MTL - Eight Treasures Trousseau-Chapter 98 position

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In the Shugong Palace, the atmosphere was a bit dignified. In addition to Hou and Shu, there were also several princes of Deok, Rong and the royal family.

The king of the county is abusing the county, and this kind of thing is a scandal of the royal family. Although the Emperor Kailong was dissatisfied with Sheng Wang, he was still very dissatisfied with Hou’s move. In his view, Hou’s ability to marry into the royal family was an honor for Hou’s full door. It is really too much to put the royal family in the eye.

There is also Wu Boyi who is useless, even her own woman can't hold her, let her make things happen all over the city, even if his heart is so dissatisfied, it can only make people take good care of Hou, can not let her suffer a little bit Wronged, otherwise the royal family is even more devoid of face.

The royal family is dissatisfied, and the family is not so comfortable. Although Hou is not the most famous family, it is also a big family. The well-educated daughter marries the royal family. As a result, the child does not keep it, and the husband and other women are not clear. The white rumors, now even more like a husband and wife, like this, it is too much to put the family in the eye.

Although the family is guilty of guilt, but the face is not moving, but waiting for the reaction of the royal family, as for the abuse of the wife of the county, the reputation of the family and the people, but it has plummeted.

Looking at Hou’s crying, Shu Shu’s heart was very embarrassing. She was also a female-born woman. Her heart was naturally biased towards Hou’s, but she also knew that the emperor was dissatisfied with the matter, so how to deal with this matter, she was a moment Half a meeting is really bad decision.

As the saying goes, ten temples will be demolished, and a marriage will not be destroyed. However, in the face of Hou’s skinny and wolf-like appearance, how can Shu Shu not open this mouth. But she did not dare to let the two men stay away from each other. The two were the emperor's marriage. If she said that the two were not suitable, wouldn't she say that the emperor had no vision?

It is said that marriage is the achievement of the two, such as Hou and Yu Boyi, it is really awkward. When Hou’s marriage came in, it was a beautiful woman who was hydrated. Today, only a few years ago, I was born to throw a woman who was so charming and charming into a dead dead wood. I wondered how hard it was.

Everyone here is a woman. Although some people are watching the jokes, they are more regrettable. Everyone is a woman. How can they not know the suffering of women?

Seeing Hou’s description of dryness, even crying can not cry out, Shu Yan sighed: "You and relax, the Royal will give you a fair."

When Hou’s entrance to the palace, the ragged clothes were scattered and scattered. Now, after some grooming, the gorgeous tunic shirt is on the body, and there is an empty feeling, which makes people feel distressed.

Hou’s distracted eyes were sluggish for a moment before he got up and saluted Shu Shu: “Thank you for my sister-in-law.”

"Sit down, don't have to be so many gifts." Shu can't help but sigh again in her heart. One person who used to be awkward, now she is so poor.

Deyi and Rong Yu exchanged a line of sight with each other, and then shook their heads with helplessness. They were like Shu Shu. In this palace, they were empty and famous, and they were not favored. Because there was no child under the knee, they were destined to die in the harem. In, so I don't want to provoke too much right and wrong.

Now there are many supporters of Shengjun Wang. If he really becomes the emperor in the future, if they offend him in this matter, how should they spend the rest of their lives?

Several of the main characters in the palace dare not open easily. Ning Wangxuan and Xu Wangxi naturally will not rush to express their opinions. Therefore, some of you here will see me, I will see you, and finally I will drop my eyes on Shu Shu.

Shu Shu secretly complained in her heart, but she did not show any points on her face. She looked at Hou in a gentle manner: "You are staying in my palace for the time being. This is not a trivial matter. It is better to invite the princes of the royal family to the above ranks." Into the palace, discuss how to solve it?"

“Thank you for the goddess,” Hou’s got up and walked down to the center of the temple. “It’s just that you have nothing to ask for in this life, just to rest for peace and peace, and to meet with Shengwang Wang.”

Shu eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and then restored to a gentle color: "You say this..."

"The whole body only wants to be able to stay away from the king of Shengjun. I wish to go to the Taoist temple to pray for the emperor and the Yi family. No longer look at it." Hou’s glimpse of Shu Shu seems to have made a great determination. You are dead and physically, and you are asking for the maiden."

"It’s not that the palace is not willing to fulfill, just..." Shu Shu realized that his words were not right and he changed his words. "This is a different matter. The palace needs to be told."

"Thank Goddess." Hou's is a heavy glimpse, seeing Shulu feel pain for her, but Hou's faceless expression, as if the forehead is not her own, but others.

At this time, the **** came to report, and Wang Wang asked for advice.

Shu Shu let people hold Hou's chair to sit next to the chair, and then declare the king.

When Hua Xiyi entered the palace of Shu Shu, she noticed that the atmosphere inside was unusual. She entered the main hall without squinting. After the ceremony was attended, everyone sat in the chair near Hou. under.

"Sister can be okay?" Hua Xijun gently patted Hou's back, gently stroked the scars on the top of the green, sighed.

“Fortunately,” Hou’s looked up at Hua Xi’s, and he quickly recovered his sight, as if he couldn’t be in love. “Sirty sister made a special trip for me.”

Others stared at the two strangely, listening to this tone, as if the two people's friendship is not bad?

It is reasonable to say that with the position of Sheng Wang and Xian Wang, it is not appropriate for Wang Hao and Sheng Jun Wang Hao to have a good relationship.

"I heard that my sister was suffering from this, how can I sit still," Hua Xijun saw Hou’s index finger draw a circle unconsciously along the table, and his tone was a bit angry and dignified. "What is your sister’s plan?"

Wang Wang, do you still remember your identity?

The crowd on the crowd felt that the scene was a bit strange. Shu Shu, as the leader, had to open her mouth again: "The feelings of Wang Hao and Sheng Jun Wang Hao are not bad."

"It’s rude," Hua Xi squatted up and bowed to Shu Shu, and immediately said, "I heard that my sister has been so many difficulties, and my body and mind are angry and difficult, please forgive me."

Shu Shu heard the words suddenly understand, and it seems that Wang Hao is standing on the side of Hou, I wonder if this is the meaning of the king or the meaning of Wang Hao himself?

Hua Xiyi can not care about how Shu is planning. She now stands up to help Hou’s speech, and it can be regarded as a way to help Hou’s, because Shengjun Wang is destined to not be on the position of the 95th Supreme, if Hou’s is now Sheng Jun Wang He and Li, can also understand in the future, do not have to be implicated by Sheng Wang.

When she thought of Jin Jinqiu, because of the entanglement between Hou and Yu Boyi, she felt that she had some headaches. Too young to have a child is not very good for the mother and the fetus. How can she scientifically and effectively demonstrate this serious problem with the object?

"You have deep feelings and mutual concern is what you should be. The palace can understand," Shu Shu looked at Hou, but the meaning in the words changed a lot. "Is your decision really true?"

Hou's nod: "There is no decision."

Shu Yan sighed and said: "The palace understands that after the palace will go to see his majesty, but the Cheng and the non-cost palace can not guarantee, only to do their best."

At the last moment, she chose the king of the king. Sheng Jun Wang, a man who can even pick up his wife if he is a wife, if he is enthroned, the nobles of the emperors of the emperor still have any honor. It is better to vote for the king early, at least to save the rest of his life.

When Deyi and Rong Rong saw it, they also opened their mouths to comfort Hou’s sentence. By the way, they also expressed their willingness to plead for Hou’s emperor.

"Thank you for a few maidens," Hua Xi 菀 菀 双 的 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 朝 双 双 , 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华 华I don't bother to interrupt, and I will retire."

Shu Shu heard the words and stayed for a while. Seeing that Hua Xizhen insisted on leaving, she sent the most face-faced beggar to her to go to the palace to show her value to her.

"Showing the king to walk slowly," he sent Hua Xiyu to the gate of the palace. Seeing that the king was standing on the side of the carriage, he secretly said it was strange. He did not expect that Wang Wang would like to see Wang Hao so much that he would wait for her to return home at the gate of the palace.

I watched the two of them get on the carriage, and then I went back to Shu Shugong. After reporting the 1510s I saw, I said, "The goddess, the slaves think, if it is in the future... We are very good."

"How can you not understand this palace?" Shu Shu took a sip of tea, and after a few days, she entered the palace in a new way, which seemed to be decent. In fact, the age of the next year is already high. Many things are only afraid of the heart and lack of strength. Zhang’s entry into the palace is nothing but the shield of the previous rumors.

As for whether there is anything wrong with Prince Edward and His Majesty...

Shu Shu sneer, the most prosperous in the world is the royal, the most dirty is just the royal. She has been in the palace for more than ten years, who has never seen it, and has never experienced anything. The Zhang family is now so arrogant, even dare to show Wang Hao as a stepping stone, raising her reputation, and naturally she will suffer in the future.

"Call people to serve this Hou," Shu Shu put down the teacup "this thing today, I am afraid there is a lot of articles."

In the carriage, Zhai Jinqiu and Hua Xiyu sat side by side, and Jin Jinqi carefully looked at the expression on Hua Xi's face, and then said, "What did you think about the thing I told you before?"

Hua Xi’s eyebrows are picking up, and slowly, she said: “Of course I am lying down and thinking slowly.”

Miao Jinqiu silent for a moment: "I...just some are not practical."

As the car swayed slightly forward, Hua Xi picked up the corner of the curtain and looked at the wagons who respected the carriage outside the car and put down the curtain. "I thought that you should be practical now."

Jin Jinqi looked at her with doubt.

Hua Xiyu smiled and smiled at Jin Jinqiu: "I know your ambitions, do you know my temper, is there a better world than us?"

When Jin Jinqiu was a god, he smiled and said: "You are right, I think too much."

Hua Xijun shook his head: "Thinking too much about God, not good for your body."

晏 Jinqiu Futian: "I am not mine."

Hua Xi 菀 菀 唇 , , , , , 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 菀 华 华The children will have it."

A child who is expected to be born by a parent can have the perfect love in the world.