MTL - End of World’s Businessman-Chapter 252 Fan Wai 4 changes in the world

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Wu Ye’s high-profile photo taken in the school for a long time in the school, if the National Security Bureau could not find his trace, then they simply dissolved their own calculations.

Therefore, Wu Ye has not been hot after returning to his home, and all parties have been invited by phone.

Two less said that he didn't mind high-profile, but he couldn't take so much time. Although Xinhua’s affairs are all responsible for Ji Xiang, there are some things that he has to personally make a decision. In addition, the system has just been restarted. The two years of hard-working points are filled with high | Lee | Black hole, he and Daqin The exercises and comrades' martial arts need to be updated. These points are not a small number, and the physical training can't stop for too long. Therefore, the time he can stay here is limited, many are not so. It is important to invite him to push it without hesitation.

But there is still a lot to push it.

For example, a meeting invitation from the top of the country; the brainstorming company's shareholder meeting; the original technology must also go, he copied a lot of new things from the zombie plane; and Zheng Yaozu also called him to let him see Look at his secret base in the planning of the continent; the iron buddies are too busy to invite the younger ones to go there; Zhao’s and Victor’s invitations are hard to push, although he basically does not need to steal The weapon goes to another plane, but the secret base of the continent is a large number of 'safety' facilities, and the three caves of the Rex Rabbit are waiting for the secret base of the continent. Wu Ye also plans to build an artificial island with a full safety factor at sea. It is inevitable to have contact with Victor.

A bunch of messy things, Wu Ye has to take care of Xinhuaguo, and can only arrange these invitations at night.

The high-level meeting of the z-State is not so much a meeting as it is a radish-like appeasement. Wu Ye originally had no intentions for Z. Therefore, the attitude was quite correct. We like it. Of course, the second is not a soft sister coin. It is impossible for everyone to like him. There are also factions that are directed against him in the Ming Dynasty. The second is that they are on the road of pursuing strength and strength. Who cares about the political camp? ?

No desire is just.

For the second few people, they touched a gray nose and quickly stopped. At least on the surface, they stopped.

On the other hand, foreign forces have been staring at brain-brain technology. After experiencing the theft of chips, the top leaders of the z-state have not only carried out a series of cleanings on the top, but also tightened control over the brain-brain companies. Foreign forces have also cut their heads. Can't get the information of the brain. Therefore, they set their sights on Wu Jia, the major shareholder with a total of 32% of the original equity of Zhibra.

It is a pity that the Wu family went there to follow a large number of bodyguards. In the dark, there is also the National Security Bureau. Wu has a completely unscientific existence and has been personally protected. He will not give them a chance!

They have been in the dark for so long, and the opportunity has finally come – Wu Ye actually acts alone, not allowing the bodyguards to follow and not letting the National Security Bureau secretly protect.

Is there a better chance than this?

According to the information they collected, the brain-brain technology is simply provided to the z-government by Wu Ye. If they have the opportunity to catch Wu Ye, are they afraid of not getting brain-brain technology?

Of course, they also analyzed the information that Wu Ye should be the apprentice based on the information collected. It should be very powerful and even have some strange means, but they believe that Wu Ye is still a powerful person, as long as it is a person, there will be Weaknesses and defects.

"Nima, another group has died. Is it interesting to play like this?" Wu Yegang came back from the night of Zhao Jun. In the middle of the night, there were only a few trucks on the outskirts of the city. The surrounding area was very quiet, but in fact, There are already no more than a hundred people in the groves on both sides of the road.

Obviously, this is not the first time Wu Ye has encountered a halfway blockage.

A few times ago, Wu Ye did not care too much with these people. It was a matter of snoring. After all, this is a peaceful era and is on the boundary of the z country. Wu Ye does not want to cause trouble. But he doesn't bother, but the troubles don't want to let him go!

Several temptations have already made these people have a jealousy about Wu Ye’s military value. In the past few times, they only wanted to catch Wu Ye and didn’t want to tear his face with him. Therefore, the people sent were all fighting martial arts masters, but it was obvious that several misses. Exhausted their patience, this time they not only sent a large number of people but also used hot weapons, the order below also just keeps Wu Ye a small life and they are free to play.

However, they miscalculated the true strength of Wu Ye!

In the zombie plane, ordinary sniper bombs have no meaning for the six or more zombies, and the abilities in a sense, with the zombies in the same source, the benign variation brought by the d virus gives them the ability At the same time, they are constantly digging and transforming their bodies. Although the transformation effect is not as strong as that of zombies, Wu Ye is an eighth-order advanced abilities. The small sniper can't penetrate the skin that looks fine and white.

Wu Ye’s hard work over the past year has not only repaired his abilities or physical strength, but his spiritual strength has also improved rapidly under the tempering of the gravity training system. He now does not rely on the monitoring function of the system at all, and can rely on his own mental power to perceive the wind and grass in the surrounding one kilometer.

Agents and mercenaries who think they are well-kept, do not know that they have been thoroughly exposed.

Their all-spirited staring at Wu Ye’s car slowly entered their range, and a short action came from the headset. The snipers in the distance pointed the gun at the four wheels of the Land Rover. At the moment of the trigger, my eyes suddenly became empty. Not only they, but other agents and mercenaries also took the guns in their hands and pointed their guns at the companions.

The next morning, a rare-scale gun battle on the city of H was boarded by newspapers, TV news, and online media. Many people felt that it was too strange after reading the report. How did these foreigners rush to the land of Z? The gun battle is no problem, how can you avoid the other party’s key points? If you have taken off your pants, will you show me this? Eat enough!

Of course, there are also conspiracy theorists in the discussion. Unfortunately, the official has no positive attitude, but only those people who are in accordance with the laws of the country of z, the judgment of the sentence, refuses all extradition requests. A tough and fair attitude has attracted widespread attention and discussion in the international arena. The country has developed very rapidly in the last two or three decades. The threats in the world have not been broken at all, but the voices that are not good are actually to hinder the development of the country. Today, the technological revolution brought about by the brain has really awakened this oriental dragon that has been sleeping for thousands of years. All kinds of bad speeches have gradually disappeared.

Because, whether it is a person or a country, no matter how many good things and good things you do, you will face countless doubts and doubts before you are really strong. But when the outside world realizes that you are strong enough to some height, Flowers and applause will overwhelm countless gossip.

With the strength of Wu Ye, it is necessary to get rid of the ordinary people who can't match the second-level fusion zombies, but it is a matter of raising their hands, but he does not bother to do that. He hopes that he can have more powerful power, but his purpose in pursuing power is not to kill, but to protect, protect himself, protect his loved ones, and protect those who deserve him to protect, but if someone breaks his bottom line, Then power will become his sharpest and most cruel weapon!

Compared with these ‘warriors’ who are in danger, Wu Ye is even more disgusted with the politicians who are hiding in the dark corners to plan all this. The second few decided to give those people a little color!

So in the next few days, some big powers have some high-level waking up to discover the beard of their beloved hair or beard. The soldiers did not find out, the monitoring did not record, so they were so unconscious that they were touched in their dreams!

After a brief anger, they fell into greater fear. This is not a boring mischief, but a threat of red fruit. The other party’s meaning is very clear. If they dare to fight their minds, then the next time It is probably their head that is shaved.

Feeling angry, humiliating, or fearful, the politicians who lacked the fearless sacrifice completely stopped.

All the actions against Wu Ye have died down, and all the information of Wu Ye has been urgently included in the top secret archives of various countries. The dangers marked above have exceeded the internationally infamous kb.

After solving these annoying flies, Er Shao attended the company's shareholder meeting as a major shareholder of Zhinao Company. He maintained a consistently good style and resolutely did not intervene in any affairs of the company. Like a mascot, he always sat quietly from the beginning to the end. Beautiful man.

The background of the brain-shaped national character determines that many things are linked to the above. Wu Ye is too lazy to go to the water, and he feels that he is quiet and dividend-free.

However, the second few people who love the limelight are still in the 'low-key' interview with a famous financial magazine, because it is too ugly to take pictures of the photographer. (The videographer who is deducted from the salary qaq: Is the face too tender?), in the report No photos were placed at his request.

In order to protect the Wu family and respect the opinions of the Wu family, the photos of the Wu family were directly banned, and some existing photos on the Internet were slowly removed.

With the all-round development of Zhinao Company, Zhinao Technology has swept the world. This Wu family, which has a 1/3 stake in Zhibra Company, has been painted a mysterious legend in the eyes of the world.

Wu Ye always pays attention to the love and enlightenment. When Wu Jia is in trouble, Pang Zhi has a few iron buddies running for him, giving him financial help and encouraging him to cheer up. These friendships will not be forgotten.

Except for some patents other than the core technology of the brain, he sells it to others and sells it to his own brother. When the outsiders fall into the rock, only these brothers help him with one heart and soul.

In the midst of their friendship in the snow, Wu Ye sold some related patents to Pang Zhi, Hua Peng and Qiu Xiaohao when they joined the company. As a result of these patented technologies, they all became brains. One of the suppliers of material parts, with the development of the brain company, the development momentum of several of them is also very eye-catching.

On the other side of the f continent, Zheng Yaozu, young and ambitious and talented, did not disappoint Wu Ye. He built the secret base near an oasis deep in the desert according to Wu’s site selection, and invested a lot of money to make it look like a city. The base has taken shape, and Wu Ye completed the main project according to the renovation of the main city of Yucheng City. Zheng Yaozu promised him that it would be as fast as two years, and the base could be built.

Of course, Zheng Yaozu’s visit to Fzhou is not just for Wu Ye’s repair of a base. He also bought a lot of valuable mines and mining areas in Fzhou through black and white relations. In order to facilitate his work in F, he also Joined the nationality of one of the small countries. On the bright side, he invested heavily in the continent as a Chinese businessman. His salary was slightly higher than his peers. He secretly selected a suitable seedling and quietly sent it to the base for training in just two or three years. In his hand, he already has two armed groups of thousands of combatants who do not lose the regular army.

Because of the existence of the loyalty, Zheng Yaozu was smart and ambition and did not dare to betray Wu Ye. Even if Wu Ye disappeared for more than a year, the capital chain was almost completely broken. He did not go to the Wu family to ask for money, but through other Means to continue Wu Ye’s plan, and even develop better than Wu Ye’s plan.

"You are very good, this is a reward for you." Wu Ye was not very optimistic about Zheng Yaozu at the beginning. Then Zheng Dawu kidnapped He Xiaobao first. He really had a hard time feeling too much goodwill and trust for this ambitious young man. At that time, he just thought that Zheng Yaozu’s young age could escape from the hands of Laomei. He should have some skill. He dared to come to him with both timidity and filial piety. At that time, he was being stimulated by Wu Sen’s affairs before he accepted it. He is working for him. I didn't expect to be beaten up, but I really found out a talent.

Zheng Yaozu has been in the strong sunshine for a long time, and the skin is a bit of a development trend for the brothers of the continent. In the past two years, he has been martial arts under the mercenary arranged by Wu Ye. The body is strong and the whole person looks very mature and stable. It is said that people at the age of 30 believe.

In fact, he was only in his twenties, so when he got the 'reward' given by Wu Ye, his face could not stand up and revealed the youth's escape: "Thank you boss." I sniffed the smell of the medicine in the bottle, and the smile on my face could not be covered.

"Those health medicines, you look at the distribution yourself, I have to leave for a while recently, you will continue to be responsible for this side of the f continent, and people from the Victor family will contact you in a while, send you a batch of things, good Use those things, I hope that when I come over next time, it will become better." Two less feel that they are properly pretending to be small experts, must praise.

Zheng Yaozu gathered the enthusiasm of the eyes, solemnly said: "I will not live up to the boss!"

It took more than a month for the land to continue, and Wu Ye’s work in the z-level plane finally came to an end.

At this time, the fruit of the tree of life is about to enter maturity.

I thought that this tree of life was stunned by his shackles, and he couldn’t help but satisfy his mouth.