MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 179 sneak attack (1)

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within the frontier seas.

Just after Zhu Houzhao inspected everything, Qi Jingtong arranged for his deputy Deng Wenlong and Qi Jiguang to continue to increase the practice of the naval force at sea.

It can't be that he doesn't care about everything after the inspection. This Daming navy has all the authority to hand over to him Qi Jingtong, and he has to pay full responsibility to the Daming Navy.

At the same time, not far away, several small broken ships were swaying.

But under the tattered canvas, there were firearms and a handful of artillery pieces hidden.

"Zhangpanzi, we only loot some small fishing boats here, and there is not much oil and water in it?"

"Yeah, yeah! It's no fun to loot some small boats in this sea all day long."

"If there is no more big business to open, I guess the brothers will be hungry."

"I haven't touched a woman for more than a month, so let's think of other ways?"

A few pirates wearing white towels on the tattered fishing boat were discussing a few things at the moment.

"Zhangpanzi, why don't we go ashore, loot the surrounding villages, and take the opportunity to play with women, so that the brothers can all have meat!"

On this broken ship, twenty or so pirates are negotiating, and each and every one of you has said your latest thoughts.

And the one-eyed dragon pirate at the head is obviously the leader of these pirates. He has nothing on his head and looks fierce, with a beard and a fierce face.

"Do you think I don't want to?"

"But we are pirates. Once we get ashore, we will be chased and killed by Daming officers and soldiers. I'm tired of those days!"

After speaking, everyone present quieted down, does their boss have any better idea?

However, after being silent for a while, the big boss didn't say anything.

However, the second boss was quick-witted. Seeing that the big boss didn't speak, he strode over and said to the one-eyed dragon, "The big boss and the little ones have a way to let our brothers do the big ones."

"Well, you should talk about it."

The second master rolled his eyes a few times and looked at the brothers around him. They were all waiting for him to come up with ideas!

"I said the big boss, we only rob these small fishing boats, it's not interesting, the little one heard that not long ago, this big Ming officer came to a big official, it is estimated that the emperor's second child came, and also brought a lot of gold and silver, There is also food, if we can mix in the ships close to the government and find a way to get some silver taels and food, then it is worthwhile for the brothers to live on the ships all year round."

When the second master spoke, many people's eyes widened. If the emperor came, he would definitely bring a woman to rob the ship, and they would make a fortune.

"You said it lightly, and you thought very well. It's just, how do the ships of the Ming Navy get close? Their ships' sharp guns are not easy to deal with."

"Yes, the big boss is right!" Many people echoed.

The second-in-command aroused everyone's enthusiasm, and they also became interested. His eyes rolled a few times again, and he said to the one-eyed dragon with a dry smile: "The big boss can't take us by force, so why not use resourcefulness?"

"Tell me about your ingenuity!"

Several men simply lay on their backs on the deck, comfortably enjoying the warm sunshine of a true autumn afternoon.

The second master rolled his eyes and said to the crowd: "I said, brothers, think about it, we looted those small boats, didn't we rely on a lot of people, our boats are tattered on the surface, but they are actually very strong. "

"After waiting for a while, Tietou waits for you guys to dive into the water, first go over and dig a few holes under Daming's treasure ship, we will pretend to be refugees who come here to beg, and go up and tie their main attention. , as soon as the water enters the cabin, we will take action, grab as much as we can, and jump into the water if we grab it, the brothers have been working on the water for many years, so it should be no problem!"

As soon as everyone heard it, this is indeed a good method. The winter season is coming soon. The temperature of the underwater is hotter than that above. It is easy to succeed when people go down to work.

Twenty or more pirates discussed all the countermeasures, and the boats sailed towards the Zheng He treasure ship.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, and a touch of red sun dyed the entire sky red.

On the treasure ship of the Daming Zhenghe, a soldier was standing on the lookout post. He suddenly found a small boat slowly approaching here.

He didn't dare to be careless, and immediately climbed down from the mast and reported the matter to Qi Jingtong.

Qi Jingtong had just finished his work and was about to go out for a walk. When he heard an unknown boat approaching this direction, his expression immediately became tense.

Since he was attacked by Japanese pirates in front of Zhu Hou last time, he has also learned a lesson. As long as there are suspicious ships, no matter how big or small, they should be cautious.

"See? How good are they? Do they have artillery or anything like that on their ships?"

"Reporting to the general, there are not many of them, and they are close to our ships in a dozen miles, and their ships look tattered, as if they are not equipped with artillery or the like."

"Go back and look carefully!"

Qi Jingtong waved at the spy, and the spy continued to go out to inquire, but he carefully analyzed the spy's report just now.

At the same time, he also ordered the soldiers on the ship to increase the patrol, including the bottom of the ship.

In less than a cup of tea, I heard someone making a noise not far away, as if there was some big grievance.

Qi Jingtong put down the tea bowl in his hand and walked out, only to see a few men dressed as fishermen already standing on the springboard. Because they were blocked by officers and soldiers, they never jumped onto the deck.

"What's going on?" Qi Jingtong asked.

"Go back to the General Administration, these people claim to be fishermen here. They say that it is getting late and they can't go back. They want to come here for the night."

After listening to Qi Jingtong, he nodded slightly and said, "It was originally not allowed for outsiders to board the ship, but you are very pitiful, so I will let you come up, live on this ship, and stay overnight."

As soon as the words fell, several fishermen looked at each other, immediately clasped their fists and thanked Qi Jingtong, and jumped aboard.

However, at this moment, Qi Jingtong felt a little bit wrong. UU Reading

They looked at each other with affirmation in their eyes, indicating that these people had other plans and were not here to stay overnight.

Just thinking of this, those men have already made an appointment on the deck, and they bowed their thanks to Qi Jingtong, but their eyes were looking around.

Qi Jingtong became more and more suspicious of the identities of these people.

With his years of experience, these people are definitely not fishermen.

Looking behind them, they were all bulging, and they must have hidden weapons, which he couldn't miss.

"Thank you for taking care of the adults, where do the children live?"

A person who looked like a leader looked around pretendingly, and then asked Qi Jingtong with his hands.

Qi Jingtong said calmly: "There are several guest rooms on this ship. You can go in and stay at will, but because of limited conditions, you can only temporarily stay on the ground, and you will leave here tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, sir." One of them thought he had succeeded in his trick, so Haosheng thanked Qi Jingtong and walked out with a soldier.

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