MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 443 : Mysterious man, Ningxiang appears

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[Eighteen years of catching tricks, I have entered the horror game] Read novels for free, please collect 17 novels【】

Everyone looked at each other, feeling that this dungeon might not be as normal as they thought.

In the following time, there was an endless stream of guests, and the atmosphere of the whole flower building became more and more heightened. Many dignitaries appeared, so Luo Jin had no time to accompany Lin Chen and entertain everywhere.

During the period, it was worth mentioning that the ten ghost players, because they had been cautious all the time and their shots were not generous enough, were forced to be assigned to the back position.

In this regard, they did not resist, but breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps, they thought that it was the best situation to observe the dungeon from a safe position.

In addition, there was a special figure among the crowd that attracted Lin Chen's attention.

This is a guest who entered not long ago, a young man in his twenties, with a very handsome, perfect face, dressed in thick clothes, with an extraordinary bearing.

However, such a dazzling person did not attract too many people's attention. When those prostitutes saw him, they were not attracted by his appearance as if they were looking at an ordinary person.

There is a smile on his face, as if everything is very beautiful in his eyes, and he enjoys the surrounding environment very much, but in the depths of his eyes, there is a trace of indifference, as if everything is like floating clouds. It's just a momentary view.

The reason why Lin Chen really pays attention to him is because this person, or this ghost, has been sizing up Lin Chen and seems to have a great interest in Lin Chen.

"It's weird, it can't be a g." Lin Chen subconsciously slandered.

Of course, when dealing with this young man, Lin Chen didn't think he would be so simple. To have such a posture, even a native ghost has awakened the existence of real memory.

In other words, he knows that he is a ghost and is very dangerous.

"Miss Ningxiang, please!"

At this moment, a servant shouted loudly.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the arena was heightened to the extreme.

Amidst the cheers, a woman in a plain skirt wearing a veil walked out slowly. Her steps were graceful and her figure was uneven, almost perfect.

As she took steps, the white sand on her head was also swaying, and she could vaguely see that part of her prosperous beauty.

The appearance of this woman, not to mention the original guests, even Lin Chen and other foreign players, some of them looked straight at her.

Still hugging the pipa and half covering her face, the mysterious oiran gives people endless imagination.

"Miss Ningxiang!"

"It's so beautiful! How can there be such beauty in the world?"

Even the woman couldn't help expressing emotion:

"Miss Ningxiang is so beautiful, it would be great if I had such a look."

Lin Chen stared, a gleam of golden light flashed in his eyes, and he secretly activated the physical technique. However, under the veil, the omnipotent physical technique, the pupil technique, failed.

The veil has the power of rules and cannot be penetrated at all.

Lin Chen closed his eyes again. This time, in addition to physical skills, he also used rule reversal.

[Red Product Skill Rule Reversal: You can reverse the power of the rule you are receiving to any surrounding existence, and you can also plunder the power of the rule possessed by the opponent to yourself. The distance does not exceed 20 meters. Be at the same level as the host. 】

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