MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 4 : Existence close to a fierce god

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I really sent it!

Lin Chen almost jumped up excitedly at the back of the crowd, and then hurriedly covered his face while no one was paying attention, and when he showed up again, he already had a different look!

This is the disguise technique drawn from the system, and one can change one's appearance at will.

Lin Chen thought it would be useless before, but now it feels very practical.

After all, he's here to do something big...

"Welcome to the horror game."

"This instance: Ghost Restaurant."

"The personal account will be bound, please name the player."

This is a desolate female voice, completely different from the system's notification sound, it should be the sound produced by this horror game.

Lin Chen thought to himself, then calmly replied, "I am in broad daylight."

"Sorry, the name you chose is suspected of violating the rules, please choose again."

Lin Chen: "..."

"Wardkill Hawk Bang Bang."

"Sorry, the name you chose is suspected of violating the rules, please choose again."

Lin Chen's face darkened, it was obviously a weird game, how could there be so many violation judgments.

"Uncle Chen."

"The player named Chen has been set..."

The sound of the horror game suddenly got stuck halfway through, and at this moment the sound of the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

[The player name has been set as Uncle Chen. 】

[The horror game server was detected. 】

【Begin to assimilate...】

[Successful assimilation, connected to the horror game. 】

Damn it, the system is awesome!

Lin Chen's shocked mouth opened wide, and he was really shown by the system's operation.

He actually hacked into the horror game as soon as he came in.

"It seems that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. The original system is also territorial."

[Has automatically joined the player chat channel. 】

[The number of players participating in this dungeon is: 60 people. 】

[Task: Survive in the ghost restaurant for 7 days. 】

[The specific rating is related to the usual performance points, please play games with Li Gui! 】

Come on, do you really want to act like this?

Are there other groups?

A chat interface appeared in Lin Chen's mind, including Lin Chen, a total of 60 people were in it.

It seemed that besides himself, the people who were at a loss around him were all human players like him, but he didn't know if they all came in after receiving the black envelope.

Lin Chen looked at these people with interest, and at the same time he was surprised to find that three of these players actually possessed ghost power.

These three people were wearing black suits, two men and one woman, different from ordinary people, there was no overly fearful look on their faces, and they looked quite extraordinary.

One of them is a man and a woman who are relatively young, looking in their early 20s, and the other is in his thirties and a little older.

The ghost power of young men and women is about 100, and the ghost power of slightly older men is higher, about 130, all of which have the strength of a green-clothed ghost.

Of course, Lin Chen can discover the ghost power of these people, but it doesn't mean that others can also notice him. The qi restraining technique obtained through the systematic lottery allows Lin Chen to restrain his abilities to the extreme.

If it wasn't for being two levels higher than Lin Chen, that is, being stronger than the ghost in red, no one would have been able to detect his abnormality.

At this time, the crowd gathered together. When some people saw those scary-looking ghosts, they were completely shocked, feces and urine flew together, and some women even cried out loudly.

At the same time, in the player channel, messages from various people are continuously sent out.

Cute Rabbit: "There really are ghosts, I'm so scared, woo woo woo."

I'm a PhD: "Actually, until now, I can't believe this is true."

Taoist Qingyun: "It's too scary. These ghosts are even scarier than those on TV. I'm about to have a heart attack."

Boy riding a horse: "I'm twenty years old, I'm afraid I won't pull it."

King: "I've pulled it, thank you."

Xia Qianjin: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Lt Lv to this ghost game!"

Lin Chen was a little speechless. He was obviously a bunch of people who were frightened and stupid, so how could he still have the mood to give himself various "net names"?

At this time, those ghosts looked even more playful when they saw the unbearable human beings.

Among the three men in black, the oldest and strongest one shouted:

"keep cool!"

"I am your guide, Zhang Wei."

"How many times have I told you during the training? The most important thing after coming to the horror game is to put away your timidity first, have you all forgotten?"

what happened?

Is there any training?

Lin Chen was stunned on the spot.

How come no one notified me? !

"Hey hey, you two-legged sheep are so rude to spoil my dining pleasure, you have to pay me!"

At the dining table, a diner with burns all over his body said dissatisfiedly.

It was a green-clothed ghost. Lin Chen glanced at it, the greed in his eyes flashed, and he didn't act rashly for the time being. After all, he had just arrived in an unfamiliar environment, so he still planned to observe first.

And among these ghosts, there are at least two red-clothed ghosts, plus many green-clothed evil ghosts, swarming up, he is not the opponent of so many ghosts.

At this time, the burnt ghost was drooling, and jumped into the crowd with a sinister smile. He reached out and grabbed a fat man with a yellow feces in his crotch.

At this moment, a figure in a black coat stood in front of Burning Ghost, holding onto Burning Ghost's arm tightly with one hand, and said solemnly: "It's not been 5 minutes, it's player protection time, you want to Breaking the rules?"

It was the slightly older man named Zhang Wei among the three men in black with ghost power.

He has a resolute appearance, a low voice, and piercing eyes, staring at the burn ghost.

The Burning Ghost smiled strangely and broke away his hand, saying: "Hey, I just want to say hello to these newbies."

The man in black frowned and looked at the burnt ghost, and did not continue to pester him. It is definitely not a good choice to compete with ghosts here, because there are too many ghosts here, and no one can fight against so many ghosts, let alone one of them. There is even a red-clothed ghost who is a level higher than them!

in the chat channel.

Guider Zhang Wei: "In each dungeon, human players have a five-minute protection period. Right now, you should familiarize yourself with everything you can see as soon as possible."

"Horror games have a certain degree of protection for humans. As long as you do your job well and don't let ghosts find an opportunity to attack you, then ghosts will not hurt you for no reason. This is a game, and games have The rules of the game."

"Ghosts can't attack human players at will, so they will use whatever means to find your problems, even if they have lame excuses, they will become a reason for them to attack you, so you must keep calm and do your best to survive. The opportunity is the greatest!"

Seeing this, everyone found that although these ghosts looked terrifying, they did not hurt anyone anymore, and each of them began to force themselves to calm down.

Then in the chat list, discussions began one after another.

Lin Chen also nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, since it is called a horror game, and humans and ghosts coexist here, otherwise these ghosts would swarm up, and the three men in black alone would not be able to protect these ordinary people.

Although there is a chat channel that can relieve everyone's emotions, the human players still can't help but sweat, and they dare not breathe.

The atmosphere is very depressing,

Until 5 minutes later, the player protection period ends.

The game officially begins.

A pale man walked out of the back room of the restaurant. He looked like an ordinary person, wearing a red suit and a bow tie.

"Hello, I'm the foreman of the Ghost Restaurant. Welcome to the Ghost Restaurant. I'll tell you about the rules of the Ghost Restaurant."

Whether it was the green-clothed ghost or the red-clothed ghost present, after seeing this foreman ghost, they all fell silent.

The three men in black looked tense, with cold sweat rolling down their cheeks.

Even Lin Chen's pupils shrank when he saw this ghost.

My heart was shocked!

This ghost is too strong!

The appearance of the leader ghost is no different from that of a living person, but his ghost power is too powerful!

The appearance of the foreman ghost is not as terrifying as other ghosts, but its red clothes and ghostly power like **** can't help but make people feel terrified.

Tsing Yi Ghost's ghost power is between 10 and 200.

After the green-clothed ghost breaks through the red-clothed ghost, part of the clothes on its body will turn blood red. At that time, the ghost power will exceed 200, and the limit is 999.

In addition to ghost power, a ghost in red can also judge its strength by looking at the amount of red clothes on its body!

And the clothes on the foreman ghost's body have all turned red.

Covered in red! More than 990 ghost powers!

This is a red-clothed ghost who is infinitely close to the fierce god!

The foreman smiled, with obvious contempt and coldness in his eyes, and said:

"You are now employees of the Devil's Ghost Restaurant. UU Reading The purpose of our Devil's Ghost Restaurant is to put customers first, so everyone, please pay attention to your service attitude."

His voice is calm, and it's not hard to hear the laziness in his tone, but the red clothes without any variegation, and the surging ghost power are almost overwhelming.

"After entering the work, the customer's evaluation of you is very important. The performance of the day is settled by the evaluation received every day. Employees who receive good reviews will be rewarded with ghost coins, while negative reviews will deduct ghost coins. If they receive a total of 3 If there are more than one bad review, the life will be erased directly."

"Well, the chefs in the restaurant can't cook what you humans eat, so you need ghost coins to buy from the vending machines in the corridor of the dormitory."

"Next, you will go to your respective locker rooms to change into your staff clothes, and half an hour later, you will gather in the staff hall to prepare for work."

After the foreman finished talking about some rules in a lazy voice, he pointed in the direction of the locker room, then let out a sigh of relief, turned and left.

The guide Zhang Wei wiped off his cold sweat and said:

"Next, please divide into three teams according to what you said in the training. Among them, the cleaners will follow me, the vegetable washers will follow Li Qun, and the waiters will follow Xu Qian. Everyone first determines their own team. , and then go to the locker room to change clothes in an orderly manner."

The only woman among the escorts, Xu Qianlang said: "Everyone whose job is to be a waiter, come to my side now."

Immediately, more than ten people walked out of the crowd and stood beside Xu Qian.

Lin Chen thought for a while, followed the crowd, and arrived in front of Xu Qian.

"One, two, three...fifteen?"

Xu Qian counted the number of people, and suddenly her eyes widened, a little dazed.

Why is there an extra person suddenly?

Read The Duke's Passion