MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 4

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The funeral music spread throughout the cemetery.

It was a cloudy day, and the northerly winds that swept the entire city of Jinyun returned to the winter. Lin was shocked by a thin coat, cold and sturdy, standing in front of the familiar stone that he visited every year in his life.

Time, place, people, memory did not make a mistake, if you have to say that this moment is different from previous life, then only Lin Jingzhen, a once timid child, is no longer worried.

Just like seeing through the eyes of the aunt, Jiang Xiaoyun and Yan Jiangzhi, who have no tears on their faces, have the same picture. They have different views when they are watching at intervals of 20 years.

Looking around in the crowd, Lin Jingyu knew that his mother Jiang was just not present as before.

He couldn't help wondering what kind of madness he had in his life, would he think that a person who wouldn't even be willing to attend his father's funeral would be a good mother?


In the case of Jiangchacha, Lin Jingzhen knows a little. After divorcing Lin Runsheng, the father of Lin’s horror, she quickly combined her husband with her husband. The two currently settled in the southern city of the southern province of Gunn, and opened a real estate company. The name is now Qi Qing Real Estate. "The scale can only be considered to have a small foundation."

But Lin Jingsheng knows that such a phenomenon will not last too long.

Six years later, “Qi Qing Real Estate” will be merged with “Knowing Real Estate”, which has become a famous enterprise in Jinyun City. It will be renamed as “Qijiang Group” and will sit firmly on the throne of the first real estate enterprise in the southern province.

“Knowing Real Estate” is the company that Lin Jingzhen’s aunt and sister established in partnership, and then they have become a major shareholder of “Qijiang Group”. To what extent is the scenery? Even the secretary of the municipal party committee of Jinyun City should respect three points.

It can be said that it is a murderous fire belt.

Fortunately, it is only the future, and nowadays, this group of sinister and despicable people has not developed such awkward power.

Aunt Jiang Xiaoyun and Lijiang knowing that they are staring at the antiques, Jiang Chacha, the vice president of Qijiang Group, who is disdainful to Lin’s horror, is still the ordinary woman who wants to get rid of the relationship with her husband in front of her husband. .

Jiang Qicha's second husband, Qi Qing, has a beautiful and elegant appearance, but his body is a very feudal and masculine personality. In addition, the family has some prestige in the provincial capital, and his family has recognized that the door is different from the ordinary people, and has always been sympathetic to Jiang Chacha’s first marriage. In order to gain a firm foothold in the husband's family, Jiang can be said to have spared no effort. After the marriage, even the relationship with her family has been completely cut off. The forest horror of her life was taken to the provincial capital by her, but she stayed for a small half year as a thief. Later, Jiang Qichao sent her to the Yancheng City on the grounds of “strong father’s request”.

At that time, Lin Jingzhen was convinced of this reason, and therefore, after arriving in Yanshi, he was full of hostility to his father who was equally unimpressed. It was only at that time that he did not know that he had left less than a year, and the mother who said to him that he would only have one of your children in this life, was sweetly born with the "love crystallization" that he really expected.

Lin Jingyi woke up from the memory and took over the keys of the antique warehouse that had been officially handed over to his own grandfather by a notary and a lawyer. Before leaving, he finally looked inside.

In the small space, in the three-sided wall cabinet, the big and small Luo listed, is the most cherished collection of the grandfather's life. Unfortunately, Lin Jingyi was not able to see this hobby. He knew nothing about antiques and lacked interest. The only thing he knew was that the bronzes that were properly placed in this house were expensive and related to all. The fate of all the people he does not like.

Lin was shocked by the beautiful eyes of the shape, looking back at the whole dress: "Go."

The warehouse was placed in a home that has now belonged to the forest horror. Some people downstairs are collecting the mourning hall. The funeral is over. Aunt Jiang Xiaoyun and Qi Jiang know that they did not leave immediately.

They were sitting in the living room, staring nervously at the road to the Treasury.

Seeing Lin’s figure, the eyes of both of them suddenly swelled. Jiang Xiaoyun held the receiver in one hand and greeted one hand: “Shock, come over, guess who’s the phone?”

Lin Jingzhen stood in the same place, looked up slightly, and looked at her blankly from the perspective of the line of sight.

Jiang Xiaoyun was stared at the scalp, and his heart was really evil. At the same time, he smiled and smiled on his face: "Your mother!"

When I heard this sentence, Lin Jingzhen was able to move, and walked slowly toward her.

Jiang Xiaoyun’s heart screamed, and at the same time, it was inevitable that he would give birth to a smug smile. It’s not that she boasted, but how is it bad? She also looked at this little ghost and grew up. Can she still know what virtue he is? Although there is always a stinky face on the surface, but no mother, I always read my mother.

Jiangchacha’s new network of contacts for them has been a treasure. After all, the people in charge of land reclamation in the provincial capital are not easily able to get on the line. They have leaked some sand from their fingers, which is enough for the major real estate companies to touch the year. Half load. She and her second husband, Qi Qing Real Estate, were not long before they were established. They are in a critical period of urgent need to support development. At this time, if they can get help from each other, then it is really...

More importantly, once she demonstrates her ability to own such a network, her position in Qijia and the entire company is bound to increase.

This is an incomparable fat temptation, and it has advantages and disadvantages for both partners. However, the next round of land division in the provincial capital has entered the countdown, and there is not much time for them to convince Lin Jingsheng to take the initiative to hand over things. The three brothers and sisters hit it off, and finally decided that Jiang Chacha and Jiang Xiaoyun came forward to stabilize the forest, and Jiang Zhi, then acted on the plane and waited for the right time to take things away.

As long as Lin Jingzhen is not pursued, everything will be foolproof. It’s not that they are underestimated. An 18-year-old child, born and raised in a small city, can have any insights. I am afraid that even the pile of antiques is worth nothing. Even if he doesn't want to, he will pay for the benefits on his own, and the fools will be solved.

Jiang Xiaoyun stared at the forest horror that was gradually approaching, as if he had foreseen the great future after his planned success.

The other party finally got close, reached out and made a call to get the phone.

Jiang Xiaoyun was nervous and could not wait to hand the receiver away.

Lin glanced at her, took the receiver, slowly lifted it, and then under her eager gaze -

I got on the phone.

He didn't connect, and hung up the phone directly.


Jiang Xiaoyun and Jiang Zhi were like needles. At the same time, they brushed up and stood up, screaming in unison.

Jiang Xiaoyun said in a wrong way: "You didn't hear it? That's your mother! Your mother! She called!!"

The phone that was hung up matched the ringing tone again.

Jiang Xiaoyun rushed to pick up, but Lin Jingzheng's action was faster than her, and directly pulled the telephone line.

In the room where the silence was restored, Jiang Xiaoyun’s younger brother stared at the silent phone, and Lin Jingyi put the phone on the coffee table. There was no temperature in the line of sight: “It’s not early, you should go back.”

Jiang Xiaoyun stared at Lin Jingyu’s eyes as if the other party suddenly had three heads.

Until they left, they both couldn’t understand, and Lin’s response was such a huge difference with what they expected.

In the evening, Lin Jingwei sent away the workers who hired to arrange the hall. He carefully cleaned the place again. He carefully set up his grandfather’s photo, respectfully took the Sanxiangxiang, waited ten minutes after picking up the telephone line, and Jiang did not. Call again.

He sneered, not unexpectedly, following a memory of his last life, dialing a number.

The forest horror of the previous life worked in the capital Yancheng, and has cooperated with many local organizations. Many of the units there have not been relocated for decades, and the numbers probably will not change at will. Sure enough, the phone rang four times, and someone picked it up.

Already after work hours, the voice of the duty officer is lazy: "Hello, here is the National Museum of the Capital."

“Hello.” Lin Jingyu said, “I am an ordinary citizen of Jinyun City in the southern part of the province. I want to donate a batch of cultural relics to your library.”

The other party stunned, and it was not often encountered in this situation. The tone was serious: "Thank you very much, then please tell us what is the content of your donation?"

Lin Jingyu said without hesitation: "Probably a batch of bronzes from the Western Zhou Dynasty or the Shang Dynasty."


The person on the other side of the phone was obviously scared by a sneak peek of Lin Jingzheng. The background sound suddenly became noisy for a few seconds, and I could hear the voice of the screaming man.

The wiring was immediately changed to a person, and the tone was obviously professional: "Hello, do you want to donate the cultural relics obtained through legal channels?"

"This is the relic of my grandfather. He has just passed away and has been notarized in my own name." Lin Jingyu knows their concerns, looks at the time and takes the initiative to say, "If your library agrees to donate, please leave. A fax number, I will fax the artifact picture."

Lin Jingji wrote down the number, hung up the phone, closed his eyes and sighed exhaustedly.

That's it, just like this.

This batch of antiques is the hard work of a grandfather's life. Even if he is worthy of a city, even if he is poor and devoid of food, he will not use it for wealth.

In this case, why not let them be kept in a safer and better place? Display them in the country's largest museum, and use culture and history to be more people. If you know what you are under, you will be happy.

The phone that was hung up was always lying on the coffee table so quietly that it didn't ring anymore. Jiang really didn't call again.

Lin was shocked and his nose was sour. He lay down in the living room sofa without turning on the lights and held his eyes.


Capital Yan City, within the National Museum Office.

A bunch of people urgently summoned by the phone stared nervously at the printer on the desk. The signal light was calm under the gaze of everyone. When everyone thought that the phone was just a joke, suddenly someone exclaimed with a surprise. Sound: "Call the signal! Come signal!!"

The quiet office suddenly boiled up, and the machine screamed and spit out a bunch of fax papers. Everyone couldn’t wait to get ahead and hunted, staring at the paper pattern and starting research.

"Really... really... the shape and crepe of this square, which is clearly the craft of the late Shang Dynasty!!"

"There is still this top, Oh, God, it’s so well preserved!"

"This is a good thing worth the price." An old man with glasses leaned down on the table and carefully read each picture. He shook his head and said that he was not sure. "The other party really said donation? Donate?"

The museum leader himself felt very magical: "Yes, he left the address, saying that after we have verified it, we can send people directly to Jinyun City, Qunan Province."

“Gunnan Province?” The old man bowed and smiled. “That’s a good place. That’s it.”

He took off the reading glasses and gently rested on the table, saying: "When I have recently been free, I will take a walk with you."

The museum leader was shocked: "Fang Lao, you can't make a joke, why is it so far away in Gunan Province? Why do you go there yourself? The sanatorium..."

When he had not finished speaking, he was interrupted by the hand of the old man who was impatient to wave.

Fang Laodao: "Don't twist and pinch, I have a lot of thoughts. This donation still needs on-site appraisal. If these bronzes are true, then the cultural relics market that is currently managing chaos in China will definitely be a powerful shot. ""

Read The Duke's Passion