MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 72

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Lin stunned and sweated before he broke free from the sweet and sloppy tricks, and promised a series of unequal treaties.

Compared to Shen Tian sweet, Xiao Miao is much colder. In the face of Lin Jingyu holding a computer to realize her wish, she just stood blushing and watching silently.

Xiao Chi stood next to him and said, "You shouldn't buy her. What good things can she do with her computer?"

Xiao Miao hangs his head, the cheeks of the micro-powder are getting more and more red, and the eyes are brightly lifted and stared at his brother. The murderous air is filled in the smoke, but the voice is low and soft: "I brought it to study."

Xiao Chi slanted her Is it? ”

Xiao Miao: "..."

What is this broken brother!

Lin was shocked by the people next to him: "What's wrong with you, what do you mean when the computer is bought home? Is she not willing to read the book?"

Xiao Chi thought about it or didn't say it deeply, because Xiaomiao on the side seemed to be about to get into the ground.

After the computer's screen lit up, the elders also took a look at it. Xiao family is not lacking in the money to buy a computer, but this is a product of the new era after all, and has not yet fully entered the lives of ordinary residents. TV has gradually become popular. Today, there are still a few computers in the Yan family. Xiao Grandma has never even seen this thing, pushing the reading glasses to test the keyboard.

She jumped out of a letter in the input box and she "snapped" in surprise.

Lin Jingwei opened the browser for her, skillfully entered the URL of "extraordinary search", and after pressing Enter, a novel and concise web page came out.

In the collation column that comes with the following, the options on the home page cover almost all the popular websites in China. Compared with last year's view, there is an extension option next to the induction bar. Click here to enter. The true integration of this category.

From here, we can intuitively see how quickly the domestic Internet has developed in the past year or so.

The Internet-related enterprises in Yan City have gradually increased, and as many as one month at the end of last year, there were as many as five companies. The increase in supply indicates the expansion of the customer base. As Xiao Miao and Shen Tiantian began to apply for computer purchases at home, although they are still not popular, the concept of "computer" has always been stationed in the impression of the public.

At the end of last year, an internationally renowned company estimated the value of the extraordinary network, and has sent a commissioner to discuss financing matters with the mink. The fur has not yet been loosened – the industry now offers an extraordinary valuation range of about 25 million. Between 30 million, this is not a number that will satisfy them. This year, they will launch the second largest achievement in addition to search engines - instant messaging. After the launch of this business, it is extraordinary in the first round of financing to truly grasp the right to speak.

Extraordinary search can be described as a no-one in the domestic search field. Suede and Wu Wang are not a quick step, and they have the financial support of Lin Jingwei. It is really leading for too long. In the special node between 91 and 1992, with the advertisement of Gaosheng, they quickly put the brand of “extraordinary” in the hearts of the first batch of netizens in China. It's not that no other company is trying to imitate, but the extraordinary business has gradually got on the right track. After the system is perfected, many departments that have not been able to balance the situation just after the establishment are all structured.

The first batch of core veterans have their own channels of radiance and fever, and the number of extraordinary search employees has changed from the original dozens to the current dozens. Mature art groups, mature promotion groups, mature maintenance groups, mature technical groups... The work of the employees in these groups is to constantly improve the user experience. For example, the layout of extraordinary search has been revised no less than 100 times today, and each time is a very small change, but when combined, it has become the height of the newly established Internet companies to catch up.

They chose to launch instant messaging in 1992, and this time is also very subtle.

Two years later, the country will officially connect to the Internet, and various types of software in the Internet market will emerge like mushrooms. The competition has suddenly increased sharply, and the audience is more difficult to please. At the beginning, it has already fallen behind. If the extraordinary network can quickly spread the communication software with the customer base that now accumulates almost the entire Internet, then at that time, you can sit on the Diaoyutai.

In this era, many businessmen have broad visions and far-reaching plans. Even Lin Jingzhen often wonders if they are as heavy as themselves.

It’s like Xiao Chi.

Xiao Chi quickly invested in another Internet company, Immortal Technology. Different from the orientation of the extraordinary network, Immortal Technology is currently specializing in portal development. Two of the most active forums in China are owned by Immortal Technology.

Xiao Miao skillfully opened one of the forums and explained to the curious Xiao grandma how to play the Internet. Lin Jingyi gave Xiao Chi a look, indicating that the other party should not mess up there, pulling the other person to the sofa to sit down and make tea.

Xiao Dad was originally reading the newspaper. After smelling the tea, he asked for a cup. He sipped slowly and talked with them.

It is about the affairs of Zhenxiong Real Estate. It mainly revolves around Yukai. No matter how good the character is, the other party is a child of the courtyard. He grew up under the eyes of the elders like Xiao Dad. Every year, the New Year will also celebrate the New Year. It is the relationship that goes beyond strangers.

Watching a familiar child become like this today, Xiao Dad is very amazed.

Zhenxiong Real Estate is now deeply immersed in the vortex of Wubaoshan, and the new crematoriums and funeral homes have almost dragged them down.

Shi Nanxing and Yan Kai have been running relationships for a long time, and the two facilities that have not yet been completed can be moved elsewhere. There are so many real estates in Wubaoshan Mountain, which are big and small. What can't be done by others, can the old man who has gone to the general trend be able to do it? Therefore, their efforts are of course in vain.

If you change to normal, the consequences of seeing this at a glance should be enough for them to give up, but the strange thing is that Shinan and Kay are still running.

They seem to be in desperate need of money, and for this reason do not give up any small possibility - while releasing the wind to sell the shares of the Wubaoshan project, while trying to get some money from the bank. But who will take over Wubaoshan so openly? The loan party Qi Qing Real Estate is looking at it, and no one wants to do the next one that is dragged down. As for the bank, Zhenxiong Real Estate has a bad debt, and almost all of it can be reached at the moment. No one is willing to risk lending to them.

Xiao Chi said: "Shi Nanxing has more than 10% of the shares of Sifeng Square. According to the current situation, I estimate that it should be able to be taken within seven million."

"Then the land in the hands of Wubaoshan?" Lin asked, "Do you estimate what the current market value should be?"

Xiao Xiao, who has been listening for a while, heard the brush and closed the newspaper. The eyes behind the transparent lens swept to Lin Jingwei: "Do you want to buy the land in their hands?"

Lin Jingyu understands his suspicion. Wubaoshan, which suddenly entered the funeral home and crematorium, is indeed worthless in the eyes of the outside world. However, the news that the Wubaoshan will build a cemetery has not been announced, and soon this situation will change. .

According to his memory, when the funeral of the previous World Lin Runsheng was held, Wubaoshan’s cemetery was already very mature.

Such a situation cannot be achieved in a short period of time, so at that time, the cemetery should begin construction within this year.

The development of private cemeteries in China is very difficult to approve. This difficulty is no longer in the qualifications of developers. The cemetery in Wubaoshan is state-owned. Before the project was completed, no one dared to bury the funeral near the forest. The idea.

However, the more difficult it is to approve, the more often it contains huge profits.

Lin Jingyu had previously proposed that he would be willing to pay 60 million yuan to transfer the land, but unfortunately, the other party did not agree at that time.

Now the land is estimated to be worth 60 million.

Xiao Dad did not seem to agree with his thoughts. He shook his head seriously: "I advise you not to intervene."

Lin Jingzhen thought that he was worried about the late profit problem, but also wanted to explain that Xiaofu directly interrupted him with a raised hand: "I understand what you mean, Wubaoshan's land is not so bad, but I am an elder. I still advise you not to intervene. The debt problem at the bank is complicated and not to mention. The key is that Qi Kai’s funds cannot be obtained from you."

Lin stunned and looked at Xiao Chi with amazement. Xiao Chi clearly knew what his father’s words meant. He calmly replied: "In fact, when you should do it now, put them in it, you can use it, but the money can’t flow to them. in."

Xiaofu sighed: "You can't watch them die."

Lin Jingyu heard the clouds in the fog, Xiao Chi only touched his head calmly: "Nothing, I am coming out."

The two young people who are sticky on the opposite side look too hurtful, it is really horrible! Xiao Dad silently raised the newspaper and blocked it.


Shi Nanxing did not expect that he would be forced by 20 million in this life.

I thought that when he was in the south of the group, tens of millions of hundreds of millions of shipping routes were not in the air, and all aspects of the relationship to send benefits, which is not a seven-digit start?

But today, he actually fell to sell the house to sell cars!

Unfortunately, he had no sense of crisis before, and he did not have much property to buy. The most expensive cars in his name were mostly models with no legal batch number returned by sea smuggling. Therefore, it is very difficult to get a shot. At least a long period of time is required to find the buyer. .

The bad thing is that Saphan won't give him such a wealthy time.

Shinan Star must get 20 million to each other in a short period of time, and purchase the first batch of funds in the tobacco field.

He was overwhelmed by this dilemma. The Kay Kay on the other side was still suspicious after he put down the phone: "It’s strange, how can Jiang not answer the phone, what will happen?"

"You are sick, nothing to look for her." Shinan Star felt annoyed when he heard the name, and got up and frowned and wore a coat.

Yan Kai had long been tempted by him, so he only looked at him strangely: "What are you doing?"

"Borrow money." Shi Nanxing said, "At the end of the month, no matter what, at least get the 20 million for Sa Peng."

The selling cycle is too slow, and now they have almost tried all the ways to get money, including the millions of liquidity that Zhenxiong Real Estate can now mobilize on its books. They are absolutely afraid to open the mouth of the family. Don't say that Kay's mouse is courageous. Even Shinan may not dare to confess to the family that he is involved in the business. The two are now fighting alone.

The face of Shi Nanxing is quite big in Yanshi, but it is hard to say about the money.

Therefore, borrowed and borrowed, and eventually failed to borrow much money, returned to the company, and received a call from Sapun.

The other party did not mention the money from beginning to end. The tone and anger are like old friends who have never seen each other for a long time, but Shinan has no doubt that the other party may have a smile on his face until he raises his gun. After the call, his heart has already sunk into the bottom.

Yan Kai looked at him with a silent look. After all, he couldn’t resist asking the question that had plagued him for a long time: "Hey, can we not cooperate with Sha Peng? How do I feel that they are helping people... not quite right? What?"

"What kind of **** is said." Shi Nanxing slammed his forehead tiredly, and didn't even want to say more. He heard the phone ringing and rang again. He waved his hand and gestured to pick up Kay.

When Kay was connected to the phone for a few seconds, the look of his face was suddenly replaced by another kind of brilliance. He asked the phone: "Really?!"

When Shi Nanxing listened to his tone, his lazy eyes slammed open until he hang up the phone and immediately rushed to ask: "What happened? What happened?"

"There is news in the land of Wubaoshan!" Yu Kai's tone was shocked and happy. "The Centrino real estate people said they are willing to take over!"

Even though there have been countless grievances in the past, Yan Kai can't remember this moment. In this urgent moment, his eyes can only see the money that will be delivered to the door.

Shinan Star frowned: "How could it be Centrino Real Estate?"

A Centrino real estate, one started from real estate, and he felt uncomfortable when he heard the names.

"Who are you managing? Isn't it good to give money?" Yan Kai didn't know about him, so he calmly called Jiangchacha immediately.

The phone was still unable to connect from the first sound to the automatic hook.

Shi Nanxing thinks about it too. Anyway, he is short of money now, and who is not selling it? Only true gold and silver is true. When Wubaoshan sells it, the crisis in front of them will pass immediately.

He compromised, but he was still not very happy. He only waved his hand: "Forget it, you can talk about it yourself. Anyway, before the end of the month, you have to use enough money."

Now, on such a difficult day, he really does not want to go on. If he can turn over in the future, he will look at the deal with Sabon.

Yan Kai took the phone and looked worried. "Why is Jiang just not answering the phone? Isn't it going to happen? Let's have 20% of the shares in her hand. The bank’s division process has to be followed by her.”

"What can she do? This woman thief is fine, people are smarter than you." Shi Nanxing dismissed it. "Okay, people are in Yanshi, waiting for business, you are afraid of not finding her." ?"


The night was faint, and Jiang just rushed into a dilapidated bus, shrunk in the last row, and probed the window.

The bus swayed out of the wall, and outside the gate, a group of men with sticks ran into the head like a fly, looking around and squatting in the mouth.

"Hey! What about people?"

"I clearly saw her running towards this side!"

Jiang just used a small backpack to cover his face until the car was released for a while before he realized that he had finally escaped from the chasing. She was relieved and relieved.

There are two heavy tote bags at the foot, which is all the valuable things that she sneaked into the house in the evening.

She lived in this land under her feet for so long, and she is familiar with the world of people here, but in recent middle ages, she is drifting to another completely strange country in exile. When she cleaned up, she was confused, not sure if her decision was right or wrong, and what effect this decision would have on the future. At the moment she left the door, she almost wanted to give up, even if she was looking for a small city in China to hide her name? It is better than a completely unknown life.

But at the moment of going out, it was immediately discovered that the chase that started immediately broke her faint illusion about the future. More than a dozen strong men followed the fly and chased after it. Jiang just relied on the small hole in the wall to temporarily open the distance. She was The lime soil, the hands and feet rubbed the skin, the state is wolf, and it is difficult to accept that his future life will live in such a hiding in Tibet.

The bus sailed to the nearest coastal city in Yan City, and the car was filled with the dream of gold rush.

Jiang just listened to the prospects of the country before and after the "gold is everywhere", the thin body in the shaking of the car, the duckweed generally swing.

She was holding the bag and sat almost stiff. After seven or eight hours, she finally saw the sea.

The sky is already bright at this time, and the dawn of the morning light hits the sea, and the smashing is like the future. She was fascinated with the strangers around her and was driven out of the car. The sea breeze blew her a spirit and returned.

The familiar old lady is already waiting outside the car. When she sees her, she is full of pity: "Poorly, how can you make yourself like this?"

Jiang just said it truthfully, the other party helped cursing the migrant workers who had been collecting debts and comforted her: "It’s okay, waiting for you to go abroad, and after a year and a half, come back, they will never find you again. It is."

This sea area is very desolate, and the huge dock is only moored by a simple ship. It is more like a fish than a ship.

The environment is so bad that there is no voice on the dock. The person who brings the snake to the side of the inventory, while in the propulsion cabin that is coldly finished, is like a pig that will be sent to the slaughterhouse.

Someone fell on the deck and climbed up numbly.

Someone got into the cabin and reluctantly poked their heads to say goodbye to their own land.

Jiang just carried the bag and suddenly did not come to a panic. He always felt that his future should not be as optimistic as he heard. Her eyes flashed with fear, and she stepped back two steps, hitting the old lady who was behind her. The old lady asked her with concern: "What happened to you?"

The other party borrowed a lot of money from the previous day, and Jiang just trusted each other. In the heart of fear and panic nowhere to confide, Jiang just rushed to breathe: "I... can I not go?"

The old lady sighed: "Of course."

After the meal, I asked: "But don't go abroad, where are you going? Go back to Yanshi?"

Huiyan City? Jiang just recalled the scene when she was chased by the sticks. There were countless emotions in her heart, but she finally shook her head.

"Nothing, don't worry, Auntie has relatives over there. Someone will meet you afterwards." The old man then softly appease her. "No matter what, it's better than domestic. You are so young, you can't be sure." I can still make a career. If you are not used to it, please contact me again. I will find someone to send you back later."

After a long silence, Jiang just nodded lightly and stepped forward toward the mooring of the ship.

"With so many things! Where can I put it on the boat?!"

Some people brought too many suitcases in front of them, and things were directly thrown on the dock by the sailors. The crying and the screaming sounds were intertwined, and the sadness was hard to name. Jiang just pinched the duffel bag in his hand, and the snake head stopped her, but the old lady immediately went forward and said a few words to the other party. The sailors finally reluctantly let go.

Jiang is more and more convinced that the other person's contacts are far-reaching and gratefully nod to each other.

The baggage has been sent to the boat, but the old lady seems to suddenly think of something at this time, stretched her hand: "Wait, there are some things for you to sign."

As the other party said, he pulled out a brown paper bag from the carry-on bag and opened it, pouring out a stack of very thick documents.

Jiang is just as vigilant about this, she immediately asked: "What is this?"

"You have to find a job when you go out? First bookmark the entrustment. I fax it to my relatives and let them arrange it for you earlier. Otherwise, if you are caught, you are expected to be sent back to the country, and then you will be in trouble."

She said it was very real. Jiang did not understand whether it was true or not. She didn't want to sign, but she couldn't just refrain from relying on the backing that would not help me in the future. The old lady naturally took out the pen and paper and handed it to him. Jiang just looked back and the other people in the cabin seemed to be signing something.

She hesitated to take over the stack of papers and looked at it. The first few pages were as if the other party said that they were entrusting recruitment contracts. The conditions were not harsh but generous.

Everyone signed...

It doesn't really matter if she doesn't cooperate, so she can only take a closer look.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the snakehead behind it is urging: "Hurry up a little faster! What are you grinding? Be careful after a while, when you are discovered, no one can go anywhere!"

"Wait!" Jiang was just rushed to panic, and the speed of flipping documents was quicker, but the stack of things was too thick, and the regulations inside were inexplicably dragged and trivial, and she was only seen for a long time.

The snake head was not so polite. Seeing her sluggish, she pushed forward a little, and began to groan in her mouth: "Would you like to go! Go on board and go on the boat and leave! Don't waste his time!" ”

Jiang was just pushed a shackle and almost fell. When he turned back, the old lady was already telling her good things for her.

Other passengers on the ship also began to urge, worried that the delay will make the plan to leave out, Jiang just happened to be the target of the public. She climbed up in a cold eye and flustered to see the stack of documents. The sailor screamed: "Four o'clock!"

The documents are still insignificant terms. Jiangchao has been reading through the moment for a moment, but he can't stand the pressure. He opened his pen cover with a bite and signed his name under the instructions of the old lady.

She finally boarded the broken ship that carried the dreams of countless people and floated to the sea.


Shen Tiantian asked the phone: "Walk?"

"Go away." The other party replied, "I have not heard of any problems, and now it is estimated that I have already reached the high seas."

"Very good." She leaned on the door and whispered, "These contracts will be sent to my school tomorrow, and the action will be faster, before the Qingqing real estate liquidation."

After receiving a positive reply, she hung up the phone, and then the ringing tone sounded again, it was Xiao Miao.

Xiao Miao’s voice is small and small: “I have a computer at home.”

The sweet and cold face immediately smiled: "Is it? It's so clever, my brother also installed one for me yesterday, so it's easy to use!"

Xiao Miao thinks of Xiao Chi's face of the stool, can't help but scream twice, envy: "Your brother is so good."

"That must be, my brother bought everything for me, clothes, skirts, shoes, card, did you say that the little crown I wore was good last time? It was also bought by my brother. I told my brother that I want to invest in our website, he Special support, but also let me have no money to open as soon as possible. My brother is good!" Shen Tian sweet especially proud, sharply captured a little black in the distance, immediately excited, "I don't tell you, my brother It!"

As she said, Xiao Miao heard a friend’s voice in the phone: "Brother ~~~~"

Mom. Xiao Miao's face immediately turned red, and quickly hang up the phone and threw the phone to the side.

There was a sound of a downstairs coming from the stairs. She looked up and saw Xiaochi’s handsome face with no expression.

Xiao Chi was on the sidelines while he was tying his tie, and he didn't look at the road with his head raised. When he went downstairs, he was facing the sister's words.

He leaned his head back and frowned and looked at each other: "Is something in your eyes?"

Xiao Miao’s eyes stopped immediately, and she looked at her brother for a long time and was silent for a while.

However, Shen Tianshen’s proud display still swayed in her heart. Xiao Miao persuaded herself to be patient and whispered, “Where are you going out so early, where are you going?”

Xiao Chi looked at her inexplicably: "Go talk about some things in Wubaoshan. Why do you ask so much?"

"...I care about you, no!" Xiao Miao brewed for a moment, and the little tail fell behind his brother: "Brother, buy me a small crown!"

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Chi looked at her inexplicably.

Xiao Miao made a stroke on the head: "It's the crystal, the sparkling crystal, the little crown that can be on the hair... It's especially good-looking, not expensive, it's no place to buy in Yanshi, it seems that people have to go to other provinces. I There is one friend, I want it too."

Xiao Miao's face is reddish, his eyes are flashing, and his eyes are full of expectations for his brother.

In her urgent sight, Xiao Chi slowly raised his hand, and then crossed the pocket of the wallet and stretched straight.

"Haha!" Xiao Chi pushed her head and sneered. "You are sick, wear that thing and know how stupid it is, ugly, what taste!"

Xiao Miao: "..."

Xiao Miao succumbed, and blushing to his brother, "You just don't want to buy it for me! What excuses are you looking for? Why are you so stingy!!!"

Xiao Chi snorted and ignored her humiliation. She turned around and left: "I am so stingy."

"You are necrotic! Other people's brothers have bought it, you don't buy it for me!" Xiao Miao screamed loudly. "The horror brother is different from you, he will buy it for me!"

When Xiao Chi listened to the name, he stopped, and then slowly turned to look at his tearful sister.

Then he suddenly raised his hand and hugged his sister's neck, close to the threat: "Tell you, don't take things with him with amazement, know what!"

Xiao Miao beat her brother, and Xiao Chi was enough to mention her in the air. In desperation, she had to reluctantly compromise.

Then he followed slowly behind Xiao Chi and watched his brother comb the little girl in the mirror of the temple.

After Xiao Chi finished the little squat, the heart said that Lin Jing was so good to look at it. When he saw his sister still, he pressed his hand on his sister's head and said: "You still want to dry up, hurry, I have to go out."

Xiao Miaozhen has been chasing his brother behind the door for a long time, only to grab the opening of Xiao Chi’s jacket hem: "Brother... brother... I am... I am a friend, I have a forum. I want to invest..."

Xiao Chi slanted her: "Well?"

"The foreground is very good..." Xiao Miao whispered, "...just got money."

Xiao Chi coughed: "How much?"

"Not much." Xiao Miao smirked and smiled at the lower finger. "One million."

Xiao Chi sneered at her mouth and sneered at her with a sneer: "What forum? What range of business?"

"Literature!" Xiao Miao introduced very seriously. "It is original literature! We have gathered a considerable number of authors, and it is a perfect platform. Brother, think about it, just like the horror brother said, the future The virtual market is bound to be a very large business. We can read and create through the Internet. How amazing!"

Her voice just fell, her neck was tight, and the coat's hat was pulled up by Xiao Chi, and she was firmly covered in her head.

Xiao Miao screamed, and Xiao Chi was very energetic. She took a hat and slammed her on the floor.

She broke freely, and her face was a cold sight of her brother.

"Literature? Hey." Xiao Chi stared at her and stepped closer. "You don't think I don't know what you look at every day on the computer every day. Still a million... You give me some care, next time. Don't get caught on the spot."

He said that when he strode down, the stride would go to the car parked in the yard. Xiao Miao stood in the same place and snorted for a long time, and wowed and cried.

The big tears flowed down the long eyelashes, all over the face, Xiao Miao’s nose was red, and the tears slammed the door and said: "I am going to your mother!!"

Xiao Chi came back to beat her. She ran and cried while looking at her brother who was behind her. She thought of her sweet sweetheart, and her heart was suddenly unspeakable.

"What happened? What happened? This is!?"

Suddenly there was a clear inquiry in the chaos. Both the brothers and sisters in the chasing stopped their steps and looked up at the gate of the yard. Lin Jingzhen was horrified from the driver's seat.

Xiao Miao: "..."

Xiao Chi: "..."

Xiao Chi coughed, raised his hand and stroked his sister's messy hair, and walked toward the forest, and turned black and white in the mouth: "She doesn't like her."

Xiao Miao was too angry to say anything, and he cried more and more.

Lin Jingwei stood in the same place and looked at the tears flowing down Xiao Miao's face. The whole person was stiff. After a moment, he suddenly returned to God and took two gift bags from the back seat of the car and ran to Xiaomiao.

"Cry what to cry." He whispered to Xiaomiao with tears, while wiping and persuading, "Don't cry, don't cry."

Xiao Miao’s head was once comforted by his brother, and he became more and more wronged. He even threw his shyness behind him, and immediately burst into the arms of Lin’s horror.

Lin horror did not dare to move, just patted Xiao Miao's back, Xiao Chi stood next to him and looked at it for a while, and said to his sister: "You take another try?"

Xiao Miao sniffed the fresh aroma of Lin Jingyu's arms, and looked at his brother's full expression of disappointment, crying louder than before.

"Oh, you can't say a few words! Can't you let her know?" Lin Jingyi reluctantly gave Xiao Chi a request for a matching look, then pulled Xiao Miao out of his arms and pulled out the bag.

The sobbing Xiaomiao crying immediately stopped for two seconds.

Lin Jingyu put a small crown on the handle and wore it on Xiao Miao’s head. He praised the child: "It’s so beautiful, don’t cry, crying is not good.”

This is the small jewelry he brought from the SAR before. He sent a little sweet before, only to find that the girls seem to like this kind of exquisite and small things, and they also prepared a copy for Xiao Miao. Who knows Just used it.

Xiao Miao raised his hand and held the crown, and took it down and touched it, and groaned pitifully.

Lin stunned and saw it, rushed to find a helper and asked Xiao Chi: "Good-looking? Right?"

Xiao Chi: "..."

Xiao Chi couldn't stand it in the two pairs of sights that suddenly came. He could only compromise the head: "It looks good, looks good, and is really tasteful."

Read The Duke's Passion