MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 487 : Make good fortune!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Back to the villa.

Lin Chen could no longer suppress the ecstasy in his heart. Thinking of the 1,000 Fang Shenjing in the bag, and the 9,000 Fang Shenjing that could be obtained in the future, even he couldn't help feeling excited.

Sensing Lin Chen's return, Chong Lan immediately joined him.

"Did you make it?"

He was looking forward to it, and looked at Lin Chen with shining eyes.

"It went well."

Lin Chen laughed.


Chong Lan clapped his hands violently, so excited that he couldn't control himself. He finally knew why Lin Chen had improved so fast, and finally knew why Lin Chen seldom killed ghosts, but always used pink sacks to cover ghosts.

He also understands why the divine energy in Lin Chen's body is so much more than his own.

The ability to enter the mining area at any time and exchange ghosts for divine crystals was something he never dreamed of before.

The value of ghosts is beyond everyone's imagination on Lin Chen's side.

The way he looked at Lin Chen changed.

He realized that he still underestimated Lin Chen, this is an invincible thigh with a super channel!

"Promise your benefits."

Lin Chen opened the pink sack, and threw out the 200-square Shenjing directly.

The value given by Chong Lan is still useful, but the main force is still him. Just to find a suitable trading partner, he spent 100 million Shengui coins, and he did the whole process by himself. Some news, in exchange for 200 Fang Shenjing, which actually means No more, no less.

"This... so many!"

Chonglan's eyes turned green, and he subconsciously ignored the ghost that Lin Chen sold, which was at the level of ghosts and gods, but all his mind was attracted by the **** crystal in front of him.

This amount is too large. He has been in the mining area for hundreds of years, and the amount of divine crystals that he has hidden and refined privately is only a few dozen square meters. Compared with 200 square meters of divine crystals, the gap is too large.

"Chonglan, you know some of my secrets, and I believe you can understand the value of this secret. If you are willing to become my ghost slave and never betray me forever, I can make you a partner." . "Lin Chen spoke at the right time.

Chong Lan was stunned. What he wanted most in his life was freedom. He had finally left the mining area, but now he heard Lin Chen's request, which made him immediately entangled.

If other conditions made him a ghost slave, he might jump up and fight Lin Chen desperately.

But this is not other conditions!

It's white flowers, blue sparkles, just smelling it will make the pores of his body open, and it has appeared in dreams countless times, the **** crystal that can't be expected!

But if you accept it, you will lose not only your freedom, but also the real betrayal of the thrilling world...

Seeing that Chongyuan seemed to be dead, Lin Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense, and said, "Think about it yourself, I'm going to refine the **** crystal."

After all, Lin Chen ignored Chong Lan, cut the space and left the villa directly, giving Chong Lan some time to think about it.

In fact, he didn't care too much about whether Chonglan should be a ghost slave or not, and he didn't let Chonglan hide in his body like some players who took the ghost-controlling route, and transformed himself at critical moments.

To put it bluntly, even if he has this idea, Chong Lan's strength is not very good compared with him.

He just wanted to ensure that he would not be betrayed. While keeping the secret, it also happened to let Chonglan really stand by Lan Xing and him, and be a good help.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"crack la la"

Lin Chen released a large pile of divine crystals from the pink sack.

Lin Chen gathered his thoughts and began to practice formally.

In an unknown darkness, a pair of eyes with no sense of luster opened again.

There was confusion in its eyes.

And shook himself, as if a person who had just woken up was gently turning over.

What was faintly visible was an extremely huge silhouette swaying gently in the darkness.

The doubts in its eyes became more and more intense, and it looked in a certain direction.

Directly crossed countless spaces and saw the direction of the blue star.

It was the location where Lin Chen fought with ghosts and gods.

Its purpose is time flow.

Chong Lan, Chen De, Ming Guishen, Lin Chen, including the many six-star players of Blue Star, and the last incarnation of Giant Eyes, everything appeared in his eyes.

After seeing Chen De collapse, walk into the abyss, and transform from a human into a ghost, a smile and joke flashed in his eyes.

As if seeing something extremely interesting.

But in the end, his eyes were full of doubts again.

Because what happened after that seemed very ordinary in his eyes. Chen Dehua ghost ended, and the giant eye also completed its mission and slowly disappeared, as if returning to another dimension.


But he couldn't feel the existence of the giant eyes at all.

His incarnation, lost!

This surprised him immensely.

It's just that he didn't take too many actions for the time being, but turned his eyes quickly, searching everywhere, even Zhou Geng and other six-star players, as well as Chong Lan, and Chen De who was already in the dungeon. He looked it over, and without any ghosts noticing.

But still nothing was found.

Of course, he also searched Lin Chen's memory, but he didn't find any useful information, and he didn't even notice the divine crystal on Lin Chen.

Even Chong Lan, who was refining the divine crystal, had become another phenomenon in his eyes.

After finding nothing, he couldn't help but suspect that there was something wrong with the Giant Eye avatar itself, and it also made him feel betrayed.

A sneer flashed in his eyes, and finally closed slowly, ignoring it.

It's just a clone, it's nothing to him, everything is under his control.

In the darkness, the whisper of an ancient **** resounded:

"Soon, when the last world is going to perish according to the rules, my law of the Six Paths will become..."

If there are ghosts from the horror world, and people from Lan Xing appear here, they must be shocked!

The six continents of the horror world, and the demise of the six worlds...

Six ways...

This leads to infinite and terribly frightening reveries.

In the space where Lin Chen was, Lin Chen was still refining the divine crystal, and didn't notice any abnormalities at all, but a quietly hidden existence in his body breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's so hanging."

Today, Lin Chen's aura is soaring rapidly.

The divine crystal in front of him is refining at a high speed.

The more divinity in Lin Chen's body and the purer it is, the stronger his power will be, and the faster he will be forcibly refined when he breaks the **** crystal.

[30 million ghost power]

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

[40 million ghost power]

[45 million ghost power]

Under the crazy refining.

Lin Chen's ghost power and physical fitness are growing at an unimaginable speed.

Now, he has reached the limit of the true king, jumping again is good fortune.

And the divine crystal in front of him also shrank by half.

With Lin Chen's current strength, Shenjing Refining's boost to him is no longer the same as before. His energy needs are higher, and his own background is constantly strengthening.

But despite this, he quickly reached the limit of the real king.

Nearly 50 million ghost power!

As long as a breakthrough is made, it is good luck.

"Ghosts of good fortune, among the ghosts, are already one in a billion existences, surpassing the heavens and the earth, awakening the true body of the ghost species, and its ghost power is more than 100 million."

"Now that I have reached the true king's limit, the breakthrough is just around the corner. I only need a lot of energy, and I can forcefully break through the shackles!"

"And the divine crystal in front of me is probably just enough!"

As usual, after his ghost power reaches the limit, it will no longer be strengthened, but will be changed to a power accumulation similar to hidden ghost power.

as in

It's like filling an empty bottle with water. As long as the bottle is full, you will rely on this burst of energy to enter the next level.

The divine crystals in front of Lin Chen were rapidly decreasing, turning into his own power.

And his aura became even more frightening, with endless blue light emitting from his body, neither human nor ghost, the originally gloomy ghost power now exudes a kind of divine power.

Finally, all the divine crystals disappeared, and only Lin Chen was left in the entire space.

The blue light on his body slowly converged and entered his body.

Everything seemed to calm down.

Until a long time passed.

Lin Chen moved slightly.


An explosion sounded like an earth-shattering explosion on Lin Chen's body.

He opened his eyes.

The endless divine light was unrestrained. When he refined the divine crystal, he was always in the state of a ghost, but now, his long black and white hair has gradually turned into a deep blue.

The pupils of the eyes are no longer gray, but like the sea containing the galaxy, extremely deep, with an inexplicable prestige that makes people dare not look directly.

From top to bottom, blue arrogance exudes.

This is not because he is exploding with divinity, but because his ghost-species avatar already possesses divinity, which merges with his refined divine power and naturally emanates.

The yin energy on his body is decreasing.

This is his ghost-species avatar, a real ghost body, but if this posture is placed in the eyes of others, it is impossible to think that he is a ghost, more like a god!

Although it was just a very simple change in form, Lin Chen felt that in this state, the Ghost God, who had been unable to defeat by all means before, might not even be able to catch his punch!

[Host: Lin Chen]

[Physique: 3.7 million] (1 to 600)

[Spirit: 3.5 million] (1 vs 600)

[Ghost power: 100 million] (1 to 2000)

[Balance of Divine Guild Coin: 200 million. UU Reading】

[Reincarnation platform fragments: 10% (3% used.)]

Today, he has achieved good fortune!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Both physique and spirit have reached the eighth step, and they are in the same realm as ghost power!

Physical skills increase again!

Lin Chen clenched his fists, even if it was him, it was difficult to estimate his current strength.

But he knew that if he started with physical body skills and added the ghost-seeded real body, Lin Chen felt that there was nothing that could threaten him except Tongtian Ghost.

You know, the ghost power at the peak of the good fortune level is close to 300 million, which is three times the difference from the 100 million ghost power at the beginning stage. This is not only the value, but also the quality.

But Lin Chen believes that as long as he is not a ghost, he can completely crush him with all his strength!

However, this is just a simple consumption of the **** crystal.

The power of the ghost domain is also growing. The ghost domain of ghosts and gods has given Lin Chen an unimaginable increase. It has not digested much until now, and it takes a long time to refine.

Lin Chen continued to digest, all the Shenjing had been refined, but he got too many resources this time.

Among them, the waist of ghosts and gods contains unimaginable energy.

After a while, Lin Chen let out another foul breath.

The increase is complete!

He looked at the panel, the waist of ghosts and gods, in a certain way, was improved more than the 800 Fang Shenjing.

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