MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 145 bribe

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Zhu Houzhao was stunned, unable to close his mouth for a long time. He felt that the Taoist priest who disappeared in front of him was probably sent by God to help him.

"Yang Aiqing, try to keep this person in the palace, no matter what conditions he proposes, you must meet this person, and try to keep this person by my side."

Yang Tinghe stood up, cupped his hands and said, "This minister follows the order!"

After he finished speaking, he hurried towards the direction where the Taoist priest left, but he had long since disappeared.

Shangguan Haitang waited anxiously. She heard the Taoist priest say that her fate was not over, and a glimmer of hope ignited in her heart.

She is such a person. From childhood to adulthood, she hopes to let her survive. Although many times her hopes are lost, it is better than nothing.

"Master, uncle said that my fate is not over, but I don't know where to go. Now I'm in a mess, what should I do?"

That Shitai folded his hands together, stood on his chest and said, "Amitabha, the Bodhisattva bless you, everything will be fine. If you have a destiny, you will meet even across thousands of mountains and rivers."

"Since the senior brother said that you are not in the world, you will go out in the future. Stay here for a while, calm your mind, let your mind calm down, think about it, maybe the Bodhisattva will help you."

After listening to Shangguan Haitang, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and made a new start.

At the same time, in the Yang residence, Yang Yan's left eyelid twitched several times, and then a crow landed on the roof of her house and began to call.

Yang Yan asked the maid to go out and have a look, and by the way, she threw some food on the ground.

After a while, some servants flew over as if they were flying over, holding a letter in their hands, as if they had gotten some kind of treasure.

"Miss, a letter has arrived."

Yang Yan raised her eyebrows with joy, and she turned to the maid beside her and said, "Linger, do you think it's strange? Last night I dreamed that there was a horse neighing at home, and there was a magpie wailing on the branch early this morning. I know that I will receive a letter from your son."

After speaking, her cheeks blushed quickly, and then she waved her hand to signal for the maid to take the letter and read it under the window.

The more Yang Yan looked, the redder her face became, and the more her heart beat faster.

This was the first love letter she had received when she grew up, and it was from a man who had been secretly in love with her for a long time. She felt how happy she was at the moment.

When she saw Xinli said that she was looking for time to go on a date at Peach Blossom Villa in the suburbs, Yang Yan's face turned even redder from embarrassment.

Zhu Houzhao also vaguely felt that something called affection appeared in him...

After the meeting ended, Zhu Houzhao stayed alone in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Ouyang Jing walked over cautiously.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Get up, what are you doing here to see me?" Zhu Houzhao felt that Ouyang Jing was a little abnormal. For example, her chest was more swollen than usual.

"See you my concubine..."

"Take off your official robe." Before Ouyang Jing could finish speaking, Zhu Houzhao interrupted her, his expression turned cold.

Ouyang Jing blushed. Could it be that the emperor recently...

However, this is what Your Majesty said, what His Majesty says is what you say, and as a female official, there is absolutely no way to resist.

Even if you don't wear anything below, you have to obey people's orders.

Ouyang Jing was stunned for a moment, and without hesitation, she reached out and undid the official robe on her body.

Clap la la, many silver coins fell out of Ouyang Jing's arms.

Ouyang Jing was shocked.

"Where did the money come from?"

"If you go back to His Majesty, this is, this is Jing'er's filial piety to His Majesty."

Ouyang Jing replied casually.

"What I'm asking you is, where did the money come from here, not what are you doing with it?"

Ouyang Jing didn't dare to hide it, so she hurriedly gave her the reward from the Queen Mother these days, and explained every stroke clearly.

Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but secretly admired it.

If you want to make money, this female official is number one in the entire palace, and most of the ministers under her are greedy for ink, and their methods are not very clever, so Jinyiwei often takes it seriously.

It's a pity that she is a daughter, but if she is trained well, she is indeed a good financial expert in the palace.

There are so many silver taels that the Queen Mother casually rewarded, and there must be a lot of tributes from the palace maids to her.

However, this kind of thing, this kind of words generally don't want to be investigated, if even this kind of thing is investigated, then the harem will appear deserted.

Ouyang Jing panicked.

"This minister deserves to die, this minister deserves to die, and the minister will never dare again in the future."

"Don't dare? I allow you to take this money in the future!"

Ouyang Jing was stunned for a moment, this day the emperor allowed himself to make money?

"But I heard that you have to pay from the people on the imperial record book. This is not a good sign. I advise you to be cautious."

"By the way, what does your father do?" Zhu Houzhao asked

"If you go back to your majesty, the father of the minister is on duty in the household department. Because he offended his superiors, he was arrested and imprisoned."

"Fortunately, the minister's family rescued the minister from the prison through money management."

Zhu Houzhao nodded, sighed and said, "It's no wonder that you are so good at accumulating money. You learned it from your father."

Ouyang Jing also nodded and said nothing more.

"Then why don't you try to clear your father's name since you've become our female official?"

"Back to Your Majesty, I have thought about this issue, but it has never been successful."

Of course Ouyang Jing wanted to, but she spent all the money with her, but in the end, it went to nothing, and she was tricked by the eunuchs in the palace several times.

However, she didn't give up, she wanted to rescue her father, so she tried every means to make money, and even went to the Cining Palace to ask the Queen Mother how many times she wanted money, and coaxed the Queen Mother to say which beautiful girl her Majesty was with tonight.

Of course the queen mother was happy, no one in the harem said such things anymore, and the queen mother liked to hear what she said.

"Well, I will give you a hand letter. Tomorrow, you will let the little **** leave the palace and let me thoroughly investigate the matter."

Zhu Houzhao said a word, and Ouyang Jing was moved to tears.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you Your Majesty, I will give you all the money.


Zhu Houzhao couldn't hold back, and he laughed out loud. It's only one hundred taels of silver at most, and he has to give it to him?

However, it can also be seen from the side that many people in the Ming Dynasty used money to ask for help.

"Chen, I should be damned, such a small amount of money is indeed very small, but, Your Majesty..."

"You don't leave the silver for three and a half sentences?"

"Chen, I should die, but I have a wish, I want to be the richest person in the world."

"Then you can just empty out my treasury."

"Your Majesty, I didn't mean that."

"I know what you mean, but I want to tell If you want more money, you must go out of the palace, go outside the palace to do big business, and do business with overseas people, so that you can earn more silver."

Ouyang Jing blinked a few times and looked at Zhu Houzhao, this young emperor should know a lot.

"Going back to your majesty, this minister also thinks so. After a few more years, when the money in the hands of the minister is enough, the minister will go out of the palace and do big business."

"You use my money to do business?"

After Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing again, "Jing'er, do you know that all the money in this palace is actually mine."

"My minister, I know that under the whole world, all the silver can be owned by your majesty, but how can your majesty use up all the silver in the world, and this silver should be reserved for the common people!"

After Zhu Houzhao listened, he nodded slightly and said, "Well, yes, she's a talented girl."

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