MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 191 angry

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Inside the Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Houzhao flipped through the memorials sent by the Dongxi Factory, which contained records of various exchanges between Ming Dynasty officials and foreign vassal kings.

This war was doomed from the start to the rebels' defeat.

After all, the vassal king is the vassal king, how can he compete with the emperor for the world?

Even Zhu Di, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, took the risk of beheading to engage in this job, and it was only after a lifetime of nine deaths that he succeeded.

Liu Daxia had already returned to Beijing, and Zhu Houzhao was not in a hurry to summon him. After this period of time has passed, he will naturally go to this capable minister of ruling the world and give him a heavy responsibility.

However, now he was looking through the relevant memorials in the palace and saw that Dali Temple lacked a young minister, so he filled in Liu Daxia with a pen.

Dali Temple, equivalent to the procuratorate of later generations, controls the trial of prison cases, and the highest official who controls its rights is called Shaoqing, ranking first among the nine ministers.

The Daming Empire had strict legal regulations. The Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Inspectorate were collectively known as the Three Judicial Justices.

However, as soon as Liu Daxia returned to the capital, he mastered the prison in Daming, and no officials complained about it at all. They all knew that Liu Daxia was an important minister during the Hongzhi period and was fully capable of sitting in this seat.

Zhu Houzhao is now busy with government affairs every day, and has no time to worry about the harem. Although the queen mother is also anxious and wants to hold her grandson, there is nothing she can do about it.

Zhaoyi's mother, Bai Xue, is pregnant, and I don't know if it's a man or a woman...

At night, the Forbidden City fell into a quiet state.

However, a fast horse quickly broke the silence of the Forbidden City.

Good news came from Xifengkou. After Wang Shouren captured the residence of Prince Lu, he immediately sent a good news.

Cao Zhengchun was the first person to get the news, and he sent it to Zhu Houzhao overnight.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, King Lu's rebellion has been pacified, and his family members, sons, etc. all hanged themselves at home!"

On the dragon chair, Zhu Houzhao looked a little unnatural, as if all this was within his expectations.

After reading the memorial, Zhu Houzhao looked a little gloomy. He didn't intend to kill many people, but he knew that if he didn't kill these rebels, one day they would look at him with the butcher knife.

"Where's King Lu's body?" Zhu Houzhao glanced at Cao Zhengchun and asked.

"In response to His Majesty's words, King Lu is not dead. He is now on his way to the capital, waiting for His Majesty's release."

Zhu Houzhao nodded and said: "I know, you can talk about other vassal kings!"

As the eagle dog of the emperor, Cao Zhengchun does not need to be jealous of these vassal kings. Although these vassal kings enjoy royal privileges, after all, they have not been with the emperor for a long time, and their relationship is naturally not as close as these eunuchs.

"Go back to Your Majesty, King Huai of Raozhou Prefecture in Nanchang, Jiangxi, and King Fu of Yizhou Prefecture, Fujian have many contacts with King Lu."

"And on the fiefs of King Huai and King Fu, the same firearms as King Lu have been identified."

"When Lord Wang led the army to attack King Lu, there was an enemy army on its belly and back. It might have been sent by King Fu to reinforce them, but it was a pity that they all escaped."


Zhu Houzhao snorted coldly. Although the emperor did not target him now, he could also see that Zhu Houzhao's temper was not that soft.

He could have imagined for a long time that King Lu rebelled, without the support of the number of opponents, even if he had more firearms, he would not dare to sing against Daming!

Now that King Lu's rebellion has failed, the vassal kings in other places naturally dare not openly oppose Daming, and in the future they will have to be men with their tails between their tails.

Zhu Houzhao sneered, stood up slowly from the dragon chair, and looked at Cao Zhengchun sternly.

Cao Zhengchun immediately stood up, ready to accept the master's arrangement.

"I have an important thing for you to do. This time, you must do it well. You only need to succeed, not fail!"

"I am now making you a minister of imperial envoy. You bring my secret letter to Nanchang House and Yizhou House, saying that it is my intention and let them hang themselves!"

"In addition, deprive other fiefs, except for titles, all family properties are confiscated, all family members in the house are filled into the army, and women are sent to the Jiaofang Division."

"If you insist on resisting and rectifying the Fa on the spot, do you dare to go?" Zhu Houzhao asked with a serious face.

For a time, Cao Zhengchun was greatly shocked. At this time, he was an **** and went to Nanchang Mansion and Yizhou Mansion, didn't he go to find his own way?

The eunuchs who are the most hated by outsiders are those eunuchs.

If the imperial decree was issued, and King Huai and King Fu were in a hurry, they cut themselves directly, what should I do?

However, Cao Zhengchun knew that in the officialdom, wealth and wealth were sought in danger, and if he wanted to secure his position in the future, even if His Majesty asked him to go up the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​fire, he had to go too.

The excited Cao Zhengchun immediately knelt down on his knees and said to Zhu Houzhao, "I will thank you, Your Majesty, and I will definitely live up to Your Majesty's kindness."

Zhu Houzhao nodded and said, "Go back!"

Cao Zhengchun cupped his hands and said, "I retire!"

The chaos of King Lu involved many people, especially the vassal kings from all over the world. Naturally, not only King Huai and King Fu, but also many local vassal kings were coveting their own throne.

However, if the reform is to be carried out drasticly now, and if the feudal vassal starts to be cut down, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction with the feudal lords in various places.

As a result, he had just entered the formal economic order of the Ming Dynasty, and it would cost a lot of financial and material resources, which he did not want to see.

The reason why they want to attack King Fu and King Huai now is because they, like King Lu, already have the determination to rebel, but they haven't shown it yet.

Looking at the list of officials involved, there were more than 20 people, and there were two above the third rank, which made Zhu Houzhao very angry.

Zhu Houzhao showed a cold light on his face, picked up the brush in front of him, and crossed all the names of these people.

The next morning.

Jin Yiwei escorted more than 3,000 people to the execution ground, intending to execute them during the disturbance.

Only one person was sentenced to death, and he was the adopted son of Ning Wang Qianning.

The crimes he committed were even worse than those committed by his adoptive father, Qian Ning. He directly sneaked into the Forbidden City to do the work of monitoring the emperor.

Therefore, after receiving the approval of Zhu Houzhao, he was sentenced to capital punishment, and he was executed at a lingchi time!

When he saw that everyone was being taken to the execution ground, he was left alone in the prison. Later, when the jailer told him the truth, he immediately wet his pants.

As a hundred households of Jinyiwei, Ling Chi is no stranger to him at all. With a total of 1,600 knives, he has every reason to believe that he will not endure the last knife.

Whether it is the people from the East Factory or the West Factory, they will not bypass themselves and give themselves a happy ending.

Everyone knows that the most painful thing about Ling Chi's execution is not the physical pleasure, but the mental torture.

Seeing his own flesh being cut off piece by piece, only a few were killed by pain, but the majority were scared to death.

He never dreamed that he just did the job of a supervisor according to the words of his adoptive father, Comrade Qian Ning, how could he end up being cut alive?

Although he has a lot of grievances in his heart, His Majesty has already crossed out his name, which indicates that it is impossible for anyone in this world to save him.

Looking at the empty cell, he had the urge to hit the wall immediately.

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