MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1 Eschatology

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Chapter 1 Eschatology

After copying the last character of Figaro's formula, Lin Yun carefully closed his magic book and left the empty and decaying library.

The sky above was gray, and there were deep wounds on it. It was a crack ripped from the void storm, and the blood-red sun was like the return of the light. It was squandering light and heat, and the sun was full of poison. As soon as every corner of the city is transpired, it is taking away the last trace of life at the same time as the water vapor is transpired.

的 The sheltered tower in the center of the city is still operating, but the faint dim light always reminds of the old man who is late, sheltered the sheltered tower in Heather City for more than 3,000 years, and seeing that the last period is about to end.

Here is Northrend, a world that once gave birth to a magnificent magical civilization, but has died out because of its depletion ...

At the peak of Northrend, mankind really developed magic to an incredible height. At that time, the mage had the power to destroy the world. They crossed the void to fight thousands of planes, and countless races were under their staff. Shivering.

They even claim to be living gods. In fact, if it is not because of the depletion of magic power, some of them can indeed have eternal life like gods, because they have thoroughly understood all the secrets of magic and fully possess It is comparable to the power of the gods.

What a pity, as the magic dried up, it all came to an end.

Human beings are getting weaker and weaker every day, and the huge fleet of magic energy can be docked in the port forever. The terrifying magic crystal cannon can no longer make a deafening roar. The millions and millions of planes return to peace again, and there is no need to worry about unexpected guests coming suddenly.

Even those mages who were once powerful enough to challenge the gods began to fall one after another. Only then did they realize in horror that they have lost their magical power in front of time, and they are full of legends. His name was engraved on a tombstone, then buried in the loess as Northrend fell, and he was forgotten for a long time ...

The only thing they left was the library that Lin Yun had just left. There were as many as 10,000 magic books stored in it, and each one was the crystallization of their life-long knowledge and experience. Make any mage crazy.

But now ...

They lay quietly inside the library, covered with thick dust, and they have no meaning except to recall the glory of the Northrend world.

In Lin Yun's view, they are not even as useful as a small Figaro formula. At least the Figaro formula allows one to extract a little magic from the void during meditation, and those profound knowledge are powerful Spells, in this world where the magic is completely exhausted, can only be reduced to leisure books when they are bored.

"Lao Tzu is really unlucky ..." It has been two decades since he came to Northrend, Lin Yun has always been very sad about his luck.

Otherwise, why can everyone save the world by passing through, and by the way lay a big one, but they have to hunt for food in the hot desert, and maybe when will they be buried for this world that is about to be destroyed.

This is too unscientific ...

At the very least, I should change the time, right?

For example, Northrend thousands of years ago, although at that time, magic civilization was far from mature, countless magicians were still struggling on the thorny road, and humans did not use magic to create a Another miracle, but at least at that time, Northrend, the sky had not been torn by the void storm, and the earth had not been covered by the endless desert. Between heaven and earth, there was an inexhaustible supply of inexhaustibility Exhausted magic.

The most important thing is that living in that era, you don't have to do the nightmare of world destruction all night and all night ...

"Hey ..." Lin Yun sighed, dragging his tired body across the dead streets, there was no sound around him, as if the whole world was only Lin Yun himself,

Northrend's world is dying step by step, and the resources on which humanity depends are gradually drying up. There are fewer and fewer human beings living in Heather City. If you continue, you do n’t have to wait until the last minute. In this quiet, it will become a real dead city.

This almost desperate future made Lin Yun feel cold for a while.

"No, it's really a bit cold ..." Lin Yun has lived in Heather City for twenty years, and has long been accustomed to the poisonous sun above his head, and the hot desert outside the city. This kind of coldness has not been experienced for twenty years Climbing on the vest was like a poisonous snake getting into the clothes, making Lin Yun creepy.

Lin Linyun looked up in the sky with a look of fear, and then a face suddenly turned pale.

The sky of Heather City is dark and endless darkness, swallowing the last light between heaven and earth, guarding the sheltered tower of Heather City for thousands of years, and finally exhausted the last magic power in the long years.

With that little dim light extinguished, the Northrend world is about to usher in the real end.

The moment the light extinguished, the Nether Storm tore the sky, huge meteorites falling from the sky with flames, violent energy surging, frantically tearing the already fragile space, and the raging wind outside Heather City, The overwhelming yellow sand rolled up like a huge wave pouring into Heather City.

The ground beneath the lame feet is collapsing, the whole world is shaking violently, towering buildings are collapsing, and lively lives are disappearing.

Cry for help, prayer, scream ...

的 The city of Heather, which has been quiet for thousands of years, suddenly became extremely noisy. Blood and fire filled every corner of the city. The last city of humanity also came to the end of life ...

"Finally still ..." Lin Yun stood outside the door of the residence, looking at all this with a stern look.

Then, swallowed up by endless darkness.


When Zhe Linyun woke up, the sky above her head had become a clear blue, no scars like cracks, no **** red sunlight, and the city was no longer a boundless desert.

The dense forest, the rolling hills, the rushing river, everything, make this world full of endless vitality.

Of course, there is magic, ubiquitous magic ...

Compared to the last days when it is difficult to extract a trace of magic after countless years, the Northrend world of this era is like a shameful upstart. Abundant magic is everywhere, even in the air, it seems to be rippling. With a strong magic breath, and inexhaustible use, any mage can splurge freely.

For Lin Yun, who has survived for more than 20 years in the last days, always trying to squeeze out even a trace of magic, this is a dream heaven.

But now, Lin Yun, who woke up in heaven, has no time to be happy.

Because Lin Yun found out that he actually occupied an unfamiliar body.

From the memories that remain in my mind, the original master of this body should be called Malfah Merlin, a diligent ninth-level magic apprentice who once worshipped under Archmage Seth. His father, Rogmelin, was Those who run the alchemy business are in charge of the Flash Gold Chamber of Commerce, one of the seven major chambers of business in Qianfan City.

I look good, with a great family and great future.

Alas, this is all a thing of the past.

Speaking of this, Mafam Merlin is really unlucky. Seeing that he has already stepped on the threshold of a magic apprentice of level nine, he can put on the black robe and become a respected true mage in one step.

But at this time, his father, who runs the alchemy business, was surprised.

A storm devoured the fleet of the Gold Flash Chamber of Commerce. Hundreds of people, including Rogmelin, were spared, and valuable cargoes sank in the sea.

This is a real disaster, and the whole Qianfan City is alarmed.

自然 Of course, this includes the creditors of the Flash Gold Chamber of Commerce ...

The Gold Flash Chamber of Commerce, one of the seven largest chambers of business in Qianfan City, was evacuated by creditors almost overnight, and the families of the victims came to the door every day to ask for compensation, while crying for their dead relatives, while moving Taking the last thing left at home, Mafmelin, who had lost his financial resources, could no longer continue his expensive magical studies. He had to interrupt his mage journey one month ago and return home to help deal with various debts.

The large house was empty now, and even the mouse could not bear to see it. The last servant secretly ran away with dozens of gold coins three days ago. Now in this house, except for an old housekeeper who is loyal to the old master. Besides, there is only Lin Yun coming through.

Oh, yes, there is a contract ...

I sent this contract to Rogmelin's cousin, Fario. According to his seniority, Marfallin should call him a cousin, UU reading www. When Rogmelin was still in the past, he can be said to have taken care of this cousin. He paid a lot of dividends every year. Later, he spent a lot of money, used a lot of relationships, and sent him. In the seat of the Qianfan City Sheriff, this is a real fatality. Every year, all kinds of red envelopes can be received.

也是 This time is the same. Rogmelin gave his cousin a dry stock as usual before going to sea. He didn't have to pay a penny, and he could get a huge dividend just after the fleet returned.

No one had thought that this time in Shanghai, it would be difficult to encounter Shanghai, and no one would think that as soon as Rogmelin left, his dear cousin came to the house with a contract to ask for money ...

Now, this contract is in front of Lin Yun. The number on it is actually not large. There are only 8,000 gold coins. When Rogmelin was still alive, the consumption of a magic experiment by Maffallin may be more than that. .

The problem is that it is not the same now ...

Twenty-eight gold coins are a desperate number for the current Malfay Merlin, even if he sold his whole body up and down.

But not yet, now this Uncle Fario is not as good at speaking as before ...

Seeing that the repayment date was getting closer and closer, the already struggling Maffamelin finally collapsed. After having breakfast this morning, he somehow fainted, then woke up and became Lin Yun now ...

"This guy is really unlucky ..." After digesting the memories left in his mind, Lin Yun also had to sigh with emotion. This guy named Mafammelin is really unlucky to a certain extent. A good family has a bright future It is not easy for young people to be pitted into this way.

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