MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 493 : The original plan, the inference of the Great Elder

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】


According to the information, Lin Chen sorted out various resource sets.

And leave all three levels of Daoyuan Kung Fu, Yi Jin Jing, and Lei Fa here at Zhou Geng.

He doesn't keep secrets about these. The same method depends on whether the practitioner has the ability to practice it, especially if he has already reached perfection, and has already increased to more than ten layers by relying on the enhancement of the system.

There will be no competition.

And for the six-star players, Lin Chen only hopes that they become as strong as possible so that they can achieve greater things. The low-star players need to be exchanged, because they don't want to make them aim too high, and at the same time give them incentives.

After explaining everything, Lin Chen returned to the villa.

Chong Lan has already left and became the real Blue Star goalkeeper, guarding the biggest gate.

He can also use ghosts to exchange resources with Lin Chen. In a sense, Chong Lan is actually a member of Liming Team.

Lin Chen thought for a while, and decided to have another meeting with the Great Elder before leaving.

So he called directly to invite the Great Elder to the villa.

After the Great Elder arrived, Lin Chen first took out a piece of Shenjing and handed it to the other party, saying that this was a thank you gift from the Great Elder for helping Blue Star defeat the ghosts and gods.

Seeing the "God-level ghost stone" exuding such high-level power, the great elder's heart was inevitably shocked.

"No wonder you were able to accurately find the god-level ghost stone when you were in the sea of ​​flowers. It turns out that the divine energy in your body comes from this thing."

Lin Chen smiled, and then told about his cooperation with Chong Lan, and at the same time invited the Great Elder to be the partner of cooperation.

The Great Elder can be trusted for the time being, and the strength of the Great Elder can do more than anyone else.

His real body is a heaven-reaching ghost, and in Lin Chen's eyes, for a ghost with far-reaching plans like the Great Elder, what he showed may only be a part of his true strength.

The possibility of this old guy being a ghost is not small, otherwise he wouldn't be so smooth in the same realm, and he would succeed in a surprise attack against a ghost like a ghost.

Therefore, if the Great Elder can catch a few Tongtian Ghosts, the benefits will be immeasurable.

Lin Chen can also agree to split the proceeds 50/50 with the Grand Elder.

Hearing Lin Chen's proposal, the First Elder was obviously a little moved, especially when he heard a ghost, Lin Chen gave him 5,000 **** crystals of such a size, he was even more excited.

But soon, this emotion was suppressed by him.

"Let me think about it. If there is a chance, I will do it naturally. You know, I, a Tongtian ghost, wants to kidnap another Tongda ghost, and it is still quite difficult. I am a good luck-level ghost, but I can try it.

Lin Chen smiled, then looked at the Great Elder seriously and said, "Since we are like-minded, why should we hide it? You are right, Elder Meng Guangda, no, Great Elder Wutong Shen."

As soon as these words came out, the face of the Great Elder changed suddenly, and the aura on his body also changed, as if he had directly changed to a different person. He was no longer as wretched as before, and his eyes were extremely terrifying.

"how do you know?"

"Don't get excited, it's just a name. It was told to me by Yuan's incarnation. You forgot, I got it away." Lin Chen waved his hand, not caring at all.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Blue Star has realm restrictions. It can be said that, except for existences higher than Blue Star's law, he is absolutely invincible in Blue Star, even the Great Elder.

"It will tell you this?" The Great Elder's aura changed quickly. It was just a violent emotional fluctuation just now, but he calmed down quickly, but a seriousness appeared on his face.

"You told me before that you have seen its body, so it will naturally remember you."

"It was sleeping at that time, I just saw its outline in the darkness." The elder said angrily.

"What I can be sure of is that in the Horror World, Blue Star, and the previous five broken worlds, nothing can be hidden from it. In front of it, it is like a crystal ball in front of our table, which can be manipulated at will."

While Lin Chen was speaking, he looked closely at the Great Elder


Sure enough, as soon as his words fell, the Great Elder's expression suddenly changed again.

The Great Elder looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

When we met today, Lin Chen shocked him quite a bit. First, he showed him Shenjing, and then told him his name. However, what shocked him the most was Lin Chen's last sentence.

"You saw that too?"

Lin Chen nodded and confirmed it, and said: "One big star is the horror world in the middle, six small stars are six worlds, five of them are wrapped in darkness, and only the blue star can shine, and The big catfish is sleeping with his creation."

The Great Elder took a deep breath, with an indelible shock and an indelible trace of fear in his eyes.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said:

"Calling it a big catfish is just a kind of anger, a kind of unwillingness, and another reason. It is a joking name given to eliminate inner fear."

"But it was terrible. I also came there at the time and saw everything you said, but at that time, there were five small worlds that were lit, and the only one that was shrouded in darkness was the one that died together with Tongyou Continent. world of Taoism.

When the world of martial arts where I lived and Anyan Continent died together, there were still four left, and then the world of the city lords turned into darkness, until now, as you can see, after the five worlds were wiped out together scene. "

Lin Shina frowned, and asked the question that Zhitong was unwilling to answer him: Lin Chen frowned, and asked the system that he was unwilling to answer his question:

"What exactly is it going to do?"

"I don't know, there is no definite news at the moment, but after years of investigation, I have a vague guess." Although it was a guess, the Great Elder's expression was extremely solemn.

"What guess?"

"Have you heard of the Six Realms of Reincarnation?"

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a thunderbolt ringing in his ears, Lin Chen's mind suddenly had a flash of light, and he suddenly realized.

"Six directions world...Six paths of reincarnation, is this its purpose?" Lin Chen couldn't help but gasped.

The goal of the big catfish must be to let the blue star perish under the rules that seem to have certain laws, but are actually unfair.

But what exactly this meaning is, Lin Chen is not clear.

That's why he asked the Great Elder.

The Great Elder gave an answer. Although it was a guess, it was not clear whether it was true or not, and what the role of this so-called reincarnation was.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

But as long as it has something to do with the word reincarnation, there is no simple one.

Even Lin Chen, who is a bit bold and bold, has enough awe for reincarnation after seeing the real land of reincarnation.

Soon, Lin Chen thought of something else, and he said hastily: "The six worlds and the six continents must be connected. There is more than one human world, so it is understandable to find the six human worlds. What about the six continents? Yes. Coincidence?"

The Great Elder showed an expression of why you would ask such a question, and said, "Don't you understand? The so-called horror world is simply created by the original."

Suddenly, Lin Chen was shocked again.

After reincarnation is broken, the world will inevitably be chaotic. Judging from his knowledge of the heavens, although there are many ghosts, they are relatively limited.

And Yuan was able to create a huge world exclusively for ghosts. Behind this strength, there are too many meanings.

"I think it has something to do with the legendary land of reincarnation, or it holds a lot of fragments of the reincarnation platform. In short, the big catfish is not simple.

The ghosts in the horror world, after all, just look at their eyes, and the battle between humans and ghosts is meaningless at all. After the destruction of the blue star, the horror world will inevitably be destroyed.

What is the function of the six circles of reincarnation? Turn it into energy to increase its power? Or an extremely powerful weapon?

This is unknown, but no matter what it is, the ending has already been written in the book, "I know the waiter, but why don't you just say it, let the same basic worker go away frivolously.

The Great Elder admitted that he underestimated Lin Chen, even though Lin Chen

No matter how surprised Chen was, he still didn't straighten out his heart.

Of course, it's not that his vision is low, but that Lin Chen's rise is so fast that even he didn't realize it.

But what he said at this time, apart from Lin Chen, only a few ghosts such as the city lord have heard.

It's an absolute secret.

He is also observing Lin Chen's performance. This kind of cruel, cold and dark future is not easy to bear. It is normal to break a person's heart.

Sure enough, Lin Chen fell silent and did not respond.

This made him sigh slightly, but he didn't look down on Lin Chen because of it. Even if he and the city lord were such heroes, after guessing this, it took many years to accept it.

What's more, Lin Chen is a young man who has only lived for more than 20 years. UU Reading

Just when he was about to speak to comfort.

Lin Chen, who had been silent all this time, let out a breath suddenly, and murmured: "It seems that you are the only one alive."

The Great Elder was taken aback, wondering why Lin Chen would say such a sentence, after a little thought, he smiled:

"It is indeed an irreversible collision. I hope it will kill us as you said."

Lin Chen did not respond.

Just now, he asked the system in his heart.

Although the system said not long ago that it would wait for him to become a ghost before telling everything.

But when faced with Lin Chen's only "yes or no" answer, it still responded.

[Yes, in fact, no matter what the original plan is, we stole so many ghosts from it, and when the truth comes out, we are doomed to die. 】

Only then did Lin Chen feel emotion.

It never occurred to me that I would die.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Seeing that Lin Chen was silent again, the Great Elder smiled and said softly: "Actually, it is not a 100% Jedi. Judging from the current situation, the destruction of Blue Star will take some time. We still have a lot of things to do."

He was reassuring that if possible, he really didn't want to hurt Lin Chen's heart, but the truth is like this, which is desperate.

Lin Chen nodded slowly after hearing the words: "You're right, as long as I catch all the ghosts in the horror world before the Blue Star is destroyed, it won't be able to carry out its plan."

"That's right, it's best for you to think like this, to get out of the haze... What did you say?!"