MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 518 : You will not die in vain.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen saw a lot, and in the end, he saw a large number of imprisoned women with big bellies.

"They're not human anymore."

The old man's sad and indignant words echoed in his ears.

Lin Chen's agitated heart slowly calmed down, and his hands dropped.

These people are really useless.

Even if they are rescued, will they still accept themselves?

This dirty place has left indelible memories for too many people.

They are raised as livestock. full of sin and evil.

Whether it is voluntary or against your will, some things are hard to change.

So Lin Chen hesitated.

If these people were all intact and sound-hearted, he might have acted impulsively. Anyway, he would save these people first.

But is it really meaningful to save these people?

Instead of saving him, maybe a big fire is the real relief...

"They want to save."

At this moment AC, a strange voice that had never been heard before sounded from Lin Chen's ear.

This made Lin Chen startled suddenly, his face changed suddenly, and he looked around quickly.

However, he didn't see any figure.

"Don't panic, I'm inside you."

Lin Chen was startled, then suddenly thought of something.

He stood still and put his consciousness into the ghost domain in his body. In that world exclusive to him, on a high mountain, a stele with an inexplicable majestic aura was gently turbulent.

The sound is what it makes.

"When did you wake up? Can you feel my mood?" Lin Chen communicated with spiritual power, and his brows could not help but frown.

This town monument is the obsession of each strong man after death, and they were all human beings in the past.

The Great Elder specially emphasized to Lin Chen that his town monument is very special, and even let Lin Chen nourish it with ghost power, trying to wake it up and turn it into a ghost, and become a helper.

Lin Chen had also tried before.

But the town monument has always been like a dead thing, and has not moved. Unexpectedly, it suddenly made a sound today.

And what makes Lin Chen cautious is that if this monument is always there, wouldn't his secret be exposed?

"I just woke up. As for your mood, I don't feel it. I don't have the ability to read minds. I just saw your abnormality."

This voice was made by a woman, it was clear and sweet, and it should sound like a young woman.

"Why did you suddenly wake up?"

"There is too much energy in your ghost domain. Those three little guys are very caring, and they have fed back to me with their heart power many times."

What other ghosts lack the most is mental power, because mental power is the purest raw material for Huang Quan, so they collect it and spend a lot of money to buy it.

But what Lin Chen lacked most was mental strength.

For Lin Chen, every haunted ghost domain is a lot of effort.

In order to refine his mental strength, Lin Chen even had to refine a few more ghost realm spirits, which shows his arrogance.

Therefore, the three little guys noticed the town monument in their bodies, and gave it some feedback with all their heart, Lin Chen didn't feel distressed or anything like that.

However, Lin Chen really didn't know this. He was connected with the spirit of Huangquan, but this connection was not always there. Except for battles, most of the time, Lin Chen would take the initiative to disconnect.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Otherwise, when the four thoughts are together, it must be very easy to get tired.

"Then who are you?" Lin Chen asked.

"Did you say my identity? I forgot, it's just that an energy in your body is of the same origin as mine, and I can feel familiar."

Lin Chen's eyes flashed.

"Dao Yuanli?"

"Yes, the name is more familiar to me."

The existence of Taoism world!

It was the world that was as powerful as the world of martial arts, and the world that forcibly died together with Guizhou.

Lin Chen took a deep breath,

to speak.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs. I can't get rid of the stele for the time being. My energy is still a lot weaker. I need you to keep nurturing me."

"You haven't fully recovered yet? But I don't need to warm you up, right? It's good enough to feed you before, and it's impossible to feed you all the time."

What Lin Chen originally wanted to say was to let her leave his ghost domain. He had too many secrets, so forget about it before. Now that he has woken up, it is impossible to stay in his body forever.

"Leaving your body, I have no energy supply, and will die again soon, so I can't leave, and your ghost domain has always been unstable, and only I can help you calm the ghost domain."

Lin Chen smiled, and said in disbelief: "My ghost domain is as perfect as the world, how could it be unstable?"

"It's not perfect. It shouldn't be said that it is indeed perfect now, because of me, but after I left, it is not perfect. Although your ghost domain has never been seen before, um... Although I have lost my memory, I have seen There are still, this ghost domain is a world of its own, but it lacks vitality. When I settled in the ghost domain, it brought vitality, and those insects and birds were born because of me, so I am already one with the ghost domain, let me leave , it has a flaw, and that flaw is fatal.”

In order to live in Lin Chen's body, she explained it very seriously, and gave out a breath of turmoil. After Lin Chen felt it, his face changed slightly.

This "dead thing" really contained a breath of life.

This surprised Lin Chen.

Isn't she already dead?

But after Lin Chen thought about it, he still said:

"Angry? I have."


The voice was a little surprised.

Then, she saw a strand of hair appearing in the ghost domain world, which contained a strong vitality, that kind of breath, like the foundation of heaven and earth, the source of life, very pure.

"Sure enough, it is anger, the anger of the owner! If there is it, maybe a ghost can be resurrected!" The stone tablet vibrated, and it seemed very excited.

"So, I don't need you."

"No, this is still acquired for Huangquan. If you have this kind of vitality when you condensed Huangquan, it can indeed replace me. As for now, unless you break through Huangquan and condense it again, otherwise There is absolutely no way."

Hearing this, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little tricky.

Although only one side of the story.

But in retrospect, there is indeed a certain truth in what this woman said, and the truth needs to be considered, but there is really no need for him to move this stone tablet for the time being.

"This is not a place to talk, let's talk about it after we leave," Lin Chen said.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Okay, what I want to say is that you should not give up on these people. They have a symbol of life, they are our kin, and they are living human beings."

"I understand, but they are desperate for life, and salvation may not be as good as fulfillment."

"You have to be fulfilled. They may not be willing to accept it. The ten people who just wanted to die don't represent all of them. In fact, since they are still alive, it already means that they have the desire to live. Whether it is hatred or obsession, Even the instinct of greed for life and fear of death is making them insist on their own lives, and you have no reason to give up on them.”

"What happened after they left? Where did they go?"

This is a question that Lin Chen subconsciously considers, should he return to Blue Star? Can these people really blend in perfectly with Blue Star? Their bodies are already covered in cuts and bruises, and their hearts may even be broken.

"That's something they think about, someone will always care about them."

Lin Chen was taken aback.

Do these people have any real countrymen?

He thought about it.

There will be an answer soon.


The mayor is one.

The former human emperor, the city lord who awakened all memories, would not give up on these people, and besides these people, there must be people who are also the city lord's world in captivity in Kui Mozhou.

they have compatriots

, even experienced the same thing.

Lin Chen may not be able to feel the mentality of these people, but those people can feel it. They will hug each other to keep warm, wipe each other's wounds, and give comfort.

Think about it.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, carefully remembered everyone's faces, and left here silently.

He's not someone who won't look back.

Now is indeed not the right time to save lives.

He needs to think again.

Let these people persevere for a while longer, the final redemption will not be too far away.

Before that, let the ghosts in this ghost city pay some due price first!


In the evening, Lin Chen finally returned to the ghost market.

It came back along with several vendors who bought human flesh.

Lin Chen walked on the street, although there was no expression on his face, but his heart was still a little heavy.

After returning to the barren stack.

Lin Chen took off his invisibility cloak and appeared downstairs.

After seeing Lin Chen, the proprietress and Leng Ying, who had been hesitant because they hadn't seen Lin Chen all afternoon, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, another kind of haze hangs over my heart.

To Lin Chen, they were both afraid that Lin Chen would not come back, and they were also afraid that Lin Chen would come back, it was very complicated.

At this time, there were many more ghosts in the inn.

And gathered downstairs, eating and drinking.

The proprietress is not stupid. Although she got a complete human being, she didn't cut it off and serve it on the table like before.

Just like noon, there are only some simple drinks on the table.

Those guests also expressed dissatisfaction with this, and after a while, a ghost patted the table and asked what the wine and food he ordered hadn't been served yet.

When Lin Chen heard this, he went to the back kitchen without saying a word, and took off the chef ghost's other arm.

The chef ghost who lost his arms was sweating from the pain, but after seeing Lin Chen's unfriendly expression, he could only bite the bullet and use ghost power to control it. After making meat slices, he asked the ghost baby to bring these ingredients up.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Same as noon.

Those ghosts didn't doubt much, but were pleasantly surprised by the quality of the meat slices.

Eat up one by one.

Soon, they felt a sense of dizziness rushed into their minds, rolled their eyes one by one, and fainted on the table. Lin Chen walked out and put them away in a pink sack.

At this point, the pink sack is almost full, and after another wave of processing at night, they can go to the ghost body laboratory.

"Hand over the woman you bought during the day." Lin Chen looked at the proprietress and said.

The proprietress was surprised.

That person bought it long ago when she listened to Gao Guyue's heart

Although she bought that person from Lin Zhan's Qiao Ting Coffee, she never took it out from Haquan. I don't know how Lin Chen who suddenly appeared knew that it was a woman.

But she didn't say much, and took out a black coffin from the storage space.

Put it on the table.

Lin Chen opened the coffin, looked at the face with wide-eyed eyes and narrowed pupils, and UU Reading did not hesitate to stroke her face with his hand.

When the palm left, the woman's expression had become calm, her eyes were closed, and the corners of her mouth even had a peaceful arc, as if she had fallen asleep.

"Take off your clothes."

Lin Chen looked at the proprietress and issued an unquestionable order.

"" The proprietress' face remained unchanged. Besides Lin Chen, there was Leng Ying in the inn. Even if she was willing to use her body to get something from Lin Chen, she still felt embarrassed and awkward.

"Right here."

Lin Chen definitely said.

Seeing this, Leng Ying hurriedly left.

And the proprietress finally let go, showing a charming smile and saying: "I didn't expect Mrs. Chen to have such elegant taste. In fact, the slave family has also admired you for a long time."

A piece of gauze fell down.


figure appears.

Even ghosts have desires. The beauty of the proprietress has a great reputation in this ghost market and is coveted by many ghosts.

It's just this body, Lin Chen didn't even look at it, and with a move, he took the gauze into his hands, put it in the coffin, and dressed the woman with his own hands.

"From the perspective of bone age, you should not be very old. Maybe you were born in the ghost market. It's not decent to come here, but I will give you the most dazzling pomp when you leave."

"Your death has something to do with me indirectly, but don't worry, your death will not be in vain."

Lin Chen said slowly, with a rare gentle voice, and finally he closed the coffin and put it in a storage space of his own.

Immediately, Lin Chen went upstairs without looking sideways, and passed the charming proprietress, without even looking at her from the beginning to the end.

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