MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 24

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Several nightclubs who accidentally passed by the bathroom door heard a scream that made them feel terrified, scared that they had half-awake, and ran away in a hurry.

Inside the door, Xiao Chi didn't know if he should lick the top or the bottom. When I was at that time, he touched Lin’s horror belt, but suddenly he was brought back to God by a sudden pain on his tongue. Before he left, Lin’s knees came, and this was true. Known as lore.

Xiao Chi felt that he had been stunned by the thunder. All the unbearable sharp pains and dull pains were concentrated in a rather pessimistic place, and the place was soft.

He confronted this impact directly, almost fell, and struggled to let himself step back a few steps, half leaning against the wall, did not act so embarrassed.

He thought about it or he thought about it, so his hands were intertwined in the crotch, and he was so sweaty and weak, and all the messy drug reactions disappeared, leaving only the most sincere words in the depths of his heart -

"I am jealous of you..."

Lin Jingzhen stood opposite, and his eyes were red, and his waist and legs stood softly against the wall. He sneered and said: "Go, you go!"

Xiao Chi said nothing, he felt that he might die. In the head of the flying lights, the horses and hens flocked and the grass was flying.

It feels like someone is using a blunt saw to help you amputate when you are awake, not to play anesthesia, the technique is still bad, and you have to take a break to rest after you squat back and forth, and then continue.

The back of the head couldn't help but slammed into the wall. After Xiao Chi made up his mind to go back to Yan City, he must go to the Buddhist temple to bathe for at least three days. This must be a **** on the road to Shenshi, to explain him. Take these back words.

Lin Jingxi saw that he was like this, and finally felt a little deflated. When he saw his face in the mirror when he went back to wash his hands, he suddenly became very angry!

The chin has been stunned by this stupid!

After washing a few faces with cold water, he made his expression look normal. This broken place, he didn't want to stay any more for a second. He wiped his hand and walked toward the door. He passed by on the road, and he didn't move it for a long time. When he saw the curl on the other's head, he was angry. Do not hit a place, but also smashed the other side of the foot, and immediately put the paper towel that wiped the hand into a group and smashed on the other side.

The curls raised his head, his nose was red, and he gave him a sharp look.

Lin said with amazement: "Stupid, see you once and hit you once!"


Lin stunned all the way to the outside, the music grew louder, and the pair of shackles that he was kissing when he came in was still inextricably linked. Only his own mentality has been different from the previous one. His eyes are swept over the sticky lips. From the caudal vertebrae to the neck, the whole back is itchy.

The lips were numb, and he put out his tongue and licked it, but he could still lick it to a little grape.

In my mind, I suddenly remembered the feeling that the whole person’s breath was filled with people. The other’s lips were hot and hot. When sucking, the tip of the tongue cleverly fiddled with him. The temperature seemed to penetrate the skin and ironed in the mind. There is a deep and indelible mark.

Lin stunned and slammed back. He shook and felt that he was probably really drinking too much. He immediately thought that he had not brushed his teeth!

Hey! ! !

He returned to the deck and Gao Sheng, they had already finished eating. Tian Dahua was persuading them to eat some fruit.

Lin Jingyu raised his hand and took a glass of wine that had not been touched by the table, and no matter what the inside was, he sipped his neck.

His voice was still hoarse and he turned to Tian Dahua Road: "The time is not early, Tian Zong, are you going to disperse?"

Tian Dahua looked at his lips in amazement: "Mr. Lin...??"

He immediately thought of something, Zhang Dazui did not say anything, revealing a tacit expression, nodding his head in a wretched way: "Good! Scattered! Mr. Lin, you can rest assured, I understand."

Lin Jingzheng was too lazy to care about what the other party knew. He turned his eyes in his heart and raised his chin toward Gaosheng, indicating his departure.

There was a burst of laughter from the card seat that was playing very well behind him. Lin Jingyi looked back and his eyes were bloody.

The flower shirt that he saw when he passed by was originally the one in the trading room in the morning. This person is a group with the curls!

Tian Dahua finished the account and led the way. Lin Jingyan’s eyes swept in the next four sweeps, and after sweeping the cup, he had not had time to drink the iced whiskey.

Hu Shaofeng is playing a game of lip-feeding with the newly-identified dry sisters. The beauty of the arms is gentle and soft, and it is pretty and pretty. He holds his neck and kisses him. The roaring music on the stage makes him blood. Boiling, and then swaying, in short, the whole person is swaying.

Just as he was holding the most coquettish girl, the collar of the shirt on the back of his neck suddenly became tight. Before he could understand the roots, the cold liquid that was poured down immediately wiped his hot ridge. It’s down!

Hu Shaofeng was immediately screamed by the ice, and instantly stunned. The back of his head slammed something up. He let go of the girl’s squat and jumped up. His eyes were round and angry, and he turned back and wanted to see. See who is so daring.

But wherever the eyes are, there is no suspicious object. Under the dim light of the nightclub, everyone is chatting and dancing.

He woke up in his mouth and could only admit that he was unlucky and sat down on the cleaned sofa.

It is estimated that it is a neurosis!

It’s easy that this negative sentiment was overshadowed by the girls’ hilarious laughter. He regained a little interest and regained some of his enthusiasm.

The back of the head smashed, and it hit a strong force. This was a great deal. He directly flew him out of the sofa and fell onto the wine table.

Hu Shaofeng directly supported the table and was shocked by his unlucky situation today. Mom, it’s not enough to be foolish, but once again? !

When you grandfather Hu is so irritating? !

Hu Shaofeng suppressed for a long time, but it was getting more and more fire. He said that he had to shoot a gun and collapsed. This is a fool. He raised his hand and grabbed a bottle of wine that had not yet been opened. He got up and looked at the back of the card seat. Look away -


The gas that mentioned the chest was scattered, and Xiaochi, who had disappeared for a long time, stood there with no expression on his face. His eyes were gloomy and his body was full of indescribable temper.

When Hu Shaofeng saw him, he knew that it was really angry. He dared to touch the tiger's beard. He put down the bottle and coughed. He approached the distance and cautiously asked: "Why, what is this? Who is so daring and provokes you to get angry? Say it, I take people away!"

This idiot forced his mother to dare to say!

Xiao Chi hated not to give his legs a discount, but could not say what he had just encountered. His eyes swept around and didn't find the big eyes.

The pain that is long-lasting and the anger of the mind is still intertwined with each other, and all roots are from Hu Shaofeng! Xiao Chi extended his finger and pointed at him: "Give me waiting."

When he turned around, he slowly went to the door.


Hu Shaofeng was inexplicably a little scared, and the girls in the eyes and the seats looked at each other, but no one knew where Xiao Chi’s anger came from.

This evening, I was poured by ice wine and stuffed with things. The back of the head was also called Xiao Chi, and now I still squeak in my ears.

Hu Shaofeng reached out and touched it in the back, and touched a beer and drank it.

He thought in his heart, my mother is stepping on a **** today? Why are you so bad!


The young people in the small town did not understand what the eyes and micro-swollen lips of Lin Jingzheng represented. Although there were some doubts, Lin Jingyi easily used an allergy to block the past.

Tian Dahua thought that Lin Jingyi had made an early break because he found a suitable girl. He can't help but be envious. If he looks good, he will take advantage of it. He has never been so easy to get through.

Therefore, he worried that he had delayed the big event. He did not dare to delay. After returning the crowd to the hotel, he left without a few words.

Lin Jingwei handed the business card he gave again to Gao Sheng, indicating that the other party had collected it, and quickly brushed his teeth after returning to the room.

Too ridiculous, and sure enough to gather people to group, the dead curls and flower shirts are all kinds of people!

Lin Jingxi deeply hated that the wine glass had not been used enough, and was immersed in the mist of the bathroom steaming, but could not help but feel like the feeling of being sucked on the lips.

are you crazy!

He slaps his own slap in the face, and is determined to understand that the curls must be arranged after the eruption, hurriedly dry the body and put on clothes, and got into the bed.

I spent the whole night floating in the half-dream and half-awake. In the morning, the sun fell from the window into the carpet. Lin was shocked with a pair of dead fish eyes and touched his wet pants.

Gao Sheng, they woke up and slept, opened their eyes, and saw Lin’s stunned coat and neatly sitting on the window with a deep back.

Deng Mai worshipped the heart and thought, too much, and it is my brother.


Lin Jingyi rejected Tian Dahua’s call to send people to the airport, joking, and what airport to go to.

He checked out and took back the deposit. He sat in the hotel's earnest gaze and took the taxi called by the hotel, arrived at the station, bought the ticket, and returned to the group.

When he came, he still had 20,000 yuan, but when he went back, there were only a few thousand left. The bus started, bypassing the main city, and when he was about to leave, Lin Jingqi looked out and looked at the city behind him.

He knew that he would return soon after a while.

Gao Sheng is worried about them, the 700,000 borrowed for Lin Jingyu, this trip to the city of Shenzhou is completely thrilling for them. This new, ruled world is completely different from the ones that they have come into contact with in the past, just like the collection of scrolls.

They are fearful and timid, but they have an unspeakable yearning.

Gao Sheng touched the cover of the books that Lin Jingzhen had just bought at the bookstore next to the station. The name on the top was unheard of, but he could easily feel the endless power contained in it.

After seeing the prosperous city of Shenzhou, I went back to the south of the group, and everyone was already so excited when I came.

Everyone was eager to go, so they didn't stop, and immediately took the bus to Jinyun.

The car bypassed the mountain road, from noon to the evening, the quiet small town slowly appeared in front of you, Gao Sheng and Deng Maichao raised their own land and vomited.

"Yeah." Lin Jingzhen stood in the distance and watched them cheer, nod their evaluation, "very good, there is a beginning and a end."

Zhou Haijun sorted out the things they brought back from Shenshi. Lin Jingyi bought a lot of gifts. The mothers each had a cheongsam and a dress. The styles and fabrics were all invisible to the clouds, and the fathers were all smokers. And leather shoes, as well as a few bottles of wine. This can cost a lot of money, and they are still distressed when they get back on their way back. Lin Jingyu’s spending is really too big.

Because I called home before returning, after leaving the station, the parents had already waited there.

When the door went out, everyone was originally playing with the classmates, but it was a long time to stay in Shenshi. This reason can’t be passed. Shen Shi, how far away the city seems to be in the people of Jinyun, the children actually sneaked into the place so far away. Even if they beat the home every day and reported peace, the parents still worried that they could not.

The middle-aged people gathered in a group, and the iron bars that stood at the exit were looking forward to the inside. The mothers couldn’t help but scream at the moment when they saw the young figures of the children.

"You are a group of dead children! How many days do you know that you know when you run for so many days?"

Hu Yu first ran forward, first took down the things that Lin Jingyi put on his hands, put them on the ground, lifted the palm of his hand and beat him down.

Ms. Zhou and Ms. Deng, who had never been masked, also followed up, saying nothing, raising her hand.

Zhou Haijun, his father and Deng Mai and his dad looked at each other. They stayed at the station for more than three hours. The men didn’t say anything about their fears, but their feet were already a cigarette butt.

Lin was shocked several times, and he did not know who was playing. He was not angry. He smiled and let his elders vent.

Hu Yu was red with her eyes open. After receiving the call from the first child from Shenzhou, she was worried that she would never sleep well.

"Hey! Why are you still crying!" Lin Jingying revealed a "I can't stand it" expression, opened her arms and hugged her in her arms and patted her back while screaming: "Don't cry, don't cry, oh! Don't look See how big we are, what can be worried about going to Shenshang."

However, this kind of comfort seems to be less useful. Following the footsteps of Hu Yu, the mothers all cried and cried, and the tears of worry fell, making the sons feel overwhelmed.

Zhou Dad and Deng Dad, who were on the lookout in the distance, did not dare to approach each other. Some of the little friends of the woods didn’t use it at all. Lin’s horror ended this smashing, and he was so overwhelmed that he quickly took apart the things he brought back. Hey moms are happy.

The cheongsam and dress he bought are very popular in the city, and the fabrics and craftsmanship are first-class, and the aesthetic guarantees of later generations have been saved. They immediately stopped the women who loved beauty.

When the crying sounds, the mother's nature is stimulated, and a deep discussion is made in the face of the forest.

Hu Yu carefully caressed the soft silky silk on the skirt cloth, and the sunset glowed down, making this soft and light enamel delicate as if it would shine.

Deng’s mother had seen the world, but she never had such a beautiful dress. She used the crying room that had not faded out and asked: “This...this is definitely expensive?”

I was shocked to see that they finally stopped crying and let out a sigh of relief. One person and one bag put the skirts in their owners’ arms, and said sweetly to the mothers: “As long as you like them, it’s worth it!”

The onlookers also got their own cigarettes and shoes. They cherished back and forth and looked at the words that the smokers knew on the cigarette case. They were reluctant to open them. The wine brought back by Lin Jingyu was highly praised. Let them love it.

Deng’s father couldn’t wait to taste the bottles of wine. He was so happy that he couldn’t hold his mouth with his wine and shoes. “It’s all time, don’t stand here, kids are afraid Eat, don't separate, go home and have a drink!"

Ms. Deng hurriedly said: "Right, I have frozen a pig leg in the ice cream factory. It is better to eat pork feet."

Zhou mother heard her words and immediately nodded: "I am going to burn!"


Gao Sheng's home, Lin Jingyu slept a most peaceful feeling in recent times.

There was no dream overnight, and the pillow was on. He woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

He sat on the bed, his eyes pierced the mosquito net, and fell into the dilapidated and narrow space of Gao Sheng's home. He almost thought that his trip to the city was just a dream.

But the high-sounding, clean, and mature casual wear hanging on the wall brought him back to reality. Lin Jingyu slowly turned back because of a good sleep and a clear mind.

He found the banknotes, sat down at the table and began to calculate.

When he applied for the market, he had purchased 500,000 times of technology stocks. The money came from bank lending, and the fundamental of bank lending was the company he co-invested with Tian Dahua.

The company is definitely not open, and even if it is to be opened, it will never be placed in the city. Therefore, before Tian Dahua’s up to 200,000 funds expired, he had to cancel the company that was opened soon.

This means that he must repay the loan with the bank and pay interest within three months.

Where does the money come from?


Lin Jingyi closed his eyes and sighed for a long time. He was a little tired, but he was never worried.

Because he is very clear about the prospects of this stock, if he is not worried that the funds will be forced to sit on the market or attract attention, he will try to borrow a larger amount.

The year when the Shenshi Exchange opened, it was published as a milestone in the history of national stock development.

Because of the different systems, before this, the country even cracked down on speculation, which made people on this land afraid to avoid such behavior for a long time. Therefore, the opening of the exchange will of course be subject to some wait and see and question.

The reason why people in the industry are not optimistic about this is that most of them are caused by this. For another reason, it should be traced back to a few years ago, the huge stock market disaster that incited almost the world's financial foundation.

But Lin Jingsheng knows that this situation will not last long.

After all, the legend of the rising of the market after the opening of the market, in the history of the future, the degree of dazzling is no less than the market that took off two years later.

This is a magical country, she is growing, so it has all the incredible possibilities.

In the future bull market, there will even be a stock king who has increased by as much as 5,000%. Compared with this, it seems that the eagle-like take-off in 90 years is not exaggerated.

The papers that were full of pages were torn off and burned to ashes. When Lin Jingsheng returned to the house, he saw a book on the desk, which was the "Global Economy" he bought in Shenshi when he came back. A few other books, winning one by one.

Lin Jingyi opened the bookmark page and found that Gao Sheng had already seen a third.

He smiled and restored the book to its original state, only to realize that the family seemed to have been no one since he woke up.

Where did Gao Sheng and Hu Yu go?

Lin stunned to open the door and glanced at the aisle probe, and the eyes were empty. He pushed the window down to look downstairs.

Yu Guang suddenly caught a shadow of lightning and lightning. He recognized it and shouted at each other.

Gao Sheng suddenly stopped and looked upstairs. On the moment of his gaze, he waved his hand in excitement.

"Amazing!!!!!" He was very loud, his voice was full of excitement and excitement, and he yelled while jumping. "Come down! My mom asked me to call you to school!!!!"


Hu Yu is stunned.

When she sorted the files of the college entrance examination students a few minutes ago, she was also asked by her colleagues about Lin’s horror, and she learned that she had not changed her mind. Several teachers were helpless.

She was being stunned by all kinds of forest horror and the consequences of those volunteers. The principal, Sugawara, hurried into the office and brought back a message that made her mind blank.

The original language was rushed, but the voice was still strong and calm, but it was still uncontrollable: "The Education Bureau is on the phone, Teacher Hu, do you know how many points in the college entrance examination for the classmates?"

Hu Yu hasn't returned to God, and Sugawara can't wait to announce the answer: "673 points!!! He took the third place in the province, 5 points lower than the provincial champion!"


In the office, there was a sudden scream of one after another. Hu Yulian’s files in the hands of the candidates were slipped out and they were not noticed. The people around him hurriedly approached and ran away. The faculty and staff of the entire school were excited about the news.

673 points! What is this concept, the score of the college entrance examination is only 710 points! This score, sitting in the top of the Jinyun City is absolutely beyond doubt. In the previous college entrance examination, the best result from Jinyun City was less than 500 points and 600 points. Lin Jingyi opened the distance is a century.

Just look at the Municipal Education Bureau even excited to call in advance to call the news, you can see how unrealistic this achievement is to the faculty and staff of the small town.

After letting the son who played in the playground inform Lin Lin to come to the school, Hu Yu returned to the office and there was no teacher in it. It was estimated that the school leaders were called to the meeting.

Hu Yu took the seat back on the stool and opened the top of the file. The eyes swept through the "grand-jiang count" that Lin Jingzheng filled in the "parents" column.

Her nose was sour and her tears fell.


Jinyun City has a whole province of flowers! !

After the Education Bureau leaders learned the news from the Admissions Office, they were so happy that they were so happy that they couldn’t beat the drums and buy a central set of prime time ad slots to tell the people of the country that the good news, Jinyun City Moreover, the province's education is famous for its backwards and counties, and it is no longer the “some cities” that have been led by the leaders during the provincial conferences. They have a 673!

The sound of firecrackers was deafening, and a thick layer of catastrophes was accumulated at the gate of the center. The headmaster purchased a few strings of thousands of rings of firecrackers from the pockets and put them all over the afternoon, which attracted many residents of Jinyun City to endure curiosity. Onlookers.

The Education Bureau quickly sent a banner, hanging high at the top of a gate, and the reason for the next carnival was easily found out.

“Warmly celebrate the first high school of our city, the third grade, the high school, the classmates, the college entrance examination scores, the first in the city, the top three in the province!”

The exclamation came one after another, and even the city leaders were alarmed. After learning the news, Dukang specially called the Education Bureau to confirm that the winner of the winning champion was exactly the forest that he knew, and he was careful. The order was made underground: "This is a highlight of the history of education in our city. We must give appropriate encouragement."

“Must be sure!” The bureau leader was not happy. After hanging up the phone, he flipped through the file and found that there was no precedent for the city’s top candidates to be commended. Therefore, the decision must be made to be more important than the previous one. .

Lin Jingyu got a scholarship of up to 1,000 yuan. This is the average worker’s salary in Jinyun City for nearly half a year. After several days, the headlines of the city’s newspapers also broadcast the history of his student’s bizarre struggle without any gap. As if in childhood, those ordinary people who can't even think about it now, there are countless details that show that he will one day get this honor.

Due to the difficulty of the exam, the candidates in the province have exerted some abnormalities on average. The only ones in the world are not so fast, and the students in the third grades are obviously improved. Especially the high school three or five classes, this should be the worst class, this time many students can match the class of the crane tail, after the comprehensive student evaluation, the education bureau leaders found the fundamental reason is to review the later Hu Yu The new review plan.

The five classes have changed this review plan since then, and one class and other ordinary classes, although some have resisted at the beginning, but after the class teacher Li Yurong left, they were still accepted by the new English teacher Qian Tian. A new review process.

After the college entrance examination, many students are very grateful to recall, because many of the exam questions in the exam paper are planned in the scope of the new review plan. If there is no short-term emergency review plan, the final score of the college entrance examination will be given. It is estimated to be very beautiful.

The class teachers of all grades regretted afterwards, although the students' futures were not delayed, but if they could accept Hu Yu's suggestion earlier, the students obviously can achieve better results than this.

But the miss is missed, and then remorse can't make time back. Fortunately, the status quo has made the students very satisfied, this achievement is enough for them to get into their favorite school.

Hu Yu’s official review did not encounter any resistance. After being submitted for a few days, she was approved by the special agent. Not only that, but the leaders of the Education Bureau also accompanied the “excellent teachers” and personally sent them to the school.

The Xie Shi Ban did not stop, even the students of other classes were obliged to invite Hu Yu to attend the banquet. One of the faculty graduates and the parents of the graduates are immersed in deep joy.

Lin family, the quiet and low-key small house, the smell of incense spread all over the corner.

In front of the mourning hall, Lin Jingzheng gave a new incense stick to his grandfather. He lit a newspaper and put it into the brazier in front of him. He watched the weak flame on the paper full of ink aroma gradually becoming strong, one by one. I swallowed up my own photo on the front page that smiled very quietly at the camera.

Then he put his hands together and looked up at the kindly old man on the table and smiled quietly.

Read The Duke's Passion