MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 7 No one shall advance one step without His Majesty's order!

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Feng Bao, the inner **** who was bound, was in a state of confusion at this time.

Didn't the Tai Huang Tai later admonish the emperor today?

After admonishing the emperor, you can justifiably execute the lackey Yu Huatian.

No one dared to resist the order of the Empress Dowager, not even the emperor. Feng Bao felt that this was his trump card, which was far greater than everyone else.

That's the only way. After the admonition, the emperor was terrified, and Yu Huatian was executed. In the end, he benefited from the fisherman and completely controlled Xichang.

But everything in front of him was completely different from what he had imagined in the past. Not only did he not see the emperor, but even the empress dowager was sent to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to Hou Zhi.

Feng Bao felt more and more bad in his heart!

However, he kept comforting himself in his heart that with the support of the Empress Dowager, he could calm everyone here.

Wasn't the Son of Heaven always under control before? He never resisted, but he didn't believe that a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old boy would do anything to his grandmother.

After all, when Emperor Hongzhi was dying, he wanted the Empress Dowager to supervise the country.

On the square outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Big drops of sweat dripped from Feng Bao's forehead, because behind this incident, there was an unknown thing done.

He is guilty!

Did someone tell the story?

He spent one night deploying his manpower, then carefully selected killers, and then carefully arranged them, but everything was wrong because of the appearance of Jin Yiwei...

Only he and a minister in the court knew about this matter.

Could it be that he betrayed himself?

Right now, his backer is about to fall. If this matter is found out, it will be a big sin for the nine clans.

However, he still had luck.

Who in the palace dares to investigate the Empress Dowager?


The big inner guard so embroidered the spring knife and pulled it out of its sheath, blocking the front of the Queen Mother Zhou.

"No one is allowed to take a step without His Majesty's order!"

Feng Bao was already shivering, and he didn't know anything about Liu Jin's beheading.

If these guards were usually placed in the Cining Palace, Feng Baochi would have died long ago, but now...

"How dare you stop Aijia!"

"Please stop, the queen mother, this is the last warning!"

The guards in front of the royal family have already made a final concession to the Zhou family.

Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Houzhao was looking through the memorials sent by the secret agent, Yu Huatian bowed and stood aside.

Emperor Hongzhi returned to heaven. In this month, Feng Bao bought a large number of people in the palace. How could even a **** be seen?

It doesn't matter, the most important thing is that he has adopted many godsons outside.

This made Zhu Houzhao laugh and laugh.

While Zhu Houzhao was looking at the memorial in the West Factory, a guard came into the hall to report: "Long live the memorial, the Empress Dowager is waiting outside the hall..."

Zhu Houzhao didn't seem to hear it, he just buried his head in reading the memorials, unmoved.

Yu Huatian stood aside, carefully watching the emperor's every move.

He has to figure out the emperor's mind, he has to understand the emperor's intentions at any time, and his spirit is highly concentrated.

After the guards went down, Zhu Houzhao read the secret documents of the West Factory, and then continued to read the secret documents of the East Factory. Now the cabinet is in control of the government. Zhu Houzhao wanted to see some clues about the world today from the memorial.

Outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the Empress Dowager stood under the scorching sun with a particularly pale face.

She served Emperor Hongzhi for many years, how could she have been treated so unfairly?

How would Emperor Hongzhi feel when he saw his mother being exposed to the sun like this?

Time passed by, and when Zhu Houzhao finished reading the memorials of Dongchang, it was already the time of Shen.

The scorching sun scorched the earth, but this was nothing compared to the insidiousness of Yuhuatian.

The blood on Feng Bao's face has been wiped off, but the wounds on his nose and ears are still aching!

My knees are already numb!

But these are not important, the important thing is that he always feels that there is a sinister force behind him always facing him. UU reading www.

Seeing that Zhu Houzhao had finished reading the memorial, Yu Huatian handed over to Zhu Houzhao and said, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is waiting outside the hall..."

"Let them in!"

"According to the order!"

Outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation!

The empress dowager's feet were numb, as if she was dying from the sun.

"Empress Dowager Xuan Tai, the Chief Inspector has an audience!"

The guards outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation gave way.

The empress dowager, who had been so embarrassed for a long time, walked towards the Hall of Mental Cultivation in two steps, followed by Feng Bao.

"I just don't think of myself as a grandmother!"

"This disobedient rebel! I don't understand filial piety..."

The Empress Dowager seemed to be spitting white air from both nostrils, and she was indignant to go to the teacher to ask the guilt.

When they entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, they saw the Emperor Zhu Houzhao sitting on the dragon chair, wearing a dragon robe, a crown of heaven, and a sword of the Son of Heaven in front of them!

Yu Huatian, the superintendent of the West Factory, stood aside with a dignified expression.

The Empress Dowager entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation without stopping, and walked directly to the jade steps. Now she has something to say to Emperor Zhengde!

The **** Feng Bao knelt under the jade steps and stretched out his body.

"Long live your majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Zhu Hou glanced at Fanfan's eyelids and said, "Where are the inner guards? Push it out and break into the dungeon, and try again in the future!"

"I think who dares?"

The Empress Dowager stood on the jade steps, turned around and scolded the guards below the court.


Zhu Houzhao pulled out the emperor's sword and aimed the bright sword at Feng Bao!

Yu Huatian waved to the guards below, motioning to **** Feng Bao.
