MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 12 : It's hunting time!

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The old man ghost's skin was shriveled, and his skinny appearance made him look very creepy.

The lotus ghost has cracked skin all over its body, as if it is composed of various corpse parts.

The other two ghosts also had hideous faces.

Lin Chen stuffed the captured ghosts into a pink sack, looked at them and said, "It's not difficult to see from your body that you have killed many human beings, and there are too many resentments left on you, so it's okay to keep you." It’s a disaster, let me sell you to work in the mining area obediently, just treat it as reform through labor.”

Go to your reform through labor, and tell you that the foreman was forced by ghosts, and besides, our ghost world does not have this precept of murder and breaking the law!

Seeing that another ghost was stuffed into a pink sack by Lin Chen, it fell silent. The remaining four ghosts were all anxious, and each of them condensed their ghost power again and rushed towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen stopped talking nonsense, spread the ghost power all over his body, punched and kicked, and directly knocked the old man ghost and the lotus ghost to the ground, and his body collapsed.

Lin Chen's physique is hard for even a red-clothed ghost to possess.

The strength of the red clothes lies in the deeper and stronger ghost power, not in the strength of the physical body.

With this kind of physique, it is no problem at all to deal with a few Tsing Yi ghosts.

After knocking down the old man ghost and the lotus ghost, Lin Chen struck again, knocking down the other two green-clothed ghosts who rushed forward one by one.

Amidst the four ghosts begging for mercy and screaming, they were sent into the pink sack one by one.

Lin Chen was not in a hurry to sell these ghosts this time. If they sold all these ghosts, other ghost players would inevitably startle them when they received a reminder from their companions to eliminate them.



As soon as the door opened and closed, Lin Chen walked out of the room in the dark night where there were no ghosts.

It's hunting time...

In the middle of the night, all the lights in the corridor were turned off, and it was pitch black without any lights. Normal people could not even see the road clearly in this environment.

And here is a ghost restaurant haunted by ghosts. This kind of environment is actually extraordinarily creepy.

But Lin Chen didn't have the slightest fear, and walked on the road very calmly.

His vision was not affected in the dark at all.

With the improvement of his physique, his five senses have reached the point of inhumanity. As early as 100 points of physique, he has obtained the ability of night vision.

To him, this darkness, where he couldn't reach his fingers, was not much different from the daytime.

Lin Chen activated the Breath Containment Technique, trying to hold back his human aura as much as possible, and at the same time entangled the ghost power around his body. Suddenly, he looked gloomy, like a ghost.

Although this still can't completely change Lin Chen's human aura, at least it won't let him be spotted by other ghosts from afar like a bright light.

The corridor is very long, and there are still some Yin Qi left by ghosts in the corridor.

It can be seen that many ghosts have been active in the corridor.

After Lin Chen came out, he just turned a corner when he found two ghosts knocking on the door of a dormitory.

"Isn't it a bit early to come out at 12 o'clock? There was a knock on the door just after 12 o'clock. These human players probably didn't believe it."

"Don't worry, didn't five ghosts knock into a room just now? I saw them go in."

"Then try knocking again, if not, try knocking in another room."

The two ghosts didn't notice Lin Chen and whispered there.

Lin Chen walked up to the two ghosts, patted one of them on the shoulder and asked, "Do you need help?"

This is a blue-faced and long-toothed evil ghost in green clothes. Lin Chen couldn't help but startled when he slapped him suddenly, and said impatiently: "No need, we are about to knock on this door, you are here now to get a share what."

At the same time, he turned his head, and when he saw Lin Chen, he was taken aback suddenly, and asked in surprise, "What the **** are you? Why do I look a little abnormal?"

Lin Chen's face darkened, is this guy swearing?

"I'm a flower shooter."

"Flower shooting ghost? Is there such a ghost?"

Lin Chen nodded, then took out a bottle of potion from his pocket, smeared it on his hands, and slapped Er Gui without saying a word.

"Look, this is the Flower Shooting Ghost."

The moment the second ghost was photographed by Lin Chen, he suddenly felt dizzy and uncontrollable, as if he had been drugged.

How does this seem to be a kidnapping and trafficking of Hanako!

The two ghosts were terrified and furious, but they didn't even have the strength to shout, they just felt that they were out of control all over their bodies, and their head was dizzy, and their consciousness became shallower and weaker.

Lin Chen couldn't help but be a little delighted to see the second ghost slumped on the ground without any resistance.

The potion he smeared on his hand was the obedient water that he got in the previous lottery.

It can stun ghosts below the red-clothed level.

When encountering ghosts in the past, Lin Chen always likes to hunt them down and then catch them and sell them because he thinks ghosts are more precious.

So apart from using the obedient water to brainwash humans who have seen him catch ghosts, he has never used the obedient water to deal with ghosts.

It was the first time I used it on ghosts today, and the effect was surprisingly good.

Lin Chen was very satisfied. After putting the two ghosts into the pink sack, Lin Chen continued to walk outside.

After walking through the entire corridor on the third floor, no other ghosts were found.

Lin Chen thought about it, and finally decided to go upstairs to have a look.

Since you can't find the ghost in the human player's area, go to the area where the ghost is.

In the ghost restaurant, except for the player living on the third floor, ghosts may be hidden anywhere else!

Among them, the place with the most yin energy and the most fluctuating ghost power is upstairs in Lin Chen's dormitory.

The fourth floor of the Ghost Restaurant!

The third floor is the dormitory for human players, and the fourth floor is probably the dormitory for ghost players.

Through the corridor, Lin Chen stepped onto the fourth floor.

The environment on the fourth floor is more eerie than that on the third floor.

The walls of the corridor are soaked with blood that has dried up to the point of blackness, mottled and old. If you look closely, you can still find a lot of scratches left by fingernails.

In particular, the entire corridor is filled with Yin Qi so thick that it makes one's body chill.

"It's really entered a ghost den."

Lin Chen couldn't help but took a deep breath to calm down his turbulent heart.

There are more than one hundred rooms on the fourth floor, judging from the Yin Qi emanating from each room, ghosts live in these rooms!

The yin qi in it also has strengths and weaknesses. Lin Chen roughly judged that five of the rooms were occupied by red-clothed people, and the rest were basically Tsing-clothed.

"I can't feel the ghost power of the foreman ghost. UU Reading wants to come to him as a dungeon boss, so he won't live in the same place as these ghost players."

Lin Chen thought for a moment, and then came to the door of the most sinister room.

In order to avoid having long nights and dreams, Lin Chen decided to start with the strongest ghosts, that is, the most valuable ones.

Standing at the door of the room, there is a horrible ghost living in the door.

This kind of situation, anyone who faces it, may be terrified.

However, Lin Chen was very calm, he just wanted to open the door now.

Lin Chen tried to push it, but found that it was just a simple wooden door, but it was extremely strong.

Even if he used 100% of his strength, he still remained motionless.

Sure enough, just as ghosts cannot forcefully break open the door of human players, Lin Chen also cannot open the door of ghost players.

"Does the game protect players? It really looks like a game with its own rules!"

Lin Chen knew that he might not be able to open the door with brute force.

Regarding this, Lin Chen did not panic, but took out a wire from the system space.

Then silently broke the wire into a curved shape, moved it back and forth in the keyhole, and heard a "pop!" in an instant.

The door opened.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, there was nothing he couldn't open.

Twenty years of professional lockpicking, I can knock even the door of a ghost!

As soon as the door opened, Lin Chen walked sideways into the room, and at the same time closed the door behind him.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw a female ghost in red with disheveled hair hanging from the ceiling, staring at him.

It's just that this ghost's eyes are not as cold as those of other ghosts, but full of astonishment.

"Hi, VIP, do you need special service?"

Read The Duke's Passion