MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 94

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Lin Jingzhen actually likes children very much, especially like Fang Wenhao’s strong and white and fat child – it feels as soft as a cotton cloud, and the voice is as pleasant as a yellow ostrich, and the character is docile. Can eat and sleep, such a creature is simply the best gift that the Creator has given to mankind.

On the contrary, Xiao Chi hates all creatures that can attract Lin’s attention.

All the relatives and friends around the forest were shocked, and the little cats and dogs that moved to the side of the road, but Fan Lin’s horror showed interest, Xiao Chi did not like it, no reason.

Therefore, living together for so many years, the two have been the two-person world, the Dongtai community that they lived for many years in the old house, even Hu Shaofeng friends of this relationship can not enter. Both of them are busy at work, and it is very difficult to have a chance to take a break. Usually, a long vacation of more than three days will go out to travel, and three days or less - hehe.

In short, they would rather stay at home if they don't do anything.

Xiao Chi has a lot of hobbies, such as carving and painting. There is a small attic in their house, which is located on the spire above the third floor of the villa. The spire is very tall and spacious, with windows, pushed open to the sparkling waters of Dongtai Lake, plus the weeping willows on the shore, the scenery is very beautiful.

Xiao Chi often hides in painting, painting lakes, painting trees, or painting forests. However, his characters are not well painted, and the graphics that pigments are introduced are always a bit abstract. Fortunately, no matter how he paints, the evaluation of another master in the family is always positive - good-looking.

The awkward face and the painting were so bright that the thief's eyebrows laughed out of a row of big fangs and the forest horror - another pair of praised and beautiful portraits on the wall.

Lin Jingshen stood a few steps away, but his eyes were actually aimed at Xiao Chi. As long as he enters the studio, Xiao Chi will wear his apron. The linen apron is covered with dry and colorful paints, wrapped in his tall and strong body without a trace of excess meat, which is indescribable. Xiao Chi's temperament is always sharp and profound, but it is different when he is doing his own hobby. Just got up early in the morning, Lin Jingzhen did not have time to help Mr. Xiao tie his hair, Mr. Xiao let his own twisted hair draped, placed behind a well-defined face of shallow shrub after a night of sleep.

It’s so beautiful, like an exquisite, decadent, hysterical artist.

Lin Jingyu used the light to appreciate the beauty of the moment, and then he couldn't understand the chin. "Well, the color match is very good."

Because of the conscience, there is no other place worthy of praise. If any stranger painted on the street, he would have to beat him for the two exaggerated rabbits.

Obviously, Xiao Chi is not ashamed of the praise of the incompetent population. He is quite immersed in his own works. He feels that this painting can be hung in the art gallery opposite the Old Building in Erzhong Road for exhibition!

The voice of the morning news host clearly flowed out of the sound. Lin Jingwei shoved Xiao Chi’s arm and back: “Come up and wash your face and brush, I will go to the drying room to collect clothes.”

The housekeeping at home is normally distributed. Xiaochi sweeps the floor, mops the floor, washes clothes, clothes the clothes, organizes the living room of the study, and so on.

Xiaochi came out from the cloakroom after washing his clothes. He consciously sat on the stool and raised a small rubber band on his hand.

The forest horror that was stacking clothes immediately put down the work on his hand and stepped forward to comb his hair with his fingers. It’s not that he brags, he has been a little girl for more than ten years. He has already been familiar with Xiao Chi’s suitable hair style. He doesn’t have to look at the back, and it’s the perfect work.

Xiao Chi waited for the gap between his eyes and his eyes, and then saw the pile of messy T-shirts stacked on the edge of the bed. More than ten years of housework experience has not made him look better than his younger ones. In fact, some people in the world may really be not good at packing things. Those T-shirts are ironed without ironing.

And the T-shirt clearly should be hung up...

Xiao Chi thought so, but immediately praised: "The clothes are stacked very well."

"Is it?" Lin Jingyi himself did not think that there was anything unusual. He was praised by the family clerk at home, and it seemed that the pile of clothes did not look normal. He was quite happy. After he tied his hair, he found a tie and matched it for Xiao Chi's shirt. "Is this color good? Can't you take it?"

Xiao Chi obediently showed his neck and his hands were moving: "Good-looking. Very good."

In the morning, I had to open a short-term multinational video conference, so Mr. Xiao had to enter the study room to open the computer at the time he should normally have breakfast. The camera just turned on, and Hu Shaofeng’s image on the screen sneered out: “Xiao Ge, wouldn’t you go out today?”

The pink tie is paired with a dark blue suit, and when I was young, the forest horror that chose the pink skirt for my mom and sister became more and more straightforward.

Xiao Chi coldly took care of the documents in his hands: "Enter the theme."

Mr. Xiao, who has a sweet mouth, won the prize. Before going out, Lin, the chairman who did not want to enter the kitchen for a thousand years, personally cooked a bowl of egg noodles for him.

Lin Jingzheng did not enter the kitchen without accidents, mainly because of the scourge of his family when he was a child, and the ban of his grandfather’s personal relationship. Lin Jingzhen did not have that interest, and he rarely touched pots and pans. When the young mother and the mother of Zhou were enough to feed him, now it is the turn of Xiao Chi to cook. The so-called lazy people are lazy, and the taste of Xiao Chi's craft is actually very good. After so many years, Xiao Chi occasionally does not go home for dinner, and Lin Jingyi feels that the best hotel take-away has no taste.

But the man who is so good at cooking, at the moment, is immersed in a bowl of broth and egg noodles to eat with gusto. The sound of squeaky sound is so hungry that Xiao Chi’s horror that had eaten fruit before painting on the upper floor.

However, the lover finally drank the soup and cleaned it up. He wouldn't have a chance to feel his own craftsmanship if he didn't have a bowl.

When I was ready, I took the same car and went out. Xiao Chi just fixed the seat belt for Lin Jingyu and heard a nursery rhyme from the radio.

The child voice was sweet and soft, like a scorpio, and the movements of both people stopped.

Lin Jingzheng couldn't help but think of the topic that mothers talked to themselves a few days ago.

The old man, the thoughts are inevitably old-fashioned, even though Lin Jingyu and Xiao Chi have been living in the same family life for so many years, the mothers still feel that they are missing something. Some time ago, Xiao Miao and her boyfriend finally set a marriage date. Because of the age of both parties, they should be greeted with new life on the agenda soon after marriage. This caused the family to give birth to a lot of emotions. After Yu and Shen Shen retired, they often went out to travel together, and did not know if they had talked about something together. Then they asked their sons whether they need a daughter’s family to have one more in the future. The children passed on to them.

The car drove out of the yard, and the small face of the child in the neighboring car that was going to school next door was exposed from the open rear window. Lin Jingzhen often teased him to play, and smiled and waved goodbye to him.

When the car was on the blocked road, Lin Jing was still immersed in the child's sweet and sweet greetings: "The XXX next door is so cute."

"Is there?" Xiao Chi couldn't afford to raise his interest. Compared to the inexplicable child, he felt that his eyes were so cute that he had a pair of eyes bent into a crescent.

"Sweet and wonderful before said that if you have more children after marriage, you can give us one." Lin Jingyu came to the strength, thinking that there will be a group of hair smack It’s especially interesting to call Dad behind Xiao Chi’s ass. “Do you like boys or girls?”

With such a question, he first pondered: "I prefer the girl, just like the strong, white and fat can eat and sleep, more festive."

Xiao Chi calmly drove his car: "I like boys."

"What kind of?" Lin Jingyu asked.

"Hey--" Xiao Chi indulged for a while, and looked at him with a slap in the face of traffic jams. "Be a little white."

"That must be white." Lin stunned and nodded, child, white to look good.

"The chin should be sharper, the meat on the face is a little bit bigger, the eyes are bigger, and the body temperature can't be high. Well, it is best to grow two rabbit teeth!"

He said one thing, Lin Jingyi followed the nod, and his mind described the detailed description of the other side gradually to outline a specific image. The more specific the more he felt wrong, until he heard the last sentence -

He turned his eyes to Xiao Chi: "Roll."

Xiao Chi issued a series of low laughs, then reached out and touched his head before continuing to drive. Whatever the child is, forget it. Lin Jingyu has become smaller and smaller in recent years. He is still a favorite in the forest, and what is his mind to bring the child?

Thinking about it, the phone in the driver's seat suddenly squirmed.

Thirty minutes later, Xiao Chi looked gloomy at Fang Wenhao who appeared in front of him.

When she came down from the car, she saw her uncle Lin, and immediately screamed in surprise and screamed, and the same very happy Lin stunned kitten-like face, then hid behind Lin’s thrilled legs and watched carefully. Xiao Shushu, who has always been very serious, let his father be very scared.

Fang Wenhao wants to cry without tears: "The people in the courtyard have heard the phone calls. There is really no way to bring children to work in the unit. You know that the situation of the strong people, the old people can not take her. Originally, I wanted to I promised Hu Shaofeng that the dead man helped me, and the result told me that I was not at home... I was embarrassed, if I couldn’t help, I wouldn’t bother you.”

After all, it is a friendship that grows up together. Seeing Fang Wenhao anxious to watch the watch frequently, resisting what is difficult to say if Xiaochi is really bad. Lin Jingyu has no opinion. He always likes to be strong, but he only has time to go back to the courtyard to live and play. Fang Wenhao and his wife are only in a hurry to leave Yan City for two days. It is a big deal to help bring a child.

So he agreed very quickly: "Children let me go, busy with your go."

Fang Wenhao is a little bit uneasy, but there is no better way to worry about it now. I had to wait for the time I could stay, and I entrusted my children’s daily necessities to Lin Jingyu.

Urine is not wet, safety seat, changing clothes, milk powder...

Xiao Chi stunned the child who was sitting behind and playing with his fingers. He said, "You take him, I don't take it anyway."

"It's okay, don't you still have to open today? I just started him. It just happened that I have nothing to do today." Lin Jingyi did not want to peel away a sugar for his strength, what a great deal, It’s not just taking a child. He can even take care of Xiao Chi’s proper post, so where can he still be troubled by the big bit?

And in fact, he is quite a child's life, and the transformation of the two worlds into a family of three is sure to be much warmer than it is now. However, I didn't expect to be so lucky. When I went out in the morning, I only talked about the problem of family passing the child. After a while, Fang Wenhao took the initiative to bring his favorite big fat niece to the door.

Starting from the group downstairs, the strong can not wait for the underground car, waved goodbye with Xiaochi.

Before leaving, Xiao Chi’s eyes stayed on Zhuangzhuang for two seconds, and nothing left. Lin’s horror looked at the car and went away, and kindly opened his arms: “Would you like to hug?”

"Yes!" It was really a sweet and crisp answer.

Lin stunned and bent down, pulling his arms and pushing hard -

The muscles trembled a little, and he immediately took the meat and hurriedly straightened up.

Lin Jingwei: "........................"

It seems that there is really a little bit of awkwardness.

But no matter what! How cute is the child!

The employees who started from the group found that their own bosses had brought a child to the company and they were still happy.

After Deng Mai heard the news, he came to the office and saw that the sofa in the waiting area had actually sat on a child playing with blocks, only to realize that it was true.

"Hey." He took the documents he wanted to give Lin a horror, and his eyes fell on the barbaric technique when he played the blocks. He admired the spirit of his own brother, "I am still a child, this child." I dare to help, you know that Fang Zonggang has been wondering how to commit suicide every day during that time?"

Lin Jingwei only made a joke when he was joking. He quickly took a look at his side. "The girl is still small, and he talks carefully and listens to the child."

Deng Mai looked at him like a young man who had never experienced the storm. He suddenly turned his head in mysterious face: "You are too young to look at the children. They are not little angels."

"Nonsense." Lin Jingyi did not care, after flipping two pages of documents, he dreamtly looked up at the innocent smile when Fang Zhuangzhuang played with blocks. How cute the children are, they are not as fascinating as adults, especially the gentle and sweet little girl, simple and harmless, a little toy like a building block doll can play so happy -


In the next second, a building block that is always out of the group is held up in the hands of an impatient party, smashed and then thrown away. Fang Zhuangzhuang laughed.

Lin Jingwei: ".................."

Deng Mai: "..............."

After Deng Mai’s thoughts, he asked a little bit: "This building block is solid wood...?"

Lin stunned his throat and swallowed his mouth dryly, listening to the dull collision of the wreckage of the two ends of the ruthless ruin that hit the ground.

He found that the reality seemed to be a little different from his imagination.

It should be............... illusion?

After finishing his official duties, he sat on the sofa and looked at the angelic face after his strong sleep, feeling that this might be just a trivial... episode.

But he quickly realized that he was still too young.

The waking party is sturdy and wow, she **** her pants!

Lin horrified at the meeting and hurriedly left the room. When he rushed back to the office, he was surrounded by terrible urine smell. He made a mistake and he forgot to change the diaper for the party that prepared the nap!

Going to the secretarial office, I found a female secretary to help the party to take a shower. If you don’t like strangers, you must have Lin Shushu to help her wear clothes. Lin’s horror rushed out of the travel bag left by Fang Wenhao. According to my own aesthetic, I like to dress up like Xiaochi every morning. When I wear it, I will cry when I look at the mirror: "I don't want to be so ugly!!!!"

"Difficult... ugly?"

Tender green T-shirt with peach pink jacket, lace pink gauze and white socks and small sandals, and eye-catching and festive, I have always been interested in buying a sparkling crystal hairpin toot dress for my mother. I was surprised that I couldn’t see it for a long time. Seeing that it was wrong, I had to shyly lower my head in the cry of the party's strong and painful cry.

Fang Zhuangzhuang was disappointed in the perfect aesthetic of Uncle Lin. In the end, he had to pick a refreshing match and wipe his tears and squeak: "I am hungry!"

The children have a light taste and a big appetite. Fang Wenhao deliberately licks things that cannot eat heavy oil and salt. Lin horrified and rushed to make milk powder for her, but the water temperature of the milk powder was very difficult to control. He tried several times and finally only asked the secretary to help. Finally, when he finally made it, Fang Zhuangzhuang was already hungry and tearful.

Lin was horrified and smothered her dirty clothes, and her eyes were straight, which was even more tiring than the hundreds of hundreds of billions of cooperation cases he had at the meeting.

The party that ate the milk was full of energy and began to sprinkle in the office. Cut off all the blocks in the whole set, and stripped the beautiful and ponytail of the Barbie doll. The thrilling thigh was always with the weight of a shot put, and he liked him to like his eyes bright and spoiled. The sound is soft and sweet: "Uncle! I want to play high!"

In the past, I saw Fang Wenhao's heart-felt appearance. Lin Jingyi thought it was an exaggeration. He could play with Fang Zhuangzhuang for less than ten minutes. Lin Jingyi would have experienced the pain in it. When Xiaopengdeng was thrown into the air, the excitement of laughter was as sweet as Huang Qi, but she was a little more joke than the seven-year-old child. Lin Jingyi’s arms were almost unconscious because of this high-intensity work.

Playing and not throwing high, Fang Zhuangzhuang nowhere to vent, had to sit on the neck of her uncle Lin, who is one meter and eight meters. This component can still withstand at the beginning. For a long time, Lin Jingyi only felt that his cervical vertebra was pressed against a scale that made waves. It must have been a good job. He had to arrange the car to go home in advance. On the way, he looked at the street tree that was passing by the window. He listened to the sound of the square crawling on the car seat. He had completely forgotten that he had just learned that he could bring it. The joy of the two-day child.

After going home for half an hour with the children, he finally waited for the children's program every afternoon on the TV station, and took time to relax in the sofa.

Fang Zhuangzhuang sat cross-legged in front of the TV and followed the melody and sang and sang. In the past, I saw this feeling. Lin Jing’s horror had to send out a sweet feeling. At this moment, he just looked at the group on the screen. A cartoon character jumping with a child - God, a dozen or so.

Terrible, so many children can be really worthy of what kind of god.

I don't want to experience the fear of soaking milk powder at noon. I was shocked when I watched the show and dragged my tired body into the kitchen. He had just called the property to send the ingredients and planned to personally cook the show. Make a hand and make a bowl of tomato egg noodles that will occasionally be done in the morning.

The water is opened, the eggs are laid, the tomatoes are placed, the other ingredients are laid, and the noodles are placed.

Lin was so tired that he was sweating, and he exchanged the super level of this bowl.

Just after watching the TV, I learned that the party that can open the meal was eagerly rushed into the restaurant, and just climbed the chair and stunned.

Lin Jingzheng is still a little confident in this regard, wiping his hands and kindly appease her: "Eat, very delicious, you Xiao Shushu likes to eat this noodle."

Fang Zhuangzhuang will be suspicious for a long time before he carefully picked up his small fork.

A few minutes later, Xiao Chi, who was in a meeting, received an emergency call from home.

In the background sound, there was a strong and miserable cry. He heard Xiaochi frown. He looked at the caller number displayed on the phone and looked at the watch on his wrist: "How come you go home so early? Who? Driving the car?"

For more than a decade, Xiao Chi has been able to make concessions in any aspect of his life, only to allow Lin Jingyi to drive alone.

"The company's driver, this is not the point." The forest stunned at the end of the phone seemed to have encountered something difficult. Hesitated for a long time and asked for a long time. "What... sturdy and refused to eat the noodles I cooked." I should give her something to eat?"

"..." Xiao Chi asked for a moment, "Do you cook for her?"

"......... um." Lin Jingyu felt an unprecedented humiliation.

"...well." Xiao Chi sighed and turned the subject. "You open the refrigerator, the frozen layer, there is a crisper inside, open it, it's the beef I had the night before..."

Everyone in the conference room saw that the boss suddenly took a call, and then he stood in the door for a long time without coming in. Everyone, look at me, I will look at you, until after a while, Xiao Chi comes back to pick up things.

"Xiao Zong-"

Xiao Chi looked serious: "First to dismiss, I have something to deal with first."

In the guesswork of the contents of this emergency incident, Xiaochi drove quickly back to Dongtai Community. Just opened the door and smelled a strange smell from the kitchen. Crying is going to collapse.

Lin Jingyi did not dare to close the kitchen door. While cooking, he still had to scream at him: "Don’t cry, don’t cry, it’s good soon...”

Although this has been going on for almost half an hour.

Xiao Chi sighed helplessly, taking off the coat and then stepping the house. First, circumvent the child into the kitchen and turn off the fire to open the window and ventilate. The roast beef that has been cut by the forest horror on the stove is sorted to one side. The bottom of the noodles is poured out, the pot is washed, the water is taken, the lid is covered, and the cooking is started.

Lin Jingxi saw his moment and only felt that the sky was shining, and he collapsed and hugged him to confide: "I really want to die..."

Xiao Chi kissed his face and snorted twice, wiped the dirty things he had on his face, and then left the kitchen and hugged the square that was sitting on the ground and cried, and the powerful arm slammed into the sky. -

The crying stopped abruptly, and after a few seconds, the rear was strong and stunned, and the familiar laughter of Lin Jingyu was issued.

"Don't cry, sit and wait for food." Xiao Chi calmed his face and held the tearful child in one arm, then dilute the noodles, stir-fry, season the soup, and put the ground beef on the surface. spread.

Fang Zhuangzhuang eats the sound of sucking his head, Lin stunned and sat down on the ground along the wall, his eyes panting and gasping: "Take the child... terrible..."

Really, if Xiao Chi didn't come back in time, he estimated that he would sleep in the cries of the strong chemical weapons.

Why is the child actually like this? When you are asleep, you are a little angel!

Lin Jingzheng did not want to stay alone with the little angel for a second, just like a follower, chasing behind the lover's buttocks, watching Xiao always hand and foot to pack things.

Xiao Chimu's face will finish the square of the strong daily necessities, the milk powder is collected, the bottle is cleaned, the urine is not wet and put into the cabinet, and the dirty and dirty clothes are directly thrown into the trash can.

Lin Jingwei saw his well-organized approach, and suddenly he couldn’t worship it: "You are so powerful, you can remember these steps clearly."

"Fortunately." Xiao Chi did not think how difficult this was. In fact, the reason he didn't want children was never trouble, but he didn't want Lin's attention to be diverted by other things.


He looked back at Lin Jingshen, the other side was obviously scared by the child's true face, and now he is like a spoiled kitten sticking to himself. After more than ten years of marriage, Xiao Chi rarely saw him so docile and meek.

The eyes are still not far away, as long as there is a delicious sentence, not much to say, quiet and quiet child.

If you can let Lin Jingzhen maintain this state, it seems that raising a child is not all bad.

He is very rare to change the inherent impression of the party that has not been so pleasing to the eye. Although this girl is as fat as a small pig, it is also naughty and can eat, but it is not without merit. Well.

He pondered to clean up all the housework in the house, and his thoughts continued until the party was full and full of food, and he was docile, began to walk quietly in the hall, and stood on the corner of the stairs to enjoy the wall painting.

Fang Zhuangzhuang looked at the delicate and exquisite portraits that he had painted for Lin Jingzhen for two months.

"Oh! It’s too ugly!"

Xiao Chi: "........................"


In the dead of night, the big devil finally fell asleep in the bedtime story, and the husband and husband who had worked hard all day finally got back to the room with a tired body.

Lin Jingzhen took a shower and his eyes were all wooden. He went into the bed and spent a long time staying until the Xiaochi who took the shower came out and immediately got into the other's arms.

For more than ten years of life, the bodies of both sides have been contaminated with each other's breath, and the woody aroma and refreshing scent are intertwined, making it difficult to distinguish between you and me.

In the cotton pajamas rubbing, Xiao Chi hugged the lover in his arms and patted his back: "It's hard today."

Lin Jingzhen recalled the afternoon, long sighed and slammed: "I will never cook noodles again, sorry."

"..." Xiao Chi shot his back with a slight hand, "Why?"

Lin stunned and said: "Zhuangzhuang eats and cries, it seems really bad."

“How come?” Xiao Chi refused to admit, and took the line of sight very seriously. “It’s delicious, I like this taste.”

Lin’s stunned self-esteem was slightly patched up: “...really?”

"... Of course, if you believe in me, what can you know about a strong child?" Xiao Chi answered with a slap in the face, recalling his own experience today, and also remembering something unforgivable. "However, I will give you The painting is really hard to read?"

When the party was strong, the expression was too serious, and he had to have self-doubt.

Lin stunned and heard for two seconds, recalling the twisted lines and clear fangs on the oil painting, and looking at the disappointed look on the other face, quickly adjusted the posture, hands holding Xiao Chi’s face and answered seriously. : "How is it possible! The painting is very good, the color is really beautiful!"

"But the party is strong..."

"She is a little boy, know what to appreciate!" Lin Jingyu knew what he was going to say and immediately interrupted.

Also, Xiao Chixin said that only a few years old children know that the taste of a meal is almost the same, how can you understand the art of such a profound thing. He gradually calmed down in the horror of Lin’s horror, and thought of the bowl of noodles, and once again said: “You don’t care about her, the noodles you cook are really good!”

Lin Jingzhen was succumbed to the squad, and his heart said that Fang Zhuangzhuang was only a few years old. He evaluated the evaluation of oil paintings. After all, aesthetics is the instinct of human beings. Where can I evaluate the ability of noodles to taste good?

Both of them were convinced by the other party, and they embraced each other sweetly. After a long while, the sound of Woollin’s stunned hesitation slowly floated out: “Xiao Chi.”


"The problem that the aunt said about passing the child..."


"I don't think we should let it be."

Xiao Chi yawned and hugged his lover who had a lingering fear. He thought that there is still a lot of little boy who doesn't understand art in the world. He can't help but agree with it: "Good."