MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 1

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Every day in March, the city of Jinyun will always rain. The sound of pattering rain mixed with the unique moist air of the southern city, wrapped in the body, this kind of taste, until leaving home for many years, Lin Jingzhen still can not forget.

He suffered from insomnia. He never slept well since the day of his death. So he was awakened by the rain at four o'clock in the morning, and he sat at his door and looked at Jinyun Mountain, which was covered by mist and rain. In 1990, Jinyun Mountain has not been found to be deeply buried in the mineral resources of the soil, so it is very beautiful, and it is very different from the devastating appearance of Lin Jingyu’s impression.

At the door of the house, it was a mess. The white wreath of the word "Make" was blown by the wind, and it was placed on the corner of the wall to splash the mud. After the wet, the soft red and fat red bamboo skin...

He turned back and his eyes fell on the fir coffin that was parked in the living room alone. The raw wood of the cooked tung oil was red and shiny, and the price was high. It was the favorite material of the rich people in Jinyun City.

Lying in the head, it was the horror of the foreign priest who had been sent away with tears more than 20 years ago.

The wall is painted on the running horse's calendar, and the black and white letters are printed on March 6, 1990. Lin was immersed in the dream-like shackles, but still knew that in the next four days, the old man who missed his half-life would be smashed into the cemetery of Jinyun City. And his tombstone will accompany the increasingly brilliant development of Jiangjia, and become a holy place for the Jinyun Municipal Committee to routinely worship during the Qingming period.

Lin Jingzhen only remembers that he was drinking a pot of wine in front of the cemetery. That day, he had just finished training abroad. He returned to Yan City and took a flight to Jinyun. He had not slept for more than 40 hours. He was very exhausted and was shocked to hear that his old friend Gao Sheng was executed. Tears are not enough. After crying, I fell asleep on the tombstone.

When he woke up, he had returned to the day of his 18th birthday twenty-five years ago.

"Thriller!" The regular rain fell through the chain's squeaking noise, and a half-old bicycle drove into the field of vision and stopped in front of the forest. The owner of the car held a long leg on the ground and supported the umbrella with one hand. He said: "I guess you haven’t gone out yet, come up, I will take you to school!"

The 18-year-old Gao Sheng shaved a short inch and wore a worn-out but clean large school uniform. The high-necked sweater in the hand-woven head showed his head and washed out the ball, which was more and more expensive than joining the "gang" later. The color suit is too simple. But this heartless smile, Lin Jingyu has not seen it for more than ten years.

He couldn't speak for a long time. Gao Sheng saw that he was pale and looked awkward, but only when he was sad because of his grandfather's death, he did not dare to persuade him. He only patted his own 28 weights. If nothing happened: "Hurry up. Ah, it’s slippery, don’t be late for self-study!”

Lin Jingzhen reacted for a few seconds and stood up slowly: "You wait for me for a while."

He turned back to the house, but did not go to the school bag that he had packed the night before. Instead, he walked over to the coffin and leaned over to look at the old man who was thin and short and closed.

This is Lin's long life, the most loved, and the only trusted family.

"Grandfather." Why don't you let me come back a few days earlier? Even if I listen to the voice of the majesty and love again. Lin Jingzheng reached for the old man to take care of a little messy hair, his line of sight through his young and firm, slender and slender five fingers, a moment of delay, the right hand clenching the wall finally released, swallowed, tears revealed Missing smile: "I am going to school."

In Jinyun City in 1990, the urban construction was not so scientific. After leaving the “rich area” of Jiangjia, the road surface began to become a pothole. Lin Jingzhen sat in the back seat and held an umbrella for Gao Sheng. He bumped from time to time, feeling the seat of the old-fashioned bicycle squatter under the ass, and the younger friend who was screaming in his ear chattered: " Today's results, finished, you must definitely take a test. The class teacher recently saw that we are not pleasing to the eye, this time it is estimated to write a review, you have to help me in front of my mother..."

The economy has entered an era of development. Although Jinyun City, located in the southern part of the province, is only a small town, it has also emerged a group of "people who get rich first." There are cars on the road that are not too spacious, and most of them are Santana with a square face. The dust and tail that came from the front rushed a few faces, and Lin Jingwei woke up from the unreal feeling that seemed to be wrapped in foam, and was recalled by the lively complaints of the completely real high school boy. Can't help but smile.

Review? How simple is it.

In 1990, it was the biggest turning point in Lin’s life. This year he is about to graduate from high school and ushered in a new starting point. However, after the death of his grandfather, the subsequent accidents have disrupted everything.

If all his memories are real experiences in his life, then in the first class after arriving at school today, the class teacher Li Yurong will announce that several students who are not optimistic about the test results will be transferred to five. Class news. Unfortunately, Lin Jingyi himself and Gao Sheng, as well as their other friend Zhou Haijun are among them.

Gao Sheng and Zhou Haijun’s achievements are not good. They have always been the thorns in the eyes of the class teacher Li Yurong. Lin’s original results are very good, but the reality of the recent death of the grandfather’s illness has been so devastating that he has no intention of learning. . Bad is bad. In the third year, the review pressure is high, and the coursework is tense. Although Lin Jingyu is only half-monthly absent-minded, the decline in performance is already very obvious. From the top ten of the whole school, the top 30 of the class was directly dropped. The results of the college entrance examination are related to the upcoming teacher evaluation of the Jinyun City Education Bureau. The mother who was previously obsessed with Gao Sheng is also a teacher in the middle school. Li Yurong is not willing to give up. Now that the interests are current, she can't help it anymore.

The high school class in one school is from one class to five classes, and the arrangement is obvious. In the eve of the college entrance examination, Lin Jingzhen got such a move on the eve of the college entrance examination. He only felt that he had suffered a shameful humiliation. The psychology that had already been overwhelmed by his family’s death finally collapsed completely. The final score of the college entrance examination was so bad.

This brought a series of chain consequences, and indirectly affected the trajectory of Lin Jingzhen's life. Because of academic problems, his ability to work has been questioned, and promotion may be more limited. Before he set up, he had been in the hopeless confusion of the future. Until the age of 30, he was so painful that he had gone out of training and trained to make the pool of hopeless muds. However, at that time, he had already lost too much because of his incompetence. too much.

His friends Gao Sheng and Zhou Haijun, because of lack of money, at their own expense, are too expensive, simply no longer study, joined the local gang in Jinyun City. It was a few years ago, but the small gangs in Jinyun City made a fortune in the local area. It was just a small grasshopper that could be pinched to death by the big man. Then the wind was tight, and the building said that it was dumped, and the road was swaying. The horse was backed by the pot. The two had no time, one death sentence, and the filth was overwhelmed. The family was broken and horrible.

And myself...

Lin was shocked to remember the father who was in tears before the death of his bed. His heart was tight, and he couldn’t breathe for a long time. Until Gao Sheng stopped his bicycle at the school gate, he slipped and suddenly woke up.

" said yes?" Gao Sheng asked.

Lin Jingyi did not listen to it.

"Forget it." Gao Sheng saw him stunned, only when he was still in the grief of his family's death, took out an iron lunch box from the side of the hand sewing bag: "I just forgot, you have not eaten yet?" My mom's onion cake, let me bring it to you."

Gao Sheng’s mother, Hu Yu, is the class teacher of the five classes. At the same time, she teaches other classes of mathematics. Lin Jingyi’s childhood has not been famous since he was a child. The high mother Hu Yu is very caring for him. Gao Shenglai gave him a meal or something.

Lin was shocked and thanked, chewed this long-lost taste, almost falling into tears.

After Gaosheng’s accident, Hu Yu was not old enough overnight. After the verdict, it was not long before she let go. Before she died, she still remembered Lin’s insomnia and could not sleep. She was almost a horrified half-mother, and the day she sent her away, Lin’s strength was drained, but when she visited Gaosheng, she had to pretend to hide the truth.

This life... this life...

He swallowed the fragrant green onion cake in his mouth, and let the long bangs cover the tears in his eyes before turning the corner. He heard a sneer in the direction of the class: "Lin Jingzhen? You take this test." In this way, actually dare to come to class?"

Lin stunned his heart and raised his head. It was really cousin Jiang Run, an old acquaintance.

Jiang Run is the only child of Lin Jing's aunt, and Lin Jingzhen has never dealt with it. He lives in this small place of Jinyun City, and because he is the same class, he grows up from small to large.

The contradiction of the child is nothing more than the broken thing. Jiang Run does not look at the forest horror without the mother, but he is always stressed at the performance. After growing up, the reason for the quarrel was much more complicated. Lin’s grandfather’s surnamed Jiang, who had a small industry in Jinyun City, made a will before his death, and scattered the industry with his children’s, but the antique collection with his own house. I was assigned to Lin Jingyu.

The old man has a good calculation, and he knows that his children are not generous people. Lin Jingyu will be eighteen, and the wolves will be able to keep the industry. It is better to leave hard currency, but also to protect life, not to mention the bronzes that he collects, although extremely rare, now Jinyun is not popular, and not many people know the value.

However, this decision, like the same shock, was blown up in the Jiang family.

Even the old man never thought that when he was only seriously ill, the children at home had already thought about the fate of their own treasures. Bronze is uninvited in Jinyun City, but out of this small world, there are people who know the goods. In the southern province of Jinyun City, there is a small leader in the provincial capital who likes to collect these things. Lin’s aunt’s aunt knows each other and draws up Haikou early. Now he is very convenient with the leader. When the old man goes, he promises.

Who knows that the old man actually made a will and left these things to Lin Jingyu! A surname! Also left a fair road. The simple things are complicated, and Jiang Yan’s mother is so angry that she is arrogant at home every day, and she only hates Lin’s horror and immediately violently dies. Jiang Run listened a lot, and also knew that Lin Jingzhen broke his own good things. He hated it in the morning. This time, he came out with a model and learned that Lin Jingzheng’s test was actually more than 100 points lower than himself. He simply didn’t know. How cool. So I waited at the door of the class early, just waiting for Lin Jingyu to come and be able to mock this sentence in person.

Lin Jingzhen did not respond, Gao Sheng was immediately angry, and went to the front: "What do you say?! You say it again!"

"Turn off your ass? Oh, I forgot, you are not the tail of the crane in our class, Lin's horrified follower? What's the matter, want to beat people?" Jiang Run looked at Lin Shen's thin arms with a provocative look. After convening a few friends, as long as Lin was shocked, they came up to help, so they had to export badly. When the school is pursued, it is not the first one.

This childish caution machine, Lin Jingyi can see through at a glance, he stopped the gas-stained red win, slowly eat the cake in his hand, although not provoked by this provocative, but his heart is not without waves.

Because Jiang Run, or the entire Jiang family behind Jiang Run, except for his grandfather, was too strong in his life.

It’s been a long time since Lin’s horror that he knew what the antiques left by his grandfather meant to Jiang’s family. At this moment in his life, he was just a young man who had no ignorance and no experience in the world. The bronzes of the grandfather are just a kind of emotional sustenance for him. He is not willing to let go, but the Jiang family is also bound to win.

In the small cities of Jinyun City in the 1990s, the law was in vain. The Jiang family was so bold that they couldn't make it, and they directly and publicly removed the antiques from the old house. Lin was horrified, but I wanted to pursue it, but the mother who was far away from the provincial capital, from small to large, from the future, was at this time called a caring call.

Lin Jingzheng is at the most vulnerable time. Without economic resources, he has to deal with countless wind and frost swords every day. The gentle image of his mother almost instantly killed him. Under the persuasion of the kind voice of the Virgin Mary, he chose to accommodate the "family", and under the persuasion of his mother, he gave up the ordinary university of Yan City and filled out the volunteers of the provincial capital city where the mother is located.

After a long, long time, when he finally realized that it was just a scam.

The Jiang family had already relied on the gift of the original, and settled the top spot in Jinyun City.

Yu Guang saw two people rushing in, Lin Jingxiao smiled slightly, let go of Gao Sheng, stepped forward, close to Jiang Run, whispered: "How do I score, do not care about you, compared to me, you are better than Care about your mother. She was mad at the end of the day? You are careful that she is angry... Hey--"

Jiang Run was poked to the pain, and he jumped to the old height. He grabbed the collar of Lin’s horror and waved his fist high. He screamed and screamed: “You are **** to death———”


He was about to start, but unexpectedly there was a loud snoring noise behind him, which scared him to a pussy. Looking back, Jiang Run’s legs were soft, and the director of the Department of Political Affairs and Education was standing in the distance not far from his class teacher. His face was very ugly.

Jiang Run is slightly fat, tall and tall, and the skinny and scary forest horror and his standing in one place, the contrast is terrible.

The director immediately shouted: "What are you doing! Openly beaten classmates? There is no such thing as a student!"

The class teacher Li Yurong looked at the situation and hesitated. After all, Jiang Run’s test scores were very good, and she was biased.

She tried to solve the problem for Jiang Run: "You are also amazed by Lin! You are screaming all day long, a slap in the face is not ringing, I don't know how to improve my performance, and the trouble is getting more and more powerful!"

Lin stunned and did not speak, only squinting, a look of reluctance.

"Okay!!" The director of politics and education originally had a very opinion on Li Yurong's lack of merits in finding a student relationship between the principals and the class. He followed the announcement that he was already very angry. He immediately became angry when he heard this kind of eccentricity. Road: "Beat this, what is your name!"

The students who couldn’t understand Jiang Run immediately reminded me: "Teacher, he is Jiang Run!"

"Jiang Run is." The director could not understand Li Yurong, but only the poor Jiang Run became a victim. "I will soon take the college entrance examination, and I will bully my classmates! I must remember the punishment! You wrote a review before Monday, and when you raise the national flag, you will openly This classmate apologizes!"

"Director--" Li Yurong was shocked. The review was quite good. It was just hurting self-esteem. If you remember this, you can be big. It is to stay in the file. It will be affected when you join the party and even graduate. Jiang Run My mother came to the relationship last time and was ready to let the school run a place to send to the group of Junnan University to Jiang Run.

This requires students to have excellent academic performance without any bad records. As a result, the plan to deliver is 100% hopeless.

The director ignored her and went straight into the classroom.

Li Yurong was dismissed from his face, and he was not happy. He thought that Jiang Run’s mother promised that his benefit of 50,000 yuan would be a blessing. When he was on the air, he didn’t hit a place. He angered Jiang Run and followed him. classroom.

Outside, Jiang Run was completely paralyzed. He looked at the backs of the two teachers with a sly look. He suddenly thought of the plan that the mother had said before, and immediately realized what it was and his face was pale.

Lin Jingyi took the collar out of the opponent's already soft hands, smoothed it, and patted the other's shoulder. This little force road almost smashed Jiang Run softly on the ground.

He looked at the other side's dead look and smiled indifferently: "Strong, cousin."