MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 52

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Wang Quan had a big mouth, and the remaining quarter of the bowl was evenly mixed with the bean paste. He was smashed into his mouth and swallowed a few mouthfuls.

His proposal seemed to be just an unintentional language. Lin Jingyu got a sigh of relief. He suddenly realized that his thinking was really too limited and he had always ignored a lot of things.

He wants to improve the life of Zhou’s family, but he can only think of the Zhoumu, who is good at cooking, to open a shop to be a self-employed person. Wang Quan is different. The other party is really a smart person who created the next manufacturing empire with his own strength in this era.

This is a must-have item, where is there a market for mass production of goods?

Nowadays, social commerce has begun to develop. All walks of life, especially food, are just like the baby just born in the village. Ordinary people are mostly frugal, and there is no extra financial resources to add extravagant condiments in addition to the daily rice and oil in the family. In the afterlife, who does not put a few bowls of pickles in the refrigerator?

Lin Jingyu especially has a personal experience when he was sent abroad by the company for the first time in his life. It was the first time he had been abroad in his life. He stayed in London for six days, and his colleague who came out with the same period went green and searched nearby. Chinese supermarkets only want to buy a bottle of homemade pickles or instant noodles.

The demand for food by human beings will eventually become stronger and stronger with the gradual economic conditions, and the land under his feet will have a population of more than one billion, which will contain a considerable market. Share!

Lin Jingzhen thought of this, can not help but secretly scared. He clipped a chopstick to make Wang Quan's mouthful of beef slices stuffed into the mouth. When chewing, in addition to the spicy combination of sauce and minced garlic, it can also be chewed to the mother-maid pickled bean paste, which is different from the ordinary soy sauce. The texture of the soy bean petals that can feel soft and flexible particles. The salty yellow beans have been completely fermented and thoroughly tasted. Each of them contains a rich and fragrant scent.

He was not hungry, but he did not know how to make salty beef, but he could not help but make a big meal.

Opposite to him, Wang Quan had already finished eating two bowls. The small half of the watercress was almost hollowed out by him. Under no circumstances, he could only switch to pickles. I didn’t expect this to be addictive. I licked my mouth and chewed the mother’s hand to dry the chopped radish. He quickly finished eating a bowl of soup noodles, and then took a sheep bone in an enamel pot. I didn't blink the bones.

He kept his eyes straight, but still sincerely praised the bowl of noodle soup: "This is really delicious."

Paste noodle soup is also the unique practice of Zhou's mother. This woman who can't see a little glory in her life always has her ingenious combination in the collision of the elements of taste buds - fat and thin minced meat and onion granules stir-fried, join Use fine silky radish, cut into small diced or thin fresh mushrooms, bamboo shoots (when changing seasons, change to white), then season into a soup, water starch thicken.

Before the pan, sprinkle a handful of mustard, a handful of shallots, a handful of coriander, and a fresh lard of smashed into a finely divided powder. Stir well and pour in the soft boiled with big bone soup. On the noodles at the bottom of the bowl.

Before eating, be sure to add a spoonful of sesame oil chili pepper that Ms. Zhou personally poured. The soup is thick and fragrant, thick and palatable, wrapped in each noodle. The countless seasoning inside is accompanied by the spicy temperament of the pepper, so that the ordinary lard Slag has also become the crowning touch. Such a bowl of ordinary but not ordinary noodles, even the forest horror is hard to resist, let alone Wang Quan who tasted this taste first.

Wang Quan felt that he was being lifted up and raised his belly. He only felt that the food had flooded his throat, but he could not go back to it.

The opposite side has been silent since he opened the meal. He only moves the chopsticks from time to time. It seems that the style is very elegant and the forest is shocked, but suddenly it sounds at this time -

"Wang, are you serious about it?"

Wang Quanyi said: "What?"

"It is what you just mentioned, mass production of sauces." Lin Jingyu asked him, "Wang always has a way to do food industry in Evergreen? It should not be difficult to produce sauces?"

"Ah?" Wang Quan just mentioned it casually. He didn't think that Lin Jingzhen actually listened to it. The feeling of eating and supporting was thrown away, and he returned to the rigor of talking about business.

He pondered for a moment, and there was some uncertainty: "General Lin, I don't want you to say that my hometown is in Zhongshui Province. There is a popular sauce and rice. Every household will pickle a little. Some ten years ago, people took the burden and walked the street. The lanes sell their own pickled bean paste."

"But, I have eaten the sauce for so many years. No sauce has ever been comparable to this one." He took the chopsticks and ordered the sauce bottle cap on the table. He said very seriously, "Know me. In the hometown, there is a large sauce province. The largest soy sauce factory in China is now open in our county. Even so, no one can pickle this taste. Are you sure that this sauce can be successfully produced in large quantities?"


“Ah?” Zhou’s mother heard Lin’s questioning about the sauce recipe. He turned to look at him with a puzzled look. “I’m just pickled and marinated? What is the formula? The most beans are better. If the guests in the store ask me, they will also say it directly."

Ms. Zhou never hides herself. She used to be like this. But when she researched something delicious, some friends and colleagues asked about the practice, and they all know everything. The snack bar and the kitchen are all outside, she is never afraid of her craft to be learned. The business in the store is booming, and there are also many shopkeepers who want to steal the teacher and learn from it. In so many people who line up every day outside the store, there are many eyes that are staring at her every move. But for a long time, Ms. Zhou has been frank, but she has never heard of any store that has learned her.

Investigate, in fact, Zhou mother is also very upset, she really did not play in the game.

However, this is the case with food. It may be just a little difference in the heat. The raw materials are slightly different. Put a spoonful of salt or a glass of wine, and the results will be completely different.

Lin Jingyi talked with her about selling sauces. She also thought it was a joke: "I have this soy sauce and pickles in the store to taste the guests. Who is so stupid, willing to spend money to buy this?"

She said, she would pick up the little cockroach that had just entered the boiling water and put it into the clear soup with the end of the fritters and the pickles. When the guests outside the counter looked at the bowl with their eyes open, they asked: "Lard should be more!"

Ms. Zhou laughed and dug a spoonful of tea in a small pot of lard and put it in a bowl.

The snowy lard is hot and instant, and the clear oily flowers float on the clear soup surface. The unique mouth-watering aroma of lard immediately makes the table guests sitting in the distance not to turn back. This is Zhou Mu's own handcuffs. The selection is all the soil pigs that are familiar with the quality of the people. The finished products are exceptionally fragrant and very popular with the guests. The weight of a large iron pot is definitely not enough. Children from neighboring merchants sometimes arrive at the meal and hold a bowl to discuss a spoonful. After returning home, stir with hot rice and a few drops of soy sauce, sprinkle some tender onions, pliable rice and melted lard. It is dyed by the soy sauce and it is a treasure that is not to be exchanged.

The waiting customer squinted the small bowl from her hand, placed it on the table, and took a small dish to decorate the mother-in-law on the dining table -

"The boss wife." She opened the can lid and looked at the few drops of thin bean sauce left in her head. It was too much to lose. "The bean paste is gone."

Ms. Zhou immediately smiled and apologized to her with a smile: "I am sorry to be embarrassed. It is all hand-salted. I didn't make much of it. I didn't expect it to be so popular. I just finished it and finished it in the morning."

The customer sighed and had to retreat to take a spoonful of enamel cups and pickled black and crispy pepper rings with wine vinegar. I was reluctant to pick up the small jar: "You said that your sauce is marinated." If the dishes can be sold in the store, oh, I got back to school on Monday, and I will be back at least for a few months. Without the taste of your home, I can't even eat the rice."

When Ms. Zhou heard it, she immediately pulled a plastic bag in a distressed manner and turned around in the pickle jar behind the table to fill her with a bag of sauce bamboo shoots. She was sent to take it back to eat. The guest was flattered, presumably not bad, and refused a few times, and the hard-boiled sauce was stuffed with twenty pieces in the apron pocket of Zhou’s mother.

Zhou mother hurriedly shouted her husband to catch a braised pork foot from the halogen pot to catch up and give it to others. Lin Jingyi looked at her arrangement by the table, and caught a piece of stained pepper ring and chewed it. Jinyun people are addicted to spicy food. They love to lose a few peppers when they are cooking. Lin horror doesn't like the spicy taste. Only the taste that Zhou mother makes will taste a mouth. The fresh pepper rings are sliced ​​and sliced. The long and sharp peppers are not so terrible. Although they are only marinated for a few hours, the peppers in the cross section are soaked in sweet and sour sauce. the taste of. Lin's horror taste is not sensitive. He can only taste the contents of the wine vinegar and raw garlic **** sugar, but this does not prevent him from stuffing his mouth in the mouth when he is sucked up by the spicy.

After Zhou’s mother’s tossing and returning to the kitchen counter, she listened to Lin’s surprise and asked her: “How? Is there anyone who is willing to pay for the pickles?”

She was taking out the twenty dollars from the apron pocket and wanted to put it into the change bucket of the daily cash register.

She looked at the face of the twenty dollars in her eyes. The two pickled bamboo shoots that she had just given to the guests were selected for the spring seasons of the previous months. Although Yanshi does not produce this, the price of the whole city is not expensive. The cost of two bamboo shoots plus marinade is only a few dollars, but some people are willing to pay a high price of 20 yuan.

Lin Jingyi analyzed for her: "Aunt Zhou, you see that this store is not big, but you can't stop from morning till night. Although you earn a lot, but it is also very tired? Do individual business, especially In the catering industry, you are changing your energy. But have you ever thought that once these pickles can be put into mass production, you only need to turn over at home to receive more and more customers."

He picked up a soy sauce bottle on the table and turned it over to let Zhou’s mother read the words “Chinese water soy sauce” written on the label. “Aunt Zhou, you use this brand of soy sauce every day, have you ever seen this factory? Annual shipments?"

Ms. Zhou took the soy sauce bottle from her hand and shook her head in a blank voice.

“This is the largest soy sauce factory in China now.” Lin Jingsheng said, “You can estimate the market share of the family by looking at the family around you. Last year, the light was only a soy sauce, the Zhongshui Group’s The sales volume exceeds 200 million yuan! One pound of soy sauce can be sold for one piece of 5, how much does it cost? You can imagine how profitable it is."

Ms. Zhou’s voice was awkward, and the number of two hundred million has already surpassed the imaginable category for her. She is a laborer born in a small town. She always regards herself as a proletariat. She can take courage to come to Yanshi from Jinyun and start this restaurant. It is already a great pioneering work for her. . She is not greedy, and she is easy to settle in the status quo. Although she has worked hard in the store, she still feels very satisfied. Opening a factory is undoubtedly too far away for her. She doesn't even know how to operate and the key to it.

She pinched the 20 yuan, and for a moment she even forgot the next long-awaited face. Lin was shocked to see her heartbeat, and immediately hit the iron, hitting the side and screaming at the side: "In fact, the factory is not as troublesome as you think. The aunt who just ate with me in the store, did you see it? This person is called Wang Quan, who opened the factory in Changqing. He is very familiar with the process of opening a factory, and has a good relationship with me. For things like pickles, you only need to grasp the formula. If you can put into production, many things can be fully authorized. Handing over to others for management, you don’t need to worry about yourself."

Zhou’s mother’s eyes drifted away. What she worried most about was the problem mentioned by Lin Jingyu. Otherwise, after seeing the merchants after the world, how can there be a little ambition in the cause?

Lin Jingying stared at her expression and captured the struggle in the depths of her eyes. She added a sentence at the right time: "Haicang is a sophomore in the second half of the year. He has not graduated from the hospital for a few years. He does not like to go to the kitchen to touch the fumes. You It is absolutely impossible for her to help you manage this store. But if you can open the factory, you can let him manage it. If you do it in the future, it is Haishu’s own business. He will not marry him later. Good thing."

Referring to his son, Zhou’s original gentle expression immediately sharpened.


"Slow down slowly, here is black, watch the road under your feet carefully, don't fall!" Ms. Zhou led the way in front, groping for a rope pulling the wall and squatting down. Her movements are illuminated, emitting the unique light of incandescent lamps. This is a small underground warehouse with low rents and is not far from the Sun Street store. She specially rents and uses the ingredients. The dim warehouse was filled with large and small sauce tanks, and the seal was covered tightly. It seemed to be placed here for a long time, and the surface of the seal had been covered with a thin layer of dust. Zhou mother resolved for a moment, picked one of the small cylinders, blown off the ash floating on the surface, and untied the rope **** on the layer.

The unique refreshing scent of pickled pepper and perilla mixed with her movements immediately. Wang Quan originally stood behind Lin Jingshen, smelling the smell and immediately squatting to Zhou’s mother. The clean chopsticks that Ms. Zhou carried with her were pulled back and forth, and a dried eggplant section buried inside was pinched and handed to Wang Quan.

Wang Quan stuffed into his mouth, and the instant taste buds were full of savory taste. The softness of the eggplant was very different from that of fresh, but it seemed to be even better. He immediately raised his brow.

He sincerely raised his thumb to the mother of Zhou: "It's delicious! Aunt Zhou, what do you do?"

Ms. Zhou’s personality is very embarrassing. Although she is often boasted in the store, she is still a little embarrassed. She is modest: “There is nothing unusual about picking fresh long eggplants. The finer the better, under the sun. After sunburn for ten days, the water in the eggplant is almost sun-dried, and don't dry it thoroughly. When it's good, take it back and wash it into pieces, using fresh basil, chili, tender ginger, garlic, and A little bit of pepper and fragrant leaves, mixed with other messy things, marinated for ten days and a half months. The main thing is that the eggplant has to be selected, not old, the pepper can not be used casually, I put the millet And red lanterns, millet is spicy enough, red lanterns are more fragrant, these two add together to taste the best."

She said it was simple, but Wang Quan was directly listening to stupidity. Those who are familiar with the cooking steps can't imagine how complicated the ideas that are taken for granted by ordinary people. It's like cooking and putting salt. Some people have a concept of taste when they have a finger, but more people are hesitant to add and subtract. Ms. Zhou is probably the former. There is a special kind of mind in her mind that is beyond the control of the order rules of different flavors. Take her canned pickled eggplant, how can the eggplant be just right? She only needs a finger to press hard and hard to know, but if I change it to Wang Quan or Lin Jingwei, I must borrow a scientific comparison. Analysis dare to speak out.

The reason can only be explained by talent.

This is a good thing. At least the rules of Zhou’s mother’s dishes can always be developed with the closest rules. Even if the taste cannot be exactly the same, the greatest similarity can be achieved. However, such a gift-shaped dish does not have a precise ratio of leakage, and the peers want to imitate the same taste but it is difficult to go to heaven. Wang Quan nodded and pointed to the cylinders in the warehouse that were slightly farther away from them. The cylinders were obviously different from most of the pickles: "Which cans are bean paste?"

"Yes." Ms. Zhou nodded. "But it is still not cooked. The beans have to be boring for a few more days. The fermentation is not complete. The fragrance is not enough, so I can't disassemble it for you today. But it is quite easy to get it. It is the soybeans with some chili, onion, **** and garlic. After the soybeans are cooked, they are dried, and the flour is spread out to dry, and the sun is thoroughly dried. Then it is marinated in the jar with other things, and it is moved to the sun in the basement for a few days. After drying hard, after cooking, it is the taste you have in the store."

She said, I took another bottle of marinated bean curd and put it together: "Do you taste this? This is the tofu, sour water that my family Zhou Neng (French father) made, initiated. When the hair is particularly long, the taste is particularly good, and it is completely different from the taste of tofu in your north. It is most suitable to make bean curd."

The common water in the province of Zhongshui, which is often eaten with Wang Quanping, is different from the hard bean curd that is soaked in the oil of Wang Wang. The mother who loves to eat spicy is a vegetarian. The surface of the bean curd is strewn with capsicum, and the thoroughly fermented tofu has been thoroughly blended with these powders. It is small and small, and the pockets are lovely, but it exudes a strong aroma distinct from its small body shape.

Wang Quan slipped a small piece, and by the light, he could see the texture of the white bean curd in the bean curd that lost the pepper. He broke into his mouth and licked it twice. The scent of the eggplant still left in the mouth was completely covered by this more aggressive aroma. The bean curd is somewhat salty, but it has not reached the point where it can't be eaten by the air. After being melted by the temperature in the mouth, it obeys and succumbs to the taste buds.

If there is porridge at hand, Wang Quan is afraid that he will drink a full rice cooker with this bottle of bean curd.

He nodded and consciously took the bottle of the mother who opened it and then re-covered the jar from the other hand and stuffed it into the pocket of his jacket.

He is determined to go out to the hotel for a while to get a big pot of porridge to eat this bottle of baby enough, but the surface is very reliable, just right.

"General Lin." He said to the forest with amazement. "I think that based on the taste of these things, our plan to open a factory is feasible."


Wang Quan is interested in working with Lin Jingyu, not to mention that his electrical appliance factory is now on the right track. Every day, in addition to stocking and shipping, he does not need to worry too much. He should also expand some new business.

The food industry is undoubtedly a good choice. Nowadays, the trend of rising market economy has begun, and people's demand for taste has already begun to show. What has been the hard work of life for decades? What is it for? Isn't it just for the sake of food and clothing for yourself and your family? Only now, there are countless people at the door of this small shop in Zhou’s shop, who are willing to wait for the sake of eating a bite of food. After a few more years, the people’s lives have improved, and the hand is more plentiful. There will be more and more people willing to spend money on the word “food”. Everyone is no longer just pursuing fullness, how to eat it delicately. If you eat well, I am afraid it is the most important thing.

If there is no such thing as Lin Jingyu, Wang Quan may choose to invest in some high-end foreign restaurants in major cities. His optimism about the catering industry is no less than when he first entered the manufacturing industry.

Now, Zhou’s factory is undoubtedly a better choice for him. After so many years of processing and manufacturing, his understanding of the factory has far surpassed most people, seeking to open up in this line. Undoubtedly, you and your partners can take a lot of detours.

The two sides can be described as a hit in this respect. Lin Jingyi simply handed over the work of finding the site and the production line to the insider. Changqing is too far away. He is still more inclined to establish the factory in Yanshi, even if it is remote. It is also convenient for early planning and management.

However, the approval of the pre-production equipment and some projects is obviously not so fast, and Zhou’s short-term uneasiness has been reduced a lot after learning that the factory did not open so quickly. As usual, she returned to the store to start a fire, laughing and welcoming the guests, and the news was dripping, and there was no clue on the surface.

But in the details, it seems that there is a difference.

Ms. Zhou installed the pickles that she had just brought in as a bottle, lined up in a row, and placed it in the newly opened cabinet behind the counter in the store.

Different categories, different components, but clearly marked.

This new product, which can be purchased without taking the queuing directly, was immediately acclaimed, and it didn't take long to become the biggest sign in the store. Many old customers are even asked to help with purchasing, and they have to buy a dozen or twenty bottles at a time, so the cabinet that should have been placed in a glass jar is often searched empty.


During the off-hours, when Lin Jingyi returned home, the garage in the lawn had stopped a familiar black car and parked in the parking space inside.

When Lin Jingqi came down from the driver's seat, he glanced at it and found that the headlights that had been smashed in front of the right side of the black car had been repaired. They couldn't see a look that had been smashed, and the body was also scrubbed, spotless, and it was smeared. The owner is similar to the temperament of the pretense.

Lin Jingwei felt strange, and Xiao Chi was too conscious to run here.

Open the door, can smell the fresh and clean water vapor after cleaning, the glass door in the living room is opened, and the wind in the backyard is scented with the fragrance of plants. There is no one in the living room. The TV set is in the middle of a martial arts drama. The special effects of the sword collide from the sound. The dim light in the house is full of warmth.

He couldn't help but stop for a few seconds.

Suddenly heard a footstep when the bare feet touched the wooden floor, Lin stunned and turned his head, facing Xiao Xiao to look at his gaze. Xiao Chi is very simple to wear at home. It only has a white shirt with linen texture and a pair of beige pants, but the effect is very good. It seems that his shoulders are wide and the legs are slender and the advantages of high heads are unobstructed.

"Are you back?" Xiao Chi asked him naturally, as if the property certificate of the house had written his own name, walked barefoot to the restaurant, and placed a simple paper bag on his hand. On the table, "Did you eat?"

He probably just took a shower, and there were some water traces on his face that could not disappear. He had a paper bag on his hand, and one of them was still squeezing the beaded beads. After living together for a few days, Lin Jingyi discovered a lot of quirks that Xiao Chi had not noticed before.

For example, the other person's body temperature is high, usually do not like to wear shoes at home, like sitting barefoot and cross-legged on the floor.

Another example is the belief that the other party looks at least devoutly on the surface. On the second day of self-speaking, Xiao Chi invited a solemn Guanyin image to be enshrined in a small room on the first floor near the garage. Three muskly offerings every day, never intermittent.

Also superstitious, Lin Jingyi simply sacrificed his grandfather's portrait to the Buddhist temple, and even got back to the other side to recite the merits of the statue!

Lin Jingying stared at Xiao Chi's bare feet and strong calf muscles for a while before regaining his gaze. The short-term discomfort when entering the house was easily covered by him. "Not yet." He answered Xiao Chi's question without any problems, then looked at Xiao Chi's action of removing the paper bag and asked him when he entered the room: "What is that?"

"I don't know, Hu Shaofeng gave it, saying that it is a popular pickle in Yanzhou recently." Xiao Chi couldn't open the paper bag, simply tore a hole, and pulled out a few simple glass bottles from the inside. Detailed on the hand. The glass bottle is not large, and it is also up to five hundred grams in size. The light blue bottle is covered with a pattern of ordinary style. A black strip of palm-sized paper is attached to the pattern. Xiao Chi reads the name of the head: "Haicang Sauce shoots? What?"

Oh, Lin Jingyi heard the name and immediately understood that it was the pickles sold by her mother in the store.

Although the factory has not yet been prepared, but under the advice of Lin Jingwei, Wang Quan has already run the door to apply for the patent of the product name. Lin Jingwei is a famous name. Wang Quan’s two factories, called Da Development Manufacturing and Dafa Cai Manufacturing, were immediately deprived of their rights. The choice of brand name finally fell on Zhou’s mother, which made Zhou’s mother hesitate for a long time.

Zhou’s real name is Ding, called clove. This is also a good name, but she has already been registered in advance. She thought about it and could only choose to name it by Zhou Haijun.

After the formal application of the patent name, Lin Jingzheng agreed to put a sign on the pickles in the store. This can't be blamed for his being too careful. It is actually that in the past life, I have seen too many disputes such as Li Wei and Li Gui in the shopping mall. The incidents of deliberate impersonation or confusing are endless. Some smart people are unwilling to use their own eyes on the right path. .

With the patent name, at least they don't have to worry about the right to defend their rights.

However, the current size of the pickles has not yet developed to the extent that it is necessary to worry about being shackled. At least until the construction approval of the plant is completed, the flow production line will be put into use, and they need to worry about this layer.

However, due to the taste, although only in the early stage of the start, the reputation of sea bream pickles was quickly hit out by the recommendation of word of mouth. Even Xiao Chi is covered here.

Lin Jingyi did not mention the relationship between the brand and himself. He just stepped forward and replied in an understatement: "It is only pickles."

Xiao Chi put down the bottle and looked back at him: "Would we have porridge at night?"

Lin Jingwei strangely found that he is now more and more home-speaking with Xiao Chi, which makes his heart twitching with strong eccentricity and can't help but indulge in this kind of family-like but unobtrusive softness. He nodded and then listened to the other person and asked: "What kind of porridge to drink? Is rice still millet?"

Lin Jingying stared at the fluffy natural hair of Xiao Chi after washing, suddenly facing forward, reaching out to hold Xiaochi's waist, and then lazily leaned his body and head toward each other.

Xiao Chi subconsciously caught his body, patted his back in a pampering manner, touched up and down, side scented the smell of his hair, his face pressed against the hair, still waiting for the answer: "Well?"

Lin stunned his chin on his shoulder, as if the tired traveler finally found a place to rest, which is completely different from the distance and relationship that he originally imagined should be tacitly maintained.

But he did not feel resentful, but he squinted half-heartedly, trying to enjoy the gentleness that he didn't know how long it could last, and his heart was absent-minded: "... rice?"

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