MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 467 : She is willing to leave the light and go to the darkness.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen still had a look of madness on his face, obviously the experience just now made him unable to calm down in his heart at this moment.

Not to mention other players.

Everyone was looking at Lin Chen in disbelief.

Their hands were trembling, and Lin Chen's behavior made them shudder.

They never expected that Lin Chen would be so bold as to attack Yuan's incarnation, let alone succeed in doing so.

Many people looked at Lin Chen's pink sack in amazement.

When Lin Chen was conferred the title of **** and was called God of Li by Blue Star, the symbolic pink sack set off a craze in Blue Star.

It has been imitated by others, and it has been rated as the number one ghost on the Internet and in player-only forums.

At that time, as the top existence of Blue Star, they only thought it was a joke, and even dismissed it.

Only now did they fully understand how terrifying that pink sack was.

The pink sack is the best!

Lin Chen let out a breath slowly, ignoring everyone, his mind was completely immersed in the system.

When Mr. Li appeared yesterday, he had already thought of this step.

And constantly communicate with the system at that time.

Surprisingly, the system is actually very interested in Mr. Li's incarnation.

Immediately, the task of capturing the incarnation of Mr. Li was released, and the reward was a red quality reward.

The incarnation of Mr. Li must not be traded, and its nature is too special.

Moreover, the system needs it, as soon as it is inhaled into the sack, it disappears completely.

It's as if it's really devoured and absorbed.

And it was precisely because the system had such a great demand that Lin Chen was able to capture Mr. Li so easily under all kinds of dangers.

Because as long as you put the sack on Mr. Li's body, no matter what, the system will take action. In other words, when Lin Chen put on Mr. Li madly, the ending was already doomed.

[Yuan's avatar has been successfully captured, and the red quality treasure box has been released. 】

The sound of the system came, and it was no longer a golden red treasure chest, but a pure red treasure chest.

Lin Chen was also slightly happy about this, but his heart was already full of doubts, so he didn't pay much attention to the red quality treasure chest, but asked the system: "System, what does he mean when he said it was you? Do you really know the thriller game 2 "knowledge?

[System: already asleep, temporarily unable to answer the host's question. 】

I knew it was the result.

Lin Chen rolled his eyes, and then continued to ask: "Then let's change the question. Mr. Li is the incarnation of Yuan, who supervises the copy. He was eaten by you. Could it be that Yuan's body won't find out?"

[This kind of incarnation is just a thought, a thought. Among all the copies of the thriller game, there are not a few incarnations like Mr. Li, and there is indeed a special connection between me and it, let me catch it Leaving Mr. Li will not attract its attention. 】

Lin Chen was surprised: "There are other incarnations?"

[He is only in charge of avatars below seven stars, and there are higher levels. 】


Lin Chen nodded, first sighed, and then raised a strong fighting spirit.

He has now set foot on the real king.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

But Yuan's single thought almost caused him to overturn the car.

Imagine how big this world is.

He still has a long way to go.

Temporarily not dealing with the red quality treasure chest, Lin Chen gathered his mind and looked at the players.

His eyes were calm, like an ancient pool, and he seemed to have no emotional fluctuations, making it difficult for people to know Lin Chen's specific thoughts.

But this look made everyone excited, and quickly said: "Li Shen is Li Shen, this strength really surpassed our imagination, even Yuan's incarnation was successfully defeated by you."

"Yesterday, I wanted to say that now it seems that brother Chen has undoubtedly broken through to seven stars, and he is the first seven-star player of our Blue Star."


If Yuan's incarnation was defeated by Brother Chen just like that, would it cause any other reactions? "

They suppressed the horror in their hearts.

Some people congratulated, some felt something was wrong and showed vigilance, and some frowned and asked about the consequences.

Lin Chen shook his head slightly and said, "Everything is as usual, there will be no special circumstances."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but when they looked at Lin Chen, there was still more or less vigilance in the depths of their eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Chen suddenly laughed.

"It's just the matter of Hara's incarnation. It has a lot to do with it. I don't want anyone other than me to know about it."

His smile was the same as usual, relaxing the solemn atmosphere, but his words made everyone sweat on their foreheads.

Everyone felt heartbroken, some backed away, and some laughed dryly: "What Chen said is true, but everyone here is the pillar of Blue Star, and they will never reveal this matter."

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I'm worried."

As soon as this remark came out, the scene suddenly seemed to freeze. Everyone froze in place, not daring to breathe, and looked straight at Lin Chen.

Could he still keep his mouth shut?

Some people have this terrible thought in their hearts, and for a while, the whole person feels like they have fallen into an ice cave, and the hairs on their bodies stand on end.

Although everyone is a player of Blue Star, and they cooperated very happily in the dungeon.

But after Yuan's incarnation came out, this situation changed subtly.

If Lin Chen had this idea, with his strength, no one could resist it.

It's just that they can accept their own death in a battle with ghosts, but it's hard to accept their death at the hands of humans. This is too chilling and terrifying.

Lin Chen didn't make a sound either.

No matter what, he wouldn't let the players leave so easily, it doesn't matter right or wrong, he captured Mr. Li, the original body didn't know.

But if these players leave and spread the matter to everyone, it will undoubtedly be deception.

It seems that only that method can be used.

Lin Chen's eyes flashed, thinking so.

Just when the atmosphere was tense to freezing point, Zhou Geng spoke suddenly, saying: "Boy Chen, I know you are not a person who kills indiscriminately. Since you said so, there should be a solution that doesn't hurt people."

As soon as these words came out, there was a glimmer of hope in everyone's eyes.

If there is another way, they will cooperate no matter what.

Lin Chen frowned, and said in surprise: "Of course it won't hurt people. What are you thinking? If it hurts people, why would I still talk to you? Ask your opinion before killing you?"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen had no idea what the other people were imagining when he was thinking in silence.

But everyone was ashamed one after another, and at the same time finally let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

Now they finally know why many ghosts are afraid of Lin Chen to the point that they can't understand.

That kind of pressure can only be felt when facing Lin Chen directly and having some kind of conflict with him.

It's like facing an abyss that can swallow the sky!

"I was scared to death. I thought I was old and old. I didn't die on the ghost, but on the younger generation I was optimistic about." The tomb old man usually had a good relationship with Lin Chen. Seeing that the atmosphere had dropped, he smiled and smoothed things over.

At the same time, the old man Mu also asked, "But boy Chen, what are you going to do?"

Lin Chen threw out ten bottles of obedient water, one for each person, and said, "Drink it, and when you wake up, you won't remember anything."

Once, before Lin Chen entered the dungeon, he shuttled around various places in Blue Star to catch ghosts.

Among them, when someone discovers him, his best method is to use obedient water and weak mental power to guide, so that ordinary people forget this aspect of memory.

Now, although they are no longer facing ordinary people, they are the strongest six-star players of Blue Star.

But Lin Chen is no longer the single him of the past, with the spiritual power to overwhelm everyone.

, can completely reproduce the behavior of the year, and the difficulty is not high.

"Huh? Isn't this the **** you stunned the prostitute?"

"Can this thing still make people lose their memory?"

Everyone was surprised.

Zhou Geng also showed doubts. They have done a lot of research on water, but they have never studied this field.

Lin Chen said: "They can slow down your mental power and make it less sharp, and I can guide it at that time, and naturally erase your memory of certain things."

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly nodded.

"If that's the case, that's the only way to go."

"Okay, it's just a part of memory, I agree."

Some people spoke, while others showed hesitation.

Seeing this, Lin Chen said, "Don't worry, I can promise that I will never explore your other memories. In fact, those things are not of any interest to me. You should make sure as soon as possible. After I finish, you can Take you away from the copy."

After Mr. Li was captured, Lin Chen actually had another benefit, which was a part of the dungeon authority.

Although it would not be as exaggerated as Mr. Li promised Lin Chen.

But in this dungeon, he can let the dungeon continue to complete unsettled scoring and rewards in a single thought.

The emergence of this ability is also the reason why Lin Chen guessed that the system swallowed and assimilated Mr. Li.

With Lin Chen's promise, some players with ugly faces and hesitation finally had no choice but to agree.

Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan didn't even say a word, and poured down the obedient water immediately.

The other players follow suit.

The obedient water has a quick effect, even if it is a six-star player, if he drinks a bottle, he will not be able to avoid being dizzy on the spot.

Lin Chen put ten "lying corpse" players together, looked at this scene, couldn't help but twitched at the corner of his mouth and said to himself:

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Why is it as if you have come to the morgue..."

"Forget it, let's start."

Lin Chen's progress was very fast, and this method was familiar to him. In a short time, he deprived the memory of Mr. Li from the minds of all the players.

Other than that, everyone will never forget everything else in the dungeon.

Everything is back on track.

Only Zhou Geng, Lin Chen thought about it and decided not to erase his memory.

Zhou Geng and Lin Chen were fairly acquainted, and they had given him a lot of help. For this person, Lin Chen still had absolute trust, which was considered to save himself trouble.

Put ten players in their respective rooms.

Lin Chen walked downstairs.

The last thing he has left now is to send all the original ghosts in this copy to their respective places.

With the retreat of the barbarian army, the daily life of the dungeon has returned to normal.

In the flower building, singing and dancing are peaceful, and it seems that everyone is enjoying it.

It's just that Lin Chen knows that in this seemingly peaceful environment, there are too many sad stories hidden, as well as desires and endless sinking.

"As the successor of the Lord of Reincarnation, I have the responsibility to earn this money... No, it is to help them go to another life."

As soon as he arrived downstairs, Lin Chen saw Xuanmu and Awen who had reappeared in the flower building.

They held hands, sitting at the same table like a couple of gods and gods, as if they had been waiting for Lin Chen for a long time.

"You are here." Lin Chen nodded.

Dong Mu and Ah Wen looked at each other, then nodded, their mood became a little depressed, and they seemed to know what they were going to face.

"The dungeon is an endless sinking. Speaking of it, if I leave the dungeon, the horror game will continue to turn you into the resentful Zhenyuan King one day. Therefore, I will not keep all the ghosts in this dungeon, but It will be sent to a different world." Lin Chen said.

Xuanmu and the two ghosts were surprised.

Originally, they just thought that Lin Chen would attack them and end their lives, but they didn't expect that Lin Chen would end their lives.

Hearing these remarks, he was surprised but also shocked by Lin Chen's strength and means.

There is a close connection between them and the dungeon, and even the delimiter only breaks this connection for a short time, and immortality cannot leave the dungeon.

But Lin Chen was able to say it so lightly, which is really amazing.

"Then what world will we go to?" Dong Mu looked surprised, looked at Lin Chen with hope, and tightly held Ah Wen's hand with his jade hand.

Ah Wen remained silent, also looking at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen already had an idea, and said directly: "Xuanmu, you will go to a new world, where all industries are waiting to be developed and vigorously developed. In short, it is a beautiful world."

Xuanmu was overjoyed at first, and then was taken aback, as if she realized that Lin Chen said that the ghost who went to the new world was only herself, and did not mention Awen.

Lin Chen continued: "Awen is going to a world full of darkness, suffering, and exhaustion, and falls into endless sinking."

Lin Chen has already understood Zhenyuan Wang Awen's life. Although his heart is not evil, his deeds are too bad.

With the barbarian ghosts, he almost wiped out his own country, causing countless people to be displaced, lost their loved ones, and their hands were covered with blood and death.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

To put it bluntly, this is an out-and-out villain.

Although he is excused, the ending has already happened and cannot be changed.

Lin Chen will not feel pity because he is affected by horror games, and he and himself imagine that they both know a love ghost who loves him deeply all his life.

That's not fair.

"No! This is not allowed, I can't be separated from Ah Wen!"

Did Ah Wen speak yet, but Xuanmu was the first to speak, extremely anxious.

"If you make a mistake, you will be punished. This is the law of heaven. If I send him to the new world, will the people he killed die in vain? You know, not only you, but also Luo Jin, Ning Xiang, and others who appeared in this dungeon All the native ghosts are created by him, and this is what I saw, and what I didn't see were the people and officers and soldiers of the thirteen cities!"

Lin Chen's attitude was very firm, his eyes flashed, and he was actually full of majesty.

"This..." Xuanmu was at a loss for words. She had experienced everything, so she naturally knew everything. Sisters like Luo Jin and Ning Xiang were even in the dungeon, which made her feel a bit in a dilemma and at a loss what to do.

Awen let go of Xuanmu's hand, and said with a slight smile: "Brother Chen said that even if I enter darkness, sink into sinking, and suffer endless torture and punishment, I will not be able to repay what I owe. It could be a kind of compensation for them, and I would love to go."

"Awen..." Xuanmu's tears flowed down.

Lin Chen shook his head, looked at Awen and said, "It's still a bit of the integrity I imagined for ancient scholars. If that's the case, let's go."

Ah Wen turned his head and looked at every inch of Xuanmu's peerless face, UU Reading wanted to engrave it in his heart forever and keep it as a memory in the dark.

Lin Chen opened the pink sack and walked towards the second ghost.

"One day yesterday, I have no regrets in this life." Arwen said gently.

In his voice, there are reluctance, emotion, remorse and determination!

"Me too, I'm sorry, Ah Wen, I should have told you everything, I'm just a cheap man, I'm afraid I won't be worthy of you, so I concealed my identity."

"It is my fault…"

Ah Wen sighed, and a trace of grandeur appeared from his body, which made Lin Chen slightly startled, as if seeing the old dean.

This made Lin Chen sigh slightly, and secretly said it was a pity.

If there is no induction of horror games, this Arwen might really become a great scholar.

With a flash of pink light, Ah Wen was taken in by Lin Chen, the time had come, no matter how much dissatisfaction between Xuanmu and Ah Wen, Lin Chen would not hesitate.

However, when Lin Chen was about to seduce Xuanmu, Xuanmu suddenly spoke, and she said, "Ah Wen can't go to my world, so can I go to his world?"

Lin Chen stared.

The woman's face was stained with tears, but she was smiling, even though

Leaving the light and going to the endless abyss, she has nothing to fear.

For a moment, Lin Chen suddenly saw a figure in red, which made his eyes blurred.

Pink light flashed.

Xuanmu's figure disappeared into the pink sack.

Lin Chen regained his composure and said softly, "Send them to the mining area, the mine where Emperor Yu is."

This is the first pair of ghosts that Lin Chen has sent to the mining area in the form of divine coins since Lin Chen obtained the **** crystal after entering the mining area.