MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1427

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And the way to find it, Lin Yun also knows that using the magic energy formation to calculate a little, you can calculate where these four pure blood elves really are, but these elves do not know these, seize the opportunity to attack, and then escape. There is only one chance ...

The four elves apparently did not expect this. The moment they evaded, Lin Yun had already exploded at the fastest speed, and instantly disappeared and flew away behind the magic electromagnetic cannon.

The faces of the four elves were blue, and they caught up without hesitation, and the moment they relaxed their vigilance, the other flexible figure with a hood also fled to the other side.

Zhe Linyun and the hooded guy escaped in different directions, but the four elves did not dare to chase separately because of the incident just now, and they did not expect which one to chase. Both of them disappeared suddenly.

After Lin Yun flew for dozens of kilometers, he suddenly covered all the breath and disappeared. Unless he was unlucky and once again encountered a hymn spirit who will sing the true song, the range of the true song is also limited, unless it was just that day. The seventh-level hymn spirit, no matter how low the level, even if it is the real song, don't even want to keep up with the speed of Lin Yun ...

I fled for hundreds of kilometers, Lin Yun felt terrible fluctuations in the rear, the radiance of the scorching sun appeared in the sky, and the dazzling and hot glow enveloped the range of hundreds of kilometers in a few seconds.

Feeling this glorious moment, Lin Yun decisively fell into the forest below, and a mass of water appeared on the surface of his body, a layer of water covering the surface of his body, and a pale blue rune on his forehead. Appeared, and then summoned a dozen water elements around ...

The incarnation of the Water Elemental Elf King, disguised as a pure water element, is too easy, and there is a lake next to it, there are some water elements in it, and there are a dozen near the shore.

The more than a dozen water elements summoned by Lin Yun are on the shore, and Lin Yun is mixed in it. The breath is not different from the surrounding water elements. Even the wild water elements have not expressed any hostility to Lin Yun's appearance, and even feel it. To the breath of the Water Elemental Elf King, they are automatically guarded around Lin Yun ...

At this time, the radiance of the scorching sun swept from here, and disappeared in an instant. At that moment, Lin Yun felt keenly that a light fell on him, but it seemed to be passing by casually. At a glance, the other party was too strong to be felt slightly by Lin Yun.

The glory swept, Lin Yun looked back towards the territory of the pure blood elves, and his face was not very good. This time, it was purely affected. Those pure blood elves were looking for another guy, but after being escaped, It turned out that a pure blood elf of level 9 and 9 jumped out to zoom in and search, and Lin Yun's face was okay ...

It is equivalent to the tenth-level spell exploration. Where the sun's light shrouds everything will be detected, and it has the ability to destroy the invisibility. This kind of spell covers a larger area and consumes more. From the previous spell, In terms of coverage, the range covered by this spell is no more than 1,000 kilometers and 800 kilometers ...

冇 For such a short time, even if Lin Yun ventured to open the door of space to jump, he could not jump a thousand kilometers. Besides, if he dared to open the door of space, those guys would definitely catch up the first time, the fluctuation of the door of space, To these guys, it's as obvious as a lighthouse in the dark ...

Zhe Linyun didn't know what the other guy had done to make the pure blood elf angry, and it would be a skill for a level nine ninth-level sun elf to consume so much power to search ...

Zhe Linyun did not leave in a hurry, but continued to stay by the lake and continued to maintain the incarnation. After one hour, she quietly dispersed the incarnation of the Water Elemental King and transformed into an incarnation of the Water Element ...

His water incarnation has already advanced to the limit of spells. After being released, plus the intentional hidden breath, at least the breath is no different from a water element.

But this spell can be sustained continuously, and its consumption is negligible.

I waited for a day and didn't feel any danger again. Lin Yun turned to look at the fat man who had been lying on his shoulders ...

The fat little man's face was tangled into a ball, and he closed his eyes daring to look at everything outside, but at this time Lin Yun suddenly found some abnormal places.

From the last world of the mind image, it seems that everyone in the mind image world and all creatures have ignored the fat man. It is impossible for no one to see the fat man, but the existence of the fat man is so low that it can be ignored. .

In the last world of mind-likeness, people in the last days could barely understand. Those who were numb and waiting for death, even if someone streaked in Heather City, would not go to take a closer look, and Lin Yun didn't think there was anything abnormal.

But now think about it, the little fat man looks like a large green caterpillar, and it looks like the whole body is high in protein. Those guys who eat the sandworm meat in the last days have no reason to think that they have not seen it.

When it came to the world of the mind imagery of the Nesser Dynasty, the elves didn't seem to see the fat people, which was a bit abnormal ...

Lin Yun speculated that this might be the special ability of the leopard tail. All the unreal existence in the mind-like world cannot see the fat man, or it will be ignored when seeing the fat man. The creatures in the mind-like world are not, after all, not The real living creatures are strictly speaking some mental image projections ...

Panthera is a parasite of the country of nightmare. There are some special abilities here. Lin Yun can understand it. Since the parasites, it is instinct to prevent this world from repelling them. These creatures in the mind-like world do not have One will notice little fat people, it is also normal.

I stayed there for ten days. Three waves of pure blood elves passed by, and there was even a large-scale search of spells, and Lin Yun was motionless.

Twenty days later, those pure-blooded elves seemed to give up completely, and Lin Yun only got into the lake, and left the area along the groundwater channel under the lake.

The elves are notoriously arrogant, and all this starts with the pure blood elves. The pure blood elves are the most arrogant elves. This time they were escaped by two people. One came out of their defense line. This face is almost swollen, and if you do n’t catch two people, the pure blood elves will not give up. For ten days, two forty-nine pure blood elves have already shot ...

They can't give up so easily, it just seems to give up, how can proud proud blood elf give up ...

Lin Yun guessed it right. Those pure-blooded elves haven't really given up. They even started sending strong men, little by little, and even sent out shepherds. With these shepherds, there is nothing too much to hide in the forest. Great effect, unless it's motionless.

Lin Yun walked along the underground waterway of this lake and sensed that the direction was continuously moving forward. It seemed that there was no exit at all. It extended over a range of more than 3,000 kilometers and there was no passage to the ground. Instead, it was moving more and more toward the ground. Deep underground.

Lin Yun is not in a hurry. When the incarnation of the water element is displayed, the water flow direction can be sensed clearly. After changing to the incarnation of the water element elven king, it is even better to know that it is more than a thousand kilometers forward. The right place can go back to the ground, and even if there are pure blood elves there, it can't have the strength comparable to the eternal ancient tree.

Just then, Lin Yun keenly noticed that there seemed to be strange fluctuations in the distance, which were not the fluctuations of underwater creatures. After a few seconds, Lin Yun saw a bubble emerge from the waterway fork on the other side. When it came out, the hooded guy was inside.

Seeing this guy, Lin Yun's face was a bit ugly, and his mouth opened to highlight the two frost runes hitting the surface of the bubble, the bubble was frozen into ice, and even a tens of meters inside the river instantly condensed. Ice cube, that guy is frozen inside.

After a second, the ice exploded with a bang. The guy in the hood hugged a black dragon scale, propped up another bubble, and looked at Lin Yun in a panic.

"Don't do it, it will attract those abominable elves ..."

In a word ~ ​​ ~ Lin Yun stopped the spell just to be released. He looked at this guy coldly. This guy looks very young, handsome, fair-skinned, with obvious elf characteristics, but his jaw , But there is a small dragon scale, and it is a black dragon scale ...

A half-elf with black blood ...

Lin Yun would n’t be surprised if he did n’t wonder. Although the Nesser dynasty was ruled by pure blood elves and five-color dragons, the relationship between pure blood elves and five-color dragons is not very good. It is said that the elven king and the thirteen rulers of the five-color dragons are still No one knows exactly what has been done, and there is no particularly clear record.

The black dragon is the most despised by the pure blood elves, and the black dragon is definitely the worst relationship between the five-colored dragon and the pure blood elves. There are recorded wars of destroying the black dragon seven or eight times.

In this era of the rule of pure blood elves, maintaining the purity of blood is the most critical thing, otherwise it will not be called pure blood elves. The status of half-elves is very low, either being executed or becoming a slave is not as good as a slave ...

A heavenly half-elf, but also the descendant of the black dragon and the sun-elves, Lin Yun was really shocked. This almost impossible thing can be encountered by him. Such a thing will definitely not be recorded in history. ...

Suddenly I encountered such a half-elf. Although he was annoyed by this guy and was almost killed, this guy is definitely a better candidate to understand everything here.

After I figured it out, Lin Yun stowed the staff.

(To be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion