MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 167 Get your wish

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In the courtroom, the naval governor Qi Jingtong gave a briefing on his duties in the dynasty, and described the achievements of the construction of the navy in the Ming Dynasty, as well as the naval battle of the navy to expel pirates and destroy the country of Aolang.

Zhu Houzhao was very happy to hear that.

Daming's navy is so strong, then Daming's sea area will be worry-free.

However, this Qi Jingtong spent 10 million taels of my money, and finally saw the effect. Ten million taels is not a small number.

In the courtroom, Zhu Houzhao looked at the Manchurian culture and martial arts: "I want to go to Tanggukou to inspect and inspect my Daming Navy. There is a cabinet guarding the capital for the time being, and the Minister of War listens to orders."

Minister of War Xie Qian walked out of the court class.

"You have mobilized 100,000 elite soldiers to garrison the capital, and I will go to Tanggu, at most in ten days and a half, at least in six or seven days."

"The Minister of the Household and the Minister of Industry will go with me together."

When the two heard the words, they immediately went to work and answered yes.

Zhu Houzhao's trip to Tanggukou this time is a major event, and it is much more formal than the previous plan to visit the palace.

When the emperor travels, the guard of honor and other troops should be no less than 80,000, and the guards should be as many as 20,000 or 30,000.

Of course, it is also very important to guard the capital. The cabinet stays in the capital, and the emperor is not working as usual.

"Cao Zhengchun!"

"The minister is here!"

"You also stay in the capital this time, and do your job well for me."

"Your Majesty, let this minister follow you on your trip. The minister wants to protect your safety." As soon as Cao Zhengchun's voice fell, he heard a group of ministers saying: "Your Majesty, let's take the director of the East Factory and let the director of Cao protect you. Your Majesty is safe."

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

It was the first time that Zhu Houzhao saw that the ministers asked Cao Zhengchun to travel with him for his own sake. It seems that after the last White Lotus Sect accident, the ministers had great confidence in Cao Zhengchun's ability to protect His Majesty.

"In that case, Cao Aiqing will go with me!"

Zhu Houzhao made arrangements for the inspection of the palace.

At the same time, Zhu Houzhao said goodbye to the Queen Mother in the Cining Palace.

"Zhao'er, when you go out of the palace this time, you bring a few beautiful girls and let them go out of the palace to serve you, so Zhaoyi doesn't have to go, she is pregnant!"

"No need, I can arrange this matter freely."

Just as Zhu Houzhao was about to leave, he heard the Queen Mother shouting at his back: "Zhao'er, you need to be safe outside, don't ask Wei Niang to worry about you."



Three days later, the palace gate opened wide.

The emperor's guard of honor marched out of the Forbidden City in a mighty manner.

Zhu Houzhao sat on the dragon carriage and accepted the kowtows of the ministers.

After leaving the palace, 30,000 soldiers and horses walked at the front, followed by the emperor's honor guard, followed by the carriages of several concubines, and at the back were the security guards and some officials.

It is the honor of these officials in the court to be able to follow the emperor to inspect.

The ordinary people outside generally do not see the emperor, and when they meet the guard of honor, they shout long live, and all the shops that the emperor passes by are closed. This is the rule of the court.

If you look up at the emperor's face, you have to stretch your neck and stand at a distance of a thousand meters to see it. If someone is a little bit conspiratorial, they will be beheaded immediately.

The mighty Beijing guards headed east all the way to Tanggu.

All the way through the prefecture's yamen, all the officials were busy and out of breath.

They are all afraid of killing people and stealing goods on their own chassis, especially if they think about the emperor, that is a big crime of the Pearl Chain Nine Clan.

From the capital to Tanggu, about 600 kilometers, Zhu Houzhao traveled to Tanggu, and he couldn't wait to see the construction of the Daming Navy.

How is the construction of our Daming Navy? Is it as spectacular as Qi Jingtong said?

Zhu Houzhao's heart was already flying to Tanggu.

At that time, Zheng He made seven voyages to the West, and now Emperor Zhengde also has the idea of ​​​​going to the West.

Even, the current Ming Navy is stronger than the Navy during the Yongle period. This is all managed by Zhu Houzhao. Without the hard work of Zhu Houzhao and his father, Emperor Hongzhi, it is impossible to achieve such results.

Daming Empire, I will definitely restore the glory of Daming Empire.

Zhu Houzhao was on the dragon chariot, patrolling his country, and along the way, he saw lush trees and the joy of harvest.

Among the mountains and mountains, every city wall is towering, and the officers and soldiers stationed on the city wall, when they see the emperor's honor guard, kneel one by one, shouting long live.

These Ming officers and soldiers are all iron-blooded men of the Ming Dynasty.

They threw their blood for Daming and dedicated their youth to the country. Many of them were only in their early twenties. In order to protect their family and the country, they left their hometowns and came here one by one. The purpose is to defend their country.

There are also gallops from the capital city to Tanggukou. These gallops are wide and horizontal. The wheels are not bumpy when walking on these gallops. Moreover, there are cowhide on the wheels, which have a shock absorption effect.

Qi Jingtong of the Daming Naval General Administration arrived at Tanggukou a day earlier than Zhu Houzhao.

At this moment, he is more excited than anyone, because here, His Majesty will review his achievements over the past year.

Over the past year, he has been trembling with fear, and even spent his sleep time building ships. In order to push Daming's naval career forward, he has given all his heart and soul.

Now, the Daming Navy is invincible in the world, and he will rest his eyes even if he dies.

When the Daming Navy heard that the emperor was coming to inspect them, they all screamed in excitement. They even worked hard to increase their training. They wanted to show His Majesty the truest side of the Daming Navy, and would definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations.


Tanggu mouth cannons sounded.

The vanguard of the emperor's honor guard has arrived, and Zhu Houzhao's Luan Jia is not far away.

All the officers and men of the navy were even more excited with tears in their eyes.

Although they haven't seen His Majesty yet, they can feel His Majesty's sympathy for their officers and soldiers, and they can better understand the truth of keeping the soil and being responsible.

Zhu Houzhao's luan driver finally arrived at Tanggukou.

Qi Jingtong rode on the horse, saw that Zhu Houzhao's Luan driver had arrived, turned over and dismounted, knelt down in front of Zhu Houzhao and said, "Your Majesty, I have already prepared a palace for Your Majesty."

Zhu Houzhao lifted the curtain and said, "I don't live in a I want to live on the treasure ship Zheng He."

"The minister obeys the order!"

After Qi Jingtong got up, he immediately rode to Tanggu to make arrangements.

Zhu Houzhao got off the Luan's car and didn't go to his palace. He asked Xiao Fangzi, the eunuch, to arrange everything. After he came out, he took a strong horse and jumped and rode on it.

When he was the prince, Zhu Houzhao developed a good horse riding skill, and now he finally has the opportunity to try horse riding in the wild.

Cao Zhengchun and Shen Lian split up and protected Zhu Houzhao closely, because he was riding a fierce horse, and it was very likely that he would be thrown off by the horse. Only their servants were responsible for this responsibility.

Riding the battlefield was once a dream of Zhu Houzhao, but now, this dream is shining in front of his eyes.

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