princess Lin'an was very similar to Ah Ming back then, so he might prepare all the delicacies that Ah Ming liked back then to entertain her.

It's fine not to eat at that time, if Jiang Yi asks about it, it's just that Wei Xiongjie doesn't understand.

This kind of unimaginable thing, just relying on this bit of evidence to prove it, is too untenable.

Now that he was ready, Yan Yiming felt relieved. A few days later, as expected, Jiang Yi invited her and Wei Xiongjie to a teahouse for a while. Yan Yiming was afraid that Wei Xiongjie would lose the chain halfway, so he sent him away to work and went to the appointment by himself. .

Jiang Yi, who doesn't go to court and wears casual clothes, is more casual and elegant than usual. Compared with the young boy back then, Jiang Yi's temperament now is even more outstanding.

There was no trace of clues on his handsome face, his voice was clear and pleasant, and his slender fingers pulled the chair for Yan Yiming himself.

Yan Yiming suddenly remembered that when Jiang Yi was still a teenager, she had taught him some modern etiquette when he was doing nothing. At that time, Jiang Yi thought it was novel, but obediently followed it one by one.

Yan Yiming showed surprise, chuckled and said, "Please trouble Mr. Jiang."

The smile on Jiang Yi's lips seemed to stagnate for a moment, but it didn't seem to be there, and he still smiled gracefully.

Yan Yiming paid special attention to every word and deed, for fear of accidentally missing the truth in front of Jiang Yi, so he put his full attention on drinking tea, and finally waited for all the dishes to be delivered.

Yan Yiming saw something that made her eyes sting.

Sure enough, Jiang Yi's every dish today was a test, but what she expected was that Jiang Yi didn't prepare all the flavors she liked as she thought, but that she never liked it and was unwilling to touch it, even when she saw it. Lost ingredients.

Every course is!

Once we were together for four years, Jiang Yi clearly remembered every dish that she didn't like, and now it's all in front of her eyes, and now watching her make a sincere appearance, and his slender fingers personally After washing the chopsticks, he handed them to her and said with a smile,

"Jiang prepared it carefully, with a lot of thought, and I hope the princess likes it."


Read The Duke's Passion