MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 446 : The original incarnation!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Big catfish!

Lin Chen's eyes widened, and he almost exclaimed.

When he looked at Mr. Li's handsome appearance and the gentle smile that always hung on his face, he couldn't help but feel chills in his heart. He always felt that this human skin was the disguise of a terrifying troll.

In fact, when Mr. Li released his ability, Lin Chen already had some guesses.

After all, except for horror games, he can't imagine anyone who can do everything like watching a slideshow to watch a copy.

The feeling of lifting weights is as simple as a programmer checking the PPT he made in front of the computer!

"System! System!"

Lin Chen howled inwardly.

"Come out quickly, don't pretend to be asleep, we steal too much, the master ran out and blocked me!"

However, Lin Chen's call did not receive any response from the system.

The system, which is usually on-hook, seems to be dead at this time, and there is no movement at all.

Lin Chen felt extremely guilty.

Mr. Li looked at Lin Chen's expression, then smiled and said, "You are surprised, it seems that you have heard of me."

Garbage system!

Lin Chen cursed in his heart.

Although I don't expect you to help fight, but your appearance of pretending to be dead is too unstyled!

Lin Chen ignored it, but looked up at Mr. Li and said, "That's right, but I didn't expect Xie to come to me so soon."

At this time, Lin Chen's face was covered with cold sweat.

It's not a difference in strength, but a thief who breaks into a house, after meeting his master's house, he will inevitably feel guilty about being a thief.

But no matter what, if there is a real conflict, he will naturally not be caught without a fight, and it doesn't matter how far he can fight.

"You know I will come to you?" Mr. Li said in a daze.

This was the first surprise on his face.

Lin Chen sneered.

Nonsense, I have emptied four or five copies of you, who are you not coming to me?

However, before Lin Chen could speak, Mr. Li suddenly said, "I didn't expect Wu Tongshen to have such a plan, even the step of me coming to you can be counted."

"Wu Tong Shen?"

Lin Chen was stunned. He was ready to fight Li Gongzi desperately, but he didn't expect the other party to say such a sentence, which made the ghost power accumulated in his body stagnate slightly, and calmed down.

"Don't you know his name? That's right, you are just his pawn, Wu Tongshen is the Great Elder of Yinhuangzhou Miangui City in that broken world." Mr. Li said.

"Great Elder?" Lin Chen was dumbfounded, not knowing how he got involved with the Great Elder for stealing ghosts.

Mr. Li, on the other hand, was very satisfied with Lin Chen's expression. He said, "Yes, a human being from the blue star has mastered the skills of the martial arts world and destroyed so many wonderful copies of me. It's hard not to arouse me. I was so surprised and concerned until you entered the instance this time, I felt the breath of the Martial Arts God in you, and finally understood why a Blue Star human can grow to this point."

Lin Chen was completely dumbfounded.

And at this time, the system finally responded.

[This is just an incarnation of Yuan's will, not the real Yuan. Yuan himself likes to sleep, and rarely interferes with horror games, so he turned into several avatars to manage horror games. After years of dungeon operations, this avatar has Human characteristics, as for our traces of ghost hunting, we can’t see through them at the level of these incarnations. What he sees is you holding a pink sack to cover ghosts. His appearance at this time is not because of your exposure, but other factors. 】

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Even so, the system was still a little guilty. Instead of using voice prompts, it presented a paragraph of text in Lin Chen's mind.

Hearing this, Lin Chen finally let out a sigh of relief.

Incarnation and noumenon, these are completely two concepts.

Moreover, the reasons why the other party came to him are different, which also means that the seriousness of the matter is different.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen felt relieved, and looked at Mr. Li with a surprised and clever look on his face, and said, "I didn't expect to be spotted by you, yes, I am the man of Wutong God!"

"In this horror game, basically nothing can be hidden from my eyes." Mr. Li smiled confidently.

Lin Chen asked, "Then what are you going to do when you come out to see me?"

"Make a deal." Mr. Li said.

Lin Chen almost laughed. He has always been the one who finds other people to make deals. He did not expect that someone would take the initiative to find him today. However, Mr. Li's attitude also means that the other party really did not intend to start a conflict with him, or that under certain rules , the opponent cannot do anything to himself.

"Is that the object you need? What is that object?" Lin Chen asked.

Mr. Li took a deep look at Lin Chen, and then said one word at a time:

"Shards of the Reincarnation Platform."

When these words were said, Lin Chen clearly saw a flash of light in Mr. Li's eyes, and his hands hanging on both sides also moved slightly, and his mood fluctuated.

And Lin Chen didn't expect that what the other party wanted was the fragment of the reincarnation platform he had just obtained, which was the altar that could give birth to vitality in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side.

"I don't have that thing." Lin Chen shook his head.

"You don't have to deny it. I can feel its breath. This breath is very strong. It's not as simple as being in contact with it. I believe that he is on your body, and the thing you stunned Luo Jin just now is Wangchuanshui. You can't hide it from my eyes." Mr. Li said to himself.

"Forget River Water?"

Lin Chen was surprised.

"That's right, only the legendary Wangchuan Water can stun ghosts so easily, but your Wangchuan Water is a bit thinner, and its power is not as powerful as before." Mr. Li said.

Lin Chen suddenly took a deep breath, and what Mr. Li said shocked him again.

The obedient water that has been used for many years turned out to be the legendary Wangchuan water, which was beyond his expectation.

However, due to the special situation at hand, it is impossible for him to reveal anything, but after thinking about it, he said, "Since the Samsara Platform is so precious, do you think I will trade it? Or are you planning to **** it?"

Mr. Li smiled and said: "If you want to **** it by force, you won't be able to enter the dungeon at all, and you will be intercepted by me in the turbulent space. The fragments of the Samsara platform are very precious, but they are only fragments after all. You can't make up the complete Samsara platform. The power is very weak, but if you can give me the reincarnation platform, I can grant you one wish."

"What wish?" Lin Chen asked.

"You can accomplish whatever you think of." Mr. Li said, his tone was flat, but the confidence contained in it was unparalleled, or it could be said to be arrogance.

"Is it possible to cut off Blue Star from the horror world and end the horror game?" Lin Chen asked.

Mr. Li shook his head and said: "This is something that has already started, it cannot be changed, it cannot be reversed."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen sneered, his voice somewhat disdainful.

Mr. Li was not annoyed at all, but said: "But I can bestow other abilities, for example, let you become my incarnation, representing my will, with your strength, a copy below nine stars, you can have more than a copy The higher authority of the Lord, what does this represent, shouldn’t I need to explain?”

Lin Chen was shocked again, he didn't expect Yuan's incarnation to be able to set the conditions to such an extent!

The authority of all dungeons below nine stars is completely tantamount to helping Blue Star open a huge back door in the Jing Jing game, allowing Blue Star players to quickly improve their strength and ensure a very high level of security!

Lin Chen believed that if Zhou Geng and Chen De heard about this condition, they would be willing to trade no matter what.

But Lin Chen thought about it for a while, and directly denied this choice. If it was just a fragment of the reincarnation platform, he was not completely reluctant, but the price was not only a fragment of the reincarnation platform, but also the incarnation of Yuan.

That way, everything would be completely exposed, and it would also make him Hara's marionette, which he couldn't possibly agree to.

"I will give you the fragments of the reincarnation platform, and replace it with a human being in charge of the dungeon

limit, how? Lin Chen did not give up, but asked in a different way.

"No." Mr. Li smiled. The smile on his face was the same as when he saw Ningxiang disfigure her face for the sake of the young master. It seemed to be playing tricks on people's hearts and would make him excited.

"Then I refuse!" Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and said.

Mr. Li was taken aback for a moment, then took a deep look at Lin Chen, and said, "Unexpectedly, an opportunity to save Lanxing is in front of you, but you just gave up."

"Saving Blue Star is not that simple." Lin Chen shook his head.

So what if you master a dungeon below nine stars? How long will it take for the people of Blue Star to reach Nine Stars? There are ten-star ghosts and gods in the Horror World. Instead of waiting for them, Lin Chen might as well let himself grow up. At that time, even he himself can destroy the Horror World and the Horror Game with his backhand.

"Then you can change one condition." Mr. Li continued.

Lin Chen looked at Mr. Li's proud appearance, couldn't help but put his hand on the pink sack behind his waist, and asked in his heart, "System, what kind of strength is this guy probably?"

System: "Seven stars, but it is equivalent to a program. If you don't take the initiative to attack, he will not attack you."


Lin Chen took his hand back and said, "If you are willing to give me all the original ghosts in ten seven-star dungeons, ten eight-star dungeons, and ten nine-star dungeons, I can trade them."

Hearing this, Mr. Li's eyes couldn't help but widen. He only realized now that the human being in front of him is so strange, and his speech and behavior are a bit difficult to understand.

He shook his head and refused, saying: "No, actually I'm just an avatar. My own authority is only that I can roam all the dungeons, and I'm higher than the dungeon boss, so I can't give you the dungeon."

"Then there is nothing to talk about." Lin Chen said.

If Mr. Li can't meet his conditions, then it is impossible for him to give the reincarnation platform fragments to the other party.

Want to **** for nothing? impossible!

Mr. Li smiled and said: "The things I'm eyeing, I haven't been able to get out of my hands, but I never threaten others. Since you haven't figured it out now, then I will come to you after you figure it out, but At that time, you may have paid a big price, the situation of Blue Star is no longer optimistic, and this game seems to be getting more and more interesting.”

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

While speaking, his figure began to slowly disappear, and finally he really left.

Do you regard the joys and sorrows of life and death as a game?

Lin Chen couldn't help showing a sneer, and finally turned around and went back to his room.

Lin Chen's original intention was to go out to catch ghosts, but after being delayed by this, Lin Chen lost interest. Anyway, ghosts are here, and they can't escape for a while, so don't be in a hurry.

"System, what on earth are you, and what is your relationship with horror games and reincarnation?"

Lin Chen asked inwardly.

When he heard that the obedient water exclusively produced by the system turned out to be Wangchuan water, Lin Chen had a guess in this regard.

In the past, he used the system entirely as a tool. He knew that the other party had thoughts, but he couldn't harm himself, so he didn't think much about it. Now he talked more and more about the world, and he began to feel more and more about the system in his heart. There was curiosity.

System: "It's not yet time, but I'm definitely on your side, I swear!"

Lin Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Don't be sloppy, could you be the ancient Eight Gods back then?"

System: "If I want to be so powerful, why should I still steal ghosts?"

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched.

Although the system behaved very cowardly, he felt that the system definitely had a big secret, and it would never be simple.

In the end, the system ended the conversation in a "slumber" manner.

And Lin Chen was also thinking, and didn't go out all night.

Yuan's avatar wanders in the dungeon, looking very dangerous, but in the introduction of the system, the other party is actually like a piece of artificial intelligence left by Yuan, seemingly with independent wisdom and unlimited authority, in fact, it is not at all. The layers of the system cannot be touched.

In other words, the other party didn't know about his ghost hunting at all.

All actions, in the cognition of the other party, have their own explanations made up by their own brains.

As for the reason why the opponent appeared this time, it was because of the reincarnation station.

Although Lin Chen has only accumulated 3% of the fragments of the reincarnation platform, its value can be said to be extremely precious.

Collecting all the fragments of the reincarnation platform can reproduce and control reincarnation. This alone is enough to make everyone flock to it.

Originally, he had a body, and also had greed and desire, so it was normal for his incarnation to appear as a fragment of the reincarnation platform. As for the other party leaving after failing to achieve his goal, Lin Chen believed that it had something to do with his own rules.

Although the horror game was created by the other party, the other party must follow certain Otherwise, Blue Star might have been destroyed long ago.

The appearance of Mr. Li also improved Lin Chen's understanding of the elder.

Being able to be seen and brought up by Hara has already said everything.

It's definitely not as simple as an ordinary Tongtian ghost.

the next day.

early morning.

Luo Jin finally woke up leisurely, and she was a little surprised and dazed when she saw that she had unexpectedly passed out and was lying on Lin Chen's bed.

Regarding this, Lin Chen just explained, saying that she fell into a coma suddenly, and she didn't know the specific situation, so she was placed on the bed, and nothing happened during the period.

Hearing this, Luo Jin didn't know the reason for the coma, but seeing that she hadn't lost anything, she also nodded to Lin Chen to thank her, and finally left Lin Chen's room.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

And Lin Chen walked out of the room not long after Luo Jin left.

Just when he was about to knock on the doors of the six-star players next door, he saw that almost all the doors opened from the inside within a second.

Zhou Geng, Hua Luo, Old Man Mu and others walked out from the inside one after another.

Zhou Geng was fine, he looked no different from yesterday, but the situation of the others made Lin Chen's eyes widen and his face full of shock.

Everyone's complexion is pale, and their bodies have become very thin, each of them is like skinny bones, their legs are trembling slightly, and they all look very weak.

Overnight, these players seemed to be sucked dry!

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