MTL - Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road-Chapter 1007 Arson in Doomsday

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   Chapter 1007 Arson in the Doomsday Wasteland

  The sun gradually came to the middle of the vast and boundless sky, baking everything on the earth.

  In the sand-storming desert, a group of survivors are still fighting for survival.

  Twenty and thirty people fought and retreated, and gradually approached the pine forest. The large front of the zombie tide gradually converged towards the center, and the blocking warriors gradually became exhausted.

   The zombies that are getting closer and higher and the temperature are getting higher and higher, making everyone physically and mentally exhausted.

   "Jack, they're rushing harder and harder, we won't have time to leave." Alice's rifle has been replaced with a short shotgun after the ammunition is finished. Seeing that the ammunition is about to run out, the voice has drifted upwards and is no longer calm.

   "That's right, it's almost posted, it's too late for the brothers to change the magazines." Franco roared from Lu Fei's right side.

  Lu Fei took a step back, supported Robbie's shoulders and jumped up suddenly, looking behind the zombie.

   Although the rolling sand and dust blocked his vision, Lu Fei could still see that three pickups were approaching after the zombie tide.

   "Hold on, I'll kill the mastermind behind the scenes!" With a roar, Lu Fei turned around and ran.

   After seven or eight seconds, he had already climbed onto the branches of the Foxtail pine a few meters behind him.

   嘁 Li Ka 喳 assembled, and soon there was a huge sniper rifle - Barrett.

  In order to hurry up, he couldn't care less, he only put the barrel of the gun on the thick branch of the tree trunk, sat on the branch with his legs apart, put the sniper scope on his right eye, slowed his breathing and started aiming.

   In the dusty sky, the sight was not clear. Lu Fei could only roughly see that there was a black pickup looming in the middle behind the zombie tide. He roughly aimed at the front windshield and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

There was a loud noise of   , and the air wave blew away many branches and leaves, and the bullet rushed out of the barrel of the gun and disappeared into the sand and dust.

   With the loud gunshots, the front windshield of the black pickup truck was instantly covered in blood!

   Someone was shot in the cockpit of the car, the pickup swerved to dodge, and the body came over.

  Lu Fei took advantage of the situation and fired again and again. The 12.7mm bullet hit the right door, front cover and tires. The pickup was immediately paralyzed and unable to move.

   This sudden attack made the other two pickups startled, and they slammed to a stop unconsciously. Due to the sand and dust of the battlefield, the CdC personnel in the vehicles shot bullets from nowhere.

  Lu Fei saw that the pickup truck in front of him had stopped, and immediately kept shooting at the rough outline of the pickup truck on the left.

   As bullets continued to whistle in front and on both sides of the car, no matter how stupid the other party was, he knew that a heavy weapon was attacking them. The two pickups immediately reversed and retreated to the road two kilometers before they stopped.

   In just half a minute, the three pickup trucks that were driven by the zombie wave either paralyzed or retreated. The zombies lost the infrasound and pressed close, and the zombies in the back of the team suddenly drew their swords and looked around in a daze.

   The entire zombie tide became loose and slack, some zombies continued to move forward, some zombies could not smell the human smell, and some zombies even turned around to attack the pickup trucks across the desert.

The brothers who were fighting hard in front of the pine forest heard a few gunshots that sounded like small cannons behind them. Soon, the speed of the zombies' rush and the strength of their follow-up slowed down a lot. Everyone guessed that Jack caught them again. What key factor struck a ruthless hand.

   "Brothers, retreat, retreat into the woods, be fast!" Lu Fei jumped off the tree and returned to the battlefield, shouting loudly.

  Hulk, Alice and Franco followed the restrained men and strode back, and soon they all ran into the pine forest.

   When everyone entered the woods, they were suffocated, and a strong smell of gasoline permeated the woods.

   After everyone entered the woods, the zombies stopped more than ten meters in front of the pine forest, and only knew the roars looking around, not knowing where to go.

   Covering his nose and hiding behind the tree, Robbie asked in a loud voice, "Jack, are they stupid? Why didn't they come in? Your poisonous plan doesn't work anymore."

   "Yeah, several barrels of gasoline are wasted." Franco echoed.

   "I think they were smoked by the strong smell of gasoline and lost their way." Alice pointed from behind Lu Fei.

   "Then go out and lure them in." Robbie was about to rush out of the woods.

  Lu Fei grabbed her: "It's too close, I'm afraid it's too late to come back, there's no need to do this."

While    was talking, Johnson rushed over with Vanessa, Brown, Sam and other villagers behind him.

   "Jack, the pine forest has been doused with gasoline, everyone can evacuate." Dad Johnson approached Lu Feidao.

   "Yo, Mr. Johnson, how long has it been since you took a bath? The smell on your body is OK..." Lu Fei covered his nose in disgust, the sour smell couldn't be blocked even by the strong smell of gasoline.

   "Yes! I have a solution, you guys come here!" Although Lu Fei's brain was hurt by the smoke, he was suddenly blessed by fighting poison with poison.

   "Robbie, Alice, after you take the women and retreat to the woods first, join Osman and others to form a new line of defense, and pay attention to the rope around your waist when you go out."

   Alice and Robbie looked at each other, wondering what the **** he was up to, why let the woman withdraw first? The battle was imminent and the two of them couldn't ask for details, so they obediently took Kate, Claire, Jennifer and others to withdraw first.

  Lu Fei smiled slyly, covered his nose and said, "Franco, you lead the military team to evacuate to the middle of the woods first, let everyone pee everywhere, and water the earth."

   "Piss, pee? Did I hear it right?" Franco put down his right hand holding his nose in shock.

"Yes, we need to leave a strong human flavor along the way, attract zombies to swarm in, tie ropes to block the edge of the forest, try to fill the pine forest with zombies, and then set a small fire, hehe." Lu Fei Xiao is very insidious.

   "Understood, I'll take the brothers all the way to pee. After so many years, the taste of the brothers must be fascinating." Franco didn't resist this nonsense, and led people away with a smile.

  Lu Fei looked back at Johnson and the others: "Mr. Johnson, you guys shouldn't have taken a bath for a long time, you have a lot of "human smell" on your body, please take off some personal clothes and wait for me to order them to throw them out of the woods.

   Such a fragrant smell, the zombies must love it and fall for it. "

   "Hehe, I can't figure out when it was the last rainy shower, at least half a year? I didn't expect that smelly clothes and trousers could be used for this purpose."

   He gave an order, and a group of big men and aunts "donated generously" one after another. Not only the hats and scarves, but also the bad omen underwear were taken off a lot.

   Quickly, fourteen or five people held biochemical weapons in their hands, and all looked at Lu Fei and Hulk whose faces were turning green.

   "Brothers, just throw and run, are you ready?"


   "Quick order, I can't take it anymore!"


   "Throw! Run!" Lu Fei shouted before his stomach turned, turned around and ran.

  A dozen pieces of various clothes were thrown out of the woods and landed roughly on the gravel ground seven or eight meters in front of the pine forest.

  In an instant, the losers twitched their noses and rushed up like crazy!

  Lu Fei ran along with a group of people with taste, and he saw water spots on the sand in the east and west.

   Needless to say, it must be the useless body fluid left by Franco with a group of soldiers.

   The pine forest was only two or three hundred meters wide, and soon Lu Fei rushed out of the forest and jumped over the thick rope that stopped him.

   The open space several dozen meters ahead was full of all kinds of vehicles of their own, and everyone was waiting with guns in their hands.

   A group of people quickly followed, jumped or drilled, and quickly left the woods.

   They couldn't help but be unhappy, and the sound of the zombies roaring behind them got closer and closer.

   Lu Fei waved his hand to let Johnson come up, pointed to the military armored vehicle and said loudly:

"You go to the car to get the guns. There are more than a dozen or 20 automatic rifles in the car, which were seized from the CdC base in Las Vegas. There should also be bottled water in the car. You quickly grab the guns and drink water and join the fighting team. ."

   Hearing that there was water to drink, Johnson and the other villagers immediately lit up their eyes, not to mention that they had brought their own people.

   When Lu Fei stood in front of the Optimus Prime car, he stood in a row with his brothers, and the zombies in the forest were already faintly visible.

   "Don't be in a hurry to shoot, try to hit the head as much as possible. A circle of blocking ropes will trip over the zombies. The purpose of our shooting is to delay the time for the zombies to leave the pine forest as much as possible. When the forest is full of zombies, we can set fire to it."

   "The military team understands!"

   "The Park Team understands!"

   "The truck crew understands!"

   "They're coming!" cried Alice, her finger on the trigger.

   Before he finished speaking, one, two, three, countless zombies rushed out of the woods!

  They have no wisdom, and they didn't notice that there was a thick rope half a person high to block it. The first batch of zombies was immediately blocked, and the subsequent zombies were pressed again, and instantly the zombie tide turned over.

  Some turned over from the rope, some were squeezed out from below, and more fell behind the rope.

   Seeing more and more zombies, the hemp rope as thick as a baby's arm has been stretched out.

   "Save bullets! Hit!"

  The sound of gunshots immediately rang out, but this time, most of them were shot in bursts, and the shots were very patient, one by one, and the zombies crowded near the hemp rope were subjected to unsuccessful and free craniotomy operations.

   Blood burst out, people turned on their backs, and the bark of the pine trees was splashed with red and white liquid, which was very bloody.

   One minute, two minutes, with the passage of time, a large number of zombie corpses piled up, and many zombies rushed out of the woods and were beaten to death in front of the car.

   Seeing that the zombies were gathering more and more, Lu Fei put down Thomson, took out a flare gun from his bag, turned around and handed it to Alice.

   "You hate zombies, this time I'll set you on fire."

   "Thank you!" Alice put the short shotgun back in the holster and took it with a smile.

   After taking aim a little, she pulled the trigger towards the root of a big tree.

With a    bang, a little red light hit the root of the tree, and a fire ignited instantly!

   Immediately, a line of fire moved quickly along the edge of the pine forest to the east and west, and then burned around the pine forest to the north and south until all the trees on the road side of the pine forest were ignited!

  The whole pine forest is like a big footprint of a bird's nest, and the surrounding area is set on fire.

  Under the rapid burning of gasoline on the ground, the fire burned more and more vigorously. And these huge and sturdy pine trees in the forest have not been watered by rain for a long time, and they are rich in oil and quickly set on fire.

  The dazed zombies retreated one after another out of their instinctive fear of the fire, instead of rushing forward.

   Soon they had no chance to rush out, and were trapped in the scorching hot artificial stove.

  The fire and black smoke rose into the sky, the sound of the crackling branches burning and the desperate roar of the zombies were horrifying.

  Like **** fires scorching evil spirits in the world!

   (end of this chapter)

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