MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 13

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The old man stood up and fixedly looked at the group of people who suddenly appeared.

When he didn't speak, no one dared to speak first. The scene was like a liquid nitrogen balloon. Everyone who was about to freeze was frozen and everyone was restless. Du Kang’s greetings were not answered. The tension in the forehead was sweating. When I looked up, I saw the handcuffs of the old hands. The legs were soft and almost squatted.

Liu actually has nothing to do with this failure! Let's make a big disaster, but in the end, you have to come to the top!

At this moment, Du Kang simply hated not taking the gun and smashing the culprits who stood behind the side. His back bow became more and more powerful. He pulled down the key that Liu Director had hung on his waist, and untied his handcuffs for Fang Lao. At the same time, he asked the warmth: "Fang Lao, are we better to change places?"

Fang Laoxiao asked with a blank expression: "Do you want me to take a trip?"

This is mad! Still not too angry! Du Kang swallowed and screamed, and replied with a strong smile: "Fang Lao, you are laughing, I am not worried that there are too many people here, just in case of collision. Other comrades of the museum delegation are also worried about your body, this will Everyone is waiting for you at the guest house where you are staying. I have been telling you that you must return to your home without any damage..."

"Nothing hurts, haha!" Fang Lao backed his hands and heard the deep gaze slowly sweeping the scene at the scene. The exit was like a great compliment, but he heard Dukang’s back wet. "This is The head of the household, a young man who has voluntarily donated ancestral cultural relics to our museum, has a very high level of ideological consciousness and dedication. He has been asked by your competent subordinates to 'return' to assist in the investigation. I have to thank you for coming in time, otherwise it will be late. In a few minutes, I guess I have to end up like this!"

Du Kang was too embarrassed to be lifted, and he could not help but repeat "it was a negligence in my management."

Fang Lao glanced at him deeply, snoring and carrying his hands over the crowd.

When he passed by with Director Liu, he was not awkward, as if he was facing a transparent person, and this transparent person did not qualify for his half-second stay.

The state of stalemate on the scene was finally broken, and the four bodyguards quickly became old with the top and blocked the movement that Dukang wanted to help. Being so rudely rejected, Dukang did not see a little negative emotion on his face. Instead, he made a very polite way to let the bodyguards go ahead.

With a tight arm, he turned his head and immediately saw Liu’s white face.

Director Liu’s eyes are faint. He has worked in Jinyun for so many years. He has also dealt with many people in Dukang. From the beginning of wearing this dress, all he saw was Du Kang’s calm and majestic leadership posture. This is still him. For the first time in my life, I saw the other party’s whisper.

How big is this to be able to make the other party cautious and polite? Director Liu realized that he had not been good since the moment he was beaten. Every second afterwards, his heart sank. Until this moment, his heart has been slammed, blood pressure soared to the peak, but there is a heartfelt fear, pressing his back and hands and cold.

"Du, Du Shuji...this..."

He even said that it was unfavorable. The hand that grabbed Du Kang’s arm was full of sweat. The only thought in his mind was that he could not let the other party go. The intuition in the subconscious told him that Dukang was leaving, his future life. It was completely finished.

Intuition did not go wrong, and Du Kang’s eyes fell on the face of Director Liu. When he faced the high old age, his face was respectful and courteous and suddenly disappeared.

His expression was gloomy, and the angry flames were jumping in his pupils. It was like hating that he could not kill Liu in the next second.

"Liu actually." Du Kang gnashed his teeth and read the name of Director Liu. His face was grabbed and he grabbed his hand and grabbed his arm. He opened it little by little.

He didn't want to stay here for a second. Before leaving, he just pointed his finger at Director Liu: "You remember, this account has to be counted."

The sardines crowded in the house and rushed out. Even the students who had no rebellious ability left, leaving Liu’s and his follow-up classes, and they were left in abruptly In the messy living room.

Liu actually slowly took off the hat on his head, as if he had been exhausted, and he leaned on the sofa and squatted on the floor.

He knows the location of the warehouse, and he knows that he has tried his best to put the cultural relics on his head. However, at this moment, there are no guards in the house, but he borrows two courage and does not dare to It is close there.

He is like a man who has smashed the water, struggling to survive in endless regrets and fears.

His followers were also panicked, and they dared not go out with the people who left, nor dared to approach him to ask for the root cause. They looked at each other and saw the same sentence from each other's eyes.


Outside the house, in the yard, Dukang finally found an opportunity to approach Fang Lao. He caught the old-fashioned eyebrows when he saw the greenery in the yard being stunned. He immediately suggested: "You see the chaos in the yard, the grass is bald, I just found out The coffee table in the house is broken, this is our fault. Fang Lao, you can rest assured that I will arrange for people to come to the aftermath, we will do our best to minimize the loss of the head of the household in this incident. ”

Fang Laowen said that he could look at him with a glance, but he nodded and nodded. Although he still had no good face, he still made Dukang feel a lot better.

Realizing that he had found the direction of appease the old anger, he quickly wanted to make up for the mistakes, while letting the follow-up secretary hurry to implement it, and quickly stepped forward to open the door for Fang Lao.

"Fang Lao." He negotiated. "So let's go to the guest house now...?"

Fang Lao was in the car and his face was cold: "Go to your city bureau, I will personally pick up the young man who was taken to ‘consult the investigation’.”

Du Kang heard a word, just wanted to dissuade, indicating that the bodyguard closed the door of the old man but suddenly lowered the window, his eyes glanced outside the car, as if looking for something.

Then he found it, and his fingers smacked in the crowd: "The comrade of the black face, you go in the car in front and lead the way."

The father who was calming their emotions was slammed when he got to the name. When he wanted to look at it again, the window had already shook up.

He was a little bit stunned at the moment, and the response was slower. Du Kang, who stood by the car, immediately realized what it was, and the face of Deng’s father immediately became softer.

"Deng Feng received comrades, since you are called, what are you doing?" He smiled and smiled confidently, and waved his hand to the subordinates who had not seen it in the past. Let's squeeze a car with me."


On the side of the horror, outside the interrogation room, Zhou, the deputy director of the Cultural Relics Bureau, who came to the "co-investigation", leaned out of the door and looked through the small iron window to see that there was no progress in his head. The lid of the enamel tea pot on the hand was drawn and stroked. He looked at the time and still felt that this group of people should not be dragged down any more. By the time of dryness, when did this happen? Lin’s request to connect to the toilet at this time has not been mentioned.

He touched the landline on a desk and dialed a phone number to the provincial capital.

In the provincial capital, Wang Kechang’s family, the Jiangchacha couple have been changed from a hotel guest to a room, and brought a rather delicate gift.

Wang Kechang opened the gift box and his eyes lit up. He took out the square big brother in the box and looked over and over again. He opened the antenna and found his own feeling in the ear.

This is really a small gift that fits his mind.

"Oh, you said that when you come, come and bring something to do." He smiled and the wrinkles in his eyes stretched out, but he refused to accept it. "This gift is too expensive, you still take it back."

The Jiangchacha couple had a look and a smile on their faces. Before Qi Qing came, I was worried about what to bring with him. According to his style, it is best to give money directly. It was Jiang who stopped him and said that it was so boring. From the family, he found such a rare gift from a friend who came back from a few days ago. Who knows that when he sent it, he was sent to the heart of the God of Wealth.

Jiang just opened his mouth, his voice was soft and powerful, and brought the temperament of people like spring breeze: "Wang Da Ge, where are you, a little thing, compared with our friendship, what is it?"

Wang Kechang smiled and put the big brother back into the box: "I have never seen this model in the group, I am afraid that it is tens of thousands to buy it? This is not a small thing."

Jiang Chachao said: "How much is it worth? It’s just a tool for people. Are you saying that?"

Wang Kechang laughed and finally handed the box to the wife sitting on the side. His attitude became very enthusiastic. He even urged his wife to say: "Why are you going, go and go to us?" Qi Laodi and his younger sister poured a cup of tea, and I used to take back the box of Longjing before the rain."

The worry that Qi Qing’s heart raised was stretched out at once, and there were few wives and wives in the family. He has already admired his wife at this time. She not only helped him to have a relationship with such a big backing that could not be met, but also had a very good result in the small opinions of the next key time. . As long as we can establish a good foundation with the Wang Kechang who holds the lifeline, the development of Qiqing Real Estate will inevitably be limitless, and even without looking into the future, they will be able to benefit from this new plan.

The two sides sipped their mellow and fragrant rain before Longjing chatted, and Zhou’s phone call came in and reported the unsatisfactory progress here.

Seeing that Wang Kechang’s face is not very good-looking, Jiang is keenly concerned: “Wang Da Ge, what happened?”

Wang Kechang listened to the receiver: "It's not so easy to do it, saying that the victim is already in control, but the other party refuses to sign the self-confidence."

When I heard the first half of the sentence, Jiangchao bounced slightly invisibly, but then quickly concealed the unnatural expression. Qi Qing, who was around her, snorted: "This countryman, toasting, does not eat fine wine."

"Yeah." Jiang just slightly bowed, she used to be called by her in-laws.

The success is just in front of you. It’s just a footstep. The temptation of the antiques is too big. Wang Kechang thought about it and felt that he had to deal with a small city that lives in Jinyun. There are no children in his family who will be in his early age. Estimated that the problem is not big, he boldly told: "I don't need to sign it voluntarily. If I don't want to sign it, he can do it by handprint. If something goes wrong, I will solve it myself."

Director Zhou sighed and quickly agreed. After the phone hangs up, the smile returns to the eye of Wang Kechang. He sighed with a sigh of relief and looked at the clear tea in the tea table on his table: "This time it should be possible."

"Then congratulate you in advance, the sword meets the hero, I have to congratulate my father's antiques, and finally found a good master who really understands them." Jiangchacha's gentle smile on his face can not see something wrong, one exit is Wang Kechang won the sweet talk of Shutai. Seeing that the other person was stunned and smiled, and then it was not like the appearance of the answer when he first met. Jiang just hit the iron and made a message: "Wang Da Ge, there is one more thing, that is the No. 6 land..."

"Hey! Let's talk about it." Wang Kechang fell into the sofa with a smile. "You will go to my office with a file tomorrow. Let's talk about it in detail. I will not say this, I will come here, I will bring you. Try your scorpion's signature dishes."


In Jinyun City, Lin Jingyu, who closed his eyes and raised his spirit, suddenly heard a mess of footsteps, accompanied by the same chaotic dispute.

"We have said that Secretary Deng has said that all procedures must be in accordance with the rules..."

Blocking the people who were surrounded by the group, and with the heavy sound of the door being kicked open, Lin opened his eyes and greeted the dazzling light. He saw the "Zhou Shi" who had just met at home. Come in.

"Hurry up and hurry." Director Zhou stood at the door and directed. "Hurry and finish."

Then two people took a box of bright red ink and the stack of papers that had never been signed went to the forest and thrilled. The two men had a look and tacit cooperation. One person pressed the paper and one reached out and grabbed the arm of Lin’s thriller. .

"What do you want to do?!" Lin Jingyi looked at him with a sigh of relief. He lifted his foot and smashed the past, right in the middle of the hand.

"Hey!" The other side squatted and bent down in pain, waiting for it to come over, and his eyes became quite embarrassing.

"You, his mother, toasting, not eating and drinking! Wait!" He put a swearing words, and in the urging of his companion "something matters," he was unwilling to hold his anger.

He regained the arm of Lin Jingshen. This time he used his strength to make an extra foot. He slammed Lin’s hand into the ink pad and immediately covered it on the signature page of the stack of paper.

In the case of limited action, Lin Jingzhen simply couldn't resist the left-right pinch, but he was also unwilling to let the other party do the same, so the moment the palm pressed the paper, his five fingers lingered on the paper. I wiped it awkwardly, and the original clear palm print was instantly blurred.

This can't be used at all! The more the man who was kicked, the more angry he was, the more he looked at it with the stack of paper, and the anger burned his head involuntarily.

The sharpness of the line of sight was nailed to the face of Lin Jingzhen’s mocking smile. He clenched his fist and giggled his knuckles. He said, “When you have finished the business, I let you know that the impulse is a moment. What is going on."

Then he did not return to the direction of the door that did not know why he suddenly became quiet: "Go! Print another one, no! Print ten copies! Come slowly, let him press one by one!"

"Oh." But he did not wait for the imaginary answer. The direction of the door, a laughter without emotion, suddenly sounded after he gave orders.

Who is watching their own jokes? His brows are slightly wrinkled, and his heart is even more intolerant. Hearing his laughter and turning back to his head, he has to give the other side some color to see.

But this head is easy to turn around, and it will be difficult to turn it back.

Outside the gate, a... No, a few of them will not be mistaken when they turn into ash. In the past, it was only rare to follow his brother-in-law, Zhou, to report to the work, and he was fortunate enough to meet the face, appearing without warning.

"What do you print, how many copies do you have?" The big boss who had never spoken to him finally opened his mouth for the first time, but he was flattered and afraid to give birth.

Du Kang had long wanted to interrupt, but he was stopped by Fang Lao, and he watched a performance from beginning to end. His face had reached the limit, but he still squeezed a distorted smile. He was stunned at the guy in the room, who was obviously scared by his own appearance, and slowly spread his hand: "Give me a look?"

Read The Duke's Passion