MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 5 West Factory is back!

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Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Houzhao was sitting on the dragon chair, reading the memorial just sent by Jin Yiwei.

Face as iron!

"These dog things, I keep you all for nothing."


Zhu Houzhao threw the secret sent by the secret agent to the ground.

"No one can protect you, not even the Empress Dowager!"

Zhu Houzhao showed murderous intent.

This Feng Bao is the confidant of the Empress Dowager, but he is a dog who eats inside and out. How can he keep him by his side for nothing?

Not to mention that Feng Bao has a little talent to learn, even if he is full of knowledge and riches, I will smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces!

I want to see if the Empress Dowager can protect him!

If she dares to stop me, I want her to look good.

Not to mention that you are the Empress Dowager, even my mother, you cannot interfere in the affairs of the state.

For the sake of imperial power, even if my own father is alive, he must rebel!

A big play is about to take place.


"Come on!"

"Call the West Factory Yuhuatian into the temple!"

"According to the order!"

Liu Jin's seat in the Hall of Mental Cultivation was vacated, and no suitable candidates have been arranged for the time being. Zhu Houzhao asked the former **** Xiao Jing to serve him.

Today, the war in the northwest was played, which made Zhu Houzhao know the cruelty of reality.

Faced with the current situation of internal and external troubles, he wants to solve it one by one.

The court officials are in power, and the cabinet controls everything in the entire Ming Empire. In the harem, the Empress Dowager became the ruler again. How did the newly enthroned Zhu Houzhao display his talents?

Among the eunuchs, Liu Jin was the most powerful, but this was no longer Zhu Houzhao's concern.

Right now, the most important thing is the Queen Mother Zhou of the harem.

The **** Feng Bao under his command only obeyed the Empress Dowager, as if he had already touched the limit of the emperor.


West Factory, spooky!

Yuhuatian in a brocade robe stood in the center of the West Factory Hall, and all the guards in the West Factory knelt down on one knee.

Those who dare not kill in the East Factory will be killed by the West Factory!

What the East Factory doesn't dare to manage, the West Factory will take care of!

This is the characteristic of the West Factory, the royal power charter!

The East Factory, the West Factory, and the Jinyiwei are the three forces in the court that are 100% loyal to the Emperor.

It is also the three cards of Emperor Zhu Houzhao!

"Follow the emperor's edict, quickly order Yuhuatian to enter the palace to see you!"

"Chen Yu Huatian leads the way!"

Yu Huatian took the imperial edict from the **** of Yangxin Hall, and without hesitation, immediately entered the palace.

Even if the emperor asked him to go up the mountain and go down to the sea of ​​fire, he would never say a single word.

The East Factory and the West Factory were originally the eagle dogs of the emperor. The purpose of the emperor's establishment was to serve the imperial power!

A quarter of an hour later.

"Report to Your Majesty, Yu Huatian is waiting for the order outside the hall!"

"Let him in!"

Yu Huatian entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation. When he entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he saw the Son of Heaven sitting on the dragon chair, wiping a Leng Yue sword in his hand.

This Lengyue Sword is the Sword of the Son of Heaven. Skilled craftsmen use the essence of heaven and earth to forge it with frost.

Three-footed sword, Leng Yue is incomparable!

Zhu Houzhao kept wiping his sword, as if he hadn't seen Yu Huatian come in,

Suddenly, Zhu Houzhao raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Huatian with a pair of indifferent eyes. Through Leng Yuejian, Yu Huatian seemed to see the cold dew of the emperor.

In an instant, I was in a cold sweat.

"Piece Yuhuatian, see Your Majesty!"


The cold moon sword is sheathed.


"I am humble!"

"I heard that you are on good terms with Liu Jin, why don't you go downstairs to accompany him, be a companion to Liu Jin, and have someone to take care of on Huangquan Road."

When Yu Huatian heard this, his face turned blue with fright.

He hurriedly knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty, how can I be in the company of Liu Jin and others? I hope Your Majesty will investigate."

This Yuhuatian is dressed in a brocade robe, graceful and luxurious, handsome in appearance, and outstanding in martial arts. He is a peerless master of the West Factory. UU reading

However, in the arena, there are more people who are afraid of Cao Zhengchun than those who are afraid of Yuhuatian.

"Pass on my will, go to Cining Palace to announce the decree, and pass on the decree of the Empress Dowager Queen Yangxin Hall."

"According to the order!"

Yu Huatian handed over his hands, with a determined look in his eyes.

Yu Huatian led the decree to withdraw from the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

At this time, he was full of strength.

He has never felt this way!

There has never been a feeling of being trusted by the emperor!

Xichang has never been afraid of offending any official, and what Xichang fears most is not being reused by the emperor!

Now, the West Factory has been reused. Although it is only a small task, it is enough to make Yuhuatian excited!

After leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Yu Huatian immediately returned to the West Factory, led Jin Yiwei, and began to act!

They are like sharp arrows!

In the famous West Factory, they are back!

Yes, the governor of Xichang, who used to be under one person and more than ten thousand people, is back.

It's time for the West Factory to act!

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Houzhao hung the Leng Yuejian on the head of the bed.

"This is a warning to me, disobedient dogs, only by beheading their heads can they stop being annoying!"

At this time, Zhu Houzhao was full of killing intent!

Even the little **** didn't take him seriously, the title of the emperor can only be used up.

But now, no one can stop me!

no matter who?

The cabinet, or the eunuch, can't do it!

I, Zhu Houzhao, want to show them, what is the emperor's anger, the corpses of a million people are buried, and the blood is flowing into rivers!

Inside the Cining Palace.

Yu Huatian led Jin Yiwei to quickly surround the dormitory of the Empress Dowager.