MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 78 An can tell if I'm male or female 21

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In Shao Jingyu's eyes, Mrs. Shao is undoubtedly a good mother who can't fault anything. She is gentle, virtuous and understanding. Whether it is the old couple of the Shao family or the children of the Shao family, Shao Jingyu has never met his mother. Has there ever been any bias.

It was precisely because of this that even if Shao Jingyu felt that something was not so clear, he turned his head and left it behind, because Mrs. Shao had said in front of him many times that Yan Yiming was a good girl.

At this moment, Shao Jingyu said to Mrs. Shao with full of joy that he wanted to choose an auspicious day to marry Yan Yiming, and Mrs. Shao, who had always been peaceful, also had a moment of unusualness.

Shao Jingyu saw his mother's hesitation in his eyes, and casually asked his mother what was wrong, Mrs. Shao covered her lips with a handkerchief and smiled lightly, "It's nothing, it's just that she hasn't been feeling well recently."

After finishing speaking, he patted the seat next to him to signal Yan Yiming to sit down and continued, "Miss Yan is still weak, and it is unlucky to marry someone with an illness. It will not be too late if you take a good care of yourself. Now you are no longer just a family member. Your young master is also a general entrusted with important tasks by His Majesty, how could your marriage be decided so hastily, after I discuss it with your grandmother, I will go to the palace and meet the imperial concubine before I can choose a good date."

"It would be great if His Majesty Aunt gave you a marriage." Shao Jingyu thought deeply, "Ah Ming is alone and helpless. If you can get His Majesty to confer one or two personally, you won't be afraid of being bullied in the future."

Mrs. Shao suppressed her anger and still kept smiling until she sent Shao Jingyu out the door and turned her face completely.

She didn't know that her good son had this idea. How could He De let his son do this for a little **** who has a life and no one to support him!

His Majesty personally? She deserves it.

Before Shao Jingyu, the Shao family was still able to gain a foothold in the capital by relying on Grand Master Shao who was over seventy years old and the concubine in the palace. Master Shao, her husband, was incapable of being an official, and he has been doing nothing until now. Mrs. Shao's mother's family is not considered prominent, and it is nothing compared to the Shao's family. If it wasn't for the love of her parents-in-law who have worked so hard for so many years, she would not have her current status.

And Shao Jingyu was the most unexpected surprise God gave her.

Her son will be a great minister and marry the most noble wife, instead of burying his life to such a lowly orphan girl.

Mrs. Shao never thought that Shao Jingyu would have the idea of ​​asking His Majesty for a marriage.

Now that Jing Yu has made great achievements in battle, His Majesty has not given a big reward after this battle, so if Shao Jingyu asks, His Majesty is really likely to agree. If he really agrees, for Jing Yu's sake, His Majesty might raise Yan Yiming's status, and even if she wants to object at that time, it will be too late.

After Mrs. Shao thought it over clearly, she temporarily stabilized Shao Jingyu, and then found an opportunity to enter the palace to meet the noble concubine. She left in such a secret way that people even hid Shao Jingyu from it.

Listening to Little Apple's gossip report, Yan Yiming said indifferently that this Mrs. Shao really "lives among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touches her body". No matter what it is, she has to borrow her hands and choose herself out of it. .

Even if Shao Jingyu would hold grudges against Mrs. Jian or the imperial concubine because of this, he would not think of her head.

Little Apple said that Shao Jingyu and Mrs. Shao said that they wanted to ask His Majesty to marry them. If Mrs. Shao wanted to stop this matter, she would do it first.

The noble concubine now also understands that she and Shao Jingyu's interests are tied together, and finding a strong foreign family for Shao Jingyu will be beneficial to her and will not cause any harm. In the name of thinking about her nephew, please help Shao Jingyu picked a good marriage, if Shao Jingyu agreed to get the best of both worlds, if he didn't agree to make His Majesty unhappy, naturally he would not be able to propose marriage to His Majesty.

Mrs. Shao's move, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, is what she is willing to see. If it is the former, it is naturally the best. If it is the latter, it will also dispel Shao Jingyu's thoughts and win her the opportunity to prepare again. time.

Now Shao Jingyu's favorability is still at 100%, and he owed Yan Yiming even more before, so no matter what, he would not agree to the emperor's marriage, so the result will definitely be the second one.

At that time, when Mrs. Shao looked at her again, she must have felt a thorn in her flesh.

However, this is also what she likes to see.

Everything after that was exactly as Yan Yiming guessed. If there was any discrepancy, it was because the emperor wanted to marry the princess around him because he liked Shao Jingyu, and the imperial concubine wanted to win over other aristocratic families so he didn't care. The princess in the palace.

The emperor and the imperial concubine had a disagreement, and in the end, he didn't want the crown prince Nangong Xuannian to betray Jian Yu'er, so he pulled Jian Yu'er in again.

The imperial concubine was very optimistic about the Jian family, and the prince said something again. The emperor finally thought it was good, but he didn't want Nangong Xuan to do bad things with good intentions.

After the emperor came down to court, the emperor kept a few ministers, including Shao Taishi Jianxiang Shao Jingyu and a few others. After briefly discussing the government affairs, he suddenly said that Shao Jingyu was also at the age of marriage.

Shao Jingyu's handsome eyebrows frowned, already aware that something was wrong, and sure enough, the next sentence, the emperor said that the eldest daughter of Jane Aiqing's family is also of marriageable age, and I heard that you are childhood sweethearts, so why don't I make this decision.

Prime Minister Jian and the crown prince had already discussed with each other, and he was grateful. Grand Master Shao thought of the woman at home, but he didn't say a word. Shao Jingyu frowned. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at several ministers who were all called men and women, and flicked their skirts and knelt down to plead guilty.

Taishi Shao's eyelids twitched suddenly, and Jian Xiang also never thought that Shao Jingyu would repay His Majesty's kindness. Everyone was stunned, and the first prince who became a matchmaker could only come out and ask, "General, what is this?" meaning?"

"Your Majesty Long Enchen is grateful, but I already have someone I want to marry in my heart, so I dare not miss Miss Jian's future."

Prime Minister Jian's face darkened, Nangong Xuan raised his eyes in surprise, and the emperor smiled with interest, "It turns out that I almost beat the mandarin duck with a stick."

Everyone laughed, and the prince also smiled and asked which family he was from.

After asking, before Shao Jingyu could answer, Grand Master Shao said with embarrassment, "Your Majesty misunderstood, it was just an orphan girl brought back by this child when he returned to Beijing, not..."

The last time Yan Yiming came to see the people in the family, Master Shao did not have this attitude, Shao Jingyu said sullenly for a while, "Return to Your Majesty, I was brutally killed on the way back to Beijing, it was this woman who saved my life, and her whole family was injured. The Mongolian army killed her and left her alone, and I took her back to Beijing to heal her wounds, and planned to marry her after she recovered."

That's it, the emperor nodded in appreciation, "It's great that Aiqing is so affectionate and righteous, but after all, her status is humble, and she is just married as a concubine. I will find a good marriage for you, so as not to humiliate your status."

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the emperor was giving Shao Jingyu a step down, but Shao Jingyu bit the bullet and firmly disagreed.

It was a good intention, but he didn't want to make it to this point, the emperor suddenly lost interest, waved his sleeves and told them to retreat.

The emperor was obviously a little sullen, Shao Jingyu absolutely didn't dare to bring up the matter of Yan Yiming at this time, he only wished he hadn't told His Majesty earlier, and this situation has come to this.

Yan Yiming sat in the mansion and listened to the live broadcast of Little Apple, "Nangong Xuan is stupid again!"

Apart from Shao, there were also other ministers from the Jian family. Shao Jingyu refused so simply, whether it was Jian Xiang or Jian Yu'er who didn't know anything at all, they were severely humiliated.

Jian Xiang has always been unwilling to give up Shao Jingyu, a capable fighter, and disregarded his wife and daughter's wishes to cooperate with Nangongxuan, a person with negative EQ, and now he deserves such an ending.

On the other hand, Shao Jingyu, Yan Yiming pretended not to know anything, looked at his rare distraught appearance and asked, "What happened?"

Looking at the clean and beautiful eyes of the woman in front of him, Shao Jingyu suddenly remembered his grandfather's contemptuous tone, and suddenly a sense of overwhelming shame invaded him, so hot that he dared not look into Yan Yiming's eyes.

He and Yan Yiming promised that as long as he likes it, his family will also like it.

This is the woman he looks up to, Yan Yiming who is different from all women, but Shao Jingyu only now realizes that no matter how eye-catching Yan Yiming is in his eyes, it does not seem to be the case in the eyes of others.

Because he wiped away everything that was once eye-catching about her, completely clean.

It shouldn't be like this, Shao Jingyu thought in a daze, he shook his head and showed a smile, he didn't want to tell Yan Yiming about the annoying matter of His Majesty bestowing a marriage.

He also didn't want her to know that her grandfather didn't think highly of her because of his lies.

But things always backfired, Shao Jingyu became more and more flustered, and some facts were exposed more quickly.

Shao Jingyu refused the emperor's offer of marriage because of Yan Yiming, and within a day, the whole house, from the master to the servants, heard about it.

The masters are naturally puzzled why Shao Jingyu is so determined, and they are not worth it for him, saying that he has done something stupid and lost his good marriage; The handsome maids were even more silently thinking about something.

After Shao Jingyu came back that day, he talked with Grand Master Shao for a long time, and finally the two broke up unhappy.

He couldn't tell Taishi Shao the real identity of Yan Yiming, even if it was his own grandfather, as long as one more person knew, it would be more dangerous.

Taishi Shao said that he was dazzled by the woman, that the daughter of Xiangfu's family could not be as good as Yan Yiming, and that she might be relying on you on purpose, but you were deceived and kept in the dark.

In extreme rage, Shao Jingyu smashed the carved screen fan with his fist, and the book fell to the ground with a bang. Taishi Shao looked at his grown-up grandson in shock, and kicked him out angrily.

Overnight, everyone in the house seemed to be a different person, grandparents, father, and even the mother who always said Yan Yiming was very good, became hesitant.

Mrs. Shao drank tea slowly, "Although mother likes Ah Ming, your grandparents don't agree, and mother can't help it." Looking at the struggle on his son's face, Mrs. Shao hesitated, "Ah Ming? Her status is low, the general's wife is her seat, even if she is, she can't sit still, my son, if you like to take a concubine, that's it..."

"Impossible", Shao Jingyu flatly refused.

How can she not be the general's wife, she can even be the general.

Mrs. Shao was decisively interrupted by Shao Jingyu again, and the last hesitation in her heart disappeared completely. After sending her son away, she ordered someone to call back the maid with a round face beside Yan Yiming.

Now Yan Yiming's health has begun to recover, and what he drinks every day is only some tonics, but Yan Yiming thinks it is bitter, most of them let Little Apple use a trick to pour them all into the ditch outside.

Normally Tongbao put down the medicine bowl and went outside, but today she stayed for a while longer, Yan Yiming was already sensitive to something wrong, raised her eyes to signal what are you standing there for, Tongbao Hastily backed out.

Little Apple walked around and said, "That girl is still lying on the window watching."

Thinking it was the first time he did something bad, he was both excited and uneasy, full of loopholes, Yan Yiming smiled and said that he would leave it to Little Apple to take care of it as usual, after a while Tongbao came in to collect the bowl, and Shao Jingyu happened to come in from the outside , saw the medicine bowl and asked casually, "Did you just drink the medicine?"

"En", Yan Yiming responded, glanced at Tong Bao from the corner of the eye and added, "I wonder if the imperial physician has changed the prescription again, the medicine today is different from the past."

Tong Bao's eyes flashed suddenly, and he said anxiously that it was the imperial doctor who changed some medicines.

Shao Jingyu never felt that there was any difference. The imperial doctor was personally invited by his mother, and this maid was also sent by her mother. He felt at ease, and motioned Tong Bao to go down and said, "Qin Taiwei is seriously ill. The post of a lieutenant is to manage the daily military administrative affairs, and these days may be busy, so I can't stay by your side all the time."

"It's a good thing Your Majesty trusts you." Yan Yiming understood very well, "I don't need to be with you all the time."

Shao Jingyu had guessed that she would say this a long time ago, he was just afraid that she would be bored staying there, and that she would feel uncomfortable when she went out to hear some gossip, and even more worried that his father would act recklessly when he was not around.

In the end, he had no choice but to let Yun Xiao come over and guard him. Yun Xiao grew up in the Shao Mansion, and even the ladies are very familiar with him, so he can come and go freely in the back garden.

Yun Xiao didn't know why a tough woman like Yan Yiming needed him to protect her, but after walking all the way, she heard a few people talking about Yan Yiming, just a few maids, but when they talked about Yan Yiming, Full of contempt.

Yun Xiao suddenly became angry, and couldn't bear it anymore, pointing at the maid and yelling at you for daring to speak ill of her.

The maid gave a big jump, Yun Xiao was considered half a young master in the house, they didn't dare to say much, so they could only leave with pursed mouths, and cursed a few more words when they left, what a vixen, even Young Master Yun protected her like this.

When Yun Xiao angrily came to Yan Yiming's side, Yan Yiming was wearing a cloak and staring at the bare branches in a daze.

Yun Xiao stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her eyes, "Why are you so preoccupied?"

"Winter is coming soon," Yan Yiming said, "This year's Jinling will usher in an early snowfall."

"Spiritual", Yun Xiao didn't understand, looking at the quiet Yan Yiming in front of him, Yun Xiao remembered what the maids said just now and suddenly asked her, "Yiming, the general has kept everything from you, are you really blamed?" he?"

Yan Yiming glanced at him sideways and said calmly, "What do you think?"

"Then it seems to be his fault," Yun Xiao said, "Actually, I also think that this matter is not honest, even if His Majesty is angry with you for deceiving the emperor, it is better to make up for the merits and demerits than to have nothing at all, why bother to do this. "

It's not that Shao Jingyu doesn't understand, but because he understands too much. Yun Xiao said it easily, but because he doesn't understand Shao Jingyu's real intention.

Day by day, Shao Jingyu became more and more busy, and Yun Xiao came more and more often, Yan Yiming didn't listen to what other people in the house said, until one day Shao Jingyu finally had a moment of leisure When he hurried back, he stood at the door and gave Shao Jingyu a surprise.

Although it was Little Apple who reported the letter in advance, this encounter still made Shao Jingyu very happy. The two walked back together, and when they reached the gate of the courtyard, they heard the clear voices of Tongbao and several maidservants in the room.

"She can climb up to the general and become the general's wife. At least we have a name and a surname. Isn't it better than her?"

"Just like you, although she is ugly, she is at least a beauty."

After saying that, everyone giggled, Shao Jingyu's face was livid, but Yan Yiming held him firmly.

Seeing Yan Yiming's expressionless expression, Shao Jingyu felt unprecedented panic in his heart.

The few people talked more and more, and even asked whether Yan Yiming used some kind of coquettish tricks when he was in the barracks, and even Master Yun was so kind to her, maybe...

Shao Jingyu couldn't bear it anymore, kicked the door open, and the laughing maidservants inside the door all turned their heads, saw the calm Yan Yiming, and then saw Shao Jingyu who couldn't help but kill, panicked. Knelt down.

Shao Jingyu was extremely angry, but because Yan Yiming was by his side, even his anger became a little emboldened.

Yan Yiming glanced at several people coolly, and finally a pair of complex eyes fell on Shao Jingyu's face, with disappointment, indifference, and suppressed anger, burning Shao Jingyu to nowhere to escape.

Yan Yiming turned and left without saying a word. It was clear that the sun was in the sky that day, but Shao Jingyu was as embarrassed as if he had been fished out of the water.

Shao Jingyu didn't show mercy at all, several maidservants were pressed on wooden benches and beat dozens of times, and they died when they were stopped by Mrs. Shao's orders.

Mrs. Shao gasped in shock, the **** look in front of her eyes made her dizzy, she supported the maid beside her and asked him sharply why he had done so cruelly.

"They deserve to die," Shao Jingyu's eyes were cold, and the murderous look that had not been on the battlefield for a long time came to his face, even Mrs. Shao couldn't help but take two steps back.

Only then did she realize that the son she was familiar with was no longer the one she was familiar with.

It's just a few maids, Mrs. Shao gritted her teeth to comfort herself, not to be angry with the maids and her son, but this account was placed on Yan Yiming's head.

He turned his head and wanted to explain something to Shao Jingyu, but Shao Jingyu had already taken a big step to find Yan Yiming.

He clearly felt that once today was over, what was between them would never be found again.

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