MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 496 : A fateful encounter, the underworld **** is here.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

In Yancheng.

Lin Chen's whole body was wrapped in darkness.

Space, time, spirit, and extremely strong ghost power.

It is so mysterious and powerful that the ghosts cannot detect it.

The five true kings trembled in front of him.

Under the fear in his heart, he was full of excitement.

I just feel that the legendary God of Taboo is truly terrifying!

"You have joined my God's group, and successfully turned into a real king by relying on the holy water, which is very good." Lin Chen's voice was intentionally lowered and thicker, and it sounded like the whispers of gods and demons, making the ghosts even more awed.

"Thank you, God of Forbidden."

They saluted together.

"But you should also encourage yourself. The promotion of holy water is not a one-off. You still have a long way to go in the future."


Lin Chen nodded secretly and got to the point.

"You guys are currently the true king-level powerhouses of the God Group, so I decided to designate you as the Five Sacred Envoys. In the God Group, you have absolute rights. Except for the two guardians, King Yan and King Feng, As well as some extraordinary elders above, they have absolute rights."

"Thank you, God of Taboo, we will do our best to be loyal and serve you forever."

Being valued by the forbidden **** made the five true kings overjoyed, and at the same time they were once again horrified by the size of the group of gods.

Obviously, the five of them are not the ultimate, Yan Wang and Feng, they have all met Wang, one is just a palace, and the other is the first stage of a real king, which is comparable to them.

But the many elders above them are obviously beyond their level.

What will it be? Creation level ghost?

Or is there a ghost that reaches the sky...

If there are Tongtian ghosts, then the scale of the group of gods is really terrifying and boundless.

Not weaker than the legendary family, and comparable to some small ghost kingdoms.

However, what they don't know is that none of these so-called elders in the God Group... still needs to continue to develop.

The five of them, except for Lin Chen and Xu Renfeng, are indeed the strongest.

As for the so-called Phoenix King, it is Xu Renfeng.

Lin Chen has already arranged for the two parties to meet.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. During the expansion period of the group of gods, the ones recruited are all junior ghosts. The most important thing is the mid-to-high-end power above the true king. I have high hopes for you, but the five of you still need to work hard. yes."

Seeing the ghosts nodding again, they were convinced without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Lin Chen directly sprinkled a large amount of pre-configured obedient water and distributed it equally to the five ghosts.

"Leave these to you, to attract more true kings to join the God Group. This is my request and test for you. In this matter, you can take over from King Yan, with King Feng as the supervisor. The rules of the God Group are strict. If you let I know that you are full of pockets, ignorant of the holy medicine, and do nothing, and then I will take everything I gave you, understand?"

All the ghosts shivered, and then they all said that they would not disappoint Taboo's high hopes for them.

Seeing this, Lin Chen waved them back and left.

As for Xu Renfeng, Lin Chen didn't stay by his side either, and asked him to leave with a few real kings to take care of him.

Although Xu Renfeng has just become a true king, with the strength of this guy's son of luck, he will basically not be in any danger against these few true kings.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"King Yan, the ghosts at the hall level and below must also develop, but the low-level ghosts are of little significance for the time being. The main thing is to expand the existence of ghost kings and above. Take these holy water."

If a single bottle or two of obedient water is worthless, but if you squander a lot, it will be used quickly. Lin Chen's last 100 million **** coins, after two waves of consumption in Blue Star and Horror World, basically It has bottomed out.

However, Lin Chen knew that these magical coins would not be wasted, and the value that could be exchanged in the future would be ten times and a hundred times.

"Starting tomorrow, a hundred red-clothed and fierce gods will be summoned every day, and it will be done in secret."

Lin Chen licked the corner of his mouth, planning to harvest from the small field first.

It doesn't make much sense for these little ghosts to continue to improve. They should be dealt with. Anyway, before they are sold, they have to be returned to their original forms. There is no need to wait for their vain growth.

Yan Wang nodded to show his understanding, and first summoned some evil spirits, including the hall, the ghost king, and the ghost king.

Of course, King Yan was not stupid enough to gather these ghosts inside Yancheng, but in a jungle where ghosts are rare.

He also didn't want to reveal his identity.

Distributing the newly obtained obedient water, all the ghosts' eyes lit up when they saw the "holy water". They knew what the holy water represented, and it would allow them to quickly go to a higher level.

Feeling that surge of power, no one can refuse holy water.

Lin Chen also showed his face once, and the mysterious and terrifying power made all the ghosts stand in awe.

Lin Chen also saw a few familiar ghosts. Apart from Xu Sheng and other core members at the beginning, the Water Ghost King was also among them. When he saw him, his gaze was like a pilgrimage.

He took the path of Geng Shengzhou, specializing in ghost power.

Completely abandoned Huangquan, and now he has finally achieved the palace.

Lin Chen sneered inwardly, and did not deal with this ghost for the time being.

After arranging the tasks and targets, all the ghosts dispersed and left.

Lin Chen and King Yan stood in the void, one with a calm expression and anticipation in his eyes, and the other with restlessness and irrepressible greed and madness in his heart.

Both share common interests.

And this is also a conspiracy that has an unprecedented blow to the horror world.

Might be a bit of a hack, but it works.

For these ghosts, Lin Chen has no mercy. All the ghosts have to go where they should go, especially the ghosts in the God Group. Need to think more.

Work in the mining area.

In the end, the two figures rushed back to Yancheng.

The snare and bait are cast out, ready for fermentation and harvest.

After arriving at Yancheng.

King Yan's expression suddenly changed.

Lin Chen also narrowed his eyes slightly.

In Yancheng City Lord's Mansion, there are extremely strong fluctuations of ghost power spreading, the number is extremely large, and all of them are strong among ghosts, and one of the ghost powers has the fluctuation of the pinnacle of good fortune.

At the same time, this ghost at the pinnacle of good fortune was using his tyrannical mental power to mop up the outside world. When Lin Chen and King Yan appeared, he had already locked them in for the first time.

In Lin Chen's eyes, among these ghost powers, there was a lot of resentment, and the strongest among them made him feel extremely familiar. After thinking about it, he immediately knew the identity of this ghost.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

What shocked Lin Chen even more was that this ghost had an aura of reincarnation, which he could clearly perceive. Reincarnation fragments!

"I haven't looked for you yet, but you have come to my door and brought such a precious gift!"

Lin Chen couldn't help but sneer.

The comer was not kind, but he didn't retreat, because it was too late to hide, and Lin Chen had to wait a while to say anything about this ghost.

Secretly gave King Yan a sound transmission, and then generously entered Yan City with him, and flew into the city lord's mansion.


A group of halls and true kings in black clothes with the pattern of "Ming" on their bodies are gathering here. On the ground, there are still many ghosts in a coma.

King Yan's pupils shrank. These comatose ghosts were just some members of the God Group in Yancheng, but they were relatively low-level.

In the front, a god-like man turned his back to Lin Chen and King Yan. He didn't turn around until the two fell to the ground. The underworld **** of the Moon Royal family.

He once forcibly shot in Banjie Mountain and saved half of Mingxun's body, and also appeared in Miangui City to observe the competition for places.

Known as the first ghost of the Yinyue royal family!

"His Highness Underworld God." King Yan hurriedly lowered his head, saluting Underworld God.

Hades didn't even look at King Yan, and directly used

His sharp eyes fixed on Lin Chen.

Today's Lin Chen is naturally not afraid of this ghost at all. Although he will not attack violently, he also treats it calmly.

After a long time, Mingshen said calmly: "Excuse me, King Yan, who is this ghost brother?"

"It turned out to be His Highness of the Underworld God of the Yinyue Royal Family. He was no more than a ghost in the mountains. He came out after the third thousand years of calamity. In order to understand the changes in the world today, he met King Yan, the younger generation."

Lin Chen smiled, as if meeting the **** of the underworld for the first time.

"So it's a senior of our clan. I don't know how to call it?" Ming Shen's voice was very calm. Although he said he was a senior, his attitude was not respectful.

"It's just a little older, you and I are in the same realm, but I'm just a beginner, but you have reached the pinnacle of good fortune, and you can expect to reach the sky. You must never dare to be called a senior. My name is Gui Mie."

Lin Chen chose a random name, but it also fits his motive of coming to the world of terror.

Ming Shen nodded, his eyes were like lightning, and his thoughts were hard to guess.

"Brother Ghost Slayer, today's horror world is not safe, but it has also opened a channel with the Kingdom of Humans, and it is about to enter the decisive battle. If you leave the customs at this time, you can be regarded as in time for the golden age."

"Haha, this can be regarded as the luck of the old man. There is no sun and moon in the mountains. If I continue to swallow Yin Qi and condense ghost power alone, I am afraid that when I reappear, I will already be eliminated by this world."

Lin Chen laughed out loud, with a hint of luck.

Hades looked back at King Yan.

"King Yan, the matter of the group of gods disrupting the ghost clan has been highly valued by the Yinyue Dynasty. Since you are guarding a city, you should serve the kingdom of the moon and the horror world. Why are there so many members of the group of gods in your city? Have you ever built a car? "Things?

He began to ask for accountability, and there were at least hundreds of ghosts scattered about in the yard. The ghosts lying there were the formations he had already set up.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

King Yan was terrified, and his heart was a little shocked. I don't know why this kind of ghost is hidden in the group of ghosts. It is no different from ordinary ghosts. It took no more than half an hour for the **** of the underworld to come to Yancheng. How did he find so many members of the group of gods? of!

"Ghosts have an aura called resentment, but ordinary people or ordinary ghosts can't see this aura, at most they can feel it vaguely, but usually it doesn't attract attention. Ghost, if you can clearly see the resentment, there is a piece of it on the body of Mingshen.

As for the ghosts in the group of gods, there are subtle changes between the resentment and ordinary ghosts, so he can see that in Yancheng, those ghosts who have poor hiding ability and come out to show their faces are naturally noticed by him. "

At this moment, Lin Chen's spiritual sound transmission sounded in his mind, which made King Yan understand everything, and his tense heart was relaxed.

If this is the case, a ghost like him who has never drank holy water must have entered the eyes of the underworld god, and the other party will only have doubts about him at most, and will not have too many thoughts.

"Master Mingshen, my subordinates have been strictly investigating, and I have discovered some of these ghosts, but their strength is too weak, so my subordinates plan to use this to dig out more members, and have not moved them for the time being. "Yan Wang's thoughts changed sharply, and he quickly responded.

"So, I sabotaged your plan?"

The corner of Mingshen's mouth twitched.

"Don't dare!"

"Don't dare, not not? King Yan, since that's the case, why didn't you report it when you found out?" Underworld God's gaze gradually became cold, with a full sense of oppression.

King Yan suddenly broke out in cold sweat. The coercion of a good fortune ghost is simply not something a ghost like him who has just entered the palace can bear, especially the underworld **** is even more extraordinary good fortune.

"Yes Yes…"

Yan Wang wanted to speak many times, but hesitated, and never said it out.

And at this time, Hades also withdrew the sharpness in his eyes, and smiled instead: "It's because I want to be greedy for merit."

"The subordinate knows his mistake." This is what King Yan wanted to express, but he couldn't say it out, but let Hades understand it himself.

"They all have selfish intentions, which is normal, and you are doing things for the Yinyue Dynasty. Even if there is something wrong, in this extraordinary period, I don't need to kill you just because of this matter." Ming

God said calmly.

"It's just that capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped. You need to wear the crime and make meritorious service. Within a month, completely eliminate all members of the God Group in Yancheng."


King Yan heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time he accepted the order, he thanked the **** of the underworld.

"I don't know, Mr. Underworld, have you been to the surrounding cities?"

He asked tentatively.

"I just went to Mu City. Speaking of which, half of my fellow clan, a ghost who had high hopes, became a member of the God Group. This made me feel regretful and somewhat angry."

There was a hint of helplessness on Mingshen's face. Looking back, the light flickered, and a middle-aged man covered in ghost blood and with an extremely sluggish aura was thrown out.

Yan Wang suddenly exclaimed: "Mu Wang!"

Lin Chen moved his fingers slightly, but there was no change on his face.

Mingshen, who looked at the expressions of the two, nodded lightly and said: "Yes, it is Mu Wang. He has half of Ming's surname. I will keep it for now. As for these..."

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[Eighteen years of catching tricks, UU reading www.uukanshu. com I entered the horror game】【】

He looked at the evil spirit in the courtyard and shook his head slightly.

Then a mysterious moonlight fell from the sky, like a layer of transparent white gauze, gently covering the bodies of the ghosts.

The next moment, all the ghosts disappeared out of thin air, as if they had been purified by that mysterious power.

The ashes disappeared on the spot, not even a trace of ghost blood appeared.

Hundreds of ghosts died in an instant, but the face of Hades did not fluctuate at all. This kind of coldness made people feel chills.

"From my understanding, the core of the development of the God Group has a great relationship with you, Yancheng. Next, I will be stationed here and investigate the God Group with you."

Mingshen had no intention of leaving from the beginning to the end, but said to King Yan with a half-smile.

"Yes." Yan Wang naturally did not dare to refuse, but his heart was cold, and he knew in his heart that the God of Hades was still suspicious of him.

"Brother Ghost Slayer, if you don't suggest it, you can stay in Yancheng and work with us to eradicate this malignant tumor in the horror world."

While Mingshen was speaking, dozens of ghosts surnamed Ming all looked at Lin Chen with cold eyes.

Although they are only true kings and halls, they don't have the slightest respect for Lin Chen, the good fortune. Instead, they give people a feeling that as long as Lin Chen rejects the proposal of the **** of the underworld, they will directly attack and surround and kill Lin Chen's subordinates. feel.

Amidst the cold gazes, Lin Chen also laughed, ignoring the Ming ghosts, but staring at Ming Shen with piercing eyes.

"It's an honor to work with the Yinyue Dynasty, and I will do my best. In this way, meeting His Highness the Underworld God is my first opportunity after leaving the customs."

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