MTL - Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road-Chapter 1090 The end of everything is the beginning

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   Chapter 1090 The end of everything is the beginning

   Robbie screamed like crazy and ran towards the huge hole that was collapsing and expanding in front of him.

   The brothers and sisters who were caught off guard had no time to catch up with her, and could only watch her rush to death step by step.

  The usually carefree Robbie may have a simple and direct thinking after mutating. She doesn't even know what she is doing, only that she can't live without Jack.

  After the end of the world, no matter how **** up the world changed, at least it gave her a man who was haunted by her dreams, a man who was willing to die generously for her.

   There was a voice in her heart telling her that if she couldn't find Jack right away, she would lose him forever.

   A group of people behind Robbie woke up and roared loudly, each with a tenor and a soprano.

   "Robbie, come back, you'll die!"

   "No, Jack will be sad to know you died for him."

   "It's over, come back soon, you can still be an actor and a star!"

   A large number of noisy shouts were annihilated in the huge sound of the earth sinking into the sky. Maybe Robbie would not wake up after hearing it.

   In the blink of an eye, a huge underground hole was in front of her.

   The beautiful and innocent clown girl has big eyes, and jumped without hesitation!

   The body leaped in the air, Robbie showed a relieved smile, and his eyes lost focus.

   At this time, there was a faint flash of electric light in the void shrouded in smoke, and a person flew out of the dust haze!

   Robbie just saw a vague and familiar figure, and was hugged immediately. Under the huge impact, the two flew back and fell heavily on the edge of the giant hole.

   Before the stunned Robbie could react, the broken asphalt road on the edge of the giant cave collapsed suddenly, and the two fell again!

The brothers and sisters who were rushing in the distance saw Lu Fei and Robbie who were thrown out of the dust haze. The screams of surprise and joy had not yet been released. They were frightened by the sudden scene like ducks with their throats strangled. Lose your voice.

   Lu Fei, who suddenly fell down, held the bewildered Robbie in his left hand, a dagger flashed in his right hand, and plunged into the roadbed under the asphalt road like lightning.

   But unfortunately, with a click, the dagger broke.

   Before the two fell again, Lu Fei took out the dagger from his right hand and plunged into the roadbed again.

With a    squeak, this time the two of them were shaky and hung on the cross-section of the dirt and the roadbed.

   "Robbie, hold me tight!"

   "Well, did I go to heaven to meet you?" Robbie agreed dumbly, subconsciously hugging Lu Fei's body like an octopus.

   "No, but soon."

   Lu Fei gave a wry smile, took out the flying claw from the backpack with his left hand, and threw it desperately upwards.

The edge of the    giant hole was completely loose and unreliable. He bet that the brothers would come to rescue when they saw this scene.

  The flying claw flying in the air flew out from the bottom of the giant hole with a long rope. Among the brothers and sisters who ran desperately, the calm Hulk and the sharp-eyed Alice immediately found the flying claw.

   Alice threw herself out without thinking of anything.

   She flew in the air and grabbed the flying claw, then fell heavily, and was pulled by a huge force, sliding forward.

Hulk, Kate, Carlos, Adam, LJ, Alice rushed up, some grabbed Alice's hands, some grabbed her body, some grabbed her legs, and finally stopped Alice from going The speed of the forward slip.

   "Pull back! Jack and Robbie are hanging on the other end of the flying claw!" Alice grinned and roared.

   "Ah, it's Jack? How did he appear?" LJ, who was behind him just now, struggled to pull the rope and asked in shock.

   "I knew he wouldn't die! My hero will never die!" No. 23 grabbed True Alice's legs excitedly and used his savage power.

   "Stop talking nonsense, the giant cave is still collapsing, listen to my command! One, two, three!"

   Everyone followed Hulk's password and concentrated their strength to pull down. When the giant hole collapsed five meters in front of them, they finally pulled them up.

  Lu Fei took Robbie to the ground, waved and shouted, "Brothers, run!"

   Before we could greet each other, everyone turned around and ran.

The    giant cave is still collapsing, and the dust haze gushing out from the ground is like the big mouth of the old Montenegrin demon, with its teeth and claws open to devour everyone.

   The situation remains critical.

   Lu Fei came first, dragged Robbie past Alice, who had not stood up yet, and picked it up. Under the threat of death, the brothers beside him had already forgotten the tiredness of staying up all night and ran away.

  The armored personnel carrier that was parked in the empty place fell into the giant hole;

   The captured CdC wounded soldiers were no longer looked after, and after crying for help to no avail, a dozen people fell into the abyss;

   Even a few giant pythons that were not killed were not spared, and fell from the corners of several huts.

   After a few minutes, the expansion of the giant hole slowly stopped.

  For security reasons, the Armored Reconnaissance Battalion and the Jack Squad collectively withdrew from Fort Detrick.

   At this time, the horizon showed a ray of light from the dawn.

  After everything calmed down, I don't know who called out the first one, and the cheers suddenly sounded, resounding through the sky!

   "Yeah! We won!"

   "The devil is finally in hell!"

   "My children, Dad finally avenged you!"

   Amidst the cheers, Robbie's anxious roar sounded: "Put down my man! You bastards!"

  Lu Fei was snatched away from Robbie by a group of soldiers, and then he was thrown into the sky, once, twice, flying non-stop.

   Soon Hulk and others, and even a group of Alice were thrown up by the soldiers.

  The atmosphere of joy first really appeared in the end times.

  Lu Fei smiled and asked Lieutenant Colonel Jones to organize everyone to start evacuation. There is a small nuclear reactor at the bottom of the giant crater. Although it has been buried, radiation may leak.

   A day later, on a devastated highway.

  Lu Fei took his team and said goodbye to Lieutenant Colonel Jones.

   "Jack, are you really not going to Washington with us? With the contributions you and your team have made, you will definitely make a big difference in the political arena in the future." Lieutenant Colonel Jones held his hand earnestly.

   "No, we are just ordinary people. It's time to return to our homeland. The task of governing this country is left to your military." Lu Fei waved his hand.

   "Take care, goodbye!"

   "Take care, I'm in Los Angeles waiting for the good news that you're remaking the world."

   Soon, the armored convoy, which had shrunk by one-third, rumbled and started heading east where the sun rose.

  Lu Fei turned his head with a smile and looked at the men, women and children in the team behind him.

   "Come on, let's go to Los Angeles Forest Park, farm, and fish."

   "Well, I can do anything, as long as I'm not separated from you."


   Late at night a week later, in the Survivor Base of Forest Park in Los Angeles.

   After finally coaxing the clingy Robbie to sleep, Lu Fei got out of Optimus Prime's RV, walked for ten minutes, and entered a col.

   The blue light flashed, and he returned to his mansion in the parallel world.

   sneaked out of the safe house, entered the bathroom and washed the dust of the other world.

   Lying back on the big bed in the bedroom, looking at the graceful back sleeping beside him, it seemed like a world away.

   Continue to travel in the three places, or cut off the connection between the two parallel worlds?

   Is everything over, or is it starting all over again?

   The schizophrenic Lu Fei didn't clear his mind, and a white thigh was pressed against him.

   "Why do you go out to take a shower in the middle of the night? I'm getting more and more distracted, and I can't sleep soon."

   "Oh, Leverley, you go to bed first, I'm a little insomniac."

   "Why?" the blonde beauty asked, opening her sleepy eyes.

   "I want to quit the wild fox team, marry you and have children, and don't want to fight anymore."

   "Ah, if you say this, I won't be sleepy anymore. With so much money, I don't have to risk my life for a long time. By the way, you said getting married and having children? I heard right."

   "No, just some things need to be arranged."

   "Well, your relationship with women is so good!"

   "Cough, go to sleep first, I'll think about it."

   The next day, Lu Fei called the wild fox brothers and proposed his withdrawal.

   Unexpectedly, all the brothers, Bell, Raphael, Ada, Fanny, Vasily, Webster, etc. all have this intention, and the meeting quickly turned into an investment advice meeting after the collective exit.

   Lu Fei, who thought he would be crushed, was relieved, and suggested that everyone live in their own ranch by Lake Tahoe and start a happy retirement life together.

   In the evening, Lu Fei secretly returned to Moscow in the parallel world.

  Lu Fei took a while to prepare and created an accident.

   His clothing and weapons were left in a grove after the bombing by German planes.

   Heartbroken Irina and the KV brothers searched for him and could not find him, and it took a long time to get out of the shadows.

   At this point, he cut off the connection with that world.

  Irina is still young, everything can come again.


   Seven or eight years later,

  Sexy and gorgeous wife Livery poured champagne into Lu Fei's glass.

  The wine overflowed in the shaking of the yacht.

   As if happiness overflowed in his heart, after being calm and joyful, he was a little sticky.

   He shuttled back and forth between the two worlds, refusing to give up on either side, like a blind bear who refused to throw away the two corn cobs in his hands.

   "Dad, Daddy! My brother bullied me, he stole my Barbie!" A little mixed-race beauty with pink makeup and jade cut wobbly fluttered in Lu Fei's arms.

   "What about this little **** Victor?" Lu Fei was furious, hugging his three-year-old daughter and wiping the tears from her eyes pitifully.

   "Isn't my brother Hulk?" the girl asked in a milky voice.

   "Cough cough, wrong name."

   "Brother went to Aunt Fanny for protection!"

   "Oh, that's fine, let's go play, Dad is going to sleep for a while." Lu Fei smiled awkwardly.

   "Go with Mom, Dad is tired, and I was tired from hiking with Pooh yesterday."

   Two beauties, one big and one small, left, and Lu Fei lay on the bow deck in relief.

   Shuttle in two parallel worlds, with two wives and three children, and from time to time Fanny will come to settle accounts. These days are even more anxious than those of the agents behind the enemy.

   Alas, who made himself unable to let go of all this.

   After a while, he really fell asleep.

   His right hand drooped down, hanging beside him.

The    space ring flashed a faint light, and it seemed to grow in size. It slowly slid down the **** of his right hand and fell on the deck.

  The round ring rolled along the deck and fell into Lake Tahoe.

   The humble ring slowly sank, and finally sank into the silt at the bottom of the lake.

The sound of    dong dong dong faintly sounded at the bottom of the lake, as if waiting for a new owner.

   This book is over.

  PS: I will post this testimonial later to commemorate the days when book friends and I walked together.

   (end of this chapter)

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