MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 10 Sage Tower

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() "Just as you ordered."

"I need some magic materials. This is a list. Please see if you can help me." Lin Yun said and passed a written list.

Lin Yun has not gone out after completing Wansie ’s Elixir, because he is very dissatisfied with the two hurricane floggings that day. No matter the power or accuracy, he is ten thousand miles behind him. Lin Yun even suspects this is Not a spell cast by yourself.

But after thinking about it for a while, I understood that this Malfay Merlin has been stuck at level nine of the magical apprentice. It really is not unreasonable. The talent itself is too poor. Whether it is magic control or magic load, it is far below the ordinary level. This can already be said to be a physical defect. Hard work and diligence can only make the accumulation of magic more powerful, but it is impossible to get rid of the physical defect advanced master in any case.

Of course, after Lin Yun came, relying on the magic control ability far beyond the times, he easily advanced the mage in a simple and rude way, but all this is just because the master of this body is now Lin Yun Not to say that the problem of the body itself has been solved.

The problem is far from being solved. Although the magic vortex has been formed smoothly, after that, from the mage to the master, from the teacher to the magic wizard, from the magic teacher to the title magic wizard, every time the breakthrough, this physical defect will It has become a bottleneck that plagues Lin Yun's advancement. If this problem is not resolved sooner or later, Lin Yun will soon suffer.

In an age when all research is not mature enough, such a physical defect is almost equivalent to severing the path of the mage, and even a slightly fierce magic flow cannot be carried. How can it become a qualified mage?

Fortunately, Lin Yun does not belong to this era.

To solve the problem of insufficient magic carrying capacity, Lin Yun has at least two ways.

The first is to use special meditation to change the way of magic flow, but the time it takes is not a little bit. At least three or five years, Lin Yun should not want to be an advanced teacher. The second is to use alchemy medicine to carry out the body. Strengthening, this method works much faster, it is more than ten days, and it is half a month, it is almost negligible compared to three or five years.

Of course, the cost may be a little bit bigger. Even if many magic materials are placed in this era, they can be described as precious. The 30,000 gold coins in Lin Yun's hands are definitely not enough ...

But not in a hurry, Lin Yun estimates that there should be a period of time for his advanced division. Before that, he should have a good understanding of the world.

After getting another chance to help, Raymond was almost impatient. Even before the ten-day holiday was too late, he hurriedly held the bottle of 10,000 medicines and ran away, making the old housekeeper look lonely. Shook his head, lamenting that his son was too old to stay with him for too long.

"That's right, I'm so filial. You will treat him well next time ..." Lin Yun started to go out to the Master Guild while slandering Ramon without any psychological burden.


The Master's Guild is also located on Kaixuan Avenue. It is only two streets away from the gilded roses. When viewed from a distance, you can see the spire of the sage tower soaring into the clouds. In the daytime, the mysterious and dazzling light cannot be concealed.

Lin Yun stood under the tower, looking at the runes inscribed on the tower, while waiting for the guard to check his pass. From the runes inscribed on the tower, it seems that the time of the tower's construction should not be in a peaceful era, because Most of these runes are used in legion battles, at least on the scale of tens of thousands of people in order to exert real power, and from the perspective of the magic flow of runes, they have been used more than once. This place is not so much a tower as a war. The fortress is suitable.

"Welcome to the Sage Tower." When you saw the golden magic mark on the crystal card, the guard's hand shook suddenly, and the **** on the face became more respectful. This golden magic mark means With the highest authority, you can read any collection in the Sage Tower Library. In the whole Qianfan City, there are only seven such passes. The owner of each one is a person standing at the peak of his field, not his own little one. The guards can be negligent.

"Thank you." Lin Yun received the pass after inspection, and the respectful guard returned with a smile, then turned and walked into this magic temple with a reputation of thousands of years.

If the Sage Tower is the magic temple of Qianfan City, then the library of Sage Tower will undoubtedly make the treasure house of the entire Thousand Fan City. Here is the richest and most comprehensive collection of books in the eastern part of the kingdom. I have left my footprint here. Every year, countless mages come here thousands of miles, just to be able to enter the library of the Sage Tower, even if only staying in it for a day.

For mages, knowledge is just like drugs, and their thirst for knowledge far exceeds everything. In Luoshanda area, many mages have a library pass for the Sage's Tower. Pay a price that unimaginable.

Of course, Lin Yun, who holds the highest authority pass, cannot feel this mood ...

Along the staircase decorated with beauty, you passed by from time to time along with some mages who were in a hurry. Before long, Lin Yun stood outside the library door on the eighteenth floor of the Sage's Tower.

The inside of the library is very quiet. When you look in from the outside, you can see a lot of people wearing black robes sitting next to the desk. They rarely talk to each other. Even if they have to talk occasionally, they always keep their voices down. It was so low that Lin Yun stood at the door for a while, and he couldn't hear any other sounds except the "rustling" sound of page turning.

It is really a good reading environment ...

When Lin Yun entered the library, he tried not to make a sound. He found a desk against the wall and sat down. He first put down his pass to indicate that someone was already here. When he was about to get up to find the book he was looking for, one was wearing black. The young mage in sè robe went to sit opposite him.

When the young mage sat down, he placed the three books on his desk by the way. UU reading was very heavy. With a "bang", even Lin Yun who had stood up, Could not help frowning, looked at each other strangely.

"Why, Merlin, you don't know me so soon?" The young mage looked almost twenty-six years old, but he looked handsome, but the **** at this time made Lin Yun dislike it, so Lin Yun glanced at it. After that, I could not help frowning.

Unfortunately, this young mage is not Raymond. If Raymond sees Lin Yunlian frowning twice, he will certainly shut up immediately. You know, when the guy almost killed himself that day, he was just wrinkled. Just a brow, and now I even frowned twice, then the problem is not as serious as usual ...

I do n’t know so much about this, Lin Yun frowned and was obviously unhappy, but he did n’t feel it at all, and still exaggerated, saying, “We only met last month. Why did you forget it so quickly? It's not good to be so forgetful. I'm Mason. At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce last month, the one who knocked out your nosebleeds!

"Mason?" Lin Yun recalled it carefully, and found that there was really such a person in Malfay Merlin's memory.

And I'm very impressed ...