MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 46

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Qi Qing and Jiang are just the Yan City that arrived a week ago. Deng Mai has a lot of contacts and asked a few more questions. It is almost easy to get the couple's movements.

On the day when they set foot on the land of Yanshi City, they visited the members of the previous Qingqing City delegation. They invited the rice and invited the wine. It was clear that they wanted to run the relationship and they were rooted in the relationship. Greasy. On behalf of the peaks, they did not see them. Centrino Real Estate even drank a cup of tea and found a head-to-head rush. Many of the companies that were related to them were the ones that were the most frequent, and the largest one was Zhenxiong Real Estate. They were treated with courtesy, and even they took time to meet them in the office. Two times.

Lin Jingzhen almost locked the target in an instant, except for Kai Kai, who did not really offend anyone in Yan. Or suddenly popping out to get a place will make people feel awkward, but to be honest, few people will be bored to use this kind of means that does not hurt the bones and only have disgusting effects. Previously, because of the ownership of the triangle of the Second Middle Road, Yan Kai sent people to Deng Mai to negotiate a lot of back, and his attitude was very proud. He only said that he would open a price to take away the land, but Deng Mai would sell it to them. !

Deng Mai shirked himself can not be the master, Yan Kai personally found Lin Jingzhen, but the ending is obviously not happy, the two because of the hatred of the king of Shiku Lane in the north of the city, this time will be completely settled.

He didn't do it himself, but he went over it and pulled two shots to add to Lin Jingyu. He had to say that he was much smarter than before. As far as he did not put his eyes on the Yancheng market in the past few years, if he had not eaten a little lesson in the south of the group, the way of venting his heart was never such a roundabout.

As for Qi Qing and Jiang Cha Cha, these two people have been exposed to the horror of the past, but they still have some understanding. The typical amount is high and low, but there are some heads in the right thing. If it wasn’t for the promise that Kay promised them to give them the heart, they wouldn’t dare to sneak up on Lin’s horror when they first arrived in Yan City without any foundation. Starting from the real estate, although the scale is not comparable to Zhenxiong Real Estate, Qiqing Real Estate, which can crush them, is more than enough.

Deng Mai was so angry that he patted the table: "Is this **** **** sick?!"

Think about it and have some concerns: "Lin Ge, if he really stares at us, what should we do?"

Although Kay is now not enough energy a few years ago, but the old man is still in Yuwei, Zhenxiong Real Estate is also a company that has developed for so many years, and there are quite a few industries under it. If you really want to start with the bar, It is also enough to start drinking a pot.

Lin Jingke shook his head and motioned that he didn't have to worry. He knew that Kay would do the same thing for the kids at most. Even the house was not dare to use his own name in a blatant manner. It’s a big deal to say what’s going on.

However, despite this, it was never his personality to lose money. The next day, Kai Kai went out to work, and the car stopped at the side of the road for a while. When he came back, the tires were tied.

"The trough!" When Yan Kai saw the tires under his arm, the whole person exploded. This is his favorite car. It costs a lot of money to get back home. The value is not high, but the whole country may not be able to find the second one. Yan Kai had no other hobbies since he was a child. He loved the car and opened the car. He never touched another steering wheel. Because domestic maintenance is not easy, he is very cautious on the road, and it is not necessary to be a manpower. Even the car wash and maintenance have invited a professional team, that is, fear of being touched by a paint.

But this car he has always been more caring for his girlfriend, but at this time he pitifully squatted on the side of the road, the two wheels on the right side are like dry bags, pulling there without any vitality.

It’s hard to get rid of it for two seconds, and then it’s endless anger, but the monitoring of the world’s futures has not been put into use, and it’s not caught on the spot, even if it’s a means of getting through the sky, it’s hard to catch the people who committed the crime. In addition to silently eating this loss, there is no second better option.

He followed the trailer to the repair shop all the way, and the friend who saw this situation was shocked: "Who is so fucking, this car dare to engage?"

"Don't be a mother's nonsense." Although there is no evidence, but Kay can also guess who it is, and suddenly heard a sudden fire. He didn't know anything about Lin Jingyu. He only had two positive contacts, one sold the land of Shiku Lane, and the second time was the Changqing City. This short two-time contact, once lost him tens of millions, once let him be stunned to go back to Yan City overnight to rest for three days. Yan Kaichang is so old, he has never suffered such grievances. In the early years, everyone treated him like an ancestor. Not to mention a triangle in the middle of the road. No one dares to rob him. . But now, even Lin Jingqi’s background in Yancheng has found that no one in this city dares to reject his request. He is really unable to swallow this breath. He has thought about it several times to find someone to help him. The horror knows a great deal.

However, after the incident in Gunan, the father had always asked him to be careful not to enemies, and he did not dare to be so blatant in the face.

Yan Kai originally thought about at least a few things to stir up Huang Lin’s horror, let the other party know that he was not so irritated in his imagination, Qi Qing said that when he was surprised, he was in a bad mood when he left. I am still happy, I know that this happy mood can't last for three days.

He envisioned the possibility of dealing with countless forest horrors, and because the self-proclaimed background did not take those things seriously, but never thought that the other side would make another fuss in his own car.

This tie is tied to the tire, it is clearly tied to his heart!

The model of this car has no place to repair in China. Even the spare parts have nowhere to be found. The original tires are even more Arabian nights and can only be temporarily purchased from the place of origin.

This is not the time when the next generation will cross the express delivery week. From looking for purchase to mailing, you can wait for two months!

But no, you still have to wait, the car can not be opened, only temporarily replaced four ordinary tires.

祁Kai Lian throttle is not able to step on it, all the way home is pulled, and the ugly and earthy four gray rushing tires are mounted on his shiny body, the incomparable discord, put a bit in this regard The obsessive-compulsive disorder of Kay is so uncomfortable with acupuncture.

He decided to stop the car at home during this time and don't drive it out. Who knows if Lin Jingzheng’s eye is still staring at this head, and getting the tires is good, just send four homes, just in case. Next time is a piece of paint or something else, Yan Kai really wants to cry without tears.

He was in a fire, and in his heart, he slandered the sinister and despicable sorrow of Lin, and he knew that he had met someone who didn’t want to meet.

When the narrow road meets, he sits in the car and sighs that he is not good at the end of the year, but he also has to lower the window and say hello to each other: "Xiao Zong."

Xiao Chi nodded, his eyes crossed the body and stayed on the tires for a few seconds.

"Hey, don't mention it!" Yan Kai realized that the other party was not seeing it, but even though the gas became like this, he still didn't want his opponent to see the clue. He only put his arm on the window and made a face that didn't care about his expression." When I met a black hand, I ate a bit of a loss, but nothing big happened. He suddenly thought of the contradiction between Lin Jingyu and Xiao Chi. He immediately added another sentence: "If you don’t know it, you will know. Lin was shocked. The one that started in the real estate. ”

Xiao Chi heard a word, and he smacked his mouth to reveal a relatively calm and calm look: "Oh?"

When Yan Kai was only the enemy of his enemies, he immediately came to the air, let's talk about a lot of forest horror, and let him know how to retaliate. Xiao Chi nodded in the car and couldn't see any abnormalities. After he finished speaking, he even waved at him and motioned him down.

Kai Kesuo’s **** was extinguished by the side of the road, and he shook hands with Xiao Chi. For the first time, he felt friendly in the other side, so he was particularly excited. It seems that the unpleasantness that happened with Xiao Miao has turned into a smog through this complaint. He solemnly confessed to Xiao Chi: "Xiao Zong, we must unite this group of people. Get up, can't let the outside group of villagers feel that they are bullying!"

Seriously speaking, on the background of his family, he and Xiao Chi are indeed a country.

Xiao Chi agreed with the appearance: "You are right." He swayed the beads and looked like a sigh of relief, which made him feel a little comforted. Yan Kai did not drive the car, the tires looked at the heart, anyway, the safety here is already high, and the outsiders never dare to come in and make the second.

In his mind, he calculated the time when the friend in the garage had promised his car to go to the country, and left with Xiao Chi, and walked away in the direction of the family, but the thoughts in his mind were counted after a few seconds. The small movements were completely disrupted -


The violent collision and the falling sound of the glass made him jump in an instant. He looked back and suddenly stayed alone.

Xiaochi's back did not stop for a moment, and he didn't even return his head. He kept his posture at a constant speed and walked away in the distance. In his original devastated sports car, the front windshield has penetrated a large hole. The dense spider-like cracks spread over every prescription, just like the heart that bursts in the chest after seeing the picture.


Xiao Chi’s business of Kaiche glass spread throughout the entire courtyard overnight.

If the pokeed tires are just angry, then Kay Kay is really crazy after the window is smashed. How does this make him repair? ! Unlike the tires that can be purchased directly by mail, this sports car that does not have a brand maintenance point in China wants to repair the original glass and paint, and only the whole car can be sent to the country of origin. The difficulty is unimaginable. When I got the car into the country, I had already spent a lot of energy on it, let alone the customs check is ten times more strict than the original! In summary, Xiao Chi's embarrassment can be said to directly abolish his entire car! Compared to his means, Lin Jingzhen’s tires are simply not painful.

What makes Kaikai angry is that none of the elders in the courtyard stood on his side!

Even his grandfather is among them! After all, the image of Xiaochi from the youngest to the big Xiaochi has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Compared with him, Yan Kai is a mixed king and a natural villain. It’s not uncommon for him to do anything bad. He’s going to smash the car’s glass and say that it’s just for the sake of bravery. But Xiaochi is different. This is a child, from small to big, it’s not an adult. Forcing him to move his hand, it must be something that you can't stand it.

Yan Kai was still immersed in the sorrow of losing his car. He had to return to the elders for a few lessons, and he was so angry that he was sprayed into the sky.


The king of gossip, Deng Maide, reported back, and from the day he was poked, the car had never opened the car.

Although some accidental opponents' perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder can be serious enough to replace the original tires and refuse to drive, but the breath of the forest is undoubtedly refreshing. He would rather let Deng Mai find someone to smash the window directly, but it would be a big deal, and he could only retreat to the next level.

After meeting in the office building that day, Qi Qing did not know where to call, and played a few times against Deng Mai, saying that he wanted to eat with Lin Jingyu. This is obviously a sinful person and then trying to remedy. Lin Jingzheng is the only one who has a ghost and wants to be a gun and does not want to offend the gun. It is so good under the sun.

There is no secret in the shopping mall. Even if everyone knows the contradiction between the two companies, Qi Qing and Jiang’s social activities in Yanshi immediately received resistance, but they were hindered by the faintly contradictory incidents behind the Kaikai’s handwriting. I dare not put the alert on the face too much.

Both Qi Qing and Jiang Zheng have some regrets. They first came to Yan City and didn't know much. They only had a background in Kaibi Lin's horror, but they didn't expect Qi Kai's style in the mall to be so bad.

But in order to enter Yanshi as soon as possible, they have no extra choice. The two are trying to take advantage of the fact that Yan City is developing and building blocks. Although it may not be possible to start construction, Yanshi and Changqing are different. The development here is fast, and the land price has changed from day to day. It’s almost zero risk to buy and sell in the Yancheng market. It’s almost a zero risk.

But the idea is very good, but it is not easy to do. The size of Qiqing Real Estate is too small, and the operating status of the previous year is also very worrying. It is hard to say whether it can pass the stricter bidding qualification review of Yan City. There is no qualification for bidding, even if it is ambitious, everything is all in vain.

It is not a simple matter to operate the bidding qualification review, but Yan Kai can do it. When the tender is close to less than one month, the application of Qiqing Real Estate was successfully approved.

On the day when the qualification review was sent back through the news, it was just a coincidence that Qi Qing called again and asked about the fear of Yulin’s pleading.

Putting down the phone, Qi Qing sighed and knew that the relationship between the two sides was irreparable.

Jiang is just more open-minded than he is. He looks at the auction information and browses the land. He persuaded him: "Want to do so much, how can there be no enemies in the mall? The good things in the world can't be fully occupied. Just follow I always maintain a pleasant relationship, and I am sorry that he will not be able to move. As for other companies...when they grow in size, they will post them themselves."


The originally-looking office was taken away. Even if he retaliated, Deng Mai was still angry for several days until he received news from Hu Shaofeng.

"What's wrong, isn't it?" The same building, Centrino Real Estate downstairs, a site of nearly 500 square meters on the 21st floor, the overall window to the south is full of light, the pattern is transparent. Compared with Deng Mai’s original point of view, regardless of the area of ​​light and hard furnishings, Hu Shaofeng is very proud: “The previous company’s expansion of the scale has been collectively moved. I heard that the news will immediately help Lin. It’s a good feng shui in this place, and it’s no better to start the transition!”

He heard that Yu Kai was looking for someone to intercept Hu Lin’s horror rental contract. After Xiaochao told him that he had left the empty space, he immediately and actively arranged himself. One of them is not accustomed to Yan Kai's arrogance, and the second is that Xiao Chi is hard to pay attention to this demand is the relationship between the heart and the forest.

It is related to the peace of the two companies. Where does he dare to slack off? Therefore, when he introduced the experience to Xiao Chi in front of Lin Jingyu, he made a face-to-face meeting and asked the two to shake hands.

Xiao Chi quietly followed, in addition to staring at the forest horror, but can not see what is different from the past, sometimes Hu Shaofeng boasted over, and he frowned and coughed, indicating the other party to pay attention to the size.

Lin Jingzhen was really satisfied with this place, and he almost finalized the signing intention. After Deng Mai and Hu Shaofeng left the department head of the office building, Xiao Chi also stood by the window and looked out the scenery, carrying his hands straight and back. Standing like a javelin, the fingers are not light and heavy, and the beads are pinched in their hands.

Lin Jingzhen stood behind him, first and foremost, and saw that other staff members in the room were busy with their own affairs. No one saw this and secretly reached out and hooked the fingers behind them.

Xiao Chi’s fingers stopped and looked back and looked at him quietly.

Lin’s horrified fingers twirled twice from his palm to his wrist, and simply ran into his sleeve to affix the skin with a much higher temperature than him.

Xiao Chi grabbed him with his backhand and pinched his cool, messy palm in his palm. The two men secretly held hands by the body's cover, and Lin Jingzhen suddenly felt inexplicably felt that he had tasted a sweetness.

Xiao Chi stared at him with a focused and sharp look. Shen Sheng said: "Don't make trouble."

Lin Jingyu dispelled the wave of inexplicable emotions that filled his head, and he did not expect Xiao Chi to care about these details and help himself. Living for the rest of his life, he has become accustomed to not asking anyone for help. When he is in trouble, he is so concerned about it, and his heart is really warm.

His eyes slid on Xiaochi's lips, and suddenly there was a little urge to kiss and kiss each other. But there are people around, he can only endure this impulse, laughing and whispering: "I didn't expect you to be very careful."

Xiao Chi stared at his expression, pinched his hand, and scolded someone around him, and his voice was very light: "The next time Zha Kai Kai tires, don't find someone yourself, let Hu Shaofeng go."

Lin horrified and raised his eyebrows: "What tires? What are you talking about? How can I not understand."

Xiao Chi’s sharp vision brought a little smile, and there is no way to take him. The two glanced at the office area, tacitly loosening the hand that was handed over, and walked toward the other side of the office in a sneak peek.

Lin Jingqi walked to the pillar and was caught by Xiao Chi with his arm. The waist was tightly held by a pair of iron arms. He raised his hand and quickly wrapped around his neck, welcoming the fiery lips.

At the moment of being completely surrounded by the heat, he was so comfortable that he sighed from his breath, and Xiao Chi tightened him, almost holding his feet off the ground. The two men entangled in unreserved lips, and Lin stunned his fingers into the hair of Xiao Chi. Although the two sides are only gunners, he wants to be spoiled for a long time. After the kiss is over, he buried his head in Xiaochi’s neck and dissatisfiedly opened his mouth and bite. He unreasonably picked up the problem: "You have Moss on your head." More, not at all touched."

The slight pain in the neck was negligible. Xiao Chi let him bite, and in one hand, he pulled out the horror of the shirt and slid it into the hem, and gently stroked it.

Lin Jingwei complained for a while and then quieted down and quietly stuck in his arms. After a while, he picked up the problem: "It’s sweating on the hands."

Xiao Chi lied to his first cheek and closed eyes, and Lin Jing was slightly satisfied with this.

Until Deng Mai and Hu Shaofeng came back, the two separated, and Lin Jing was surprised to find that he had no reaction at this time. Xiao Chi was also neat and tidy except for a little mess. It’s like the kiss on both sides is really just a pure, no kiss of any sexual suggestion.

He was a little shocked. He realized that Xiao Chi might be really softer than his appearance. The two are now strictly speaking of gunners. Even he is not eager to seek help. The other party has no obligation to solve for himself. problem.

The negative emotions that can be brought about by Kay Kay are actually so easily driven away, because one has never thought of the object that will help himself.

The sense of peace of being surrounded and protected is still lingering over the body for a long time. Although the forest horror is sensible, he still cannot control and feels addicted.


However, Yan Kai is obviously not a person who is willing to be willing to close his hand. Originally, he only wanted to maintain his own advantages and fell down on the ground to fully retaliate against Lin Lin. Later, although he was retaliated and suffered heavy losses, his anger was only increased.

From the bidding meeting, the plot has not been bidding until now. A countryman who is coming from a foreign country dares to face himself without a face. The gap is too big. If the scene is not found, he will not be able to mix in Yanshi. !

After hearing that I was shot, Lin Jingzhen still got a good office space. In fact, he was smashed, but because the group of South Customs was blocked, there was no way to send it out for repair, almost the same as the scrap car. Kay was so sleepy all night that night.

Although the two sides did not tear the face, but the two look at each other and the relationship between the scorpion is almost the same, Lin Jingzhen realized that this person is really not seeing the coffin without tears. He has a lot of magnanimity and does not want to completely turn his face. On the other hand, he thinks that he has taken up the peak.

The office was simply arranged to hang up the signboards that started from the real estate. After the change of information, it began to formally recruit, and Kay’s big moves did not dare to get it. The small tricks of disgusting people were endless. His good temper has been mixed up several times. For now, Deng Mai hangs up after a long silence, and looks up and helplessly spread his hand to him: "It is already in the job, not to come to the interview."

He said that several job seekers who had contacted the real estate interview before, agreed to come in the afternoon, but suddenly called to find other jobs temporarily.

The vast office area is empty, and there are only two people in the forest, including Jing Jingzhen and Deng Mai. The recruitment of the first batch of employees is imperative. Otherwise, the basic and trivial work in the development of the triangle will inevitably cause headaches. At present, the future generations of the next-generation students are looking for a job like the era of a thousand-armed horses crossing the single-wood bridge. The shortage of talents is a common problem for the management of private business enterprises. There are not many outstanding talents who are willing to give up the state-owned enterprises or government units to enter private enterprises. Deng Mai is easy to contact several batches, but he has always been dug up by others.

For the first time, Deng Mai thought it was a coincidence. After a few times, he felt that he had not asked about it, and then he realized that it was wrong.

It is also too coincidental that these job seekers who started from the real estate pigeons are incompetent, and all of them have been absorbed into Qiqing Real Estate.

Lin Jingyi closed his eyes, his hands crossed on his chin, and his face was expressionless.

Deng Mai knows that he can hear his own words and slowly tells what he has heard these days: "Qi Qing Real Estate's salary is too high. The first batch of basic employees we just started to set the monthly salary is Three hundred a month, these days increased to four hundred, this is already very high treatment in the industry, but Qiqing Real Estate has given the price of the previous batches of people a hundred and eight months, and special posts can even open to one thousand. two."

Eight hundred, one thousand two.

Lin Jingyu heard the sound of laughter. They contacted nearly 20 people before and after. Qi Qing Real Estate almost completely covered the past and offered such high prices. In this year, even in the big enterprises like Time Group, I have never heard of the salary of basic personnel can exceed 400. The rest of the factories and other places are undoubtedly lower. Qi Qing is really a **** one.

I don't know if the money was given by them or if I was Qi Qing, then according to the urinary nature of Jiang, which is known to him, it is estimated that he is already dying.

"It’s not the same thing that people can’t be recruited.” After Deng Mai’s anger, he couldn’t help but worry, “Lin Ge, let’s have it...”

It also keeps up with the standards of Qiqing Real Estate to improve the treatment of employees. At least two batches of personnel must be recruited before the second middle road project is launched.

Half of his words were interrupted by the hand raised by Lin Jingyu. Lin Jingxuan seems to be thinking, opening his eyes after a moment and asking him calmly: "I remember that Yancheng's new real estate bidding meeting is about to begin? How long?"

The topic turned too fast, and Deng Mai sighed and replied: "After a week or so, have you not participated before?"

The tender was in the form of bidding. There were a total of seven plots. The introduction was made a few months ago. Deng Mai took it back at the time. He also sighed with Lin Jingzhen that Yan’s soaring speed was almost a few months. Terrible land price. After watching the introduction of the seven plots, Lin Jingyi clearly told him that he was not prepared to submit the bidding materials.

After Dunmai, the tender was thrown behind, and Lin Jingzhen suddenly asked, and asked him to re-examine the plots that had been collected before.

That stuff has been thrown to the point where I don’t know. Deng Mai has spent a lot of effort to rush out and spread it on the table of Lin’s thriller. A total of seven plots, two popular in the north of the city, and several other scattered around, it is difficult to analyze the pros and cons, but the area is very large.

Compared with the previous auction of the landlord, the land price of Yanshi has nearly doubled, and the price assessed by the industry is becoming less and less conservative. One of the seven plots is particularly large, with a total area of ​​480,000 square meters on the outskirts of the southern suburb of No. 2, because the plot is too large, and even guessed that the final auction amount may exceed 80 million.

Lin Jingjing stared at the land for a long time, the south of Wubao Mountain, Lin Jingzhen was impressed here and this name.

It is still a wilderness ridge that is quite different from the prosperous land in the south of the city, but a few years later, it has established the most famous crematorium in Yan. Just because the hillside of Wubao Mountain is gentle and the feng shui is mild, it is the most superior graveyard.

After Lin Runsheng’s death in his life, he was buried here.

The feng shui and the feng shui of the fire field are mild and not fake, but at the beginning of the establishment, it is very earth-shattering to have a few real estates that have already been developed in the surrounding area. The owners who have not yet delivered the house are clamoring for a refund, and the developers are tearing each other, and pulling the banner is a troublesome thing. The movements that have been made are still after a few years. In the year of Lin Runsheng’s death, the prices around Wubaoshan were all at least 20% lower than those in other sections of Yanshi, and the transaction volume of a second-hand house was pitiful.

The owners want to sell them, but who would be willing to buy this panic?

"Prepare the bidding materials and qualifications." After a long silence, under the gaze of Deng Mai, Lin Jingyi put down the introduction book and clicked on the content of No. 2, and he sighed. "In the letter of intent, write the second place." When you are ready, hand in as soon as possible."

Deng Mai heard a word, then returned to God, only when Lin Jingzhen suddenly found the business opportunity in the No. 2 land, and quickly said: "I know, I will go to prepare. Right, Lin Ge, now Yu Kai This situation... Is our letter of intent a way to keep it secret?"

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. It's a little secret. If you can, you can divulge some news when you are appropriate." Lin Jingxiao smiled and turned to look at him. His face was full of intriguing content that he couldn't figure out. "I'm afraid he doesn't know." It."

For the annoying flies that have been flying in the air, since it can’t be tolerated, it’s time to come.

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