MTL - Emperor of All Games: I Have a Tyrant Simulator-Chapter 13 The Queen Mother's opening method, layout!

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"What are you doing here?"

The sound of footsteps outside the palace gradually became clear, and finally stopped at the entrance of the main hall.

The Queen Mother Xie Wanying looked up,

I saw a man dressed in simple clothes who looked like a guard leaning against the door, looking at him casually.

Even his tone of voice was impatient.

But this time, the Queen Mother Xie was not so good at talking.

"Bold servant, are you afraid of eating a bear's heart and a leopard? How dare you talk to this palace like this."

"This palace is going to sue your majesty for the crime of deceiving you!"

"Those who know each other, apologize to Ben Gong immediately and return the jade pendant to Ben Gong, otherwise, Ben Gong will have someone chop your head right away!"

"I am not a vegetarian! I am..."

Seeing the stern look of the Queen Mother Xie Wanying in front of her, Chen Mu raised her eyebrows and scolded:

"Speak people, what are you doing!"

Seeing that Chen Mu was really angry, the queen mother became dumb in an instant. The fire only saw the face of the queen mother struggling, her lips wriggled, and then said aggrievedly:

"Cining Palace has no food to eat..."

Seeing the empress dowager's aggrieved appearance, Chen Mu was afraid to slap his forehead and make a sin.

What did Father-in-law Nima Li do!

Let him make a source of income and reduce expenditure in the palace, this guy abruptly cut off a waterfall for him.

Originally, I wanted to let Eunuch Li go for a few days.

Right now, it seems that before I can figure out a way to deal with the first emperor Dayan, the palace will soon be in chaos.

Seeing Chen Mu's helpless appearance, Xie Wanying said tentatively:

"Little guard, help this palace to tell His Majesty..."

Seeing the cautious look of the queen mother, Chen Mu nodded helplessly.

"Okay, let me talk!"

Hearing Chen Mu's promise, Xie Wanying felt happy.

From the Empress Dowager's point of view, the ordinary bodyguard in front of him was obviously the celebrity in front of Emperor Dayan today.

Come find the emperor yourself,

And he actually asked this little guard to come out to receive him. Obviously, the current emperor trusts the guard in front of him very much.

And Chen Mu looked at the queen mother in front of him and didn't know what to say for a while.

Really, this woman is unlucky.

From the time of birth, he was not a direct descendant of the Xie family. Later, he came out for the Xie family and helped the first emperor of Dayan to celebrate.

After entering the palace, the first emperor of Dayan cheated to death directly.

Xie Wanying didn't even see her face, so she became the culprit of the "cause of death" of the first emperor of Yan, and lived alone in the Cining Palace.

It is said that it is the Cining Palace, but it is actually similar to the Leng Palace.

Then, the unfortunate queen mother met the father-in-law Li who was sent by Chen Mu.

Now, the queen mother of a country has no food to eat.

Suddenly, Chen Mu, who was standing at the door, seemed to have thought of something and walked up to the Queen Mother.

Facing Chen Mu's pressing step by step, the Queen Mother at the moment seemed very nervous.

The empress dowager's red lips pursed, her eyes showed tension, and her body also shrunk back, her protruding figure was outlined by the gorgeous clothes.

There was a hint of ambiguity in the entire front hall.

However, Chen Mu just approached Xie Wanying and looked at Xie Wanying's pretty face seriously.

At this moment, looking at the queen mother, Chen Mu had a bold idea in his heart.

Since Huang Chao can turn against the Huang family, can Xie Wanying, the empress dowager, turn against the Xie family for her own use?

To know,

At present, few people know the news of the late Emperor Dayan's fraudulent death.

And now he is the master of Dayan.

At the beginning, Huang Chao also took advantage of this name to gather the Huang family, and did not suffer much resistance.

And now, is it possible to do the same.

Turn Xie Wanying into a thorn in the Xie family!

The cards in the hands of the first emperor of Dayan today are the three families and five clans in the capital of Dayan.

Sanmen, Huang Family, Chen Family, Xie Family.

Five clans, academies, wealthy merchants, gangs, yamen, the Ministry of War

Because of the help of Huang Chao, the Huang family is nothing to worry about, and now there are two families and five clans left.

Right now, Xie Wanying is the queen mother and the Xie family.

Although Xie Wanying was born in a collateral line, her status was not as good as that of the direct line, but now Xie Wanying is the empress dowager of Dayan, and her status has already surpassed that of the head of the Xie family.

It's just that Xie Wanying's current situation is rather embarrassing.

But, it doesn't matter, isn't this also the Emperor Dayan of him?

Therefore, the more Chen Mu looked at the queen mother, the more pleasing to the eye.

However, the next moment, the Queen Mother Xie Wanying suddenly pushed Chen Mu away.

I saw Xie Wanying glanced at the little plum who just came in in a panic, and then said coldly to Chen Mu's voice:

"Then this palace will wait for His Majesty's reply..."

After finishing speaking, the Queen Mother hurriedly left the front hall, leaving behind a confused Chen Mu.

Why are you walking so fast, what the hell?

Forget it, not in a hurry anyway.

At this moment, Chen Mu looked at Xiao Lizi who came in in a trance, Chen Mu felt that Xiao Lizi was a bit similar to the Queen Mother.

Well, he must be blindsided.

"Your Majesty, Xiaoxiao has figured it out clearly, Xiaosheng is His Majesty's person, and death is His Majesty's ghost..."

"In the future, I will stick a knife in both sides for His Majesty, go up the mountain of knives, go down to the sea of ​​fire, and I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, the same day, but..."

Seeing that Xiao Lizi said more and more outrageous, Chen Mu quickly stopped Xiao Lizi.

"Okay, I get it..."

Afterwards, Chen Mu sat in the place where the queen mother sat, and there was still warmth on the chair.

Chen Mu was speechless, what was he thinking about.

Then, Chen Mu turned his gaze to Xiao Lizi, and his eyes returned to the indifferent as before.

"Little plum!"


"I'll give you a task to arrest Eunuch Li!"


Xiao Lizi snorted subconsciously, but after seeing Chen Mu's eyes, he immediately lowered his head and said:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After Xiao Lizi left, Chen Mu closed his eyes. Of course, he was not afraid that Eunuch Li would escape temporarily.

After all, Eunuch Li didn't know the news that the late emperor was alive.

At this moment, Chen Mu is thinking about how to use Xie Wanying, a good pawn, to change the situation of the three gates and five clans.

Half a stick of incense passed,

At this moment, there was a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling from outside the front hall.

Chen Mu opened his eyes,

At this moment, Eunuch Li fell to his knees at the door of the front hall and wailed:

"Your Majesty, Xiao Lizi, he's the other way around!"

"Your Majesty, you must be the master of the old slave!"

"This little plum doesn't say anything and leads someone to arrest the old slave!"

"Old slave, the old slave told him that the old slave was doing something for His Majesty, but this little plum still caught the old slave!"

"Your Majesty, for the sake of the first emperor, you must punish this damned servant!"

At this moment, Li Gongzheng was pinned to the ground by the two Dongchang fans, unable to move.

And Xiao Lizi was at a loss.

Seeing this, Chen Mu raised his eyelids slightly, and said coldly:

"I asked Xiao Lizi to catch you!"

"Could it be that you want to punish me too?"

Hearing Chen Mu's voice, Eunuch Li closed his mouth instantly and his face turned pale.

At this moment, Chen Mu continued:

"Eunuch Li, Eunuch Li, you have the face to mention the late emperor!"

"Now, the empress dowager has sued me here!"

"The mother of a country, now she is going to ask me for money to eat, do you think you should be damned!"

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Eunuch Li panicked.

He thought that Chen Mu had never asked about the Cining Palace since he ascended the throne, but he was actually annoyed by the Queen Mother.

As a result, he actually kicked the iron plate.

Thinking of this, Eunuch Li began to panic and beg for mercy. UU Reading

"Your Majesty, the old slave, the old slave is confused, please forgive the old slave!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the old slave is willing to return home!"

"Please, Your Majesty, the old slave knows that he is wrong, and the old slave is willing to return home here..."

However, Chen Mu did not respond to Eunuch Li, but waved his hand.

next moment,

The two Dongchang eunuchs understood and immediately dragged Eunuch Li, who was still begging for mercy, and left the front hall.

even far away,

You could hear Eunuch Li's words begging for mercy.

Chen Mu raised his head and looked at the little plum who was standing aside with numbers on his head, and sighed.

Little plum, how can you become a great **** like this!

"Your Majesty, Eunuch Li, he..."

Xiao Li Zi mustered up the courage at this moment, and wanted to intercede for this former godfather.

However, Chen Mu did not give Xiao Lizi a chance.

"From now on, you are the great **** of the harem, what to say and what not to say, you know!"

After hearing Chen Mu's words, Xiao Lizi did not dare to intercede.

But the numbers on his head became more frequent, even like fireworks.

[Tyrant value +1]

[Tyrant value +1]

[Tyrant value +1]

Looking at the little plum with his mouth tightly closed in front of him, Chen Mu felt helpless.

How did this guy survive in the palace before.

However, Eunuch Li must die, but not now, after all, he is related to the late emperor.

Therefore, Chen Mu could only let Xiao Li Zi retire out of sight and out of mind.

But before leaving,

Chen Mu asked Xiao Lizi to send some money and supplies to the queen mother.


Read The Duke's Passion