MTL - End of World’s Businessman-Chapter 185 Ability communication

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Yucheng was originally like this.

This is the common aspiration of many outsiders.

No matter how many times they watched the promotional videos provided by Yucheng, they couldn't believe that there was really a pure land in the last days.

Many people who want to get back to the original settlements to receive the rewards have completely dispelled their thoughts in the city.

"Wei Wei, thank you very much this time. If it weren't for you, my son and I would never have a chance to come here." The middle-aged woman was full of excitement, but in two or three days, her dry sallow face seemed to gradually Stretched out, revealing two or three minutes of the original.

“Thank you, Wei Wei!” The little boy who looks as thin as a ten-year-old boy is actually twelve years old. The end of life is a life of silence and maturity for children. The long-lost smile hangs on his face. It seems a bit stiff.

"Due sister, what you said, I used to count on you when I was at the company. I will teach me. What can I do if I am busy with this? Are you now finding a place to live with Xiaodong? Credit points are not enough. I don’t have enough here.” Li Weiwei and Du Jie were colleagues. When she entered the company, Du Jie was already the company’s financial manager, and she was just an internship assistant. After a lot of her, the relationship between the two is very good, and later reunited in the same medium-sized settlement, Du Jie alone is very difficult to bring his son, Li Weiwei often help their mother and child as far as they can. This time, the tickets for their mother and son to the south of the city are also the half-price tickets that Li Weiwei helped them. The orphans and widows rely on the city to do the hard work and sell things to make money. There is no savings at all. The ticket is also lent to Li Weiwei. .

Du Jie smiled and said: "There is enough, enough. The price of Yucheng is lower than I thought. The credit point on my body is enough for me and Xiaodong for half a month, and I have found a job, salary. It is enough to feed me and Xiaodong. In two days, Xiaodong can go to school. I didn’t even think about it before.” After Du’s feelings, he asked, “Weiwei, I think the environment in Yucheng is true. Yes, are you planning to settle here?"

Li Weiwei nodded without hesitation this time: "Of course! Who is still willing to go here?"

Their team is very famous in the original settlements. There are many small privileges and preferential treatments. Before they came to participate in the competition, the person in charge of the settlements specially talked to them and said that as long as they can get back to the rankings, they must be rewarded.

They also made two preparations at that time, and they took the family and friends who were willing to go to see the city to take it. They planned to see the situation in the city and decided not to go back.

It’s only two days before I arrived in Yucheng. No one in the team talked about going back. Everyone is excited about what they are doing. It’s easier to make a contribution. It’s easier to buy cheaper daily necessities. The overall ranking of the team, etc., everyone has become a part of Yucheng, and they are all bent on settled here. Everyone even forgot the original intention of coming to Yucheng to compete.

A middle-aged hunter leaned over and smiled and said: "The sister is right. Who is still willing to go to the city? I only hate that I didn't come over earlier, otherwise I can mix a third-class citizen now." ""

Next to a young hunter, he smiled and said: "Is the third-class citizen so mixed? However, it is not wrong to say that the old man came late. If we can come to Yucheng at this time last year, we will make a fortune. Unfortunately, it’s a pity."

The middle-aged hunter looked annoyed and said: "Yeah, Yunzhi City is so big a prefecture-level city. It’s easier to get something out than to kill a zombie. I don’t know if the city owner has planned to attack the city this year?"

Attack the city that was ravaged by the zombies.

Originally, the hunters didn't even think about it. Before they came to the city, they only hoped that the settlement where they lived would not wake up to be killed by zombies one day. Now they have the ambition of counterattack. I have to say that Yucheng gave them great courage and confidence.

Behind these courage and confidence, they saw real hope.

"It should be there, but even if I guess, I should wait for the winter."

"Winter? It’s still half a year, I really want to go tomorrow..."

A circle of people stood on the side of the street and chatted with enthusiasm. Suddenly there was a quiet silence. Everyone subconsciously stopped talking and looked at the other people’s eyes. I saw a small team whizzing past the city and standing on the bus. A head-changing big wolf, the body is painted with a majestic dragon totem...

After waiting for the team to disappear into sight, everyone was excited: "It is the guard of the city, the guard of the city..."

"You see what a car **** is excited about? I also fought with them last week!" A hunter said with pride on his chin.

"How, how? Are they very powerful?"

"Do you say that is not nonsense? Not to be able to be a guardian of the city? All are swearing! You don't know how dangerous it is at the time, the seven-level zombies, the seven-level zombies who have you seen? I have seen! You know What does it look like? It’s about the same size as the child.” The hunter pointed to Xiaodong, who is like a ten-year-old boy, and spits on the flying road. “Hidden in the zombie group, the average person can’t find it at all. The zombies are much faster, they can fly and fly, the tongue can swell seven or eight meters long, the rockets are not dying, the broken limbs can be reborn, and only the city owner can fix it with the power. At that time, you are not I know, it’s a thrilling, deputy city owner, a thunder flying out..."

The more people listened to the more fascinated, the more people stopped to stop, the hunters said that the last saliva was done, and everyone was obviously still intent, and the eyes were full of fanaticism.

Yucheng has just experienced a 30 million-level corpse wave and insect tide attack, and successfully survived the disaster. Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua’s powers stunned the arrogant abilities who came to the competition. . Being able to fight against the killing of the seven-level zombies at the same time, everyone guessed that their abilities are likely to have reached the seventh order, even if there is no seventh-order, there is definitely a sixth-order peak. For those who struggled in the second and third steps, the scene of the two men’s tactics to turn the tide is too shocking. The slogan ‘like a **** is not an exaggeration.

Countless people are impressed, and many more are eager to achieve that level, or even beyond.

In any case, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua took the name of the first abilities master, and the abilities of the singer of the city mentioned that both of them were sincerely admired and fanatic.

The two are not only powerful, but Yucheng is also a rare hope for prosperity under their management. Er Shao and Da Qin have no need to deliberately brush the 'prestige value'. In the eyes of the people in Yucheng, the two have become a reality. The spiritual pillar of Yucheng.

Blinking is the time of the game.

As of the deadline for the final registration, a total of 15 for the sake of fairness and better promote the exchange of power, Wu Ye and Daqin temporarily adjusted the game plan, respectively added the same level of competition, the same level of the same kind of competition, 10 team comprehensive competition, The competition has also been extended from the original one month to two months. The newly added events are rewarded with rich rewards, and more people have the opportunity to show their abilities.

Two less will never let go of the opportunity to make money, the location of the game is set outside the city, there is a special energy cover, the slightly sloppy open-air stadium can accommodate 2 fields, divided into 200 areas, each time limit of 5 minutes The audience must pay 100 credits per game to enter the game. Simultaneously playing the game, only one 0.1 credit is required to watch any video.

At the same time, before the start of the competition, there was a new forum on the Zhinao network platform in Yucheng - the power exchange area.

On the group, a lot of video videos were made. The old citizens of Yucheng saw at a glance that the videos came from Wu Ye’s hands. The price of these paid videos is not expensive. The minimum is 100 credits, and the maximum is no more than 5000 credits. After purchasing the video, you can play it ten times repeatedly. After that, you need to buy it again.

Some people took the attitude of trying to buy, bought some cheap videos, and went in and found out that they were the skills and skills of the guards.

Many people are dumbfounded. They didn't expect the guards to share their cultivation secrets. Shouldn't they cherish their own treasures?

The contest is just around the corner, and many abilities are afraid that they will fall behind the starting line and buy videos in their pockets. Hundreds of videos have collected hundreds of millions of credits in less than a week.

The video income of the guards, Wu Ye did not want a penny, all owned by themselves.

Soon, the abilities will hold the mentality of giving it a try, and record their own cultivation experience and skills into a video and upload it to the forum. This power exchange forum is now the auditor management of the city defense guards specially selected by Daqin. After the video passes the initial examination, they will check the video. If the video meets the requirements, they will immediately evaluate the value, and then feedback the information to the publisher. If the publisher is willing, the video will be posted to the toll area at the audit price.

The sales revenue of these videos is shared in five or five ways to share the benefits with the publisher. At the same time, the publisher will also enjoy a certain amount of contribution value rewards.

Except for the pro-democracy group, the money harvested by the forum was less than 10%, and the remaining 40% was collected and financed by Yucheng City. As for the ticket fee for the competition, the second is to rent the energy cover, and the net income is 20%. The video on-demand is in the name of technical assistance.

The emergence of the abilities exchange forum soon made the ecstasy of the city show a trend of contending. Through various exchanges, almost every versatile person has gained. There are also some abilities who have been trapped in a certain peak for a long time, and they have found shortcuts and successfully advanced.

Fighting, communicating, communicating, fighting, Yucheng has become more and more lively.

The feelings of the second few are also quite good. Looking at the fat claws of the rabbit boss, watching the increasing amount on the bank account, the stinky way, "How do you say that my brain seeds are so good? This way of making money is I want to come out! Hahaha..."

"Our family Aye is of course the most powerful." Daqin smiled. He didn't expect a power game to be refined and refined through Wu Ye. It turned out to be a hen from a loss-making business, really Do a number of carvings.