MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 466 : Deal with Mr. Li.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

[Host: Lin Chen]

[Physique: 1.2 million] (1 vs 300)

[Spirit: 1 million] (1 vs 300)

[Ghost power: 15 million] (1:800)

[Dao Yuan True Explanation Ten Levels of Perfect Amplification Eight Stages (True King First Stage)]

[Eight stages of the tenth layer of Yijin Jing (the first stage of the true king)]

[Ten slaps and ten layers of consummation of Jiang Gui's five stages of growth]

[Five thunders and the three layers of the law of perfection increase the fifth stage]

[Broken Soul Finger: The third layer, a total of three layers (increased by one step)]

[Po Dao Fist: The sixth floor, a total of six floors (one increase)]

[Ba Jue Palm: The fifth floor, a total of five floors (one increase)]

[Ancient Holy Physique: The third floor. 】

[Balance of Divine Guild Coin: 50 million. 】

[Reincarnation platform fragments: 3% (used.)]


When the ghost power was promoted to the true king, Lin Chen suddenly felt that his strength was improving at a high speed.

Not to Lin Chen's surprise, when his ghost power met the requirements, he, based on the power of fusion, let the ghost domain merge into himself with just a single thought.

The power of the ghost domain is too huge, and after fusion, it complements and strengthens the ghost power, and the ultimate change brought about by it makes him step into the realm of the real king in an instant.

And an additional 5 million ghost power has been added, a big step has been taken on the road from the beginning of the real king to the middle of the real king, and, in addition to the numerical increase, the quality of the ghost power has almost doubled!

In addition, Lin Chen's previously accumulated waist was also used up, raising the two dimensions of internal strength and Daoyuan power to the true king level.

At this moment, Lin Chen's aura is deep, just sitting there, his figure is no different from ordinary people, but if he is seen by a ghost, he will be like a king, like a mountain, oppressed so hard to lift his head.

The space was in turmoil, and it wasn't until Lin Chen took a sharp breath that he gathered all his strength into himself, and after he started to restrain his breath, he didn't seem to have that special aura anymore.

However, Lin Chen himself could clearly feel it.

At this time, he was as round as one.


Leaving the space, Lin Chen returned to the flower building, and everything seemed as if nothing had happened.

Not long after he appeared, Lin Chen was approached by other players, saying that he had completed the final favorability task.

When going downstairs with that player, Lin Chen saw that Mr. Li was still sitting and drinking downstairs.

Mr. Li was calm and calm, as if nothing could disturb his emotions.

He is like the master who is high above, looking down on the sentient beings below, everything is in sight, and everything is ignored.

Perhaps, if it weren't for the fragments of the reincarnation platform, he would never have appeared in front of Lin Chen and others.

Even if he is just an incarnation of Yuan, a thought.

Like an ancient man, Mr. Li looked at the sky through the window, then turned around and extended a finger to Lin Chen.

Indicates that there is one hour left.

Lin Chen took a deep look at him, and then smiled inexplicably, which seemed to express understanding, but also seemed to have other meanings, and then turned and left with the player who was silent when he saw Mr. Li.

The last batch of tasks were done by Old Man Mu, Jiang Chen and others.

After Lin Chen helped that player finish, it didn't take long before players came to him one after another, within an hour or so.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

At this time, everyone has gathered together.

The time Mr. Li left for everyone is coming soon. Facing the incarnation of the horror game, no matter how strong they are, they are still a little nervous.

"Boy Chen, this time has come, what exactly are you planning, can you tell us the truth?" the old man said bitterly.

It wasn't just him. After Mr. Li appeared, everyone's condition didn't get any better within a day, and they were all restless. They were able to complete the task so quickly, which can be regarded as their excellent temperament.

"Although we don't know what the original incarnation wants, it must be extremely precious." "How about this, no matter what you have paid, the nine of us present will do our best to make up for what you did after returning to Blue Star." ?”

Everyone spoke one after another. Their attitudes were actually very obvious. They didn't want to have any conflict with Yuan's incarnation. Obviously, they were extremely afraid of Mr. Li.

Regarding this, Lin Chen just smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Shanren has his own tricks!"

I'm just afraid that you have a trick!

Everyone slandered in their hearts.

The so-called clever plan just means that Lin Chen has other ideas, otherwise there would be no such thing as a clever plan to deal directly and meet Mr. Li's request.

This is what they are most afraid of.

"Ancestor, don't use tricks, it's Yuan, no tricks or tricks can fool its eyes."

"Yeah, it can create so many copies and endow us with extraordinary power, linking the horror world and the existence of Blue Star, even if Mr. Li is its incarnation, it is definitely not easy to mess with."

"Strength, wisdom, he won't lack all of them. No matter how clever your plan is, I'm afraid you won't take advantage of it. If you really want to **** him off, none of us will be able to return to Blue Star, and Blue Star lacks our strengths. , collapse the building!"

Everyone's face collapsed, and they quickly tried to dissuade them.

But Lin Chen continued to laugh and said, "You guys are right, but the Shanren have their own tricks."

Another trick!

Everyone murmured in their hearts, knowing that Lin Chen didn't want to simply make a deal with Yuan and hand over that important thing.

But Lin Chen and the others were able to speak a few words of dissuasion, which was already a kind of overstepping. After all, everyone in this dungeon accepted Lin Chen's great affection.

And Lin Chen's combat power is also the strongest.

For a while, I could only secretly think in my heart that Lin Chen's "trick" should not be offended too much, and there will be a chance to end it in the end.


When the last small task is over.

In the minds of everyone, the voice of the player system came at the same time.

[This dungeon can be ended early because all tasks have been completed. 】

[Congratulations to the dungeon players. 】

[Start to settle the scoring rewards below...]

There was joy on everyone's face.

Days of hard work are finally paying off.

This lifted everyone's minds, and even subconsciously forgot about Mr. Li.

But the next moment.

The sound of the player system sounded again.

Not giving ratings and rewards.

It is a passage that is beyond everyone's expectations and within reason.

[Due to special circumstances, this dungeon has been suspended and will be settled later. 】

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】


"It's him, he left us behind!"

"what should we do?"

The sudden sentence caused the six-star players to panic for a short time.

And the next moment, there was a sound of slow but powerful footsteps from the corridor next to him.




The impact of the shoes on the wooden board was very obvious, and every step seemed to be on the hearts of everyone, making people depressed and hard to breathe.

It was as if some peerless evil spirit was coming downstairs and wanted to devour everyone.

Everyone is facing an enemy.

Lin Chen's eyes flashed, and he also set his gaze on the stairs.

He knew who the owner of the footsteps was. In fact, Lin Chen had been waiting for him since the end of the mission.


A figure slowly walked out from the stairs, he stepped off the stairs, and appeared in front of everyone.

It was Mr. Li who seemed to be called perfect.

"The time of day is just right."

Li Gong

Zi Dan smiled.

As an opening remark, from the moment he appeared, his eyes were only on Lin Chen from the beginning to the end, and the other nine players were nothing in his eyes.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "I didn't expect that you could actually stop us from leaving the copy."

Lin Chen's face was full of regret, as if his strategy had failed, and he looked a little depressed.

Mr. Li smiled even wider, and he said, "If the deal is completed, you can do it too."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who was originally nervous was taken aback, and then looked at the two in surprise.

Chen can do it too? What does it mean?

Although they knew that Yuan's incarnation was going to make a deal with Chen, they only thought that Lin Chen would have to pay a considerable price, but they never thought about what Lin Chen could gain.

But now Mr. Li's words suddenly shocked the hearts of these mature six-star players.

A guess flashed through my mind.

Among them, Lone Yehan, Old Man Mu, etc. had bright eyes, and their bodies trembled slightly, looking extremely excited.

As for Zhou Geng, the light and darkness in his eyes were uncertain, and he even took a deep breath, and when he secretly looked at Lin Chen, a trace of disbelief and an unexplainable emotion flashed in his eyes.

It's just that at this time, no one paid attention to him at all, so they didn't know Zhou Geng's strangeness.

"Even if I have the dungeon authority, I can't do whatever I want. Even you have your own rules, don't you?" Lin Chen smiled bitterly, as if hesitating, but also as if he was constantly persuading himself.

"Naturally, but the authority of all dungeons below nine stars can still bring you unprecedented rights and speed. At least, this is an opportunity to quickly arm Blue Star."

"You can choose players, and you can even leave more clues and guidance for them in the dungeon. I will not interfere with this."

Li Gongzi said seductively.

At present, it seems that Lin Chen basically has no choice. What Mr. Li said is also to let Lin Chen give up the reincarnation platform fragments one step faster.

But his words made all the players confirm their guesses!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】


It is impossible for them to understand that they have reached this point. If Chen is willing to make a deal with Mr. Li, it is very likely that he will get a copy of the thriller game!

It can be called an opportunity to step up to the sky!

And it can also drive the entire Blue Star, greatly reducing the harm caused by ghosts.

Hearing this, they were short of breath. If it wasn't for the overwhelming intimidation and pressure on everyone, someone might have already wanted to speak up and agreed for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen sighed and said, "I still say the same thing, can you let other people make deals with you, I will give you what you want, but you give the so-called authority to other people, how about it?"

As he spoke, Lin Chen took out a stone, square in shape, only the size of a palm, and placed it in Lin Chen's hand.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

It was the fragment of the reincarnation platform that Lin Chen took out from the altar.

The whole body of the stone is gray. Although it is small in size, it seems to give people a sense of simplicity, with the breath left over from endless years.

In particular, it exudes a mysterious power.

When people look at it, they will tremble, as if they are about to be sucked away.

"what is this?"

"Is this what Hara needs?"

"It's really strange."

Everyone was so surprised that they couldn't help whispering.

And Mr. Li's gaze became even brighter, with fiery greed flashing in his eyes. Only at this moment did he reveal his true desire.

Not so otherworldly anymore.

But it was only for a moment, and soon, the greed in Mr. Li's eyes became flat, and he looked at Lin Chen jokingly and said, "It's true, but I won't agree to your request. Those who can obtain authority , there is only you, and you must stay in the copy, becoming the manager."

Lin Chen was not surprised by Mr. Li's answer. He had already made this request with Mr. Li before, and Mr. Li's reply was exactly the same.

The other party seems to be convinced of Lin Chen, and likes to play with human nature.

Lin Chen knew that since he could give himself permission, Mr. Li could also give it to any player present.

While this privilege may seem like a great benefit, it is actually a limitation.

Wander among the dungeons and become an "avatar" imagined by Mr. Li, a slave of a real thriller game!

And this kind of restriction, between Lin Chen and other players, Mr. Li obviously wants to impose on someone like Lin Chen who has a farther prospect and more potential.

This is his game.

Lin Chen's face was tangled, looking very embarrassed.

And his expression also made the smile in Mr. Li's eyes more obvious.

Mr. Li was very happy to see Lin Chen's performance. It excited him and gave him a kind of joyful emotion.

"It seems that if I don't complete the deal with you, we will never be able to leave this copy."

Lin Chen seemed to resign himself to his fate, he let go of all his strength, and his whole body became lonely and loose, as if he had lost his soul.

"That's right, when you break the rules of the dungeon, the ending is already doomed." Mr. Li said.

What he meant was that Lin Chen broke the influence of the thriller game on Ah Wen, just like breaking the program. As a manager, Mr. Li naturally has the right to exercise everything.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

And the shards of the reincarnation platform he coveted would naturally not let go.

"Okay, then I can only do as you ask."

Lin Chen said in frustration, and at the same time walked towards Mr. Li with the fragments of the reincarnation platform.

"What kind of horror game, it's simply a personal game."

"Old Zhou, I may not be able to go back. Blue Star is up to you, but after completing the transaction, I have certain authority, and I can also improve the strength of Blue Star players as soon as possible."

Lin Chen kept mumbling as if to explain the funeral, and approached Mr. Li step by step without changing his steps. Mr. Li's eyes shone with wisdom. Before he got the shards of the reincarnation platform, he didn't completely trust Lin Chen.

"What are you going to do..."

Mr. Li raised his mouth slightly, as if he was waiting for Lin Chen to perform.

The distance between the two was not far, and Lin Chen quickly came to Mr. Li, and threw the fragment of the reincarnation platform directly into Mr. Li's hands.

It was very calm and did not make any waves.

Mr. Li raised his brows, and a little surprise flashed in his eyes. It seemed that Lin Chen handed over the reincarnation platform fragments to him so easily, which was beyond his expectation.

But soon, his eyes were attracted by the fragments of the reincarnation platform in his hand.

Feeling the familiar power, Mr. Li's mood fluctuated after all, and his eyes were filled with fire.

Playing with human nature is his pleasure, and the fragments of the reincarnation platform are the treasures he longs for.

When he really got it, even Mr. Li lost his mind for a moment.

At this moment, Lin Chen, who was originally full of loneliness, suddenly became violent.

The pink sack stretched out immediately and put it directly on Mr. Li's head.


The players who were originally in different moods were stunned on the spot, and fainted out of shame.

We've come to think of it, you have a clever plan, and you won't accept your fate so easily.

But is this really your plan? !

Sneak attack?

The sack put Mr. Li's head inside, but it stayed there.

At the very moment, Mr. Li had come to his senses, and the moment he came to his senses, Lin Yi's body was fixed.

From before to now, Lin Chen is invincible among his peers, and there are only a handful of people who can challenge him.

But Mr. Li is the incarnation of a horror game, and his body is an existence of a **** or even more than a god.

His strength is beyond common sense


At the very least, Lin Chen felt that the entire dungeon, or the power of the entire world, was suppressing him, preventing him from moving.

It made it difficult for him to make an inch of progress, and this was the reason why Lin Chen strengthened himself. If it weren't for the real king, Lin Chen would have been broken and unable to resist.

Lin Chen's face turned red, and his blood surged. Being squeezed by heaven and earth would make him explode and die at any time.

Ghost power, internal power, and Dao Yuan power are operating at a high frequency, and UU Reading has even developed physical skills in an alternative way, resisting this kind of power.

At the same time, the surrounding space was trembling violently, like an earthquake, trembling continuously.

Hualou, the ancient city, and everything in the dungeon became violent.

It seems to symbolize Mr. Li's anger.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Mr. Li's head was covered by a pink sack, so he couldn't see his specific expression clearly, but everyone knew that he was extremely furious at this moment.

It's hard to imagine what kind of disaster it will bring when this kind of anger is vented on everyone.

Everyone's liver and gallbladder trembled, and their faces were pale.

But at this moment, Lin Chen, who was struggling to resist the will of heaven and earth, pressed down on the sack, suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and said:

"Die to me!"

The next moment, the pink sack began to squirm quickly, like a monster that could devour everything.

Mr. Li, who had been silent for a long time, finally realized that something was wrong, and shouted:

"What is this? Damn it! It's... you?"

The voice was no longer calm and indifferent, but full of fear and shrillness. Everyone shuddered when they heard it. Looking at the pink sack was like seeing a devil.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for everyone to think, Mr. Li's body was sucked into the sack as a whole.

The surrounding space no longer trembled, and everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened from the beginning to the end.

Only Lin Chen was carrying a pink sack with excitement on his face.

[System: Caught it...]

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