MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 110

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Yan Yiming looked at Jiang Yi's still smiling face, the sudden coldness and paranoia just now was like an illusion for a moment, and at this moment he was still the handsome and elegant young man.

But Yan Yiming knew that the unreasonable fear at that moment was definitely not Jiang Yi's pretending to scare him.

Maybe in the end Jiang Yi took back all his emotions and suppressed them all in his heart again, but these could not cover up the fact that he was angry.

Yan Yiming was wrapped in a quilt, and there was still the trace left by Jiang Yi just now on his neck. After everything was clear and calm, his skin was aching. She really didn't intend to resist, if Jiang Yi wanted to, then he would do it, but in the end, it was Jiang Yi who helped her tidy up her clothes, just as gentle as before, and then left.

Little Apple cowardly asked her why Jiang Yi suddenly stopped the car, Yan Yiming touched the still stinging part of her neck, she also asked the same question before Jiang Yi left, Jiang Yi helped her tuck the quilt and smiled and said , "Because it's not appropriate."

Whether the time is inappropriate or the location is inappropriate, Yan Yiming didn't ask again.

Jiang Yi walked out of the house, the cold wind that had gradually entered the winter woke up his drowsy thoughts, and after a long time, he showed a bitter and self-deprecating smile.

Nothing is suitable, whether it is time or place, or Yan Yiming's wishes.

He remembered that Yan Yiming had explained to him that being with Jian Yuyan back then was just a way of life, not having any feelings for him, and her indulgence and compromise just now was better for him than Jian Yuyan.

It was just a compensation that he came up with because he felt guilty towards him, and what he wanted was never such a simple thing.

If it really continues, what is the difference between Jian Yuyan and Jian Yuyan in her heart.

So he suppressed all his anger or desire, and then stood in a little embarrassment in the early winter air, blowing the cold wind.

I feel extremely miserable myself.

In fact, A Ming always reveals a lot of things inadvertently, but even she has never discovered it herself. He asked her if she could compare to the life and death with Shao Jingyu, and she said it was not comparable. She said that after the death of General Yan At that moment, she no longer trusted Shao Jingyu.

So if Shao Jingyu hadn't taken this wrong step because of his selfishness, in her heart, the ordinary four-year youth between him and her was really not as good as the three-year comrade-in-arms relationship with Shao Jingyu.

Just as he guessed, Shao Jingyu was not comparable to Nangong Xuanjian Yuyan to Yan Yiming.

He didn't lie to Yan Yiming, he was really jealous and angry, but he hid everything in the end.

He has the real leverage to threaten Yan Yiming. She knows what she is most worried about, but she hasn't figured it out so far. Until the last moment, until it was irreparable, he still wanted her to stay willingly for him, instead of forcing her.

He is a person who never suffers, but when facing Yan Yiming, he always endures and endures, and he is infinitely tolerant and gentle to her. He just wants her to know how much he can love her without limit .

People always have feelings, people are always moved, aren't they?

As for Shao Jingyu, when he chose to strangle Yan Yiming's trusted seedlings to the soil, he naturally had no chance of reviving them.

As the night wind blew past, Jiang Yi turned his head to look at the lights in Yan Yiming's room that were still on, and then he seemed to sense a bit of coldness, and left here with a slight trembling and a chuckle.

In the room, Yan Yiming listened to Little Apple saying that Jiang Yi had finally left, and then stretched the quilt tight again and lay back.

In the blink of an eye, the night passed.

On the second day, the maid helped Yan Yiming to dress up as usual, Yan Yiming suddenly remembered yesterday when Jiang Yi asked her where the maid was hiding to eavesdrop when she went out.

And Little Apple also said that she was indeed sticking to the window sill to watch, watching the movement inside, and then looking for an opportunity to tell Shao Jingyu.

Shao Jingyu sent someone to watch her, especially the relationship between her and Jiang Yi. If at first Yan Yiming thought it was Shao Jingyu who was worried about him, but since Jiang Yi came, Yan Yiming has been able to confirm that, Shao Jingyu must have discovered something, so he suspects or has already confirmed that she is the original Yan Yiming.

Yan Yiming recalled what traces these days had left, and later felt that the problem lay with the prince.

This time she did not have any contact with Shao Jingyu, except for Jiang Yi, the only one she had contact with was the crown prince. In order to save her life, she did expose many flaws in front of Nangong Xuan. Nangong Xuan would not know, but Shao Jingyu uncertain.

Yan Yiming found an opportunity and pretended to run into Nangong Xuan by chance. When the two were drinking tea and chatting, Yan Yiming insinuated and asked him if Shao Jingyu had asked about her.

Nangongxuan looked at Yan Yiming now with complicated emotions, and finally realized that he might have some unusual feelings for her, but he had already promised not to marry the main concubine after the death of the crown princess. As for the side concubine, Yan Yiming How could he give up Jiang Yi who was so hard to impress for a concubine?

Nangong Xuanxin thought out of sight and out of mind, but when he saw Yan Yiming, he felt that it was better to see, and he was very happy just sitting and chatting like this, but for some reason, Yan Yiming asked Shao Jingyu again.

Yan Yiming answered naturally, showing a bit of confusion, "I don't know why, but I always feel that General Shao has some indescribable hostility towards me. I really don't understand, so I want to ask His Highness."

"There is such a thing", Nangong Xuan was surprised, "Shao Qing and Gu clearly appreciated you, princess."

Yan Yiming pretended not to believe it, and sneered, "General Shao said bluntly that I was a traitor when he saw me the first time, how could he appreciate me?"

"You saved Gu's life. Guzi will not let you be misunderstood. When I chatted with Shao Qing a few days ago, I mentioned how smart you were all the way. Shao Qing was also very surprised."

Yan Yiming's heart skipped a beat, the smile on his face couldn't be maintained, "It turns out that His Highness thinks so highly of me."

"It's not just looking at you alone," Nangong Xuan sighed, "I heard that you were regarded as a man and grew up next to King Jiang Xia. No wonder you are so skilled in kung fu and riding, not to mention that you can make such fine horses according to the terrain of the scene." Shao Qing also praised the route, and said that your ability reminded him of Yiyonghou who accompanied him on the expedition back then."

Yan Yiming wished he could splash a cup of tea all over Nangong Xuan's face.

Back then, he had worked so hard to save her, but he was desperately trying to tear her down.

You also have an expression that you should be honored that I praised you so much.

It's no wonder that Shao Jingyu suspects that some habits brought back from this world, even after so many years, still can't be changed, so Shao Jingyu accidentally discovered the clues.

But according to Shao Jingyu's personality and the attribute of explosive mobility, even if he owed himself a lot at the beginning, once he was confirmed, he would definitely confront her directly and choose the most straightforward way to solve the problem once and for all.

But now Shao Jingyu is still standing still, just ordering someone to monitor him or investigate him, so it can only be said that he is still in doubt, not sure.

So there is still a chance to save everything. Shao Jingyu can confirm that she is the original Yan Yiming through some details, but he can also doubt whether she is Yan Yiming because of some differences.

First of all, compared to the indifferent and taciturn General Yan at the time, the current princess of Lin'an is a little too lively, even with a wounded leg, she can still be alive and kicking. After Yan Yiming thought about it, he turned around and prepared to leave. She spoke for a while, then lowered her head to find an ambiguous mark on the back of her fair neck.

Nangong Xuan's hand trembled suddenly, and when he looked closely again, he found that not only the nape of his neck, but even the private and delicate place behind the ears had red marks that were obtrusive to the eyes.

His Highness the Crown Prince, who had already been through personnel affairs, could tell what those things were at a glance. For a moment, all the pictures were on his lips. Yan Yiming said goodbye to him and left. This time, Nangong Xuan did not stay any longer.

It was then that he remembered that there were rumors that Jiang Yi would have dinner with Yan Yiming every day, and sometimes they would stay until midnight. The lonely man and the widow lived in the same room for so long, so it was normal for something to happen. I knew that she was full of love for Jiang Yi, why now she was so sore that she didn't know how to resolve it.

Jian Yuyan lived with Mrs. Jian, Jian Yuer. Nangong Xuan wanted to go to Jian Yuyan to talk about what was in his heart, but thinking of Jian Yuer's presence, he was afraid of embarrassment and gave up the idea. At this moment, he didn't want to see Jiang Yi again. After finishing the business, complain.

Shao Jingyu was more than happy to listen to Nangong Xuan tell him about other secrets of Princess Lin'an, but after listening to him, he found that there was nothing new to talk about, and his interest suddenly faded. When he was about to find an excuse to leave, Nangong Xuan said quietly , "I thought Jiang Yi was a gentleman, but I didn't expect..."

Shao Jingyu's heartbeat stopped, and he couldn't help clenching his fists, "What's wrong with Mr. Jiang?"

"I'm not married yet." Nangong Xuan answered the wrong question, "I just can't bear it, Gu Zhen, I really think highly of him..."

The servant girl told him every day that Jiang Yi went to look for the princess of Lin'an, but she never stayed overnight. Shao Jingyu had more room to breathe, but now the crown prince's vague words directly made him a little bit confused. Idea broken.

Shao Jingyu took a deep breath and didn't show it in front of the prince. When he passed by the back garden, he saw the bored Yun Xiao playing chess with the princess of Lin'an.

Just as he couldn't find an opportunity to meet her, and he didn't expect the opportunity to come, Shao Jingyu didn't think much about walking over, and looked down, there were several chess pieces, not Go but backgammon at all.

At the beginning, Yan Yiming disliked that Go was both brain-intensive and time-consuming, so he taught them the very simple backgammon. When he had nothing to do, he could draw a board on the ground and find a few stones to play for a long time. At that time, the military camp looked around. You can see soldiers sitting or squatting playing backgammon.

Shao Jingyu's heart beat suddenly, and he didn't expect that Princess Lin'an would play this way.

But without waiting for his idea to take shape, Yun Xiao shouted "I won again", Yan Yiming wrinkled his face in distress and said, "I just learned it, and I will be better than you in a few days. "

Yun Xiao didn't care about it at all, and laughed for a long time, only to find that Shao Jingyu, who was standing two steps away, immediately stood up and called "General", Yan Yiming looked sideways pretending to be surprised, and then showed surprise Also said,

"Ah, General!"

Read The Duke's Passion