MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1386

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And this note, for those titled magic wizards who break through the sky without hope, it is simply the last glimmer of hope. It cannot be said that all people can't stand this kind of temptation, but those nine-level title magicians who have lost hope Scholar, at least five adults will try to study, three adults will try to experiment ...

The number of Heavenly Orders is a very small number of wizards in Northrend World, but those nine-level magic wizards who cannot break through Heavenly Orders have at least hundreds of times more than the number of Heavenly Order powerful men.

In addition, after the advanced level, the potential is exhausted, and for mages who can not go further for hundreds of years and thousands of years, this may also be a very good opportunity ...

The Undead plane is connected to the Leviathan plane. At this time, it is transformed into a Lich, and can easily enter the Undead plane. It can even help the undead to directly attack the Leviathan plane. By then, it is logical to be in Leviathan. The plane occupies a territory and becomes a Lich with territory.

Li Yongsheng's Lich, perfect, without any defects, those people can endure this temptation?

If you think about it, there will be many people who will experiment ...

And after these people's rituals are successful, they will be transformed into liches one by one, and become the clone of Decreese. Decreese itself does not need to come, separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, separated by the territory of each undead creature, Can easily gather the huge army of Lich.

A group of powerful Lich army, wanting to form a huge army of undead, is simply such a thing with a wave of hand, release a nine-level magic undead plague in the city, all the creatures in a city will be transformed into undead ...

Thinking of Lin Yun, I feel cold sweat behind. If the battle of the blood-stained collar becomes more and more fierce, at that time a large amount of power will be devoted to the blood-stained collar to participate in the battle. Suddenly there will be hundreds of witches leading the undead If the sea appears, what will happen, you don't have to think about it ...

Lin Yun frowned, wrote a magic letter, wrote it down, and sent it out with a magic letter. Agalon is now on the undead plane. I do n’t know how it went. This magic letter also Not afraid to send it to Agalon, maybe it will be stopped by other strong ones in the undead plane.

The magic letter was issued to Gandalf, as Gandalf, to expose the conspiracy and issue a warning. The details are enough for everyone to be vigilant.

The **** Lich is working secretly, but the Alliance of Lights is pulling back. Agalon has not yet contacted. In what way is the six-man star array arranged and how to fight back those undead, these things have not been concluded yet. .

Zhe Linyun collected Edro's alchemy notes, thinking about how to restore strength faster, half a month can not wait.

Just while Lin Yun stayed here waiting for the news of off-duty and Lena, waiting for the news of Gandalf, while continuing to do research, on the other side, there were already several sky-level mages flying towards the floating island where Lin Yun was. Come.

"Edero has fallen, this abominable fellow has never returned since occupying that small city. Now it suddenly falls, I don't know which family suddenly attacked and framed that city.

Edro also holds the resources that our Senro family got here, as well as his alchemy notes, which must be obtained. What he got in that ruin before is still researched by Edro. It ’s something that has been researched ... "

A frost mage with blue eyes calmly uttered his conjecture, and another mage with the same Northstonian ethnicity nodded.

"Yes, Edro must have researched something important, and then was discovered by those guys in the desert. Those things may have been taken by those guys. We must rush over immediately, Edro is dead , That small city must have been occupied ... "

"No matter who it is, if you dare to bully our Senro family, you must pay him a heavy price!"

On the other side, Lin Yun did not explore the forces behind Edro at all. The Senro family, a family that has not been heard at all, and the family of the Kingdom of Ston. The lack of qualifications near the bloodstained collar is sufficient proof. This is a small family that can only pick up the remaining benefits. Even if it is seriously injured now, its strength has plummeted dozens of times, and Lin Yun has not paid much attention to this.

However, the news of the off-duty and Lena has been reported. The ethnic group of the ancient ladder is spread all over the Leviathan plane. It is too easy for them to find someone. It is less than two days to find off-duty and Lei. Na, according to the ancient tree ladder, the information to be transmitted has been transmitted to Lena and off class ...

Ten thousand kilometers away from the city where Lin Yun is located, in a stretch of mountains, the off-duty is carrying slaughter and slaughter, holding a roasted half-cooked Warcraft in one hand, eating meat with a big mouth, and gritting his teeth. Look at this huge tree hundreds of meters high.

Around the giant tree, densely covered with large and small trees, all these trees come from the giant tree in the center, all of which grew out of the ground after drilling out of the ground, this stretch of at least three or four The forest of ten kilometers is actually a tree ...

An old face slowly emerged from the surface of a tree, and the old face stared at the rest of the class without moving.

Hiuban raised his right hand to slaughter and slaughter, then smashed the uncle in front of him, and knocked the old face that appeared on the trunk surface into pieces.

I smashed the tree, and my off-duty eyes continued to glance around, biting a bite of the barbeque, and cursing fiercely.

"Damn bastard, you can't scare me, come out, come out!"

After a few seconds, an identical old face emerged from the trunk of another big tree next to it, still staring at the shift like a woodcarver.

Wu Xiu held up the slaughter again, and knocked this tree, which appeared again, into pieces.

An hour later, all the trees around two to three kilometers away from work were knocked into pieces by the work. This place was full of broken wood. A giant tree had just been broken, and another two meters thick was next to it. On the trunk surface, the same old face appeared again ...

Xiu's class was red-eyed, panting heavily, throwing away half of the left-hand barbecue with his left hand, holding the slaughter in both hands, gritting his teeth and attacking the surrounding trees.

After smashing the tree that showed his face, there was no pause, and he began to attack the surrounding trees frantically. As long as he saw the trees, they all shattered. After hundreds of giant trees were broken in succession, he panted. Stopped, all trees were shattered within three or four kilometers, as if raged by some beast.

Suddenly, an old man's face appeared again on the surface of this fragmented edge, a tree that had not been broken, staring at the rest of the class steadily ...

The off-duty is going to be tortured and crazy. It doesn't matter if you fight against a powerful Warcraft or anything. It doesn't matter if you face an army of undead alone. But now, there is such an old face staring at him, nothing. Do it, just look at it like this, the off-duty is going crazy ...

He threw Tu Yu to the ground, clawed his teeth off the shift, sat there with red eyes, staring at the bull's eye and staring at the old face.

"Damn, want to see me, come, we Bibi, whoever moves first is a fool!"

The surrounding area became quiet, staring at the shift, and the old face on the trunk was staring at the shift. After half an hour, the old face finally opened slowly.

"Merlin is waiting for you."

He said, the old face spit out a piece of sawdust, marking an approximate direction on it.

Wu Xiu laughed and jumped up from the ground, waving Tu Yushou and smashed the big tree in front of him.

"Stupid, you move first, you move first, you lose, stupid, hahaha ..."

The off-duty class laughed for a few minutes before stopping suddenly. It seemed to come to mind at this time, and quickly found a giant tree next to it, clapping at the surface of the giant tree with its palms.

喂 "Hey, stupid, where are you, you come out quickly, what did you just say, Lord Merlin is waiting for me? Where is Lord Merlin? Damn, you come out and say clearly ..."

After taking a few minutes, I didn't see any reaction from the surroundings. I took a break and rushed to the pile of debris on the ground. After a few minutes, I turned out a piece of wood from the inside. The lines on the piece of wood were like a map. After turning the direction, you can see a special faint light appearing on the wood chips.

Even if it is off class, you can understand that this is a guide.

Holding a piece of wood, looking at the scene as if being besieged by a giant beast, the off-duty whispered a bit awkwardly.

"Damn, Master Merlin sent someone to come to me, why did you send such a stupid guy, so stupid guy, it took me so long to say a word, this guy won't be knocked to death ..."

After whispering a few words, the class hurriedly carried the slaughter and fled here as a thief. After more than half an hour, an old face appeared again on the surface of a giant tree, waiting for an hour, the old face Then he muttered.

"Stupid orc, I haven't finished my words, why are you gone, really an impetuous guy ..."

On the other side, Lena's process of getting information is much more normal. As a dragon, some of the knowledge contained in the blood, there are records of these special ancient life. The most clearly recorded is the speech of these special ancient life. Very slow ...

After getting the information, Lena followed the information to fly to the small city where Lin Yun was ...

Wu Xiu and Lena are on their way, but a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, even if they fly all the way, it will take a lot of time. At this time, the people of the Sen Luo family have already arrived in this small city.

The three mages of the Sen Luo family, two sky steps, and a nine-level titled magic wizard, they did not directly fly to the floating island above the city, which was supported by the ancient tree of the ladder, but entered from the gate on the ground to In the city, quietly came to the alchemy shop with the teleportation circle.

"A ninth-level title wizard, a solo mage? Are you kidding? A wounded solo wizard, and just a ninth-level title wizard, can kill Edro?"

In the Alchemy shop, listening to the members of the shop, the Kevin of the Sunro family almost broke the neck of the head of the shop.

The head of the shop was sweaty and pointed to the alchemy circle on top of his head, and to the teleportation circle that was no longer available, and he was a little panicked.

"Master Kevin, this is true. Master Edro is catching some lone wizards. The requirements are preferably light masters or flame masters, but the light masters here basically do not have lone masters. They can only catch some flame masters. Already.

Last time, a 9th-level magic wizard-level flame mage was seduced. The guy was suppressed in this alchemy circle, but he didn't know what evil spell was used, and summoned three evil-filled plants. , Swallowed up the blood of the other two poor guys.

Master Edro was also swallowed up by the scarlet vine. The evil guy is terrible. Fortunately, the evil mage certainly didn't want the matter to be big, and exposed it before I could escape.

Later, I discovered that the teleportation array was invalid. The evil mage must now be in the floating island above! "

Kevin sneered.

"Edro, this stupid person, it seems that the study of alchemy has made him more and more vulnerable. As a sky-level mage, he will die in the hands of a titled wizard, and he has completely lost the Senro family. Face.

Come on, let's tear the evil mage into pieces, a titled wizard, only to kill Edro by means of sneak attacks. Now, let him see the strength of the true Heavenly Order powerful, all conspiracy Tracks are useless in the face of great strength ... "

Kevin took the other two members of the Senro family and walked out of the alchemy shop to directly bloom the extraordinary strength. With the extraordinary strength, he resisted the forbidden air law here, and flew directly from the floating island toward the hundreds of meters high. The floating island flew away.

After falling on the platform of the floating island, Kevin looked at the most mage's tower in the center, sneered, and gave a command to the young ninth-level magic wizard next to him.

"Cage, let the **** evil mage roll out to see me, and I can give him a chance to explain and let him live a few more minutes."

Kage nodded, and rushed to the gate of the mage's tower.

Uncle Kevin came out and took me this time, and now he asked me to come forward. It seems that he has planned to focus on cultivating me. The Leviathan plane is so chaotic now. This is a good opportunity to build merit. After gaining enough benefits for the Sen Luo family, after returning to the Northrend world, I may directly enter the senior level of the Sen Luo family.

Maybe Uncle Kevin is in a better mood, and will directly recommend me for a better future. Maybe it is all thanks to this evil mage ...

"Stupid guy, give you ten seconds to roll out, or you will regret everything you did!"

Kage stood at the gate of the mage's tower and roared loudly, but the mage's tower was quiet and dead, with no reaction at all.

Fang Kaiwen frowned, walked to the gate of the mage's tower, chanted a short spell, and a dense pattern appeared on the surface of the gate, but it did not open as expected.

"Cage, go away, let's go in and let the evil mage know that this resistance is only a slight delay, and then he will die even more miserably."

With the chanting of the spell, the power of frost covered the gate of the mage's tower. Slowly, the magic waves emerging from the gate slowly dissipated, and the gate completely became the gate of frost.

A few cracks appeared on the surface of the door. Kevin's staff lightly tapped on the surface of the door, and the door turned into countless frost fragments and broke open.

"Uncle Kevin's strength has become more and more powerful. It took only a few seconds to open the door of a mage's tower. I don't know when I can have the same strength as Uncle Kevin ..."

Kage stood beside and admired admiration, Kevin smiled proudly.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go, let's torture that evil mage severely!"

A group of people went up along the mage's tower. These were originally defenses arranged by Edro. It was not difficult for Kevin at all, and he quickly entered the top alchemy laboratory.

I opened the door of the alchemy laboratory and saw Lin Yun who was conducting an alchemy experiment.

Skull of a dying soul, core fragments of a ghost, a beating vampire heart ...

A lot of undead materials were placed on Lin Yun's test bench, and there was even a skull of the undead burning the soul's fire.

"It really is an evil mage. Now I give you one last chance to surrender everything you get and kneel in front of the great Sen Luo family to confess. I will give you a merciful killing and make you die happier!"

The moment he came out ~ ~ Kevin released his extraordinary breath, the breath of extraordinary strength suppresses everything around him, and prevents any possible accidents. The main thing is to prevent sneak attacks.

But Lin Yun did not seem to feel the same at all, and continued to carry out alchemy experiments.

Qi Kevin sneered, standing at the door of the alchemy laboratory, and didn't move on at all.

Evil mage, do you think I ’m the same stupid as Edro? Who knows if there are any evil traps here, but as long as I release extraordinary powers, any traps are useless to me, and any sneak attack is also It's impossible.

This damned title wizard must have wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack, want to anger me, and make me lose my mind, but unfortunately, I am not the idiot of Edro. The lion will use all his strength to kill the rabbit.

Looking at the appearance of this evil mage, it seems that he is also an alchemist. Edro must have obtained it, and there must be some big secrets in it. Otherwise, he would not be so anxious to conduct alchemy experiments here ...

"Cage, interrupt the evil mage's limbs and tie him up. I want to treat him well!"

Cage was immediately overjoyed, there were two sky-ranked strong men to fight in person, what else to worry about, when Cage crossed the door and walked to Lin Yun, under his feet, a verdant green vine suddenly grew. The spiked vine tangled around Cage's body instantly, restraining him, and the rune shields were useless.

〖To be continued〗 【】

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